Wait What? Fidel Castro Has Tortured, Murdered, Imprisoned Thousands. Why So Much Obama Love?...

Is it just me, or is anyone else a bit shocked by all the love & worship Obama is bestowing on Fidel Castro in Cuba? Looks like most of the MSM and Americans have forgotten the guy murdered and imprisoned thousands & thousands of innocent men and women. Should our President be expressing so much love and adoration?

I think the whole visit was disturbingly over-the-top. I don't mind a visit, but the worship & adoration was pretty appalling. At the end of the day, the man is a brutal Communist Dictator. I found our President's behavior to be embarrassing. He did a shameful disservice to all Cuban Americans whose friends and families were murdered & imprisoned by Castro. Anyone else feel this way?

better question... why should we embargo cuba when we have no problem going to other places. china has incredible human rights abuses. yet. we trade with them.

oh wait... i k know why... it's because florida is a swing state.

Is it just me, or is anyone else a bit shocked by all the love & worship Obama is bestowing on Fidel Castro in Cuba? Looks like most of the MSM and Americans have forgotten the guy murdered and imprisoned thousands & thousands of innocent men and women. Should our President be expressing so much love and adoration?

I think the whole visit was disturbingly over-the-top. I don't mind a visit, but the worship & adoration was pretty appalling. At the end of the day, the man is a brutal Communist Dictator. I found our President's behavior to be embarrassing. He did a shameful disservice to all Cuban Americans whose friends and families were murdered & imprisoned by Castro. Anyone else feel this way?

better question... why should we embargo cuba when we have no problem going to other places. china has incredible human rights abuses. yet. we trade with them.

oh wait... i k know why... it's because florida is a swing state.


I don't mind closer ties with Cuba. But our President's public display of love and adoration for a brutal Dictator, really is over-the-top disturbing. The meetings should have been toned-down and private. He's showed no respect for the numerous Castro victims and their families. I'm a bit ashamed of the President.
Is it just me, or is anyone else a bit shocked by all the love & worship Obama is bestowing on Fidel Castro in Cuba? Looks like most of the MSM and Americans have forgotten the guy murdered and imprisoned thousands & thousands of innocent men and women. Should our President be expressing so much love and adoration?

I think the whole visit was disturbingly over-the-top. I don't mind a visit, but the worship & adoration was pretty appalling. At the end of the day, the man is a brutal Communist Dictator. I found our President's behavior to be embarrassing. He did a shameful disservice to all Cuban Americans whose friends and families were murdered & imprisoned by Castro. Anyone else feel this way?

better question... why should we embargo cuba when we have no problem going to other places. china has incredible human rights abuses. yet. we trade with them.

oh wait... i k know why... it's because florida is a swing state.


I don't mind closer ties with Cuba. But our President's public display of love and adoration for a brutal Dictator, really is over-the-top disturbing. The meetings should have been toned-down and private. He's showed no respect for the numerous Castro victims and their families. I'm a bit ashamed of the President.
still waiting on one of those 'worship and adoration' quotes
Nixon opened up relations with China. We sent the Secretary of State first. We did not excuse Communism and frankly, it was done as a wedge against Russia.

There were revolutions in the ME too. I guess Obama is only interested with socialist successful ones? Personally, I feel Obama has waged a revolution on the US and we are the losers.
Nixon opened up relations with China. We sent the Secretary of State first. We did not excuse Communism and frankly, it was done as a wedge against Russia.

There were revolutions in the ME too. I guess Obama is only interested with socialist successful ones? Personally, I feel Obama has waged a revolution on the US and we are the losers.
kerry visited cuba first. cuba's government was soundly criticized. i don't understand what revolutions anywhere have to do with normalizing relations with a close neighbor.

but you got one right, you are a loser
The photos and videos tell the story. Way too much fun in the sun. The man is a brutal Communist Dictator. I wouldn't have minded some private meetings, but this public display of over-the-top worship and adoration by our President, is pretty unseemly.

It was not Fidel Castro who dropped 20,000 tons of Monsanto agent Orange on the Vietnamese ...we did that
CIA motto: “Proudly overthrowing the Cuban government since 1959.”
Now what? Did you think that the United States had finally grown up and come to the realization that they could in fact share the same hemisphere as the people of Cuba, accepting Cuban society as unquestioningly as they do that of Canada? The Washington Post (February 18) reported: “In recent weeks, administration officials have made it clear Obama would travel to Cuba only if its government made additional concessions in the areas of human rights, Internet access and market liberalization.”

Imagine if Cuba insisted that the United States make “concessions in the area of human rights”; this could mean the United States pledging to not repeat anything like the following:

Invading Cuba in 1961 at the Bay of Pigs.

Invading Grenada in 1983 and killing 84 Cubans, mainly construction workers.

Blowing up a passenger plane full of Cubans in 1976. (In 1983, the city of Miami held a day in honor of Orlando Bosch, one of the two masterminds behind this awful act; the other perpetrator, Luis Posada, was given lifetime protection in the same city.)

Giving Cuban exiles, for their use, the virus which causes African swine fever, forcing the Cuban government to slaughter 500,000 pigs.

Infecting Cuban turkeys with a virus which produces the fatal Newcastle disease, resulting in the deaths of 8,000 turkeys.

In 1981 an epidemic of dengue hemorrhagic fever swept the island, the first major epidemic of DHF ever in the Americas. The United States had long been experimenting with using dengue fever as a weapon. Cuba asked the United States for a pesticide to eradicate the mosquito involved but were not given it. Over 300,000 cases were reported in Cuba with 158 fatalities.

These are but three examples of decades-long CIA chemical and biological warfare (CBW) against Cuba. William Blum, Rogue State: A Guide to the World’s Only Superpower (2005), chapter 14

We must keep in mind that food is a human right (although the United States has repeatedly denied this.
Is it just me, or is anyone else a bit shocked by all the love & worship Obama is bestowing on Fidel Castro in Cuba? Looks like most of the MSM and Americans have forgotten the guy murdered and imprisoned thousands & thousands of innocent men and women. Should our President be expressing so much love and adoration?

I think the whole visit was disturbingly over-the-top. I don't mind a visit, but the worship & adoration was pretty appalling. At the end of the day, the man is a brutal Communist Dictator. I found our President's behavior to be embarrassing. He did a shameful disservice to all Cuban Americans whose friends and families were murdered & imprisoned by Castro. Anyone else feel this way?

better question... why should we embargo cuba when we have no problem going to other places. china has incredible human rights abuses. yet. we trade with them.

oh wait... i k know why... it's because florida is a swing state.


They just happen to hold trillions of dollars of loans for us
We can't risk having them call all that paper in now can we?

That's what happens when you're a debtor naton
Castro tortured?

lol, you RWnuts support torture.
Against whom?

Against enemies of the State. Same as the Cuban regime.
Yeah Cuba tortured people for disagreeing with communism
We waterboarded terrorists

But I suppose you don't see the difference
Bull shit
Why does the United States maintain crippling financial sanctions and a ban on military aid to Syria, Cuba, Iran and other countries but not to Saudi Arabia?

What does Saudi Arabia have to do to lose its strong American support? Increase its torture, beheadings, amputations, whippings, stonings, punishment for blasphemy and apostasy, or forced marriages and other oppression of women and girls? Increase its financial support for ISIS and other jihadist groups? Confess to its role in 9-11? Attack Israel?
The photos and videos tell the story. Way too much fun in the sun. The man is a brutal Communist Dictator. I wouldn't have minded some private meetings, but this public display of over-the-top worship and adoration by our President, is pretty unseemly.

It was not Fidel Castro who dropped 20,000 tons of Monsanto agent Orange on the Vietnamese ...we did that

I hear ya, but it really is shocking so many have forgotten about Castro's victims and their families. The man tortured, killed, and imprisoned a whole lotta innocent people. Seeing our President fawning all over him, really is shocking and sad.
We have embassies in, and diplomatic relations with, China and Russia, which both have worse human rights records than Cuba.

We also have trade with both of those countries.
Castro tortured?

lol, you RWnuts support torture.
Against whom?

Against enemies of the State. Same as the Cuban regime.
Yeah Cuba tortured people for disagreeing with communism
We waterboarded terrorists

But I suppose you don't see the difference
Bull shit

So Cuba never tortured it's political prisoners or we never waterboarded terrorists?
Castro tortured?

lol, you RWnuts support torture.
Against whom?

Against enemies of the State. Same as the Cuban regime.
Yeah Cuba tortured people for disagreeing with communism
We waterboarded terrorists

But I suppose you don't see the difference
Bull shit

So Cuba never tortured it's political prisoners or we never waterboarded terrorists?
No Cuba did not torture any prisoner where when ? WTF are you talking about

Cuba never did this
Number Of Iraqis Slaughtered In US War And Occupation Of Iraq "1,455,590"

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