Wait a minute. Now leaks are bad? Excuse me? Say what?

Republicans accused Hillary of espionage and leaking sensitive materials....their investigations found nothing

Here we have a foreign nation hacking into private networks to influence an election and they just blow it off
We have a President who has to be warned about a secret dossier with damaging information
We have Trump cabinet members secretly talking about lifting sanctions before they even take office

This is REAL influence and Republicans refuse to even look into it
So the head of the democrat party has the password, as password. And your blaming Trump. Lol, you're delusional.
For right wingers, SEDITION by Trump and his underlings is now just "fake news" that should be ignored.
The group that brought you eight Benghazi investigations that all revealed the same thing....can't seem to gather any support to investigate the Trump administrations ties to Russia

Russia interferes in our election....Move along, nothing to see here
Trump is informed Russia has a dossier that can be used against him....fake news
Flynn has contact with Russian agents before Trump is even elected......a minor transgression
Russian sanctions? Why are we so mean to them? Time to lighten up
Secretary of State business ties to Russia.......no big deal
Trumps business relations with Russia.......his taxes are his own business
I'm satisfied with your answers.
Why any of this is a surprise saddens one. This is partisan politics, and had Hillary won and the democrats taken Congress, there would be investigations only of Republican politicians, and none of democrats. Why act outraged about it when it's a foregone conclusion?
Now that he's in the WH, Trump thinks leaks are a bad thing. He sure didn't think that when he was campaigning. He literally asked Russia to hack the Clinton server.

Has it not dawned on him that if he's concerned about leaks, perhaps he should not do business in an open restaurant.

Be all that as it may, Trump has not uttered one word that refutes or alters the fact pattern about his team's interactions with Russia.

And let's be clear, the only reason someone doesn't like the leaks pertaining to them is because they are true. Thus for us voters, the only question worth asking is, "What hasn't leaked that should?" Does the info yet to be leaked get even worse?
Well, aside from the fact that he did no such thing, sure. What he DID do was hope that the Russians could find the 30,000 odd emails that Hillary deleted from the server she used for official correspondence with no oversight, claiming that they were all "personal". You aren't saying that she had classified information in those emails, are you?
The group that brought you eight Benghazi investigations that all revealed the same thing....can't seem to gather any support to investigate the Trump administrations ties to Russia

Russia interferes in our election....Move along, nothing to see here
Trump is informed Russia has a dossier that can be used against him....fake news
Flynn has contact with Russian agents before Trump is even elected......a minor transgression
Russian sanctions? Why are we so mean to them? Time to lighten up
Secretary of State business ties to Russia.......no big deal
Trumps business relations with Russia.......his taxes are his own business

There is so much here to see, these corrupt slime dogs wouldn't have let Flynn down until they had no other choice but to sacrifice him to get the Americans eyes off what really went on..

This just out

Trump Campaign Aides Had Repeated Contacts With Russian Intelligence

The call logs and intercepted communications are part of a larger trove of information that the F.B.I. is sifting through as it investigates the links between Mr. Trump’s associates and the Russian government, as well as the hacking of the D.N.C., according to federal law enforcement officials. As part of its inquiry, the F.B.I. has obtained banking and travel records and conducted interviews, the officials said.
I've had CNN running in the background for the last couple of hours, and they've played that clip at least 4 times.

You'd think that if they play it that often, they'd have an idea of what he actually said.
You aren't saying that she had classified information in those emails, are you?
HRC isn't the topic of the conversation...not this one, not the political one, and not the national security one. Why is she even on your mind? Have you not noticed that she's no longer a "player?"
The ties of the Trump administration to Russia have significant impacts

The unwillingness of Republican Congressional leaders to even hold a hearing are starting to stink of a coverup
Fake alt left news.

I do not like what is in the news= Fake news
You snowflakes has been throwing anything you can at Trump, just to see if it would stick, and you have failed. The alt left has no credibility. Heck those emails proved the racism and homophobe your party is.
I've had CNN running in the background for the last couple of hours, and they've played that clip at least 4 times.

You'd think that if they play it that often, they'd have an idea of what he actually said.
Modern American liberals seem to think they are mind readers and will insist that they know what every Republican REALLY means, no matter what is actually said.
You aren't saying that she had classified information in those emails, are you?
HRC isn't the topic of the conversation...not this one, not the political one, and not the national security one. Why is she even on your mind? Have you not noticed that she's no longer a "player?"
1. I'm still happy she won't be in the White House without a visitor's pass.

2. She most certainly is involved in the accusation that Trump asked Russia to hack "The Clinton Server" (remember?)
You aren't saying that she had classified information in those emails, are you?
HRC isn't the topic of the conversation...not this one, not the political one, and not the national security one. Why is she even on your mind? Have you not noticed that she's no longer a "player?"
1. I'm still happy she won't be in the White House without a visitor's pass.

2. She most certainly is involved in the accusation that Trump asked Russia to hack "The Clinton Server" (remember?)

What? What has that woman had to say that anyone gave a damn about since 20-Jan-2017? Maybe she told a houseguest where to find the restroom, or something? The woman is "old news." Move on.

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