Wait....Did They Say 'Snow'???


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Imagine.....for days I've been hearing predictions of 18"-20" of snow.......

And I know that 'Warmists' of every form and variety must know what they're talking about.....

So.....when I awoke.....
.... out on the lawn there arose such a clatter,
I sprang from my bed to see what was the matter.
Away to the window I flew like a flash,
Tore open the shutters and threw up the sash.
The moon on the breast of the new-fallen snow,

...no, wait....that was December....

This was the view...

Just kiddin'.....here in the South......South Brooklyn.....it's a few inches of snow....and almost all rain.


Know how tough it is to shovel rain??????

Another great job by those folks who brought us 'Global Warming.'
Imagine.....for days I've been hearing predictions of 18"-20" of snow.......

And I know that 'Warmists' of every form and variety must know what they're talking about.....

So.....when I awoke.....
.... out on the lawn there arose such a clatter,
I sprang from my bed to see what was the matter.
Away to the window I flew like a flash,
Tore open the shutters and threw up the sash.
The moon on the breast of the new-fallen snow,

...no, wait....that was December....

This was the view...

Just kiddin'.....here in the South......South Brooklyn.....it's a few inches of snow....and almost all rain.


Know how tough it is to shovel rain??????

Another great job by those folks who brought us 'Global Warming.'

Looks like you're getting more than your share
of "Snowflakes"! :)
Imagine.....for days I've been hearing predictions of 18"-20" of snow.......

And I know that 'Warmists' of every form and variety must know what they're talking about.....

So.....when I awoke.....
.... out on the lawn there arose such a clatter,
I sprang from my bed to see what was the matter.
Away to the window I flew like a flash,
Tore open the shutters and threw up the sash.
The moon on the breast of the new-fallen snow,

...no, wait....that was December....

This was the view...

Just kiddin'.....here in the South......South Brooklyn.....it's a few inches of snow....and almost all rain.


Know how tough it is to shovel rain??????

Another great job by those folks who brought us 'Global Warming.'

Are you really this ^^^ ignorant? Or, are you just trolling and playing to your base?

Be honest now (of course, honesty isn't a thing you are known for).
Imagine.....for days I've been hearing predictions of 18"-20" of snow.......

And I know that 'Warmists' of every form and variety must know what they're talking about.....

So.....when I awoke.....
.... out on the lawn there arose such a clatter,
I sprang from my bed to see what was the matter.
Away to the window I flew like a flash,
Tore open the shutters and threw up the sash.
The moon on the breast of the new-fallen snow,

...no, wait....that was December....

This was the view...

Just kiddin'.....here in the South......South Brooklyn.....it's a few inches of snow....and almost all rain.


Know how tough it is to shovel rain??????

Another great job by those folks who brought us 'Global Warming.'

Are you really this ^^^ ignorant? Or, are you just trolling and playing to your base?

Be honest now (of course, honesty isn't a thing you are known for).

Ohhhhhhh.......did I shatter yet another one of your absurd bet beliefs????

I’d love to hear the rest of your screed, but I’m very busy…I have several more quarters to flip.
Or, are you just trolling and playing to your base?

Yes, it is a rhetorical question, used to make a point. I would never ever expect an honest remark from PolitcalChic.
Yeah, PoliticalHack is under the delusion that global warming means we should never see snow again.

I suspect she is more mendacious than delusional. She plays to the lunatic fringe, the only one's who find her credible.
Or, are you just trolling and playing to your base?

Yes, it is a rhetorical question, used to make a point. I would never ever expect an honest remark from PolitcalChic.
Yeah, PoliticalHack is under the delusion that global warming means we should never see snow again.

I suspect she is more mendacious than delusional. She plays to the lunatic fringe, the only one's who find her credible.

One can always tell the posts from those who have felt the sting of my lash.
"WASHINGTON (AP) -- Before the first snow fell, federal meteorologists realized there was a good chance the late-winter storm wasn't going to produce giant snow totals in big Northeast cities as predicted.

But they didn't change their forecasts because they said they didn't want to confuse the public.

National Weather Service meteorologists held a conference call Monday afternoon about computer models that dramatically cut predicted snow amounts. They decided to stick with the super snowy warnings."
News from The Associated Press

Herein we see the very same Deus ex machina as the Global Warming absurdists.

Exactly what I was saying about the "Warmists" in the OP.
"Huge numbers were seen as predicted in some parts of the area. CBS2’s Lonnie Quinn reported the snow totaled 26 inches in upstate Narrowsburgh, 23.5 inches in Montgomery, 18.1 inches in Stony Point, 14 inches in Mount Kisco and in West Milford, New Jersey, and 13 inches in Mahwah, New Jersey.
New York City’s Department of Sanitation said more than 2,200 pieces of equipment were sent out to clear city roads."
De Blasio: NYC Public Schools To Reopen Wednesday, But 'Dangerous' Conditions Continue


Yikes!!! Global Warming.....run for the hills!!!

"The temperature of the planet has increased about one degree Fahrenheit in the last century. So imagine a summer afternoon when it’s 63 degrees and the next thing you know it’s …64 degrees! Ahhhhhhhhh!!!!! Run for your lives, everybody! Women and children first! Where’s FEMA, dammit?"
"WASHINGTON (AP) -- Before the first snow fell, federal meteorologists realized there was a good chance the late-winter storm wasn't going to produce giant snow totals in big Northeast cities as predicted.

But they didn't change their forecasts because they said they didn't want to confuse the public.

National Weather Service meteorologists held a conference call Monday afternoon about computer models that dramatically cut predicted snow amounts. They decided to stick with the super snowy warnings."
News from The Associated Press

Herein we see the very same Deus ex machina as the Global Warming absurdists.

Exactly what I was saying about the "Warmists" in the OP.

Alarmists know their modeling failed and yet leave their doom and gloom predictions in place, then fail to warm those really in danger...Nice!

Kind of like AGW predictions.. vs reality...
cmip5-73-models-vs-obs-20n-20s-mt-5-yr-means11 Dr Roy Spencer.png
It's all a plot by the liberal pro-snow lying media so the government can take more control of people's lives to buy more snowplows and stuff!

Well, that's not going to happen with President Trump stopping the Soros-funded billionaire elite from making it snow whenever they want.

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