Wacky Allen West, black ex-Florida Congressman who rode in on Tea Party wave in 2010, wins Texas GOP chairmanship, President Trump congratulates him

Alan West? That idiot that was kicked out of the military, and claimed he knew 80 house members that were communists? Give Sarah Palin a sex change, and paint on some black face, and you got Alan west.
You don't really need air conditioning in your mommy's basement, huh.
LoL - Now THAT is funny. Texas was already purple. War criminal Allen will doom the Texas GOP.

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Allen West? That is encouraging news. We need more aggressive and combative leadership.

THe dems need to be called on their insane, radical, traitorous actions and West is just the kind of guy to do that.
Wacky? More latent racism from the angry left? The guy is a retired Army Lt. Col. and a former. Is he wacky because he is a republican?
"i'd like to get out of this damn town, get back to Texas or Florida, and never come back" - Allen West, a few months after going to Washington

the left say he is a war criminal. oh well...

SWEET! Allan SHOULD have been Senator but Obumma lied and cheated and stole his election, otherwise, West might have been our first true real black president.

A great thoughtful intelligent constitutionalist military man and leader.

Big score for the GOP.

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