Wait..........he said what?

In his Fox News town hall this afternoon President Trump said he needs good treatment or favors in return if states want the federal governments assistance as hospitals are overwhelmed with COVID-19 patients. Read the words and then watch them.

“Usually we’ll have 50 governors that will call it the same time. I think we are doing very well. But it’s a two-way street. They have to treat us well, also. They can’t say, “Oh, gee, we should get this, we should get that.” We’re doing a great job. Like in New York where we’re building, as I said, four hospitals, four medical centers. We’re literally building hospitals and medical centers. And then I hear that there’s a problem with ventilators."

I suppose this is what is meant by referring to the Grifter-in-Chief as being "transactional." He views federal aid to states as an opportunity to get something back. Like not being criticized for his abysmal performance in preparing the nation for the outbreak he was warned about many weeks ago.

He tried to deny there was going to be a problem by making light of it. He claimed things were under control. Due to the fact that the virus didn't impact us as early as it did other countries he pretended things were going well here. Then the fantasy world he created blew up in his orange face.

Cases multiplied, the market tanked, shortages of materials to slow the virus were exposed, as was our lack of preparation. Now, far too early according to medical experts, Crooked Donald wants people to go back to work soon. He understands his incompetence combined with a faltering economy (the debt fueled economy being the only thing he had going for him besides bigotry) jeopardizes his re-election. So damn the torpedoes, surely unnecessarily killing thousands more human beings to keep him in the Oval Office is worth it. Right granny?

/——-/ Try not pizzing on the shoes of the man who is trying to save your sorry arrogant azz.
See you at the polls in November asswipe.

Your golden boy, Joe Biden.

I can't wait for this summer.

It's gonna be a fucking comedy.

By summer, we are going to have 10% unemployment, and Trump will have nothing to say.

Biden was going to whip trumps ass before this pandemic. Biden is a master policymaker and while he's not all that good on the stump, he will destroy trump in debates. But trump is about to get hammered by several groups once the finals start and that's when he falls apart for the last time.
In his Fox News town hall this afternoon President Trump said he needs good treatment or favors in return if states want the federal governments assistance as hospitals are overwhelmed with COVID-19 patients. Read the words and then watch them.

“Usually we’ll have 50 governors that will call it the same time. I think we are doing very well. But it’s a two-way street. They have to treat us well, also. They can’t say, “Oh, gee, we should get this, we should get that.” We’re doing a great job. Like in New York where we’re building, as I said, four hospitals, four medical centers. We’re literally building hospitals and medical centers. And then I hear that there’s a problem with ventilators."

I suppose this is what is meant by referring to the Grifter-in-Chief as being "transactional." He views federal aid to states as an opportunity to get something back. Like not being criticized for his abysmal performance in preparing the nation for the outbreak he was warned about many weeks ago.

He tried to deny there was going to be a problem by making light of it. He claimed things were under control. Due to the fact that the virus didn't impact us as early as it did other countries he pretended things were going well here. Then the fantasy world he created blew up in his orange face.

Cases multiplied, the market tanked, shortages of materials to slow the virus were exposed, as was our lack of preparation. Now, far too early according to medical experts, Crooked Donald wants people to go back to work soon. He understands his incompetence combined with a faltering economy (the debt fueled economy being the only thing he had going for him besides bigotry) jeopardizes his re-election. So damn the torpedoes, surely unnecessarily killing thousands more human beings to keep him in the Oval Office is worth it. Right granny?

/——-/ Try not pizzing on the shoes of the man who is trying to save your sorry arrogant azz.

He's not pissing on Tony Fauci, but trump is doing his level best to.

Official names have been announced for the virus responsible for COVID-19 (previously known as “2019 novel coronavirus”) and the disease it causes. The official names are:

coronavirus disease

severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2

I hate to break it to all you Trump haters but the Gallup poll out today has his approvals up significantly among all parties.Is he perfect? Not by a long shot.No one is or ever will be.I cannot think of one Democrat who I would want in charge of this "crisis". Just look how despicable Nancy and the House are trying to fund their left wing tripe in a bill meant to fight the virus and to stabilize the economy. They have no sense of common decency.

As a matter a fact I can't believe anyone has the nerve to call out Trump for his words toward his detractors who fervently hope he fails.Trump will come out of this stronger against a stumbling ,bumbling,senile geriatric who has no plan or vision.Just 20/20 hindsight advice by his handlers.

Trump is a stumbling, bumbling, senile geriatric who has no plan or vision. But he really does lead the world in something - finally. Trump has made the USA into the epi-centre of the covid19 virus. More cases than China. Deaths to follow within two weeks.

When people are dying in these numbers, those poll numbers aren't going to last.
Plagiarize much?
See you at the polls in November asswipe.

Your golden boy, Joe Biden.

I can't wait for this summer.

It's gonna be a fucking comedy.

By summer, we are going to have 10% unemployment, and Trump will have nothing to say.

Biden was going to whip trumps ass before this pandemic. Biden is a master policymaker and while he's not all that good on the stump, he will destroy trump in debates. But trump is about to get hammered by several groups once the finals start and that's when he falls apart for the last time.

See you at the polls in November asswipe.

Your golden boy, Joe Biden.

I can't wait for this summer.

It's gonna be a fucking comedy.

By summer, we are going to have 10% unemployment, and Trump will have nothing to say.

See you at the polls in November.

I'm not worried.

Your lack of a candidate has been a gift from the start.

Let' hope he can at least still remember his name come September.
What did obozo do to prepare us?
After Ebola his admin did an extensive report making recommendations for what precautions needed to be taken and what mistakes were made. A report the Trump admin ignored. He also set up the experts in the NSA that Trump fired. Sorry to frustrate you with the facts.

that is just another CNN lie. None of that happened. Care to discuss Obozo's actions to curtail the H1N1 virus? How many died in the US before he did ANYTHING?
No, those are facts. Obama acted faster than trump. And until this is over, you cannot compare the numbers.

we can certainly compare the numbers for the first 3 months. lets do that, bring it.
You really don't want to do that. Real conservatives have spoken on trumps incompetence in handling this.

Liberal Dictionary
Real conservative - Leftwing approved anti-Trump "conservative."
Wrong answer. trump is not a conservative. And real, conservatives can't define themselves much less try making up what liberals think. You dumb asses have been on the wrong side on every issue in history, so just learn that real conservatives have spoke on trumps incompetence.


Pure irony.
It is not irony when you are always on the wrong side.
It is when you point your finger at the side that isn't always wrong as you do.
The article presents evidence of what conservatives thought on major issues in our history and on each one they were wrong.
Conservatives are always on the wrong side of history

That is what makes them conservative

and the right side in your view would be: Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Idi Amin, Mussolini? they all said the exact things that the dems are saying today. Are you really as stupid as your posts indicate?
Actually they did not. But when you spend your day listening to flunk outs, that's how you end up seeing things.

you need to study a little history. those dictators of the past promoted the exact same agenda that the dems of today are promoting: gun control and confiscation, thought police, redistribution of income, big business is evil, abortion, racial prejudice, government control of industry, anti-religion, and most of all big government.

Read the Third Reich. Read Marx, and if you want a current version, read alinsky.. the dem party of today is following those examples to the letter.
See you at the polls in November asswipe.

Your golden boy, Joe Biden.

I can't wait for this summer.

It's gonna be a fucking comedy.

By summer, we are going to have 10% unemployment, and Trump will have nothing to say.

Biden was going to whip trumps ass before this pandemic. Biden is a master policymaker and while he's not all that good on the stump, he will destroy trump in debates. But trump is about to get hammered by several groups once the finals start and that's when he falls apart for the last time.

amazingly ignorant. Its very likely that old senile Joe will not even be the dem candidate. The DNC is watching his gaffes and his dementia as it grows. They are grooming Coumo and might even bring back crooked hillary. Their desperation is pathetic to watch.
What did obozo do to prepare us?
After Ebola his admin did an extensive report making recommendations for what precautions needed to be taken and what mistakes were made. A report the Trump admin ignored. He also set up the experts in the NSA that Trump fired. Sorry to frustrate you with the facts.

that is just another CNN lie. None of that happened. Care to discuss Obozo's actions to curtail the H1N1 virus? How many died in the US before he did ANYTHING?
No, those are facts. Obama acted faster than trump. And until this is over, you cannot compare the numbers.

we can certainly compare the numbers for the first 3 months. lets do that, bring it.
You really don't want to do that. Real conservatives have spoken on trumps incompetence in handling this.

Liberal Dictionary
Real conservative - Leftwing approved anti-Trump "conservative."
Wrong answer. trump is not a conservative. And real, conservatives can't define themselves much less try making up what liberals think. You dumb asses have been on the wrong side on every issue in history, so just learn that real conservatives have spoke on trumps incompetence.


Pure irony.
It is not irony when you are always on the wrong side.
It is when you point your finger at the side that isn't always wrong as you do.
The article presents evidence of what conservatives thought on major issues in our history and on each one they were wrong.
Conservatives are always on the wrong side of history

That is what makes them conservative

And you've always got your head up your ass.

That is what makes you you.

I have decided to stop replying to that fool. Its a waste of time.

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