W.H. Clarifies Obama's Gaffe... "Ally" is a legal term of Art..." Okaaay...


Gold Member
Dec 31, 2010
Politicians and newsmakers were scratching their heads when Obama said Egypt, who receives $1.3 billion in military aid, was not out ally. So the White House came out to clarify that statement, reminiscent of what they do when Joe Biden speaks.

White House clarifies Obama’s statement that Egypt is not an ‘ally’

President Barack Obama didn't intend to signal any change in the U.S.-Egypt relationship last night when he said Egypt is not an "ally," the White House told The Cable today.

"I think folks are reading way too much into this," Vietor said. "‘Ally' is a legal term of art. We don't have a mutual defense treaty with Egypt like we do with our NATO allies. But as the president has said, Egypt is longstanding and close partner of the United States, and we have built on that foundation by supporting Egypt's transition to democracy and working with the new government."

Good try, anonymous people at the White House. Good try.
What is silly is...They aren't an ally but they are...... Make up your damn mind or take our billion dollars back!
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The protests continue and the host country isn't quelling the demonstrators. Does that sound like and ally to you? Yet he meets with the leader of this country and won't meet with the leader of Israel. Does he know the meaning of "ally" anyway?
Good grief. Talk about maximum freaking fail :lol: A legal "art" term?

WTF the Libs are always having to clean up Obama's statements....

“If you've got a business, you didn't build that. Somebody else made that happen”
Obama State Dept: Egypt Is an Ally Despite What Obama Says - YouTube

White House: On second thought, Egypt is still kinda sorta an “ally” « Hot Air

Egypt is indeed a U.S. ally as a matter of federal statute, although I wouldn’t put anything past a guy who defied the War Powers Act on Libya when it comes to ignoring laws duly enacted by Congress. In fairness to him, though, (a) statute or no, a country run by the Muslim Brotherhood is in no meaningful sense an “ally” of the United States and (b) I think his point last night, that at the moment Egypt isn’t an ally in the meaningful sense of the word, was clear enough. If you want to be annoyed with him, be annoyed that he apparently dropped that rhetorical bomb spontaneously, without discussing it with his diplomatic staff first. Who knows how the Muslim Brotherhood or the Salafists might exploit a cold shoulder like that from the president of the United States to consolidate power in Egypt. Obama wasn’t thinking of that, of course; he was thinking, as always, of his own reelection, knowing that he had to say something mildly disapproving of Egypt while voters here are ticked off over the swarming of the embassy. So he covered his own ass and gambled that what he said won’t come back to bite him later. Because he’s the Foreign-Policy President, you see.

Good grief. Talk about maximum freaking fail :lol: A legal "art" term?

well besides you morons who only see things in black and white, Sure Ally can be a subjective term.

apparently you are too fucking stupid to understand such a simple statement.
Im going to call this one a blunder. Although we aren't exactly best buds with Egypt, it was not very smart of him to deny they are our allies.

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