Voter ID Laws do not Discriminate and are Needed

This crock of shit the left is pushing about voter ID laws being racist is complete bullshit. If your so goddamn lazy that you can’t get to the DMV or courthouse and get an ID...your too lazy to go to the polls. These same people take taxpayer supported public transportation downtown to shop. They have transportation, access, and if you pay for an iPhone and your on public can pay a $20.00 bill for a fucking ID so you can vote. If voting is that important to can get it done. Liberals always try to play race card on this issue. I guess they feel blacks and Hispanics are totally helpless, ignorant, idiots and can’t get an ID. Liberals are the most racist people on earth. I wish more blacks would come over to GOP and help lift their communities up.
5 Statistics That Show Voter ID Is Not Racist

How do you do it for mail-in ballots?

Mail-in ballots should not be allowed except for those using absentee ballots out of the country, such as military personnel, and they should be required to have a superior validate their identification before submitting the ballot.
I traveled around the country as part of my job. About half the time, I needed a mail in ballot in order to vote. I normally had about ten days notice I would need to be out of state

Why should I be denied the right to vote because of conservative paranoia?

"Why should I be denied the right to vote because of conservative paranoia?"

Nobody would be denying you the right to vote, presumably you have a drivers licence, if so then that would be a valid Voter ID.
This crock of shit the left is pushing about voter ID laws being racist is complete bullshit. If your so goddamn lazy that you can’t get to the DMV or courthouse and get an ID...your too lazy to go to the polls. These same people take taxpayer supported public transportation downtown to shop. They have transportation, access, and if you pay for an iPhone and your on public can pay a $20.00 bill for a fucking ID so you can vote. If voting is that important to can get it done. Liberals always try to play race card on this issue. I guess they feel blacks and Hispanics are totally helpless, ignorant, idiots and can’t get an ID. Liberals are the most racist people on earth. I wish more blacks would come over to GOP and help lift their communities up.
5 Statistics That Show Voter ID Is Not Racist

It’s not racist, but it is biased against poor people. If voting is a right, and ID is needed to vote, then IDs should be free.
This crock of shit the left is pushing about voter ID laws being racist is complete bullshit. If your so goddamn lazy that you can’t get to the DMV or courthouse and get an ID...your too lazy to go to the polls. These same people take taxpayer supported public transportation downtown to shop. They have transportation, access, and if you pay for an iPhone and your on public can pay a $20.00 bill for a fucking ID so you can vote. If voting is that important to can get it done. Liberals always try to play race card on this issue. I guess they feel blacks and Hispanics are totally helpless, ignorant, idiots and can’t get an ID. Liberals are the most racist people on earth. I wish more blacks would come over to GOP and help lift their communities up.
5 Statistics That Show Voter ID Is Not Racist

It’s not racist, but it is biased against poor people. If voting is a right, and ID is needed to vote, then IDs should be free.

If they are going to be free they should be Chipped, machine readable, the photo should be Biometric digital, like a passport photo where it reads your Iris. The free type should only be available to those who are below a certain income.
Liberals are always pushing the race card. If you cannot get off your dead ass and get an ID you don’t deserve to vote. Voting is a privilege not a right.
Voting has always been a right

Voting a privilege and a right, voting multiples times is illegal and Illegal Immigrants voting also illegal.

The Republicans should bring in a Federal Voter ID and get the American Supreme Court to Rubberstamp it and then see by what percentage the Leftist vote drops to.

Both voting multiple times and illegal immigrants voting rarely occurs

Disenfranchising voters and intimidation to keep them away is a common occurrence
This crock of shit the left is pushing about voter ID laws being racist is complete bullshit. If your so goddamn lazy that you can’t get to the DMV or courthouse and get an ID...your too lazy to go to the polls. These same people take taxpayer supported public transportation downtown to shop. They have transportation, access, and if you pay for an iPhone and your on public can pay a $20.00 bill for a fucking ID so you can vote. If voting is that important to can get it done. Liberals always try to play race card on this issue. I guess they feel blacks and Hispanics are totally helpless, ignorant, idiots and can’t get an ID. Liberals are the most racist people on earth. I wish more blacks would come over to GOP and help lift their communities up.
5 Statistics That Show Voter ID Is Not Racist

It’s not racist, but it is biased against poor people. If voting is a right, and ID is needed to vote, then IDs should be free.
If it is only used for voting, it amounts to a poll tax
This crock of shit the left is pushing about voter ID laws being racist is complete bullshit. If your so goddamn lazy that you can’t get to the DMV or courthouse and get an ID...your too lazy to go to the polls. These same people take taxpayer supported public transportation downtown to shop. They have transportation, access, and if you pay for an iPhone and your on public can pay a $20.00 bill for a fucking ID so you can vote. If voting is that important to can get it done. Liberals always try to play race card on this issue. I guess they feel blacks and Hispanics are totally helpless, ignorant, idiots and can’t get an ID. Liberals are the most racist people on earth. I wish more blacks would come over to GOP and help lift their communities up.
5 Statistics That Show Voter ID Is Not Racist

It’s not racist, but it is biased against poor people. If voting is a right, and ID is needed to vote, then IDs should be free.
If it is only used for voting, it amounts to a poll tax

Which is why the ID should be my opinion, even if it’s not only used for voting.
Liberals are always pushing the race card. If you cannot get off your dead ass and get an ID you don’t deserve to vote. Voting is a privilege not a right.
Voting has always been a right

Voting a privilege and a right, voting multiples times is illegal and Illegal Immigrants voting also illegal.

The Republicans should bring in a Federal Voter ID and get the American Supreme Court to Rubberstamp it and then see by what percentage the Leftist vote drops to.

Both voting multiple times and illegal immigrants voting rarely occurs

Disenfranchising voters and intimidation to keep them away is a common occurrence

"Disenfranchising voters and intimidation to keep them away is a common occurrence"

Having a Voter ID is not disenfranchising voters and it's not intimidation, if it was then needing a driving licence to drive an auto would be disenfranchising and intimidating and having to show Photo ID to buy alcohol would be disenfranchising and intimidating.
This crock of shit the left is pushing about voter ID laws being racist is complete bullshit. If your so goddamn lazy that you can’t get to the DMV or courthouse and get an ID...your too lazy to go to the polls. These same people take taxpayer supported public transportation downtown to shop. They have transportation, access, and if you pay for an iPhone and your on public can pay a $20.00 bill for a fucking ID so you can vote. If voting is that important to can get it done. Liberals always try to play race card on this issue. I guess they feel blacks and Hispanics are totally helpless, ignorant, idiots and can’t get an ID. Liberals are the most racist people on earth. I wish more blacks would come over to GOP and help lift their communities up.
5 Statistics That Show Voter ID Is Not Racist

It’s not racist, but it is biased against poor people. If voting is a right, and ID is needed to vote, then IDs should be free.
If it is only used for voting, it amounts to a poll tax

Not if for those below a certain income the Voter ID was free, they would be paying zero.
This crock of shit the left is pushing about voter ID laws being racist is complete bullshit. If your so goddamn lazy that you can’t get to the DMV or courthouse and get an ID...your too lazy to go to the polls. These same people take taxpayer supported public transportation downtown to shop. They have transportation, access, and if you pay for an iPhone and your on public can pay a $20.00 bill for a fucking ID so you can vote. If voting is that important to can get it done. Liberals always try to play race card on this issue. I guess they feel blacks and Hispanics are totally helpless, ignorant, idiots and can’t get an ID. Liberals are the most racist people on earth. I wish more blacks would come over to GOP and help lift their communities up.
5 Statistics That Show Voter ID Is Not Racist
Tell you what

Show me 99 percent of adults have acceptable ID and then we can require it to vote
Show me an adult without ID so we may publicly mock and humiliate them.
This crock of shit the left is pushing about voter ID laws being racist is complete bullshit. If your so goddamn lazy that you can’t get to the DMV or courthouse and get an ID...your too lazy to go to the polls. These same people take taxpayer supported public transportation downtown to shop. They have transportation, access, and if you pay for an iPhone and your on public can pay a $20.00 bill for a fucking ID so you can vote. If voting is that important to can get it done. Liberals always try to play race card on this issue. I guess they feel blacks and Hispanics are totally helpless, ignorant, idiots and can’t get an ID. Liberals are the most racist people on earth. I wish more blacks would come over to GOP and help lift their communities up.
5 Statistics That Show Voter ID Is Not Racist
Tell you what

Show me 99 percent of adults have acceptable ID and then we can require it to vote
Show me an adult without ID so we may publicly mock and humiliate them.

The voting age is 18. Plenty of 18-year-olds, especially poor ones, don’t have ID.
This crock of shit the left is pushing about voter ID laws being racist is complete bullshit. If your so goddamn lazy that you can’t get to the DMV or courthouse and get an ID...your too lazy to go to the polls. These same people take taxpayer supported public transportation downtown to shop. They have transportation, access, and if you pay for an iPhone and your on public can pay a $20.00 bill for a fucking ID so you can vote. If voting is that important to can get it done. Liberals always try to play race card on this issue. I guess they feel blacks and Hispanics are totally helpless, ignorant, idiots and can’t get an ID. Liberals are the most racist people on earth. I wish more blacks would come over to GOP and help lift their communities up.
5 Statistics That Show Voter ID Is Not Racist
Tell you what

Show me 99 percent of adults have acceptable ID and then we can require it to vote
Show me an adult without ID so we may publicly mock and humiliate them.

The voting age is 18. Plenty of 18-year-olds, especially poor ones, don’t have ID.
This crock of shit the left is pushing about voter ID laws being racist is complete bullshit. If your so goddamn lazy that you can’t get to the DMV or courthouse and get an ID...your too lazy to go to the polls. These same people take taxpayer supported public transportation downtown to shop. They have transportation, access, and if you pay for an iPhone and your on public can pay a $20.00 bill for a fucking ID so you can vote. If voting is that important to can get it done. Liberals always try to play race card on this issue. I guess they feel blacks and Hispanics are totally helpless, ignorant, idiots and can’t get an ID. Liberals are the most racist people on earth. I wish more blacks would come over to GOP and help lift their communities up.
5 Statistics That Show Voter ID Is Not Racist
Tell you what

Show me 99 percent of adults have acceptable ID and then we can require it to vote
Show me an adult without ID so we may publicly mock and humiliate them.

The voting age is 18. Plenty of 18-year-olds, especially poor ones, don’t have ID.
This crock of shit the left is pushing about voter ID laws being racist is complete bullshit. If your so goddamn lazy that you can’t get to the DMV or courthouse and get an ID...your too lazy to go to the polls. These same people take taxpayer supported public transportation downtown to shop. They have transportation, access, and if you pay for an iPhone and your on public can pay a $20.00 bill for a fucking ID so you can vote. If voting is that important to can get it done. Liberals always try to play race card on this issue. I guess they feel blacks and Hispanics are totally helpless, ignorant, idiots and can’t get an ID. Liberals are the most racist people on earth. I wish more blacks would come over to GOP and help lift their communities up.
5 Statistics That Show Voter ID Is Not Racist
Tell you what

Show me 99 percent of adults have acceptable ID and then we can require it to vote
Show me an adult without ID so we may publicly mock and humiliate them.

The voting age is 18. Plenty of 18-year-olds, especially poor ones, don’t have ID.
Well, they've had two years to walk their lazy asses to the DMV to get an ID instead of spray painting crap over private property.
This crock of shit the left is pushing about voter ID laws being racist is complete bullshit. If your so goddamn lazy that you can’t get to the DMV or courthouse and get an ID...your too lazy to go to the polls. These same people take taxpayer supported public transportation downtown to shop. They have transportation, access, and if you pay for an iPhone and your on public can pay a $20.00 bill for a fucking ID so you can vote. If voting is that important to can get it done. Liberals always try to play race card on this issue. I guess they feel blacks and Hispanics are totally helpless, ignorant, idiots and can’t get an ID. Liberals are the most racist people on earth. I wish more blacks would come over to GOP and help lift their communities up.
5 Statistics That Show Voter ID Is Not Racist
Tell you what

Show me 99 percent of adults have acceptable ID and then we can require it to vote
Show me an adult without ID so we may publicly mock and humiliate them.

The voting age is 18. Plenty of 18-year-olds, especially poor ones, don’t have ID.
This crock of shit the left is pushing about voter ID laws being racist is complete bullshit. If your so goddamn lazy that you can’t get to the DMV or courthouse and get an ID...your too lazy to go to the polls. These same people take taxpayer supported public transportation downtown to shop. They have transportation, access, and if you pay for an iPhone and your on public can pay a $20.00 bill for a fucking ID so you can vote. If voting is that important to can get it done. Liberals always try to play race card on this issue. I guess they feel blacks and Hispanics are totally helpless, ignorant, idiots and can’t get an ID. Liberals are the most racist people on earth. I wish more blacks would come over to GOP and help lift their communities up.
5 Statistics That Show Voter ID Is Not Racist
Tell you what

Show me 99 percent of adults have acceptable ID and then we can require it to vote
Show me an adult without ID so we may publicly mock and humiliate them.

The voting age is 18. Plenty of 18-year-olds, especially poor ones, don’t have ID.
This crock of shit the left is pushing about voter ID laws being racist is complete bullshit. If your so goddamn lazy that you can’t get to the DMV or courthouse and get an ID...your too lazy to go to the polls. These same people take taxpayer supported public transportation downtown to shop. They have transportation, access, and if you pay for an iPhone and your on public can pay a $20.00 bill for a fucking ID so you can vote. If voting is that important to can get it done. Liberals always try to play race card on this issue. I guess they feel blacks and Hispanics are totally helpless, ignorant, idiots and can’t get an ID. Liberals are the most racist people on earth. I wish more blacks would come over to GOP and help lift their communities up.
5 Statistics That Show Voter ID Is Not Racist
Tell you what

Show me 99 percent of adults have acceptable ID and then we can require it to vote
Show me an adult without ID so we may publicly mock and humiliate them.

The voting age is 18. Plenty of 18-year-olds, especially poor ones, don’t have ID.
Well, they've had two years to walk their lazy asses to the DMV to get an ID instead of spray painting crap over private property.

What is wrong with you? Being poor does not equal being lazy or being vandals.
This crock of shit the left is pushing about voter ID laws being racist is complete bullshit. If your so goddamn lazy that you can’t get to the DMV or courthouse and get an ID...your too lazy to go to the polls. These same people take taxpayer supported public transportation downtown to shop. They have transportation, access, and if you pay for an iPhone and your on public can pay a $20.00 bill for a fucking ID so you can vote. If voting is that important to can get it done. Liberals always try to play race card on this issue. I guess they feel blacks and Hispanics are totally helpless, ignorant, idiots and can’t get an ID. Liberals are the most racist people on earth. I wish more blacks would come over to GOP and help lift their communities up.
5 Statistics That Show Voter ID Is Not Racist
You really don’t think voter ID has been a discrimatory issue? You need to do more homework....

Texas NAACP v. Steen is a consolidated lawsuit challenging SB 14, Texas’ strictest-in-the-nation voter ID law. The Brennan Center, the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, and co-counsel filed suit challenging the law on behalf of the Texas State Conference of the NAACP and the Mexican American Legislative Caucus of the Texas House of Representatives (MALC) in September 2013. In the years since, a federal district court has twice found the law intentionally discriminatory and the Fifth Circuit has recognized its discriminatory impact
Yep, a racist democrat federal judge ruled that Voter ID discriminates
So is this all made up out of thin air? How about you start being honest and stop pretending like there have not been discrimatory issues...

Texas NAACP v. Steen is a consolidated lawsuit challenging SB 14, Texas’ strictest-in-the-nation voter ID law. The Brennan Center, the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, and co-counsel filed suit challenging the law on behalf of the Texas State Conference of the NAACP and the Mexican American Legislative Caucus of the Texas House of Representatives (MALC) in September 2013. In the years since, a federal district court has twice found the law intentionally discriminatory and the Fifth Circuit has recognized its discriminatory impact
It is made up issue by Democrats. Texas ruling was wrong. Voter ID is not a Civil Rights issue. It’s about lazy people not getting an ID and register to vote. Getting an ID is as simple as breathing air.
You always got an excuse don’t you? Sorry but the court verdicts speak for themselves. I’m taking their word over yours. You’d make stronger arguments if you had an ability to show acknowledgment of mistakes that were made in the past. You ignoring and denying history just makes you sound ignorant
Shelby County v. Holder SCOTUS ruled that times have changed and our society has changed. 1960’s are over. Time for blacks and liberals to stop crying racism on every political issue, every single day in 2018. :206:
That case doesn’t have anything to do with this conversation. I’m not pointing to the 1970s I’m pointing to modern day cases that have shown discrimination though voter ID efforts.
Voting Rights Act of 1965 was gutted in Shelby County case. There is no discrimination against voters in the United States. Opposition to voter ID is just plain ignorance.
So is this all made up out of thin air? How about you start being honest and stop pretending like there have not been discrimatory issues...

Texas NAACP v. Steen is a consolidated lawsuit challenging SB 14, Texas’ strictest-in-the-nation voter ID law. The Brennan Center, the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, and co-counsel filed suit challenging the law on behalf of the Texas State Conference of the NAACP and the Mexican American Legislative Caucus of the Texas House of Representatives (MALC) in September 2013. In the years since, a federal district court has twice found the law intentionally discriminatory and the Fifth Circuit has recognized its discriminatory impact
It is made up issue by Democrats. Texas ruling was wrong. Voter ID is not a Civil Rights issue. It’s about lazy people not getting an ID and register to vote. Getting an ID is as simple as breathing air.
You always got an excuse don’t you? Sorry but the court verdicts speak for themselves. I’m taking their word over yours. You’d make stronger arguments if you had an ability to show acknowledgment of mistakes that were made in the past. You ignoring and denying history just makes you sound ignorant
Shelby County v. Holder SCOTUS ruled that times have changed and our society has changed. 1960’s are over. Time for blacks and liberals to stop crying racism on every political issue, every single day in 2018. :206:
That case doesn’t have anything to do with this conversation. I’m not pointing to the 1970s I’m pointing to modern day cases that have shown discrimination though voter ID efforts.
2013 case...”hello McFlye”
McFly isn’t spelt with an “e” show a little respect would ya?

The case was in 2013 and since two more courts have found the law to be discrimatory. This is all modern time issues and of concern. I’ll say again, I’m fine with voter ID and other reforms... but there have been issues in the recent past that are of concern. You should recognize those issues and demand better
A signature is more reliable than an ID

Harder to fake
Ya, everyone is a certified FBI handwriting analyzer.
Your moronicsmanship is getting worse.

I think my drivers license with my hologram photo is a tad difficult to replicate

But but but Russia!


"I think my drivers license with my hologram photo is a tad difficult to replicate"

The Russians already hacked your drivers licence, you can now vote approx 500 times as Spongebob Squarepants :omg:



Patrick Star, Mr. Krabs and Mr. What Zit Tooya are still available :smoke:


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