Wagner group leader resurfaces with social media message

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No Brics members budged on their support of Russia.

And solidarity with Putin and his cause has solidified in Russia.

The question now becomes on whether Putin will put his popularity to use and escalate the progress of the war against America.

And too: How much of this is America going to tolerate before causing a major escalation of its own?
LOL, he is not protesting the war in Ukraine.

Wow you people are desperate.
Putin has Prigozhin's bullet in his pocket with Prigozhin's name on it. It could be months before final delivery.

Just because America couldn't deal with an attempted coup doesn't mean ......................... You get it I'm sure.
Read stupid! He said the war was started on false pretenses. And it was
From the link

“The demonstration of what we could do was sufficient. Our decision to return was driven by two factors. One, that we did not want Russian blood to flow. The second factor was that we went to demonstrate our protest, and not to overthrow the government of the country.”
From the link

“The demonstration of what we could do was sufficient. Our decision to return was driven by two factors. One, that we did not want Russian blood to flow. The second factor was that we went to demonstrate our protest, and not to overthrow the government of the country.”
How is this saying he doesn’t support the war in Ukraine?

The Russians have never intended to overthrow Kiev and take over all of Ukraine. They only want to protect the Russians in the Eastern provinces.
The Russians have never intended to overthrow Kiev and take over all of Ukraine. They only want to protect the Russians in the Eastern provinces.
You don't sacrifice 40% of your best armored formations on a "feint".

We are supposed to believe that every failure, every mistake, or miscalculation by Putin, is really part of some secret master plan that we are all just ignorant of.

Now the Wagner coup/mutiny isn't even a mutiny, it's a secret plan to get Wagner into Belarus so they can attack Kiev again, lol.

And Ukraine is taking all the losses this whole time, and Russia barely got a scratch.

The narrative is completely and thoroughly refuted by the documented losses of equipment on both sides, Russia has lost 3x the number of significant military equipment- and the only category there is parity is air defenses, where losses are equal on both sides.

It is this constant denialism from the Kremlin that led to the mutiny! Get real!
You don't sacrifice 40% of your best armored formations on a "feint".

We are supposed to believe that every failure, every mistake, or miscalculation by Putin, is really part of some secret master plan that we are all just ignorant of.

Now the Wagner coup/mutiny isn't even a mutiny, it's a secret plan to get Wagner into Belarus so they can attack Kiev again, lol.

And Ukraine is taking all the losses this whole time, and Russia barely got a scratch.

The narrative is completely and thoroughly refuted by the documented losses of equipment on both sides, Russia has lost 3x the number of significant military equipment- and the only category there is parity is air defenses, where losses are equal on both sides.

It is this constant denialism from the Kremlin that led to the mutiny! Get real!
How do you know what has been lost, otherwise with a war of propaganda being waged on all sides ??

Remember the bull shite early on in the war narrative, otherwise that Putin was sick and dying of cancer etc ? Remember the pictures and such that were posted all over the Internet of a weak, sick, and dying Putin ?

Last I saw of this Putin months and months later, he looked like an angry but very healthy Putin to me.

Political propaganda and lies serves us in a detrimental way, because sooner or later it catches up with our nation in a bad way.
How is this saying he doesn’t support the war in Ukraine?

The Russians have never intended to overthrow Kiev and take over all of Ukraine. They only want to protect the Russians in the Eastern provinces.

Wait, wait, I thought Putin invaded to de nazify Ukraine and NATO was threatening Russia. :laugh: :laugh:
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The Wagners traveled over 800 miles in 6 hours. An impressive accomplishment. Putin's reputation is challenged tonight.
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He seems to be saying that he was not attacking Putin. Rather, his March was a protest against the war in Ukraine.

Oh shut up...

Not that it matters when the objective is to show the world that the “king” has no pants on.

In a day, left and MSM were capable of dressing up Wagner, who up to now were considered evil Nazi murderers, into freedom fighters and then back into terrorists the same day.
How is this saying he doesn’t support the war in Ukraine?

The Russians have never intended to overthrow Kiev and take over all of Ukraine. They only want to protect the Russians in the Eastern provinces.

Exactly! ^^^

And to keep Ukraine NEUTRAL!

That's it!
From the link

“The demonstration of what we could do was sufficient. Our decision to return was driven by two factors. One, that we did not want Russian blood to flow. The second factor was that we went to demonstrate our protest, and not to overthrow the government of the country.”

"from the link"

Link to Politico. :laughing0301:
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