Waffle House shooting, at least 4 killed

People with guns sure kill people faster than those that don't.

And your solution is to take all guns away from good, law abiding people? (You'll never get them all and mostly criminals will still have them....THANKS!!)

You seem to have NO REGARD whatsoever for the purpose of the US Constitution's 2nd Amendment
I haven't heard anyone suggest taking all guns, we do need stronger gun laws though. Nobody needs to own a gun for mass killing. The constitution allows arms if you are in a militia.

There is no requirement to be in the militia in order to keep and bear arms

Thats what the second clearly states.
Well, for the record, I would have preferred that the brave customer had shot the murderer as he was absconding IF he had the ability to do so. We can agree to disagree.

Once he disarmed the gunman ... There would be no legal reason to shoot him.

Yeah, I don't see that going on in Denmark, Japan, Germany, UK.... Funny scare tactic though.

Because for nearly 100 years now ALL of the countries you just mentioned have enjoyed the Umbrella of US protections and global stability....The strongest nation on Earth which HAPPENS to (COINCIDENCE?) to have a Constitutional RIGHT to bear arms.

Go figure,... pudding for brains

If the US ever falls (and you shit for brains morons are working SO hard on it), Dictators will more than likely take all of the nations you mentioned.

The US and it's powerful (PRO ARMED CITIZEN CONSTITUTION) has keep the world civilized.
Why do you want all humans to suffer as the North Koreans do? WHY????

China just got one....Venezuela just got one.....Russia has one ......You can't wait to see that list grow can you?
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People with guns sure kill people faster than those that don't.

And your solution is to take all guns away from good, law abiding people? (You'll never get them all and mostly criminals will still have them....THANKS!!)

You seem to have NO REGARD whatsoever for the purpose of the US Constitution's 2nd Amendment
I haven't heard anyone suggest taking all guns, we do need stronger gun laws though. Nobody needs to own a gun for mass killing. The constitution allows arms if you are in a militia.

There is no requirement to be in the militia in order to keep and bear arms

Thats what the second clearly states.

No it doesn't.

It clearly states the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.

It says nothing about that right being contingent on service in a militia
Yeah, I don't see that going on in Denmark, Japan, Germany, UK.... Funny scare tactic though.

Because for nearly 100 years now ALL of the countries you just mentioned have enjoyed the Umbrella of US protections and global stability....The strongest nations on Earth which HAPPENS to (COINCIDENCE?) to have a Constitutional RIGHT to bear arms.

Go figure,... pudding for brains
Wow you sure make up funny things. You must have recent examples of us saving them?
People with guns sure kill people faster than those that don't.

And your solution is to take all guns away from good, law abiding people? (You'll never get them all and mostly criminals will still have them....THANKS!!)

You seem to have NO REGARD whatsoever for the purpose of the US Constitution's 2nd Amendment
I haven't heard anyone suggest taking all guns, we do need stronger gun laws though. Nobody needs to own a gun for mass killing. The constitution allows arms if you are in a militia.

There is no requirement to be in the militia in order to keep and bear arms

Thats what the second clearly states.

No it doesn't.

It clearly states the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.

It says nothing about that right being contingent on service in a militia
It is quite clearly in reference to a militia.
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

It sure doesn't mention self defense....
And your solution is to take all guns away from good, law abiding people? (You'll never get them all and mostly criminals will still have them....THANKS!!)

You seem to have NO REGARD whatsoever for the purpose of the US Constitution's 2nd Amendment
I haven't heard anyone suggest taking all guns, we do need stronger gun laws though. Nobody needs to own a gun for mass killing. The constitution allows arms if you are in a militia.

There is no requirement to be in the militia in order to keep and bear arms

Thats what the second clearly states.

No it doesn't.

It clearly states the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.

It says nothing about that right being contingent on service in a militia
It is quite clearly in reference to a militia.
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

It sure doesn't mention self defense....

There is no contingency if there was the right would not have been declared as belonging to the people.

And the security of a free state includes the security of the individuals who make the state possible

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