Wahhhhhh! It's Just Not Fair!

The author claims that Kavanaugh will guarantee a right-wing court. Little does he remember the times when the Republican sponsored justices sided against the will of the right; Commie Care comes to mind. Roberts literally changed the law so that it could be considered constitutional. Gay marriage?

He claims that Kavanaugh's testimony makes him unfit for the court because he became emotional while speaking. In almost the same breath, he said he found Ford to be credible and believes her. I guess he thinks a justice should not have feelings and conduct himself more like a robot.

He fails to see the obvious, which is Ford came out in such a timely way to delay his confirmation. It wasn't about her almost getting raped, it was about helping her party stop a tilted court no matter what.

Then he went on to say how he put Ford down. Wait a minute, this woman is trying to ruin his life. I actually thought he was more than generous when he stated that he believed something did happen to her over three decades ago.

In other words, this article is just what we would expect from an outlet like Huff-Puff.
This is all so fake. The article expressly states that Kavanaugh will shift the balance of the court. They don’t even try to camouflage their real concern. As is stated repeatedly it is all about power. Liberals who can’t get laws passed through congress let the courts legislate for them. The gig is up.
Elections have consequences. The dems keep expecting the courts to overturn the will of the voters. Just wait until RBG and/or Thomas retires and Trump get another one or two appointments to the USSC. I can't even imagine the dems reaction <g>
What goes around, comes around. Thanks Harry!

All too funny. Some don't realize that the point of war is to win, not to help the enemy help you lose.

Confirming Brett Kavanaugh Now Would Destroy The Supreme Court As We Know It | HuffPost
Isn’t that the point?

As a famous community organizer once said - elections have consequences.

That's exactly it too. We the voters understand that the person we elect President will appoint justices on our behalf. That's what we voted for.

So if the country is leaning right, is it not proper that our courts do as well?

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