Wait What? Fidel Castro Has Tortured, Murdered, Imprisoned Thousands. Why So Much Obama Love?...

What our liberal friends fail to admit is that it was JFK that imposed the embargo, furthermore it was JFK that backed down in supporting the troops he gave final approval authorizing the invasion at the Bay of Pigs as our air support and navel forces were told to stand down after the troops were told support would follow.
The embargo was designed to isolate and force, through economic isolation, an internal uprising rejecting communism. What no one anticipated was the resulting aftermath of the totalitarian hammer quelling discontent.
The audacity of this pretender in chief to acquiesced to the Castro regime, a disgrace, slap in the face of the very principles JFK and America stood for, democracy and freedom! The only beneficiaries will be the Castro's, developers, and political corny's at the expense of Cuba's citizens. Just another pathetic political gesture demeaning what America used to stand for. Maybe he should have bowed and kissed Castro's feet.
Islam is the PC-protected religion, and with all the spinning & deflection here, it looks like Cuba is the PC-protected country.
Democrats love Socialist and Communist dictators. They aren't exactly shy about it.
Ah the things a poor Kenyan boi will do when greasing the skids for an extradition-treaty free retirement home.....
Castro tortured?

lol, you RWnuts support torture.
Against whom?

Against enemies of the State. Same as the Cuban regime.
I see a difference between people who have vowed to kill as many Americans as possible (and are doing so) and people that are criticizing their government. Do you?

You want to torture people for inflammatory rhetoric? lol
Does your mind blank out when it sees parentheses?
Is it just me, or is anyone else a bit shocked by all the love & worship Obama is bestowing on Fidel Castro in Cuba? Looks like most of the MSM and Americans have forgotten the guy murdered and imprisoned thousands & thousands of innocent men and women. Should our President be expressing so much love and adoration?

I think the whole visit was disturbingly over-the-top. I don't mind a visit, but the worship & adoration was pretty appalling. At the end of the day, the man is a brutal Communist Dictator. I found our President's behavior to be embarrassing. He did a shameful disservice to all Cuban Americans whose friends and families were murdered & imprisoned by Castro. Anyone else feel this way?
Answer is simple.
Torture Muslim terrorists = Bad
Torture freedom loving Christians = Good.

Yeah, i'm just a bit shocked so many have forgotten the man is a brutal Dictator who killed and imprisoned thousands. I'm all for better relations with Cuba, but our President and MSM's behavior really has been appalling. I'm sure Castro feels like he's being rewarded. His many victims and their families deserve so much better.
I like the idea of working towards more normal relations with Cuba. Fifty years of this strategy did not work. A positive future is better than a failed past. I guess it all depends on whether current Cuban government dies with the Castros.

I hear ya, i'm ok with better relations. But the worship & adoration expressed by our President really was way over-the-top disturbing. We can't forget that Castro has tortured, murdered, and imprisoned thousands of innocent men & women.

He is a brutal Communist Dictator at the end of the day. I just don't feel comfortable with the President and the MSM's behavior. They've completely forgotten about all Castro's victims and their families.
You're seeing 'worship and adoration' because you want to, because you hate the President. do not mistake your fevered dreams for reality
Wow you guys must have really been upset when we normalized relations with Vietnam huh?

As far as lipo-pauli's accusations of adulation goes, he never seems to post any links to what the President said does he?

Way over-the-top love and adoration for a man who's tortured, murdered, and imprisoned thousands. Shame on Obama and the American MSM. What a shocking disservice to all the victims and their families. I want better relations with Cuba too, but we can't forget Castro's victims. This trip was a disgrace.

Again you make an accusation of adulation but provide no substantial proof.

The photos and videos tell the story. Way too much fun in the sun. The man is a brutal Communist Dictator. I wouldn't have minded some private meetings, but this public display of over-the-top worship and adoration by our President, is pretty unseemly.
American hypocrisy is on full display in this thread.

Are you really denying Castro tortured, murdered, and imprisoned thousands of innocent men and women? I mean, he is a Communist Dictator, no?
I didn't deny anything. Did Obama take the time to visit his own prison torture camp while he was there?
Obama friends are all American hating people. Think about it.
It's impossible not to see the hypocrisy. You think about it........or tell me how I'm wrong. Americans by and large need to regain some moral clarity. A little introspection would do us all some good.

Please elaborate.
Wow you guys must have really been upset when we normalized relations with Vietnam huh?

As far as lipo-pauli's accusations of adulation goes, he never seems to post any links to what the President said does he?

Way over-the-top love and adoration for a man who's tortured, murdered, and imprisoned thousands. Shame on Obama and the American MSM. What a shocking disservice to all the victims and their families. I want better relations with Cuba too, but we can't forget Castro's victims. This trip was a disgrace.

Again you make an accusation of adulation but provide no substantial proof.

The photos and videos tell the story. Way too much fun in the sun. The man is a brutal Communist Dictator. I wouldn't have minded some private meetings, but this public display of over-the-top worship and adoration by our President, is pretty unseemly.
yes, you would have minded private meetings only because you had decided from the day he was elected to oppose anything and everything the President does.
I like the idea of working towards more normal relations with Cuba. Fifty years of this strategy did not work. A positive future is better than a failed past. I guess it all depends on whether current Cuban government dies with the Castros.

I hear ya, i'm ok with better relations. But the worship & adoration expressed by our President really was way over-the-top disturbing. We can't forget that Castro has tortured, murdered, and imprisoned thousands of innocent men & women.

He is a brutal Communist Dictator at the end of the day. I just don't feel comfortable with the President and the MSM's behavior. They've completely forgotten about all Castro's victims and their families.
You're seeing 'worship and adoration' because you want to, because you hate the President. do not mistake your fevered dreams for reality

Nah, he's having a good ole time. Too good a time. So many have been tortured, murdered, and imprisoned by Castro. It should have been a more toned-down private meeting. The President's public display of worship & adoration really is so unseemly. It's like he's completely forgotten the man he's laughing it up with, is a stone-cold killer. It's not like he was meeting with Mother Teresa or something.
Wow you guys must have really been upset when we normalized relations with Vietnam huh?

As far as lipo-pauli's accusations of adulation goes, he never seems to post any links to what the President said does he?

Way over-the-top love and adoration for a man who's tortured, murdered, and imprisoned thousands. Shame on Obama and the American MSM. What a shocking disservice to all the victims and their families. I want better relations with Cuba too, but we can't forget Castro's victims. This trip was a disgrace.

Again you make an accusation of adulation but provide no substantial proof.

The photos and videos tell the story. Way too much fun in the sun. The man is a brutal Communist Dictator. I wouldn't have minded some private meetings, but this public display of over-the-top worship and adoration by our President, is pretty unseemly.
yes, you would have minded private meetings only because you had decided from the day he was elected to oppose anything and everything the President does.

Like i said, too much fun in the sun hangin with a brutal murderous Dictator. What a slap in the face to all his victims and their families.
Buh, Buh, But the Cuban revolution was just like ours! We're revolutionary brothers with Castro.

History is too inconvenient for O-Blame-O and all leftists so they have to make stuff up. The problem is it works on the useful idiots.

"In one of his last acts in Havana, President Obama threw out a false equivalency between the American Revolution and Cuba’s 1959 communist takeover. What are we to make of a U.S. president who embraces such hoary Marxist equivalencies?

In his Tuesday address to the Cuban people, Obama declared that the communist takeover that led to the Castros’ 57-year dictatorship was a “liberation movement,” same as America’s 1776 revolution. Obama’s well-known for his false equivalencies, but this one stands out for its idiocy.

“Here’s my message to the Cuban government and the Cuban people,” Obama said.”The ideals that are the starting point for every revolution, America’s revolution, Cuba’s revolution, the liberation movements around the world, these ideals find their truest expression, I believe, in democracy.”

It must have drawn a stifled horse-laugh from Cuban military dictator Raul Castro."

No, Mr. President, 1776 Wasn’t Anything Like Castro’s 1959 Putsch

I like the idea of working towards more normal relations with Cuba. Fifty years of this strategy did not work. A positive future is better than a failed past. I guess it all depends on whether current Cuban government dies with the Castros.

I hear ya, i'm ok with better relations. But the worship & adoration expressed by our President really was way over-the-top disturbing. We can't forget that Castro has tortured, murdered, and imprisoned thousands of innocent men & women.

He is a brutal Communist Dictator at the end of the day. I just don't feel comfortable with the President and the MSM's behavior. They've completely forgotten about all Castro's victims and their families.
You're seeing 'worship and adoration' because you want to, because you hate the President. do not mistake your fevered dreams for reality

Nah, he's having a good ole time. Too good a time. So many have been tortured, murdered, and imprisoned by Castro. It should have been a more toned-down private meeting. The President's public display of worship & adoration really is so unseemly. It's like he's completely forgotten the man he's laughing it up with, is a stone-cold killer. It's not like he was meeting with Mother Teresa or something.
there you go using 'worship and adoration' again. what radio host whispered those words in your ear? prove it's your own thought and provide a quote illustrating this 'worship and adoration'
Wow you guys must have really been upset when we normalized relations with Vietnam huh?

As far as lipo-pauli's accusations of adulation goes, he never seems to post any links to what the President said does he?

Way over-the-top love and adoration for a man who's tortured, murdered, and imprisoned thousands. Shame on Obama and the American MSM. What a shocking disservice to all the victims and their families. I want better relations with Cuba too, but we can't forget Castro's victims. This trip was a disgrace.

Again you make an accusation of adulation but provide no substantial proof.

The photos and videos tell the story. Way too much fun in the sun. The man is a brutal Communist Dictator. I wouldn't have minded some private meetings, but this public display of over-the-top worship and adoration by our President, is pretty unseemly.
yes, you would have minded private meetings only because you had decided from the day he was elected to oppose anything and everything the President does.

Like i said, too much fun in the sun hangin with a brutal murderous Dictator. What a slap in the face to all his victims and their families.
yep. that's what you're bitching about now. supposed 'too much fun' but what you butch about is less important than the fact that you will always bitch.
Buh, Buh, But the Cuban revolution was just like ours! We're revolutionary brothers with Castro.

History is too inconvenient for O-Blame-O and all leftists so they have to make stuff up. The problem is it works on the useful idiots.

"In one of his last acts in Havana, President Obama threw out a false equivalency between the American Revolution and Cuba’s 1959 communist takeover. What are we to make of a U.S. president who embraces such hoary Marxist equivalencies?

In his Tuesday address to the Cuban people, Obama declared that the communist takeover that led to the Castros’ 57-year dictatorship was a “liberation movement,” same as America’s 1776 revolution. Obama’s well-known for his false equivalencies, but this one stands out for its idiocy.

“Here’s my message to the Cuban government and the Cuban people,” Obama said.”The ideals that are the starting point for every revolution, America’s revolution, Cuba’s revolution, the liberation movements around the world, these ideals find their truest expression, I believe, in democracy.”

It must have drawn a stifled horse-laugh from Cuban military dictator Raul Castro."

No, Mr. President, 1776 Wasn’t Anything Like Castro’s 1959 Putsch

you and the author of that piece have comprehension problems

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