Voice of Russia

He uses the West as a boogie man to solidify allegiance. If Russia experiences setbacks, or further hardship along the road to prosperity, it is the fault of the West, according to Putin. Is that not what he claims, is that not what you believe? (This assessment I don't expect you to agree with.)

Putin is your wolf, not mine - and I fail to see the sheep beneath the fur. ;) In the meantime, I enjoy seeing the pictures and reading the commentary on your life in Russia.
Putin doesn’t use west as a boogie man. His every speach is full of respect and call to communicate and cooperate with west. But look what west does:
- Yugoslavia was bombed and torn into several countries, its leaders killed or prisoned while terrorists became political leaders innthose new states;
- Iraq is ruined with more than million deaths;
- Lybia was one of the richest and pleasant for living countries and now after west’s bombing it is the place of poverty and suffer, place of permanent war;
- organized by west colored revolutions in former soviet states which lead to collapse of economy and different kinds of conflicts including wars;
- permanent anti Russian propaganda in different spheres - “Putin is tyrant and threat”, “Russia is dangerous, dirty and drunk”, “Russian sportsmen use doping”, if any disaster happens - Russia is to be blamed (Trump, Catalonia, Brexit, murder...);
- west permanently violates international laws in foreign policy relations and in foreign trade relations...double standards is met each time.

It is not Putin to say west is boogie man but west itself shows its own face.

And west is never blamed in any economical problems in Russia. All those sanctions violate rules of free trade, they are not based on real reasons but just wish of west to push on Russia.

Putin is a wolf...I’d rather agree as he fights for his country’s good.

And we russians have good example of living in 1991-2000 when pro American president Yeltsin was in power. We do remember how our country was robbed by western business snd how we citizens were falling down and down into poverty. Even then west lead war in Chechnya against us though west had full control over our government.
That’s why we (most of Russia’s citizens) respect and support Putin and his team - we appreciate his achievements: he stopped war, he stopped robbing the country, he made economy of Russia stabilized and now it grows, people began living much better and longer, etc.
If anyone is making broad accusations against a nation of people, it is not me.

I did not blame anything on you personally.

That said - I'll share my overall view of the people of Russia. Like most people, hard working, love of home and family, desire to enjoy life, hope that tomorrow is an even better day than today, and go about one's business without too much interference. Is that correct?

Now Putin - Russia experienced a time of turmoil, uncertainty, corruption and loss of national pride since the collapse of the USSR. Is that also correct? Putin brought a measure of security, a reduction of corruption, a renewal of Russian pride. Agreed?

I agree.

He uses the West as a boogie man to solidify allegiance. If Russia experiences setbacks, or further hardship along the road to prosperity, it is the fault of the West, according to Putin. Is that not what he claims, is that not what you believe? (This assessment I don't expect you to agree with.)

But here everything is not so unambiguous. In Russia there is such a saying - "princesses also go to the toilet." In the sense that there is nothing ideal in the real world. And you can find fault with anything. If you dig deep, then Putin does not build from the West the image of a priority enemy. He speaks only of the mistakes of the West on specific examples. I think it's hard to argue with him. He speaks of the expansion of NATO to the East contrary to the treaties. This is also a fact. Here you can already imagine a certain image of the enemy, but this is not the purpose of such statements. Putin says that the West is guilty of destabilizing the situation in many countries - but this is also true. He would have lied if he had avoided such judgments. In my opinion, that's all. I can no longer recall his words, from which I can form the image of the West as an enemy.

Compare now with all the accusations that the West is pushing against Russia. It's a tango that two dance. But comparing the Russian media and Western media, I see that the West is anti-Russia MUCH more aggressive than vice versa. And the image of Russia as an enemy in the West is drawn much more terrible than the image of the US as an enemy in Russia.

As Ebola, ISIS and Russia keep Obama busy he says 'Nobody is able to control the world' | Daily Mail Online

Analysis | The Pentagon says China and Russia are bigger problems for U.S. than terrorists. American voters may not agree.
And a little classics in the subject. I hope that the analogy with the events of recent days is obvious :)

'There's more evidence to come yet, please your Majesty,' said the White Rabbit, jumping up in a great hurry; 'this paper has just been picked up.'

'What's in it?' said the Queen.

'I haven't opened it yet, said the White Rabbit, 'but it seems to be a letter, written by the prisoner to — to somebody.'

'It must have been that,' said the King, 'unless it was written to nobody, which isn't usual, you know.'

'Who is it directed to?' said one of the jurymen.

'It isn't directed at all,' said the White Rabbit; 'in fact, there's nothing written on the OUTSIDE.' He unfolded the paper as he spoke, and added 'It isn't a letter, after all: it's a set of verses.'

Are they in the prisoner's handwriting?' asked another of they jurymen.

'No, they're not,' said the White Rabbit, 'and that's the queerest thing about it.' (The jury all looked puzzled.)

'He must have imitated somebody else's hand,' said the King. (The jury all brightened up again.)

'Please your Majesty,' said the Knave, 'I didn't write it, and they can't prove I did: there's no name signed at the end.'

'If you didn't sign it,' said the King, 'that only makes the matter worse. You MUST have meant some mischief, or else you'd have signed your name like an honest man.'

There was a general clapping of hands at this: it was the first really clever thing the King had said that day.

'That PROVES his guilt,' said the Queen.

It's a pun!' the King added in an offended tone, and everybody laughed, 'Let the jury consider their verdict,' the King said, for about the twentieth time that day.

'No, no!' said the Queen. 'Sentence first — verdict afterwards.'
I appreciate your response. If US media seems harsh in reaction to Putin's actions on the world stage - then perhaps it is Putin's actions that are harsh. ( I actually think the US press reaction to Putin's actions quite 'mild' for the most part) I would expect him to find fault with the fault finders, not with himself. We have a couple of sayings also, one regarding people in high levels, "he puts his pants on one leg at a time, like any other man"....and another, 'a half truth is a whole lie'. Putin's response to NATO expansion is a half truth - NATO EXPANSION: WAS THERE A PROMISE? | JackMatlock.com

I have no respect for Obama - he didn't better the lives of anyone - here or elsewhere. At least Putin is making yours better, for now - so I understand the loyalty. I still believe that the people of the US and the people of Russia have far more in common than not, if only our leaders would allow us to be friends...though that might diminish one's power.

In the meantime - we are not going to have the same perspective on world events...and I don't think that is the point of your thread anyway. So forgive me if I have derailed what is a very interesting portrayal of your life and family.

And a little classics in the subject. I hope that the analogy with the events of recent days is obvious :)

'There's more evidence to come yet, please your Majesty,' said the White Rabbit, jumping up in a great hurry; 'this paper has just been picked up.'

'What's in it?' said the Queen.

'I haven't opened it yet, said the White Rabbit, 'but it seems to be a letter, written by the prisoner to — to somebody.'

'It must have been that,' said the King, 'unless it was written to nobody, which isn't usual, you know.'

'Who is it directed to?' said one of the jurymen.

'It isn't directed at all,' said the White Rabbit; 'in fact, there's nothing written on the OUTSIDE.' He unfolded the paper as he spoke, and added 'It isn't a letter, after all: it's a set of verses.'

Are they in the prisoner's handwriting?' asked another of they jurymen.

'No, they're not,' said the White Rabbit, 'and that's the queerest thing about it.' (The jury all looked puzzled.)

'He must have imitated somebody else's hand,' said the King. (The jury all brightened up again.)

'Please your Majesty,' said the Knave, 'I didn't write it, and they can't prove I did: there's no name signed at the end.'

'If you didn't sign it,' said the King, 'that only makes the matter worse. You MUST have meant some mischief, or else you'd have signed your name like an honest man.'

There was a general clapping of hands at this: it was the first really clever thing the King had said that day.

'That PROVES his guilt,' said the Queen.

It's a pun!' the King added in an offended tone, and everybody laughed, 'Let the jury consider their verdict,' the King said, for about the twentieth time that day.

'No, no!' said the Queen. 'Sentence first — verdict afterwards.'

Lewis and I are old friends, kindred spirits who have faced the jabberwocky and speak his language. ;) I appreciate your analogy, and in light of recent events here's another one...I hope it translates properly.

an excerpt...

..."It seems a shame," the Walrus said,
"To play them such a trick,
After we've brought them out so far,
And made them trot so quick!"
The Carpenter said nothing but
"The butter's spread too thick!"

"I weep for you," the Walrus said:
"I deeply sympathize."
With sobs and tears he sorted out
Those of the largest size,
Holding his pocket-handkerchief
Before his streaming eyes.

"O Oysters," said the Carpenter,
"You've had a pleasant run!
Shall we be trotting home again?'
But answer came there none--
And this was scarcely odd, because
They'd eaten every one.

The Walrus and The Carpenter


I wish I had more time to chat but I just saw on RT News that my fellow US citizens are busy preparing for a potential threat from NK. Who knew?...I fear I'm way behind. :eek:
Crosspost from Vladimir Putin retains grip on Russia, exit polls show

I have repeatedly written that the more pressure on Russia, the higher will be the popularity of Putin. But now I was surprised by the result myself. Not official figures, but a huge turnout of people wishing to vote for Putin. Almost all of my friends and relatives went to vote, even those who did not do it in life. And almost all - for Putin :) My wife has never before gone to the polls. Yesterday - went. He says: "The Westerners' stupid attacks on Russia have reached Russia, we must go, or suddenly, if we do not all go, Putin will lose!" :)

And on the growth of Putin's rating, of course, the appeals of the opposition to boycott the elections influenced. Some of those who voted against Putin simply did not come to the polls. It so happened that the opposition did not come, but many of those who did not go to the polls never before came to vote for Putin. The turnout was huge. The polling stations of the crowd, the queue. Everyone's mood is festive, people are cheerful. Evening in the yard someone even launched fireworks :)


The funny thing is that the main rivals of Putin are Grudinin and Zhirinovsky. They are formally opposition to Putin, but they are also very illiberal and pro-Russian politicians. It turns out that 94% of the population voted for anti-liberal politicians in Russia.
Crosspost from Vladimir Putin retains grip on Russia, exit polls show

I have repeatedly written that the more pressure on Russia, the higher will be the popularity of Putin. But now I was surprised by the result myself. Not official figures, but a huge turnout of people wishing to vote for Putin. Almost all of my friends and relatives went to vote, even those who did not do it in life. And almost all - for Putin :) My wife has never before gone to the polls. Yesterday - went. He says: "The Westerners' stupid attacks on Russia have reached Russia, we must go, or suddenly, if we do not all go, Putin will lose!" :)

And on the growth of Putin's rating, of course, the appeals of the opposition to boycott the elections influenced. Some of those who voted against Putin simply did not come to the polls. It so happened that the opposition did not come, but many of those who did not go to the polls never before came to vote for Putin. The turnout was huge. The polling stations of the crowd, the queue. Everyone's mood is festive, people are cheerful. Evening in the yard someone even launched fireworks :)


The funny thing is that the main rivals of Putin are Grudinin and Zhirinovsky. They are formally opposition to Putin, but they are also very illiberal and pro-Russian politicians. It turns out that 94% of the population voted for anti-liberal politicians in Russia.

We should thank Theresa May for such a high level of our citizen's taking part in elections. She made a new impulse of anti-Russian hysteria in west and as a result russians decided to consolidate.
I don't remember my friends posting in Instagram photos from polls 6 years ago but I have seen some yesterday.
Some voters in the past elections :)

Would you say that the people in Russia have access to such a wide range of sources (in Russian) to base their opinions on?

Of course. And about this I have written many times in the subject. Internet (with the absence of the Big Chinese Firewall), foreign news on television (EuroNews, BBC, France 24, Deutsche Welle and others) and 90% of all modern mass culture from the West (cinema, literature, educational programs, children's cartoons, all kinds of shows, almost everything is American or European)

In Russia they know about the West much more than in the West they know about Russia :) Your sources are usually all Western, not Russian. How much information do you read coming from Russian sources? It seems to me that near zero :)
Yes, unfortunately you are right. The vast majority of the Russian people know all about the west, provided to them by Russian TV, in Russian, by the Russian state.
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So broadcasting in Russian is what TV-companies should do.

This applies only to the central terrestrial channels. Private channels, cable TV, satellite TV, Internet TV - they have a lot of and English-language sources. And these non-ether channels in Russia have about 70% penetration. That is, most Russians have in practice the opportunity to watch English sources.

I have at least a dozen channels on English TV :) True, it's useless because I studied German at school :D And that's why I prefer Internet for foreign news, where I can read technical texts, and I can translate technical texts Google Translate;)
Ich mag wie du sagt "most Russians have *in practice* the opportunity to watch English sources". Hmmm... Aber nur wenn sie Englisch sprechen, und so gehts nicht.
He uses the West as a boogie man to solidify allegiance. If Russia experiences setbacks, or further hardship along the road to prosperity, it is the fault of the West, according to Putin. Is that not what he claims, is that not what you believe? (This assessment I don't expect you to agree with.)

Putin is your wolf, not mine - and I fail to see the sheep beneath the fur. ;) In the meantime, I enjoy seeing the pictures and reading the commentary on your life in Russia.
Putin doesn’t use west as a boogie man. His every speach is full of respect and call to communicate and cooperate with west. But look what west does:
- Yugoslavia was bombed and torn into several countries, its leaders killed or prisoned while terrorists became political leaders innthose new states;
- Iraq is ruined with more than million deaths;
- Lybia was one of the richest and pleasant for living countries and now after west’s bombing it is the place of poverty and suffer, place of permanent war;
- organized by west colored revolutions in former soviet states which lead to collapse of economy and different kinds of conflicts including wars;
- permanent anti Russian propaganda in different spheres - “Putin is tyrant and threat”, “Russia is dangerous, dirty and drunk”, “Russian sportsmen use doping”, if any disaster happens - Russia is to be blamed (Trump, Catalonia, Brexit, murder...);
- west permanently violates international laws in foreign policy relations and in foreign trade relations...double standards is met each time.

It is not Putin to say west is boogie man but west itself shows its own face.

And west is never blamed in any economical problems in Russia. All those sanctions violate rules of free trade, they are not based on real reasons but just wish of west to push on Russia.

Putin is a wolf...I’d rather agree as he fights for his country’s good.

And we russians have good example of living in 1991-2000 when pro American president Yeltsin was in power. We do remember how our country was robbed by western business snd how we citizens were falling down and down into poverty. Even then west lead war in Chechnya against us though west had full control over our government.
That’s why we (most of Russia’s citizens) respect and support Putin and his team - we appreciate his achievements: he stopped war, he stopped robbing the country, he made economy of Russia stabilized and now it grows, people began living much better and longer, etc.
You are absolutely right about Iraq (stupidest American foreign adventure ever) and Libya (stupidest EU foreign adventure ever), but you can't blame the "west" for the fact that Serbs and Croats hate each other, or that Chechen Islamist don't like being part of Russia, or that Russia was (and is) a basket case economy which was ripped off by Yeltsin's friends. And if you were honest with yourself and the rest of us you would admit that Yeltsin's thieving friends have been replaced by Putin and his thieving friends.

Go on: I challenge you to say something REALLY critical about Vladimir Putin (the words 'thief' and 'gangster' spring to mind).
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You are absolutely right about Iraq (stupidest American foreign adventure ever) and Libya (stupidest EU foreign adventure ever),
I don’t divide USA from Europe as Europe is occupied by Americans since ww2. They control most of their production, they control their financial policy, they have their military bases on the territory and they dictate their foreign policy.
So NATO operations are USA operations. And Lybia is american sin as well. Besides Europe suffers from the results of that disaster not USA. If Europeans would be wise and could control their policy they would never allow Lybia catastrophe to happen

but you can't blame the "west" for the fact that Serbs and Croats hate each other,
I always ask the same question: why have they been living together piecefully for centuries and suddenly began to hate each other?
The same is about asian republics of former USSR, about Pakistan and India, many african nations...
And the answer is the same - puppet masters! Western dirty policy! They always use differences to create conflict and help each side to grow that conflict into a war.
What they use:
- nationalism;
- confessional differences;
- political views;
and the newest one
- corruption.

or that Chechen Islamist don't like being part of Russia,
In Chechnya all those islamists were not chechens. They were arabs, then they started to study chechens in Arabic countries. All that was financed by the USA and it is proved officially. Even Putin said that in his interviews.
Chechnya is classic example how west used both nationalistic and confessional tool to burn the territory.

or that Russia was (and is) a basket case economy which was ripped off by Yeltsin's friends. And if you were honest with yourself and the rest of us you would admit that Yeltsin's thieving friends have been replaced by Putin and his thieving friends.
Yeltsin was american creature.
He and Gorbachev were Russian the greatest disaster. Artificially organized. Yes, you won than. But you talk much about your democratic and liberal values...absolute bullshit! You are ready to fight for democracy untill the last drop of blood of aborigen. You are ready to go on war in Ukraine today until last Ukrainian dies... All your talks about democracy is fake for your citizens who pay taxes for your authorities could go on murders all over the world.

Putin’s team eliminated huge number of thieves. Still there are many others. And some are well known to him...and it is a problem. A great problem. But not greater than the same in the USA and EU.

In the USA corruption is even legalized officially and called lobby. Lobbyists are the most dangerous corruptioners as they fluence the whole branches of industry.

Go on: I challenge you to say something REALLY critical about Vladimir Putin (the words 'thief' and 'gangster' spring to mind).
Thief and gangster are true name for your country.
Brainwashed idiots are true about most of it’s population.
Tell me what Putin has stolen first then will go on this theme.

If you want me to criticize Putin and his team I’d like to answer with words of my favorite poet (and singer) Vladimir Vysotsky who died in 1980 and was supposed to be dissident. Once he answered to french journalist: “My country has a lot of problems but I will never discuss it with you!”
Nevertheless I am ready to name main problems that are not solved by Putin and his team:
- unwise tax policy;
- low control of governmental order’s financing;
- low level of protection of inner production;
- few attention is paid to small business;
- too low level of responsibilities of local authorities;
- unwise policy regarding to forests and agreecultural territories;
- unwise policy in education.
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Yesterday in Kemerovo in the shopping and entertainment center there was a fire. There were more than a hundred people killed and missing. Half of them are children. It turned out to be a very loud case, which can have far-reaching political consequences. In the USSR, there were strict fire regulations. When the capitalism came in the 1990s, everyone began to give a damn about fire regulations. And the services that need to control fire safety have turned into a form of racket. Instead of real fire safety checks, they simply took bribes and signed all the necessary documents. About 10 years ago, they began to fight against such a small racket against small and medium-sized businesses. And a few years ago, a moratorium on fire checks was introduced. Now the owner himself is responsible for fire safety. And here is the result. A fire started. Fire-fighting systems do not work. The fire alarm does not work. Emergency fire exits are closed. In many rooms these outlets simply do not exist. A large group of children was trapped in the cinema and could not get out. Rescuers have still not been able to break into this cinema and formally the children are considered missing, but there is no chance of their salvation. Imagine this horror of parents when children call them, say goodbye, they say they are locked up, can not get out, smoke around and that they are likely to perish ...

I think, after this event, we must regain the state control over fire safety. And the opposition will again shout about the infringement of the rights of business and the concentration of power in Putin's hands. I understand when Ukrainians are shouting about this. Many of them yesterday really rejoiced and celebrated - "Hurray! A bit more Russian offspring burned - this is revenge for you for the Crimea, Donbass and Syria." But when the Russian liberal opposition begins to conduct its PR on such tragedies, it is disgusting. Yesterday there were already many such statements, for which it will further lose the already negligible support of the people ...

It's disgusting.
Now against the backdrop of the tragedy in Kemerovo, someone is actively trying to shake the situation through social networks according to the scenarios of Egypt / Libya / Syria / Ukraine. A huge number of informational bogus stories, direct deception, accusations of the authorities in concealing the scale of the tragedy, appeals for going to the streets to protest rallies. When viewed from the side, the coordination of the information attack is clearly visible. These are hundreds of identical messages in a variety of social networks and instant messengers. Twitter, Facebook, WhatsApp, Telegram - everything is full today with this war. And it really affects people :-(
Puppeteers who organize an information war in Russia again missed. It seems that all the latest actions against the backdrop of the tragedy in Kemerovo will not only not shake the Russian government, but, moreover, completely already finish off the entire Russian opposition and form just hatred for the United States, Britain and their puppets. It was necessary to try very well to attack new accusations and expulsions of diplomats on days when the whole country is mourning for the victims of Kemerovo.
Puppeteers who organize an information war in Russia again missed. It seems that all the latest actions against the backdrop of the tragedy in Kemerovo will not only not shake the Russian government, but, moreover, completely already finish off the entire Russian opposition and form just hatred for the United States, Britain and their puppets. It was necessary to try very well to attack new accusations and expulsions of diplomats on days when the whole country is mourning for the victims of Kemerovo.
The thing here that is disgusting is you. You give us a few lines about how awful this tragedy was, and then carry on with a load of politicised twisted shit about how it was caused by some big anti-Russian conspiracy and that everyone outside Russia is happy and rolling over laughing about it. Have a little respect for those poor children you sicko.
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The thing here that is disgusting is you. You give us a few lines about how awful this tragedy was, and then carry on with a load of politicised twisted shit about how it was caused by some big anti-Russian conspiracy and that everyone outside Russia is happy and rolling over laughing about it.

You did not see all that hell and shit that the Ukrainians and the opposition created yesterday in Russian social networks. You are not interested in this, so I do not cite all these hundreds and thousands of bullying and mockery of the dead. But those who faced it all yesterday just burned hatred. Believe me, I am one of the few who keeps a relatively cold head. The majority already directly calls to spit on any laws and norms and to destroy those bad people who organized a show from this tragedy as rabid animals.
The thing here that is disgusting is you. You give us a few lines about how awful this tragedy was, and then carry on with a load of politicised twisted shit about how it was caused by some big anti-Russian conspiracy and that everyone outside Russia is happy and rolling over laughing about it.

You did not see all that hell and shit that the Ukrainians and the opposition created yesterday in Russian social networks. You are not interested in this, so I do not cite all these hundreds and thousands of bullying and mockery of the dead. But those who faced it all yesterday just burned hatred. Believe me, I am one of the few who keeps a relatively cold head. The majority already directly calls to spit on any laws and norms and to destroy those bad people who organized a show from this tragedy as rabid animals.
your time will come and very soon, savushkino 55



The Moscow region's great trash upheaval: A movement against poor trash management and public health risks erupts outside Russia's capital

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