Voice of Russia

Again I am with news from Syria. Today the Russian long-range bombers Tu-23M3 again inflicted air strikes against ISIS in Syria in the Abu-Kemal area. In addition, the submarine "Kolpino" also struck with cruise missiles "Caliber". A rare case, the video shows not only the launches of missiles, but also a submarine from the inside :)

Meanwhile in Russia...

Today on social networks such an incomprehensible video from the city of Oryol ran. There is a burning bus on the city :)

Yeah, we managed to find official information:

The administration of the Oryol city confirmed the information about the fire. According to the city administration and transport, the bus that got to the video earlier served route No. 7 "Planernaya Street - Gorky Street". But he has not worked on the line since October 21 this year.

- This vehicle was sold by the carrier in late October, - explained the head of the press service of the city administration, Marianna Alyanova. - November 3 at 10 hours and 25 minutes this bus was driving along the alley South to the car repair shop. As a result of a technical malfunction, the engine ignited.

Fortunately, there were no passengers in the cabin. The driver was not injured. Now the bus is in the workshop.
The FSB detained extremists who were preparing arsons in Moscow for the Day of Unity.

Operatives of the Federal Security Service of Russia have identified and stopped in the Moscow region conspicuous cells of the movement "Artpodgotovka" ("Artillery preparation"). Members of this illegal movement wanted to commit on November 4-5 a series of resonant arson of administrative buildings with the use of incendiary compounds and attacks on police officers in order to provoke mass riots.

This time not ISIS and not even Ukrainians :) Some long forgotten morons wanted to remind themselves of themselves. This is from the category that wanted to arrange in Russia an analog of the Ukrainian Maidan - a coup d'etat through street protests. But after a graphic illustration of the result on the example of Ukraine, in Russia such forces lost all support.
The case of Colonel Zakharchenko was continued.

I do not know if they wrote about him at this forum, but in September 2016, Colonel of Interior ministry Dmitry Zakharchenko was detained in Moscow, where about 9 billion rubles of cash were found in his apartment. This is something about $ 160 million. Again - cash in the apartment :D




So, today at the apartment of his mother Zakharchenko discovered another warehouse of money. This time very modestly: 20 million rubles (about 350 thousand dollars), 600 thousand euros and 20 thousand dollars. She claims that this is all the money received from the sale of real estate :)
Crawdadr said:
I would say Trump does want better relations with Russia but politically it is dangerous until all the collusion nonsense is forgotten.

I constantly recall the old film "Wag the Dog" :)

Wag the Dog (1997) - IMDb

In modern politics, it so often happens that someone started a process out of control and often acts on its own, without any control. At what start such a process can even without someone's intent, in itself.

Or I can draw another analogy. Just read a little bit now the cycle of Honor Harrington by David Weber. Relations between Heaven and Manticore after coming to the first adequate government. Both sides are "good guys" and fervently want peace. But the situation is developing in such a way that the war is hardening ...
Again I am with news from Syria. Today the Russian long-range bombers Tu-23M3 again inflicted air strikes against ISIS in Syria in the Abu-Kemal area. In addition, the submarine "Kolpino" also struck with cruise missiles "Caliber". A rare case, the video shows not only the launches of missiles, but also a submarine from the inside :)

It's a very nice message!
The case of Colonel Zakharchenko was continued.

I do not know if they wrote about him at this forum, but in September 2016, Colonel of Interior ministry Dmitry Zakharchenko was detained in Moscow, where about 9 billion rubles of cash were found in his apartment. This is something about $ 160 million. Again - cash in the apartment :D

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So, today at the apartment of his mother Zakharchenko discovered another warehouse of money. This time very modestly: 20 million rubles (about 350 thousand dollars), 600 thousand euros and 20 thousand dollars. She claims that this is all the money received from the sale of real estate :)

The guy is crazy, what's to do with so much money?
In Serbia, a monument to the Russian diplomat Vitaly Churkin. The monument is set as a token of gratitude to the Serbian people for imposing a veto on Russia on the resolution on Srebrenica. On the monument are carved words of gratitude in Russian: "Thanks for the Russian 'No'".


I think that this is also a contrasting hint of Andrei Kozyrev, the Russian foreign minister during the Yeltsin years, who was nicknamed "Mr. Yes" in Russia and the West, for his unequivocal agreement with any Western initiatives, even if they were to the detriment of Russia.
Again I am with news from Syria. Today the Russian long-range bombers Tu-23M3 again inflicted air strikes against ISIS in Syria in the Abu-Kemal area. In addition, the submarine "Kolpino" also struck with cruise missiles "Caliber". A rare case, the video shows not only the launches of missiles, but also a submarine from the inside :)

Very cool. Nice engineering..
The monument is set as a token of gratitude to the Serbian people for imposing a veto on Russia on the resolution on Srebrenica

That was a difficult time. For both Russia and the USA. It gave the US the dangerous concept of immaculate (clean) warfare. Where you can interfere with little risk to the military or the politicians.
Roskomnadzor accused Google of removing news reports from the Federal News Agency. This is so, Google really deleted and blocks the materials of the FNA and this is obviously another political decision. It's only funny when such an indictment is being handled by an RKN, which itself is the organ of political censorship on the Russian Internet. Absurdity :)
That was a difficult time. For both Russia and the USA. It gave the US the dangerous concept of immaculate (clean) warfare. Where you can interfere with little risk to the military or the politicians.

It seems to me that what happened then and all the current scandals associated with the West, from politics to "sexual harassment" in show business are links of one chain. I would call it a "moral revolution". The West breaks many established informal norms of relations, both between people and between states. Old norms are broken, new ones have not been worked out yet. Chaos, anarchy and civil war begin. Just a hundred years ago in Russia this was happening with respect to the social order, now in the West - in respect of morality.

More precisely, now it is not a "moral revolution", but a "moral mutiny" or "an attempt at a moral coup." It will become a revolution if it wins and develops new norms of behavior :)
Today in Russia is a national holiday. November 4, National Unity Day. It is celebrated for the 12th time, it was first announced in 2005. Despite active promotion by the state, the holiday among the people has not yet become a holiday. While still the majority of people celebrate the already canceled holiday on November 7: the anniversary of the October Revolution :)

In general, after the collapse of the USSR, Russia tried to distance itself as far as possible from the USSR in terms of state symbols and many traditions. A new coat of arms, a new flag, new holidays ... But the inertia of perception is so easy not to overcome.

For example, an old, red flag. Yes, under it many atrocities were committed. But there were even more achievements and victories. This is the flag under which the USSR became a modern powerful state, under which many generations built a better life, under which many military and political victories were won. The new flag for most people remained a three-color rag. This is the flag under which the great power was destroyed. This is the flag worn by many traitors during the war on Hitler's side. But the years went by, and Russia began to regain its influence under the new flag. New achievements, new victories. In fact, the pride of the new Russian flag began to appear in people less than in the last 10 years. And the real majority was proud of him in the last 2-3 years. So, right before our eyes, a new tradition is being formed :)

With the coat of arms - more difficult. The Soviet emblem was very symbolic and positive. The modern Russian double-headed eagle is something strange. The old symbol of the Russian monarchy. What does he have to modern Russia? :) So the coat of arms, which would be proud today, people in Russia actually do not.


It is interesting with the anthem. The melody of the anthem was old, Soviet. The words were rewritten into new ones. 17 years have passed since its official approval, but people are still singing Soviet text :D

Here is something similar with the holidays. The official holiday is November 4. But people talking about the November holidays, still more often mean November 7 :)
The official sale of the iPhone X in Russia will begin tomorrow, November 3. Already last night, people in Moscow began to line up for tomorrow's sale. This is some kind of madness, in my opinion :)

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I have a friend in Moscow, she almost certainly won't be waiting in line for one, as she's too posh for that sort of thing, but will probably get one quite soon I would imagine. She likes money.
Today in Russia is a national holiday. November 4, National Unity Day. It is celebrated for the 12th time, it was first announced in 2005. Despite active promotion by the state, the holiday among the people has not yet become a holiday. While still the majority of people celebrate the already canceled holiday on November 7: the anniversary of the October Revolution :)

In general, after the collapse of the USSR, Russia tried to distance itself as far as possible from the USSR in terms of state symbols and many traditions. A new coat of arms, a new flag, new holidays ... But the inertia of perception is so easy not to overcome.

For example, an old, red flag. Yes, under it many atrocities were committed. But there were even more achievements and victories. This is the flag under which the USSR became a modern powerful state, under which many generations built a better life, under which many military and political victories were won. The new flag for most people remained a three-color rag. This is the flag under which the great power was destroyed. This is the flag worn by many traitors during the war on Hitler's side. But the years went by, and Russia began to regain its influence under the new flag. New achievements, new victories. In fact, the pride of the new Russian flag began to appear in people less than in the last 10 years. And the real majority was proud of him in the last 2-3 years. So, right before our eyes, a new tradition is being formed :)

With the coat of arms - more difficult. The Soviet emblem was very symbolic and positive. The modern Russian double-headed eagle is something strange. The old symbol of the Russian monarchy. What does he have to modern Russia? :) So the coat of arms, which would be proud today, people in Russia actually do not.

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It is interesting with the anthem. The melody of the anthem was old, Soviet. The words were rewritten into new ones. 17 years have passed since its official approval, but people are still singing Soviet text :D

Here is something similar with the holidays. The official holiday is November 4. But people talking about the November holidays, still more often mean November 7 :)

Old habits die hard, I heard the Communist national anthem outside the Kremlin, it was weird. But you can imagine, after the 1990s, why people would look back to the Communist era with a sense of nostalgia.

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