Wagner group leader resurfaces with social media message

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Russia will have everything East of the Dneiper by September. They want whatever is left of Ukraine to REMAIN NEUTRAL. That means the sale of Ukraine to Blackrock is off

Prigozhin will likely attack Davos and collect up the leadership of the WEF instead
By September? Dude, if they won't, will I see your farewell thread here?
it's a secret plan to get Wagner into Belarus so they can attack Kiev again,

It is a feint to attack Kharkiv.

Once that, and Odessa are in the hands of Russia, the war will be done.

But the west know this. Had they not bombed that dam, it would not have been necessary.
Oryx documents losses that are confirmed individual, unique pieces of equipment, with pictures or video, geolocated or documented in areas that were retaken by the Ukrainian forces. The list is continuously updated and corrected when errors are identified.

That's good enough for me. I only count what can be reasonably ascertained from evidence. There are also things like invasion markings and stenciled symbols on equipment that help to identify which specific units that equipment belonged to.

There is an army of open-source analysts that do nothing but pour over every detail of every image, and if something so trivial as a T-80BV gets mis-identified as a T-80BVM, it unleashes a torrent of corrections almost instantly. It's really kind of hilarious.

Russia invaded, then they were forced to retreat. When the Russians retreat, they leave things behind. The blown up tanks in Bucha didn't go anywhere when the Russians abandoned the Kiev offensive. Well, they're on the list.

Also this idea that we don't know how much equipment Russia had isn't based on reality either. We do know, because they told us. Many times. Every delivery of tanks or jets or IFV's made by Russian manufacturers, they made a publicity event of it. Generals would give interviews on TV and describe in great detail how many tanks they received this year and where they were sent, etc.

Russian ORBAT- not a mystery.

^^^ I don't know what this bit is all about. I don't wish to go down the rabbit hole of rumors about Putin's health or which Putin was where or whatever...
Good post, but beware of propaganda being waged from both sides.

I see a war being fought gallantly by a Ukrainian force that is being held up by supporting forces not directly connected to the Ukrainian military force, otherwise that is fighting gallantly in a bid to save their independence......

I also see an invading force that is determined to win after all that it has embarked upon in their so called "special operation".

I've heard that Russia has only unleashed 15% of it's capabilities to wage war in Ukraine. Not sure if true or not, but if it is true, then Russia has yet to truly get started in an all out war.

Every step that is taken, and every event that destroys Russian men, equipment, and their security, otherwise that abides within the Russian forces who are waging war for whatever the true reasons are for fighting in Ukraine, could lead to Russia making use of it's tactical nukes in theater, otherwise in order to end the war quickly for them before it goes beyond a certain point or a certain threshold.

I truly hope not, but how much can the Russian forces lose in men and equipment (being bragged about by media), before it's security is truly threatened to the point of complete failure in it's Operation ?????

Watching all the Western TV reporting on the war, and one would think that Ukraine is kicking butt and taking names, however we are only getting the one-sided look at this thing here in the west.
You don't sacrifice 40% of your best armored formations on a "feint".

We are supposed to believe that every failure, every mistake, or miscalculation by Putin, is really part of some secret master plan that we are all just ignorant of.

Now the Wagner coup/mutiny isn't even a mutiny, it's a secret plan to get Wagner into Belarus so they can attack Kiev again, lol.

And Ukraine is taking all the losses this whole time, and Russia barely got a scratch.

The narrative is completely and thoroughly refuted by the documented losses of equipment on both sides, Russia has lost 3x the number of significant military equipment- and the only category there is parity is air defenses, where losses are equal on both sides.

It is this constant denialism from the Kremlin that led to the mutiny! Get real!
Excellent Trolling today .Love the bit about attacking Kyiv again when they have yet to attack it for a first time . I suspect you get your countries muddled when looking at figures and find it confusing that there are problems still in Iraq and Syria .
He'd have to evacuate all of Ukraine eventually. What would he get out of that?

Man, you are a Putin stooge, big time.

He'd get another $100MM

Wait. You think he cares about the people he "leads"?
You don't sacrifice 40% of your best armored formations on a "feint".

We are supposed to believe that every failure, every mistake, or miscalculation by Putin, is really part of some secret master plan that we are all just ignorant of.

Now the Wagner coup/mutiny isn't even a mutiny, it's a secret plan to get Wagner into Belarus so they can attack Kiev again, lol.

And Ukraine is taking all the losses this whole time, and Russia barely got a scratch.

The narrative is completely and thoroughly refuted by the documented losses of equipment on both sides, Russia has lost 3x the number of significant military equipment- and the only category there is parity is air defenses, where losses are equal on both sides.

It is this constant denialism from the Kremlin that led to the mutiny! Get real!

Only 40%?? I thought it was 120% after Zelen$ky personally commandeered the point tank and drove headlong into that Russian tank factory
He'd get another $100MM

Wait. You think he cares about the people he "leads"?
Putin? No. He didn't even care about the crew of the Kursk submarine. Or the children in Beslan.

Prigozhin didn't even care about sending his troops to a certain death, but then played theater to pretend some of his guys died because they didn't get weapons and he actually cares that they died.

Those are your guys.
Putin? No. He didn't even care about the crew of the Kursk submarine. Or the children in Beslan.

Prigozhin didn't even care about sending his troops to a certain death, but then played theater to pretend some of his guys died because they didn't get weapons and he actually cares that they died.

Those are your guys.

Unlike Germany, France and the USA, Putin is standing up to the Globalists
Excellent Trolling today .Love the bit about attacking Kyiv again when they have yet to attack it for a first time . I suspect you get your countries muddled when looking at figures and find it confusing that there are problems still in Iraq and Syria .
Well early in the operation, Russian forces did make it into Kyiv, so if one thinks about the battle that insued, I guess Russian soldiers being there in that place, would suggest that they were there to attack Kyiv correct ?
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