Wait....Did They Say 'Snow'???

Now......this here is a blizzard

The film is shot by Edison himself.....before he got the Global Warming memo.....

Imagine.....for days I've been hearing predictions of 18"-20" of snow.......

And I know that 'Warmists' of every form and variety must know what they're talking about.....

So.....when I awoke.....
.... out on the lawn there arose such a clatter,
I sprang from my bed to see what was the matter.
Away to the window I flew like a flash,
Tore open the shutters and threw up the sash.
The moon on the breast of the new-fallen snow,

...no, wait....that was December....

This was the view...

Just kiddin'.....here in the South......South Brooklyn.....it's a few inches of snow....and almost all rain.


Know how tough it is to shovel rain??????

Another great job by those folks who brought us 'Global Warming.'

ummm..... weather =/= climate PoliSpice you retard

Oh and you couldn't afford to live in South Brooklyn Sugar Tits
One of the primary predictions of global warming is that the weather swings will be wider and wilder, with an overall warming. And that is exactly what we are seeing.
One of the primary predictions of global warming is that the weather swings will be wider and wilder, with an overall warming. And that is exactly what we are seeing.

Sentiments only embraced by the few. Weve been seeing that banner for years and years now.......has had no impact in the real world. Might work nice on an internet forum, but nobody in the real world is really caring. Just sayin'.......:popcorn:
One of the primary predictions of global warming is that the weather swings will be wider and wilder, with an overall warming. And that is exactly what we are seeing.
Remove the arbitrary ever upward adjustments made by your ilk and we are actually cooling.. Funny how your fantasy only becomes reality when you lie and make the data fit your narrative.

Climate science.JPG

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