Wait What? Fidel Castro Has Tortured, Murdered, Imprisoned Thousands. Why So Much Obama Love?...

As we can see, Castro has long had supporters here, regardless of what he has done to deny opposing speech.

How appropriate.
we are friends with the Saudis
Saudi blogger sentenced to 1,000 lashes to be flogged ...

Badawi has been behind bars since 2012 and is currently serving a 10-year sentence after being convicted in 2014 of breaking Saudi Arabia's technology laws and insulting Islamic religious figures through his blog, “Saudi Arabian Liberals.”

Here is what we do to dissidents...
Deflection noted.
Deflection noted.
Massive stunning arrogant Hypocrisy noted,...you just cannot stand it that the US does not have any Moral authority to criticize anyone.............. this is a little bit of what we did in Argentina LOL
Argentine Tells of Dumping 'Dirty War' Captives Into Sea ...
Ol' Mac can turn these folks into drama queens with just two short sentences.

I really am The Man.

Seriously, I'm thinking about asking me for my autograph.
Seriously, I'm thinking about asking me for my autograph.
You are a white Republicans and after all you all are always "Legends in your own minds" :2up:

Your post is a nuanced version of "I've kicked your ass all over the thread" LOL another thing you all always say after being shown up by facts
Is it just me, or is anyone else a bit shocked by all the love & worship Obama is bestowing on Fidel Castro in Cuba? Looks like most of the MSM and Americans have forgotten the guy murdered and imprisoned thousands & thousands of innocent men and women. Should our President be expressing so much love and adoration?

I think the whole visit was disturbingly over-the-top. I don't mind a visit, but the worship & adoration was pretty appalling. At the end of the day, the man is a brutal Communist Dictator. I found our President's behavior to be embarrassing. He did a shameful disservice to all Cuban Americans whose friends and families were murdered & imprisoned by Castro. Anyone else feel this way?
But you like trump who's pro torture?
Seriously, I'm thinking about asking me for my autograph.
You are a white Republicans and after all you all are always "Legends in your own minds" :2up:

Your post is a nuanced version of "I've kicked your ass all over the thread" LOL another thing you all always say after being shown up by facts
Actually, I'm a half-hispanic, left-leaning independent, and I merely pointed out the hardcore left's adoration of Castro and your shared proclivity for shutting down opposing speech.

That's when you melted down and started deflecting.

But oh, yes, my ass is sore from all your kicking. You really are impressive.

How old are you? I'm guessing teenager.
Seriously, I'm thinking about asking me for my autograph.
You are a white Republicans and after all you all are always "Legends in your own minds" :2up:

Your post is a nuanced version of "I've kicked your ass all over the thread" LOL another thing you all always say after being shown up by facts
Actually, I'm a half-hispanic, left-leaning independent, and I merely pointed out the hardcore left's adoration of Castro and your shared proclivity for shutting down opposing speech.

That's when you melted down and started deflecting.

But oh, yes, my ass is sore from all your kicking. You really are impressive.

How old are you? I'm guessing teenager.

Oh you are half Hispanic ...LOL which half Bwana ?:2up:...here get someone to translate this "eres un comemierda"


"I spent 33 years in the Marines, most of my time being a high-class muscle man for big business, for Wall Street and the bankers. In short, I was a racketeer for Capitalism... The general public shoulders the bill. This bill renders a horrible accounting. Newly placed gravestones, Mangled bodies. Shattered minds. Broken hearts and homes. Economic instability. Back-breaking taxation for generations and generations."

Brigadier General Smedley D. Butler, 1935
Which kind of makes you wonder why Obama is against us producing our own oil domestically.
what are you insane ..".Obama is against us producing our own oil domestically."

What explains this :
see the year 2009

Why U.S. oil production is booming under Obama's watch ...

In The Midst Of Record Oil Boom, Obama Administration ...

The increase was despite Obama not because of him. Democrats are very much against cheap American produced oil. He killed the Canadian pipeline and the dems are killing the coal mine industry
The way you would have drilled and deregulated it would have been unsafe and no doubt the oil companies would not have given us $1.50 gas. No way.
Seriously, I'm thinking about asking me for my autograph.
You are a white Republicans and after all you all are always "Legends in your own minds" :2up:

Your post is a nuanced version of "I've kicked your ass all over the thread" LOL another thing you all always say after being shown up by facts
Actually, I'm a half-hispanic, left-leaning independent, and I merely pointed out the hardcore left's adoration of Castro and your shared proclivity for shutting down opposing speech.

That's when you melted down and started deflecting.

But oh, yes, my ass is sore from all your kicking. You really are impressive.

How old are you? I'm guessing teenager.

Oh you are half Hispanic ...LOL which half Bwana ?:2up:...here get someone to translate this "eres un comemierda"

My goodness, you sure are trying hard. You don't need to name-call. Looks like my "teenager" guess was on the money.

Okay, let's try this: Maybe I was wrong about your feelings for Castro. Maybe that's why you're so upset.

Tell us why you're ANTI-Castro.
Seriously, I'm thinking about asking me for my autograph.
You are a white Republicans and after all you all are always "Legends in your own minds" :2up:

Your post is a nuanced version of "I've kicked your ass all over the thread" LOL another thing you all always say after being shown up by facts
Actually, I'm a half-hispanic, left-leaning independent, and I merely pointed out the hardcore left's adoration of Castro and your shared proclivity for shutting down opposing speech.

That's when you melted down and started deflecting.

But oh, yes, my ass is sore from all your kicking. You really are impressive.

How old are you? I'm guessing teenager.
If we modernize Cuba we can fix that.

Assuming that Castro is evil stuff is even true.

Is Castro worse than Saddam? And we all agree now we should have left him in power.
Tell us why you're ANTI-Castro.
I am in no way anti Castro ....I am anti Imperialism....este tipo tiene que ser un comemierda de primera categoria
Okay, so you're NOT anti-Castro.

Perhaps you can explain, then, why you got so upset about my original post, #139.

Is there something incorrect about that post?
Tell us why you're ANTI-Castro.
I am in no way anti Castro ....I am anti Imperialism....este tipo tiene que ser un comemierda de primera categoria
Okay, so you're NOT anti-Castro.

Perhaps you can explain, then, why you got so upset about my original post, #139.

Is there something incorrect about that post?
So ? the incorrect part of it was the insinuation there was something bad about there being Castro "supporters" as you said ........
Tell us why you're ANTI-Castro.
I am in no way anti Castro ....I am anti Imperialism....este tipo tiene que ser un comemierda de primera categoria
Okay, so you're NOT anti-Castro.

Perhaps you can explain, then, why you got so upset about my original post, #139.

Is there something incorrect about that post?
So ? the incorrect part of it was the insinuation there was something bad about there being Castro "supporters" as you said ........
Well, that's how you took it.

It may have had something to do with the "shutting down opposing speech" part, but I do realize you have no problem with that.

So, wear it proudly.
It may have had something to do with the "shutting down opposing speech" part, but I do realize you have no problem with that.

So, wear it proudly.
Oh that is because here in the US we never ever shut down speech....hahahahahahahhaha not even a tiny itsy bitsy little bit of that ...you are a moron LOL wear it proudly ...too much

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