Waffle House does NOT cave in to black activists re Chikesia Clemons arrest

. But by aligning yourself with an OP that is clearly making dehumanizing and racist comments against blacks, you are simply giving ammunition to people on the left that are always accusing conservatives of being racists. Therefore undermining our cause.

YOU are the racist since you support affirmative action and demand qualified whites be denied jobs just because they are white. You'll never hear me say that about black job applicants.
I don't agree with affirmative action or any other racist policies (such as "diversity" quotas in university admissions) that give blacks or other minorities unfair advantages over other higher qualified applicants. But, that doesn't make blacks less intelligent or inferior to others. You clearly don't know the difference between a bad policy and blatant racism.
Dang if only you'd stop being such a fucking racist. I know a few blacks that can do circles around Whites. The greatest contributor to why anybody succeeds is their childhood, family, upbringing, environment, education, general wealth to start with, and opportunies and "connections". You give a black, Chinese, Latino or ANYBODY these factors and you'll get the same good results.

Well of course there are SOME smart blacks just like there are people 7 feet tall. How does that prove blacks are IN GENERAL mentally equal to whites???. THINK
Come on dude, grow up will ya?! There is no serious scientific study that proves one race is "smarter" than the other. We are all products of our environment, and upbringing. You make a lot of valid points at times but these racist ignorant comments undermine your entire credibility.

How do you define smarter?

Blacks in Africa sit on some of the world's most precious resources and they don't know how to cultivate what they have.

A relative of mine went into the Peace Corps and helped a community years ago. He said he went back five years later and there were weeds growing over the tractor and the garden no longer existed. Everything had fallen into disrepair despite several people having been taught how to garden, keep the tractor going and how to irrigate. Plus the Peace Corps would have sent them anything they needed (tools, gas money, parts for the tractor, etc.)

Where, right now, is there a successful black country - and bear in mind, they are the oldest race. How did the entire world come AFTER them AND they claim to be the most superior race - only to be the poorest of the bunch and it is ALWAYS the white peoples fault.

Since coming here, they have raised a LOT of issues for me and the more I argue with their gurus, the more I feel that I have been had by a moderate to liberal understanding of race.

I thought my race was the dumbest. We import failing foreigners, put them in positions of power, and wonder why our country is going backward. Our people have been dumbed down, drugged, and brainwashed - and , unfortunately, most of them I'm talking about are white.

Both sides have a lot of problems, but not all races grow at the same rate regardless of environment.
Dang if only you'd stop being such a fucking racist. I know a few blacks that can do circles around Whites. The greatest contributor to why anybody succeeds is their childhood, family, upbringing, environment, education, general wealth to start with, and opportunies and "connections". You give a black, Chinese, Latino or ANYBODY these factors and you'll get the same good results.

Well of course there are SOME smart blacks just like there are people 7 feet tall. How does that prove blacks are IN GENERAL mentally equal to whites???. THINK
Come on dude, grow up will ya?! There is no serious scientific study that proves one race is "smarter" than the other. We are all products of our environment, and upbringing. You make a lot of valid points at times but these racist ignorant comments undermine your entire credibility.

How do you define smarter?

Blacks in Africa sit on some of the world's most precious resources and they don't know how to cultivate what they have.

A relative of mine went into the Peace Corps and helped a community years ago. He said he went back five years later and there were weeds growing over the tractor and the garden no longer existed. Everything had fallen into disrepair despite several people having been taught how to garden, keep the tractor going and how to irrigate. Plus the Peace Corps would have sent them anything they needed (tools, gas money, parts for the tractor, etc.)

Where, right now, is there a successful black country - and bear in mind, they are the oldest race. How did the entire world come AFTER them AND they claim to be the most superior race - only to be the poorest of the bunch and it is ALWAYS the white peoples fault.

Since coming here, they have raised a LOT of issues for me and the more I argue with their gurus, the more I feel that I have been had by a moderate to liberal understanding of race.

I thought my race was the dumbest. We import failing foreigners, put them in positions of power, and wonder why our country is going backward. Our people have been dumbed down, drugged, and brainwashed - and , unfortunately, most of them I'm talking about are white.

Both sides have a lot of problems, but not all races grow at the same rate regardless of environment.
Wrong again, if you studied real history, then you'd know that most of the greatest civilizations existed and came out of Africa, the Middle East, and Far East ie India and China. Egyptians and Ethiopians in Africa, who were probably black, were doing surgery and building great pyramids 5000 years ago, while white in Europe were living like monkeys in trees. In fact, white Europeans were known as backwards ass neanderthal cavemen. During Islam's Golden Age, Europe was experiencing the Dark Ages. Europe essentially rose as a result of what Whites learned and took from other past great civilizations.

As one civilization fell, another rose, using the knowledge from past civilizations. That's the curve of human history.

White or any other race's superiority is a myth, and those who spread this racist garbage actually have an inferiority complex mixed with a lack of achievement in their life, therefore the only thing they can hang on to is their race.
Dang if only you'd stop being such a fucking racist. I know a few blacks that can do circles around Whites. The greatest contributor to why anybody succeeds is their childhood, family, upbringing, environment, education, general wealth to start with, and opportunies and "connections". You give a black, Chinese, Latino or ANYBODY these factors and you'll get the same good results.

Well of course there are SOME smart blacks just like there are people 7 feet tall. How does that prove blacks are IN GENERAL mentally equal to whites???. THINK
Come on dude, grow up will ya?! There is no serious scientific study that proves one race is "smarter" than the other. We are all products of our environment, and upbringing. You make a lot of valid points at times but these racist ignorant comments undermine your entire credibility.

How do you define smarter?

Blacks in Africa sit on some of the world's most precious resources and they don't know how to cultivate what they have.

A relative of mine went into the Peace Corps and helped a community years ago. He said he went back five years later and there were weeds growing over the tractor and the garden no longer existed. Everything had fallen into disrepair despite several people having been taught how to garden, keep the tractor going and how to irrigate. Plus the Peace Corps would have sent them anything they needed (tools, gas money, parts for the tractor, etc.)

Where, right now, is there a successful black country - and bear in mind, they are the oldest race. How did the entire world come AFTER them AND they claim to be the most superior race - only to be the poorest of the bunch and it is ALWAYS the white peoples fault.

Since coming here, they have raised a LOT of issues for me and the more I argue with their gurus, the more I feel that I have been had by a moderate to liberal understanding of race.

I thought my race was the dumbest. We import failing foreigners, put them in positions of power, and wonder why our country is going backward. Our people have been dumbed down, drugged, and brainwashed - and , unfortunately, most of them I'm talking about are white.

Both sides have a lot of problems, but not all races grow at the same rate regardless of environment.
Wrong again, if you studied real history, then you'd know that most of the greatest civilizations existed and came out of Africa, the Middle East, and Far East ie India and China. Egyptians and Ethiopians in Africa, who were probably black, were doing surgery and building great pyramids 5000 years ago, while white in Europe were living like monkeys in trees. In fact, white Europeans were known as backwards ass neanderthal cavemen. During Islam's Golden Age, Europe was experiencing the Dark Ages. Europe essentially rose as a result of what Whites learned and took from other past great civilizations.

As one civilization fell, another rose, using the knowledge from past civilizations. That's the curve of human history.

White or any other race's superiority is a myth, and those who spread this racist garbage actually have an inferiority complex mixed with a lack of achievement in their life, therefore the only thing they can hang on to is their race.

I know that what you're spreading is extremely inaccurate. One of my hobbies is collecting OLD books and between that plus graduating in September with a degree in Christian Education, I could refute most of what you just posted with relative ease.

For example, the Egyptians enslaved semitic people who were not of the same race. The slaves did the work. So, I just spent almost 2000 posts reading that same pro-black crap, so here is what don't make sense:

Black people say slavery is what keeps them from excelling AND that they, not the whites, built America. But, when the Egyptians took semitic people in, those semitic people were the ones who built the historical marvels you write about. I'm being consistent. For example Joseph rose to prominence as a slave. But, the black people were the smart guys.

And those same guys (blacks claim that Egyptians were black) claim that they built America.- not the whites. Did you drink the Kool Aid or are you on the left and don't know it?

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