Wait a minute. Now leaks are bad? Excuse me? Say what?

Imagine the DCI (director of central intelligence) giving the president a list of American Billionaires they suspect Vladimir Putin is trying to blackmail. To be the fly on the wall during that meeting. To be the fly on the wall.
even better would be if dumps name was among them
The group that brought you eight Benghazi investigations that all revealed the same thing....can't seem to gather any support to investigate the Trump administrations ties to Russia

Russia interferes in our election....Move along, nothing to see here
Trump is informed Russia has a dossier that can be used against him....fake news
Flynn has contact with Russian agents before Trump is even elected......a minor transgression
Russian sanctions? Why are we so mean to them? Time to lighten up
Secretary of State business ties to Russia.......no big deal
Trumps business relations with Russia.......his taxes are his own business
A nothing burger
You see Trump "bobbin' and weavin'" to try and "change the conversation" to just about anything other than who said what to the Russians, and when and who in the Trump Admin. knew about it.

Trump was taking credit for the ICE raids that picked up hundreds of criminal illegal aliens. That balloon popped, and the Flynn story became the 400 pound gorrilla in the news room. Trump can't stand it, when he's not the center of attention. If Trump doesn't see his face, and his name adorning the newspapers and TV, he flys off thehandle, and tweets something to get the medias attention.
Mike Allen: “Here’s a twist that has top GOP sources buzzing: On Jan. 26, Sally Yates, then the acting attorney general, tells the White House that national security adviser Mike Flynn — who has just been grilled by FBI agents — had, in fact, discussed sanctions with the Russian ambassador during the transition, despite denying it, and therefore is vulnerable to Russian blackmail.”

“Four days later, on Jan. 30, Trump fires Yates, citing her unwillingness to enforce his border order.”
The group that brought you eight Benghazi investigations that all revealed the same thing....can't seem to gather any support to investigate the Trump administrations ties to Russia

Russia interferes in our election....Move along, nothing to see here
Trump is informed Russia has a dossier that can be used against him....fake news
Flynn has contact with Russian agents before Trump is even elected......a minor transgression
Russian sanctions? Why are we so mean to them? Time to lighten up
Secretary of State business ties to Russia.......no big deal
Trumps business relations with Russia.......his taxes are his own business
A nothing burger

Move along....nothing to see here

Off Topic:
You know as well as I that the whole meeting would become all about Trump b/c his name would be the first one on that list.

Maybe you hit on something. Trump didn't force Flynn to resign because of his contacts with the russian ambassador, or his lying to VP Pence, or even his lying to the FBI investigating the allegations. Trump forced Flynn to resign, because he was bumping Trumps name off the headlines.

Everybody knows that the most important function of the Trummp administration, is to feed the ego of Donald J. Trump, billionaire, he owns a mansion and a yacht.

We know Flynn wasn't fired because he lied. He was fired because the American people found out the truth.
The group that brought you eight Benghazi investigations that all revealed the same thing....can't seem to gather any support to investigate the Trump administrations ties to Russia

Russia interferes in our election....Move along, nothing to see here
Trump is informed Russia has a dossier that can be used against him....fake news
Flynn has contact with Russian agents before Trump is even elected......a minor transgression
Russian sanctions? Why are we so mean to them? Time to lighten up
Secretary of State business ties to Russia.......no big deal
Trumps business relations with Russia.......his taxes are his own business
A nothing burger

Move along....nothing to see here
There is no there... there
The group that brought you eight Benghazi investigations that all revealed the same thing....can't seem to gather any support to investigate the Trump administrations ties to Russia

Russia interferes in our election....Move along, nothing to see here
Trump is informed Russia has a dossier that can be used against him....fake news
Flynn has contact with Russian agents before Trump is even elected......a minor transgression
Russian sanctions? Why are we so mean to them? Time to lighten up
Secretary of State business ties to Russia.......no big deal
Trumps business relations with Russia.......his taxes are his own business
What you know would fit on a molecule with room to spare.
You see Trump "bobbin' and weavin'" to try and "change the conversation" to just about anything other than who said what to the Russians, and when and who in the Trump Admin. knew about it.
Flynn Doesn't Matter. This Is About Trump
The truth is Michael Flynn does not matter. We have before us a question that has stood before us, centerstage, for something like a year, brazen and shameless and yet too baffling and incredible to believe: Donald Trump's bizarre and unexplained relationship with Russia and its strongman Vladimir Putin.

I think it's going to come to the fore that Flynn doesn't matter. This is merely his "five minutes of alleged infamy." I find it very hard to believe that a former 3-star general who was the Dir. of the DIA would commit a lie of omission to the POTUS/VPOTUS. That just doesn't jibe.

Doesn't jibe with Trump either...

Republicans accused Hillary of espionage and leaking sensitive materials....their investigations found nothing

Here we have a foreign nation hacking into private networks to influence an election and they just blow it off
We have a President who has to be warned about a secret dossier with damaging information
We have Trump cabinet members secretly talking about lifting sanctions before they even take office

This is REAL influence and Republicans refuse to even look into it
Alexey Pushkov, a fellow senator and member of the Defense and Security Committee in the Federation Council, also bemoaned Flynn’s departure on Twitter.

Flynn "resigned" not because of his little mistake [with the Russian ambassador], but thanks to an aggressive campaign,” he wrote. "’Russia’s on the way out!’ the press screeches. It’s nothing but paranoia and a witch hunt.” [The Moscow Times, 2/14/17]

“Alt-Right” And Pro-Trump Media Use Similar Messaging As Russian Media And Officials, Call Flynn’s Departure A “Coup”
Infowars: Neoliberals And Neoconservatives “Desperately” Wanted “A Deep State Coup” And Part Of “The Military Industrial Complex's Effort To Undermine, Delegitimize And Sabotage The Trump Administration."
InfoWars editor-at-large Paul Joseph Watson claimed “Flynn’s conversation with Kislyak was merely the excuse that establishment neo-cons and neo-libs from both parties were desperately searching for.” [...] “deep state coup” going so far to claim that the real reason was “Flynn represented a direct threat to the military industrial complex that was swept aside by Trump’s victory.” From Infowars:
In reality, Flynn’s conversation with Kislyak was merely the excuse that establishment neo-cons and neo-libs from both parties were desperately searching for. They wanted him gone from the very beginning. This was a deep state coup. [Infowars, 2/14/17]
The group that brought you eight Benghazi investigations that all revealed the same thing....can't seem to gather any support to investigate the Trump administrations ties to Russia

Russia interferes in our election....Move along, nothing to see here
Trump is informed Russia has a dossier that can be used against him....fake news
Flynn has contact with Russian agents before Trump is even elected......a minor transgression
Russian sanctions? Why are we so mean to them? Time to lighten up
Secretary of State business ties to Russia.......no big deal
Trumps business relations with Russia.......his taxes are his own business
Suddenly a Dimmed Zeal for Investigations
February 15, 2017

“The Republicans’ ardor for investigations and oversight, on display throughout the Obama administration, has cooled off considerably with Donald Trump in the White House,” the AP reports.

“Each day seems to bring a new headache or near-crisis from Trump, the latest being the departure of his national security adviser under questionable circumstances involving Russia. Yet if there is a line too far, at which point Republicans will feel duty-bound to call for an independent investigation of their president or his administration, Trump hasn’t crossed it yet.”
Crooked Donald

This is how administrations get brought down. A series of seemingly minor transgressions that reveal a striking pattern. Trumps tendency to lie and blame others is where Presidencies can be brought down
Perhaps one of the LEADING scum buckets in the right wing congress is Chaffetz who just stated....basically......"nothing to see here, move along"

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