Wagner group leader resurfaces with social media message

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How do you know what has been lost, otherwise with a war of propaganda being waged on all sides ??
Oryx documents losses that are confirmed individual, unique pieces of equipment, with pictures or video, geolocated or documented in areas that were retaken by the Ukrainian forces. The list is continuously updated and corrected when errors are identified.

That's good enough for me. I only count what can be reasonably ascertained from evidence. There are also things like invasion markings and stenciled symbols on equipment that help to identify which specific units that equipment belonged to.

There is an army of open-source analysts that do nothing but pour over every detail of every image, and if something so trivial as a T-80BV gets mis-identified as a T-80BVM, it unleashes a torrent of corrections almost instantly. It's really kind of hilarious.

Russia invaded, then they were forced to retreat. When the Russians retreat, they leave things behind. The blown up tanks in Bucha didn't go anywhere when the Russians abandoned the Kiev offensive. Well, they're on the list.

Also this idea that we don't know how much equipment Russia had isn't based on reality either. We do know, because they told us. Many times. Every delivery of tanks or jets or IFV's made by Russian manufacturers, they made a publicity event of it. Generals would give interviews on TV and describe in great detail how many tanks they received this year and where they were sent, etc.

Russian ORBAT- not a mystery.
Remember the bull shite early on in the war narrative, otherwise that Putin was sick and dying of cancer etc ? Remember the pictures and such that were posted all over the Internet of a weak, sick, and dying Putin ?

Last I saw of this Putin months and months later, he looked like an angry but very healthy Putin to me.

Political propaganda and lies serves us in a detrimental way, because sooner or later it catches up with our nation in a bad way.
^^^ I don't know what this bit is all about. I don't wish to go down the rabbit hole of rumors about Putin's health or which Putin was where or whatever...
The story changes as Russia proves they are incompetent and losing.

You leftie imbeciles are huffing your own farts.
It's not bad for you to lie, but you need to keep track of your lies.
What happens when you forget your lies, you get upset and/or deflective when called out on it.
Meh, it looked like he was attacking his command structure....not Putin.
He has a beef with the Ministry of Defense as I have mentioned. I wonder if the russian rocketing of the Wagners in Ukraine was an accident or on purpose.?
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Oh shut up...

Not that it matters when the objective is to show the world that the “king” has no pants on.

In a day, left and MSM were capable of dressing up Wagner, who up to now were considered evil Nazi murderers, into freedom fighters and then back into terrorists the same day.
Poootin paid you this month?
No Brics members budged on their support of Russia.

And solidarity with Putin and his cause has solidified in Russia.

The question now becomes on whether Putin will put his popularity to use and escalate the progress of the war against America.

And too: How much of this is America going to tolerate before causing a major escalation of its own?

LOL @ "war against America"

What a fucking tool
US will label the same group terrorists one day and freedom fighters the next, when they're useful to US.
You just witnessed another confirmation of it with Wagner
And if the Establishment wanted you to hate Ukraine and support Russia, they could do it in less than 48 hours.
If Putin had let US corporations raid his country's resources, America would love him, and wouldn't care if he nuked Ukraine.
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Read stupid! He said the war was started on false pretenses. And it was
He has said this before. That Russia's actions helped militarize Ukraine, that it was a bad idea.

He should not be taken seriously. Prigozhin also complained that his men were killed, while he sent his own men to their deaths to the front, fully knowing this. And shooting them if they retreat. Then he complains about Russian lives. He is the biggest war criminal. Does not care a bit about human life.
He has said this before. That Russia's actions helped militarize Ukraine, that it was a bad idea.

He should not be taken seriously. Prigozhin also complained that his men were killed, while he sent his own men to their deaths to the front, fully knowing this. And shooting them if they retreat. Then he complains about Russian lives. He is the biggest war criminal. Does not care a bit about human life.
Poootin screwed his country so bad. It will take generations for Russia to regain it's place in the world order. His ego must rival that of his asset in the US, trump.
Poootin screwed his country so bad. It will take generations for Russia to regain it's place in the world order. His ego must rival that of his asset in the US, trump.
I am beginning to see the similarity.

The first drawing in the video appears to be his self portrait. I looked it up, that is indeed his signature at the bottom. And it seems to be the "solution" to a mathematical problem.

The second drawing is supposed to be the back of a cat. But then he ends it drawing a big pussy on the pussy cat. Besides the whole drawing looking like a penis.
Oh shut up...

Not that it matters when the objective is to show the world that the “king” has no pants on.

In a day, left and MSM were capable of dressing up Wagner, who up to now were considered evil Nazi murderers, into freedom fighters and then back into terrorists the same day.
Just goes to show that the leftist media and/or the left will grab on to any tid bit of hope that they can grab on too, otherwise when they are supporting something that might be unpopular to most peace loving citizen's.

They do this in order to protect their huge on going narratives back here, and to keep them appearing legit when they are actually wolves in sheep's clothing most of the time doing the works of the evil one.

They think that their support will make them look like they are sooo compassionate, and sooo important in the situation, when in reality it's just them clinging to their (chosen on any day of the week type of "group's"), that might keep them in power or in favor on that day or within that week, otherwise if they get tickled enough.

The fact is that they are truly just rotting on most American's media (vine), and within the vast amount of American's rational mind's........ The left best disperse and join back up as good American citizens who are freedom loving patriot's, and this instead of being anti-American puppet's who are being brainwashed to destroy this country from within, and to destroy other countries who are without.
What for? Haven't you Putinheads constantly claimed that taking Kiev never was a goal for Putin and all that was a feint?

Russia will have everything East of the Dneiper by September. They want whatever is left of Ukraine to REMAIN NEUTRAL. That means the sale of Ukraine to Blackrock is off

Prigozhin will likely attack Davos and collect up the leadership of the WEF instead
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