Vote for Trump or USA will have the fate of France(Paris)


Serve in the military? Mayhaps you should look at the GOP front runner, or the guy in 2nd place...or third or fourth and so on.I guess you're a Lindsey Graham fan.

The rest of your post is all crap as well. The border is stronger now than previously, waterboarding is still illegal, the last unnecessary war you guys applauded to take on 'Muslim extremism' turned into a clusterfuck and diverted attention from the real war going on in Afghanistan. If we hadn't invaded Iraq, disbanded their army, not have a conceivable plan to win the war then we probably wouldn't be where we are right now.

I am not a Republican so your hatefest against them is wasted on me.

It is a blatant lie to say that the border is secured. That is one of the most ridiculous things to claim ever posted on this forum. Typical Gruberidiot statement. Millions have flooded into the country since the asshole has been President. The sonofabitch even encouraged them to come in and put them on welfare. The shithead thinks they will vote Democrat in the future so he does nothing of substance to stop them.

You Moon Bats didn't even have the common sense to understand that electing a shithead with the name "Hussein" was going to have adverse consequences in the War on Terror. How dumb is that?

Hussein Obama didn't have the courage to even call the Muslim attack against our embassy in Benghazi what it was. He is too cowardly to keep the terrorists locked up in Gitmo. He won't even waterboard the terrorist to get information out of them to save American lives.

Hussein is a chickenshit coward and incompetent as they come.

I'm simply pointing out that you're holding Obama not serving in the military to a higher standard then well...most everyone else running. Why is that difficult for you to understand?

I also never said the border was secure, I said it was more secure than previously. There is a difference.

And, again, the rest of your post is just more crap. For example, Obama's middle name has nothing to do with anything.

Trying to defend the most incompetent President this country ever had is crap. You should be ashamed of yourself. What the hell were you thinking when you voted for a shithead with the name of Hussein and who had attended a Muslim school to be President of the US after 911? How could you be that stupid? Were you high on pot?

Everybody that I have ever voted for President has served in the military but you Moon Bats voted for a blatant draft dodger in Clinton and voted for Obama without any courage so you don't have much to talk about. Looks like you clowns are going to use Hillary Clinton's claim she thought about joining the Marines as justification to vote for her. Or maybe her war record of valor in Bosnia?

Obama does not even have the courage to call Muslim extremism what it is. There is no way he has the courage or the inclination to protect this country. He is worthless. I know it and you know it.

If America is protected against an attack it will not be because of the leadership of that sorry asshole. It will be because of the dedication of the rank and file of American law enforcement and intelligence agencies.

You use a lot of words to say nothing.
we don't care about who did what 10 years ago. We're talking about current leftists always deflect to blame mater WHAT the situation is.

trump is going to be your next president, leftist. Get used to it.

Your narrow-mindedness is showing~

Trump's support is not just from the right

And one of these days conservatives will stop blaming FDR for creating the Great Depression, locking up Japanese-Americans and bombing Pearl Harbor.

He didn't create the Great Depression but his Liberal big government policies sure as hell made it a lot worse. This comes from Liberal UCLA economists.

FDR's policies prolonged Depression by 7 years, UCLA economists calculate

Two UCLA economists say they have figured out why the Great Depression dragged on for almost 15 years, and they blame a suspect previously thought to be beyond reproach: President Franklin D. Roosevelt.

After scrutinizing Roosevelt's record for four years, Harold L. Cole and Lee E. Ohanian conclude in a new study that New Deal policies signed into law 71 years ago thwarted economic recovery for seven long years.

"Why the Great Depression lasted so long has always been a great mystery, and because we never really knew the reason, we have always worried whether we would have another 10- to 15-year economic slump," said Ohanian, vice chair of UCLA's Department of Economics. "We found that a relapse isn't likely unless lawmakers gum up a recovery with ill-conceived stimulus policies."

"President Roosevelt believed that excessive competition was responsible for the Depression by reducing prices and wages, and by extension reducing employment and demand for goods and services," said Cole, also a UCLA professor of economics. "So he came up with a recovery package that would be unimaginable today, allowing businesses in every industry to collude without the threat of antitrust prosecution and workers to demand salaries about 25 percent above where they ought to have been, given market forces. The economy was poised for a beautiful recovery, but that recovery was stalled by these misguided policies."
So why didn't these economists publish their findings some seventy years ago when it might have been helpful? The NRA lasted about three years and declared unconstitutional. The problem for the NIRA was to create a program so companies could make a profit. I wonder how their UCLA fellow economists feel about the premise that the nation was poised for a beautiful recovery?
Celebrities like Lawrence will always support illegal immigrants because they have personal security to protect them and they don't really care if criminals from Mexico or Islamists from Middle East kill innocent civilians. If you vote for Hillary expect even more violence in USA.

Trump was right again. You destabilized the Middle East and now ISIS has taken over. USA should join Russia and destroy ISIS before it's too late. Also you must kick out all Muslims.

If Jeniffer Lawrence or other celebrities like illegal immigrants send them to Middle East to live there. Only then they will understand because through their suffering they will come come back to reality.

My country Greece is dead already. All European leaders will close the borders and they will send us their Muslim refugees. Our traitor Marxist president Tsipras will take them because Europe will promise to erase some of our debt.
A discussion of what candidates policies are the best to defeat terrorists is goog but the terrorists must hear the resolve of the American people that they will be defeated no matter who is President
Vote for Trump or USA will have the fate of France(Paris) - and don't think he hasn't the money to hire folks to do it !!!
Celebrities like Lawrence will always support illegal immigrants because they have personal security to protect them and they don't really care if criminals from Mexico or Islamists from Middle East kill innocent civilians. If you vote for Hillary expect even more violence in USA.

Trump was right again. You destabilized the Middle East and now ISIS has taken over. USA should join Russia and destroy ISIS before it's too late. Also you must kick out all Muslims.

If Jeniffer Lawrence or other celebrities like illegal immigrants send them to Middle East to live there. Only then they will understand because through their suffering they will come come back to reality.

My country Greece is dead already. All European leaders will close the borders and they will send us their Muslim refugees. Our traitor Marxist president Tsipras will take them because Europe will promise to erase some of our debt.

That was quick. Bodies aren't even buried yet and people are talking about the politics already.
Vote for Trump or USA will have the fate of France(Paris) - and don't think he hasn't the money to hire folks to do it !!!
I don't think Trump has enough money to hire the number of people it would take to do what ISIS did to Paris. Besides Trump still thinks he has a chance for the presidency.

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