Voter ID Laws do not Discriminate and are Needed

This crock of shit the left is pushing about voter ID laws being racist is complete bullshit. If your so goddamn lazy that you can’t get to the DMV or courthouse and get an ID...your too lazy to go to the polls. These same people take taxpayer supported public transportation downtown to shop. They have transportation, access, and if you pay for an iPhone and your on public can pay a $20.00 bill for a fucking ID so you can vote. If voting is that important to can get it done. Liberals always try to play race card on this issue. I guess they feel blacks and Hispanics are totally helpless, ignorant, idiots and can’t get an ID. Liberals are the most racist people on earth. I wish more blacks would come over to GOP and help lift their communities up.
5 Statistics That Show Voter ID Is Not Racist

It’s not racist, but it is biased against poor people. If voting is a right, and ID is needed to vote, then IDs should be free.
If it is only used for voting, it amounts to a poll tax

Which is why the ID should be my opinion, even if it’s not only used for voting.
We just gave $1.5 trillion to billionaires
We can afford ID to all and help to resolve legal issues for those having difficulty resolving identity
Liberals are always pushing the race card. If you cannot get off your dead ass and get an ID you don’t deserve to vote. Voting is a privilege not a right.
Voting has always been a right

Voting a privilege and a right, voting multiples times is illegal and Illegal Immigrants voting also illegal.

The Republicans should bring in a Federal Voter ID and get the American Supreme Court to Rubberstamp it and then see by what percentage the Leftist vote drops to.

Both voting multiple times and illegal immigrants voting rarely occurs

Disenfranchising voters and intimidation to keep them away is a common occurrence

"Disenfranchising voters and intimidation to keep them away is a common occurrence"

Having a Voter ID is not disenfranchising voters and it's not intimidation, if it was then needing a driving licence to drive an auto would be disenfranchising and intimidating and having to show Photo ID to buy alcohol would be disenfranchising and intimidating.

It is intimidation for those without proper ID, so is limiting polling hours, cutting down on polling locations, restrictions on absentee voting

I'm satisfied with our law here in Arizona which are rather conservative. My conservative thought keeps me from wanting to stick my nose into how other states do things.

What to bring to the Polls
When you arrive to vote at the polls on Election Day you will announce your name and place of residence to the election official and present one form of identification from List #1 or two different forms of identification from List #2 or 3. (A.R.S. § 16-579(A)).

List #1 - Sufficient Photo ID including name and address (One Required)
  • Valid Arizona driver license
  • Valid Arizona non-operating identification card
  • Tribal enrollment card or other form of tribal identification
  • Valid United States federal, state, or local government issued identification
List #2 - Sufficient ID without a photograph that bear the name and address (Two Required)
  • Utility bill of the elector that is dated within 90 days of the date of the election. A utility bill may be for electric, gas, water, solid waste, sewer, telephone, cellular phone, or cable television
  • Bank or credit union statement that is dated within 90 days of the date of the election
  • Valid Arizona Vehicle Registration
  • Indian census card
  • Property tax statement of the elector's residence
  • Tribal enrollment card or other form of tribal identification Arizona vehicle insurance card
  • Recorder's Certificate
  • Valid United States federal, state, or local government issued identification, including a voter registration card issued by the County Recorder
  • Any mailing to the elector marked “Official Election Material”
List #3 - Mix & Match from Lists #1 & #2 (Two Required)
  • Any valid photo identification from List 1 in which the address does not reasonably match the precinct register accompanied by a non-photo identification from List 2 in which the address does reasonably match the precinct register
  • U.S. Passport without address and one valid item from List 2
  • U.S. Military identification without address and one valid item from List 2

I agree up until we have national elections which are every 4 years. As you will recall, the butterfly ballot in Palm Beach County, FL, cost Gore the election for the entire state which swung the entire election. The ramifications of which was we fought a war of choice in Iraq that costs us what, 36,000 deaths and injuries? It is highly arguable that Gore would have never gone into Iraq.

I feel we should have nationwide voter ID cards for national elections. Any other can put beans into a jar if you want...that is the State's business. When the voting in Missouri affects the people of's time to make sure those who vote in Missouri are qualified to vote and only vote once. And vice versa of course. Additionally, I think there should be unique voting devices that are standardized across the entire voting spectrum meaning one common machine type for every voting facility. This would cut down on irregularities, improve training, decrease what little fraud there is, and hopefully lead to more confidence in the system.
Tell you what

Show me 99 percent of adults have acceptable ID and then we can require it to vote

AHAHAHAHA Dem's already require the poor to produce a ridiculous amount of ID and personal info just to apply for a fishing license. You people are a laughing stock :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

Show me where 99 percent of voters have acceptable ID
If they do, then we can require it to vote

Explain your blatant double standard, cash a check, buy alcohol, get a fishing license ID required. Vote for a POTUS no ID???
I cash checks and buy alcohol without ID

I don’t fish, but I don’t think the fish check for ID

You buy alcohol without showing an ID because obviously you look over the age of 21 years in age. If you want to drive an auto then you need a driving licence, if you want a passport then you have to provide Photo ID.
You can’t make up the stupid that RWer produces on an ongoing basis.
I feel we should have nationwide voter ID cards for national elections.

About the nationwide voter ID card, if it is ever enacted I hope that it's a temporary card distributed every 4 years for use in only the upcoming presidential election. The abuse they have made out of the Social Security number certainly dashes desire I have for any sort of another permanent national ID.
AHAHAHAHA Dem's already require the poor to produce a ridiculous amount of ID and personal info just to apply for a fishing license. You people are a laughing stock :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

Show me where 99 percent of voters have acceptable ID
If they do, then we can require it to vote

Explain your blatant double standard, cash a check, buy alcohol, get a fishing license ID required. Vote for a POTUS no ID???
I cash checks and buy alcohol without ID

I don’t fish, but I don’t think the fish check for ID

You buy alcohol without showing an ID because obviously you look over the age of 21 years in age. If you want to drive an auto then you need a driving licence, if you want a passport then you have to provide Photo ID.
You can’t make up the stupid that RWer produces on an ongoing basis.
I cash checks at my bank without showing ID
A signature on the check is good enough

Just like voting
I feel we should have nationwide voter ID cards for national elections.

About the nationwide voter ID card, if it is ever enacted I hope that it's a temporary card distributed every 4 years for use in only the upcoming presidential election. The abuse they have made out of the Social Security number certainly dashes desire I have for any sort of another permanent national ID.

Good point. Ive seen places where they dip your index finger in some dye after you vote. I'm sure there will be huge problems from the nervous nellies concerning that but apparently the dye is like luminol; it shows up under a black light so if you have dye on your finger, you won't be able to vote. The point of standardization is to allow the civil war veterans who always seem to end up running the voting venues to know what is acceptable and ID; no ballot. You get a provisional ballot and that is it. Asking the daughters of the confederacy to operate a candle is probably a stretch much less a black light.
Show me where 99 percent of voters have acceptable ID
If they do, then we can require it to vote

Explain your blatant double standard, cash a check, buy alcohol, get a fishing license ID required. Vote for a POTUS no ID???
I cash checks and buy alcohol without ID

I don’t fish, but I don’t think the fish check for ID

You buy alcohol without showing an ID because obviously you look over the age of 21 years in age. If you want to drive an auto then you need a driving licence, if you want a passport then you have to provide Photo ID.
You can’t make up the stupid that RWer produces on an ongoing basis.
I cash checks at my bank without showing ID
A signature on the check is good enough

Just like voting
Because they know who you are.
Western Beef is probably audited.
And every citizen has at least one piece of ID on them.
This crock of shit the left is pushing about voter ID laws being racist is complete bullshit. If your so goddamn lazy that you can’t get to the DMV or courthouse and get an ID...your too lazy to go to the polls. These same people take taxpayer supported public transportation downtown to shop. They have transportation, access, and if you pay for an iPhone and your on public can pay a $20.00 bill for a fucking ID so you can vote. If voting is that important to can get it done. Liberals always try to play race card on this issue. I guess they feel blacks and Hispanics are totally helpless, ignorant, idiots and can’t get an ID. Liberals are the most racist people on earth. I wish more blacks would come over to GOP and help lift their communities up.
5 Statistics That Show Voter ID Is Not Racist
Tell you what

Show me 99 percent of adults have acceptable ID and then we can require it to vote
Show me an adult without ID so we may publicly mock and humiliate them.

The voting age is 18. Plenty of 18-year-olds, especially poor ones, don’t have ID.

Why? They can get one almost anywhere. If they want to vote, get a job flipping burgers.
Voter ID laws DO discriminate, just as they are designed to do. It's not a secret. And no, they are not needed.
This crock of shit the left is pushing about voter ID laws being racist is complete bullshit. If your so goddamn lazy that you can’t get to the DMV or courthouse and get an ID...your too lazy to go to the polls. These same people take taxpayer supported public transportation downtown to shop. They have transportation, access, and if you pay for an iPhone and your on public can pay a $20.00 bill for a fucking ID so you can vote. If voting is that important to can get it done. Liberals always try to play race card on this issue. I guess they feel blacks and Hispanics are totally helpless, ignorant, idiots and can’t get an ID. Liberals are the most racist people on earth. I wish more blacks would come over to GOP and help lift their communities up.
5 Statistics That Show Voter ID Is Not Racist
Tell you what

Show me 99 percent of adults have acceptable ID and then we can require it to vote
Show me an adult without ID so we may publicly mock and humiliate them.

The voting age is 18. Plenty of 18-year-olds, especially poor ones, don’t have ID.

Why? They can get one almost anywhere. If they want to vote, get a job flipping burgers.

Voting is a right. It’s not just for the employed.
This crock of shit the left is pushing about voter ID laws being racist is complete bullshit. If your so goddamn lazy that you can’t get to the DMV or courthouse and get an ID...your too lazy to go to the polls. These same people take taxpayer supported public transportation downtown to shop. They have transportation, access, and if you pay for an iPhone and your on public can pay a $20.00 bill for a fucking ID so you can vote. If voting is that important to can get it done. Liberals always try to play race card on this issue. I guess they feel blacks and Hispanics are totally helpless, ignorant, idiots and can’t get an ID. Liberals are the most racist people on earth. I wish more blacks would come over to GOP and help lift their communities up.
5 Statistics That Show Voter ID Is Not Racist
Tell you what

Show me 99 percent of adults have acceptable ID and then we can require it to vote
Show me an adult without ID so we may publicly mock and humiliate them.

The voting age is 18. Plenty of 18-year-olds, especially poor ones, don’t have ID.

Why? They can get one almost anywhere. If they want to vote, get a job flipping burgers.

Voting is a right. It’s not just for the employed.

Then they can go pick up aluminum cans along the roadside to pay for the ID. I am tired of being nickeled and dimed to death by a bunch of deadbeats who would rather piss themselves rather than unzip their pants!
It was a fucking analysis by college students (3 of them, 2 minority for sure) of existing data from an internet site. What were the questions asked? Is this accurate? Internet polls usually are not.
The article broke down the methodology... here is a link to the actual study if you want more details...

But the UCSD researchers call those conclusions into question, noting that analyses based on elections data before 2014 could not have collected comprehensive enough data to rule out racial suppression, and that analyses that sidestep that limitation by relying on survey data tend to fall victim to people of color over-reporting if they voted in prior elections.

According to the new study, the new approach addresses these problems by assessing nationwide votes in the 2008 and 2012 primary and general elections using responses from the Cooperative Congressional Election Studies, a large national survey that validates self-attestation of voting status with voting records. The researchers used this dataset to compare turnout in elections where strict voter ID had been implemented versus those where it hadn’t, and measured the gap in turnout between races.
I spent 18 months at the Nassau County Department of Social Services.
Every minority with no teeth and horribly worn clothes had ID.
I’ve had it with Democrats and their bullshit.
So the Left have 2 arguements for opposing voter ID.

1. Not required, there is no cheating in our elections. Just ask Putin.

2. Poor Blacks are too stupid to get an ID. They had one when they applied for their EBT card, but being black they have no idea where they put it down. Bus rides to the DMV gets in the way of bus rides to the liquor store for their Colt 45.

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