Wait? What? Who is required to get maternity coverage?

It all seems just nuts for everyone to have to share in the cost of Maternity coverage Amelia, at least on it's face....but this is how Insurance works....we are all sharing in the cost of covered illnesses of the person who actually gets the illness or condition, even if it is impossible for us to get the illness or have the 'condition'...

Don't get me wrong, being that Matt and I have gone several decades of not being able to have children, while paying for Maternity coverage for those who can, is not something that is fair on its face either...but this is, as said, how Insurance is able to work and make a profit for their investors of their corporations.

Everyone's policy covers ovarian cancer as well and yes, those that are men, ARE PAYING for the treatment of ovarian cancer patients.

and everyone's policies cover the expense of prostate cancer, even though they are a female and will never get it....

In the decades that Matt and I have had insurance coverage, and have not needed to use it in any measurable manner compared to the cost of it, we have paid for someone else's procedure or treatment who has used their Insurance coverage... and paid the profits to the share holders too...

Not really anything new when it comes to the federal government either... using Medicare as example....from our very first job...even jobs held before the age of 18, we are paying Medicare tax that we are not even eligible to draw on until we are 65....the younger are paying for the elders, and when we reach our senior years and need much more medical care than we did in our youth, the youth of the time will be paying for us elders.....

So those that are young may not need MANY of the things covered in most any healthcare policy, they will be paying for the sicknesses or medical conditions of others along with all of those who never get sick and use their insurance....but when the youth get older and in the age range of needing medicare care, they will be covered at a price that is somewhat affordable....at the expense of the present day youth.

I don't think there is any other way that a health insurance business model could work.

As far as some youth qualifying for catastrophic plans that do not cover maternity....I haven't doubled checked that yet...it seems to defeat the purpose...???? But as said, I don't know all of the details yet....like...are they figuring more youthful men will go catastrophic and more female youth will go with full coverage, if this is true? I dunno, seems crazy???
Second, under-30s are exempt. That's right, the geniuses who wrote ObamaCare are forcing everyone to buy maternity care except the age cohort that includes women at peak fertility.

the quintessential leftard idiocy
The fact is, every man woman and child is required to have maternity coverage.

It's a one plan fits all approach. It doesn't matter that my daughter is 18 years old or 2 years old.
She'll have that maternity coverage.

Hell, I have maternity coverage under the ACA. That is fact.

It's what it is, it's set in stone, it is asexual, and you're going to buy it no matter what.

You still don't get the picture do you?

The Liberal credo: "Fuck the many, save the few".
i find it interesting the very people who are SO pro-life they are willing to force vaginal probes and what not on women, are against something that would help these new mothers.

Its interesting what you guys complain about on a daily basis.
Maybe you just get coverage for everything regardless of sex........what a concept
I loved the response Sebilieus gave when asked why men had to have maternity coverage..

"Because they have girlfriends and wives that will need it."

I thought that the girlfriends and wives had to have their own coverage?

I'm 69 and my Wife is 64. I was snipped way back in 1985. My Wife had to undergo a hysterectomy when she was 53.

So now the government is telling everyone like me and my Wife that maternity coverage should be included in any plan that we have.

This is what happens when you get the dweebs from academia into political office……

Stupid zoomers don't have enough sense to understand that my Wife and I CAN'T HAVE KIDS ANY LONGER!!!!!!!!! OUR KIDS ARE GROWN!!!! WE HAVE GRANDCHILDREN!!!!!

And yet the left defends these people as being "intelligent".
Maybe you just get coverage for everything regardless of sex........what a concept

One Size fits all..... Typical Liberal Thinking...

Except when it comes to them.. then they want exceptions to the rules.
Like those that foisted this shit upon us...2014 can't come soon enough.

Indeed. And they WILL be thrown from office.

However, it DOES amaze me that this clown stands in from of a loyal following and tells the American people to "…Just shop around" for substandard policies that cover nothing and charge ungodly deductibles that include maternity coverage whether you need it or not. Absolute lunacy.

Fortunately my Wife and I have good insurance. How long that will last is anyone's guess.
One Size fits all..... Typical Liberal Thinking...

Except when it comes to them.. then they want exceptions to the rules.
Like those that foisted this shit upon us...2014 can't come soon enough.

Indeed. And they WILL be thrown from office.

However, it DOES amaze me that this clown stands in from of a loyal following and tells the American people to "…Just shop around" for substandard policies that cover nothing and charge ungodly deductibles that include maternity coverage whether you need it or not. Absolute lunacy.

Fortunately my Wife and I have good insurance. How long that will last is anyone's guess.
If I had to guess? Not far beyond the advent of 2014 if the individual mandate isn't dialed back, which will allow us to regroup to put a dagger in the heart of this travesty...and get the ball rolling for HR 2300...
I loved the response Sebilieus gave when asked why men had to have maternity coverage..

"Because they have girlfriends and wives that will need it."

I thought that the girlfriends and wives had to have their own coverage?

I'm 69 and my Wife is 64. I was snipped way back in 1985. My Wife had to undergo a hysterectomy when she was 53.

So now the government is telling everyone like me and my Wife that maternity coverage should be included in any plan that we have.

This is what happens when you get the dweebs from academia into political office……

Stupid zoomers don't have enough sense to understand that my Wife and I CAN'T HAVE KIDS ANY LONGER!!!!!!!!! OUR KIDS ARE GROWN!!!! WE HAVE GRANDCHILDREN!!!!!

And yet the left defends these people as being "intelligent".

Randall, you are on medicare so YOU are not paying maternity coverage for other people....are you?

I can't have kids either, but in my 30 years or more of paying for health care insurance coverage, I have never had the opportunity to pick and choose to not have maternity coverage in ALL of those years...every darn year, my health care coverage covered maternity coverage, and prostate cancer coverage for the ''guys only'' as well....

so please tell me, how did you and your wife get this Insurance with no maternity coverage that you and your wife had prior to the ACA? Was it just Catastrophic insurance with huge deductibles that did not cover maternity care???
I loved the response Sebilieus gave when asked why men had to have maternity coverage..

"Because they have girlfriends and wives that will need it."

I thought that the girlfriends and wives had to have their own coverage?

I'm 69 and my Wife is 64. I was snipped way back in 1985. My Wife had to undergo a hysterectomy when she was 53.

So now the government is telling everyone like me and my Wife that maternity coverage should be included in any plan that we have.

This is what happens when you get the dweebs from academia into political office……

Stupid zoomers don't have enough sense to understand that my Wife and I CAN'T HAVE KIDS ANY LONGER!!!!!!!!! OUR KIDS ARE GROWN!!!! WE HAVE GRANDCHILDREN!!!!!

And yet the left defends these people as being "intelligent".

Randall, you are on medicare so YOU are not paying maternity coverage for other people....are you?

I can't have kids either, but in my 30 years or more of paying for health care insurance coverage, I have never had the opportunity to pick and choose to not have maternity coverage in ALL of those years...every darn year, my health care coverage covered maternity coverage, and prostate cancer coverage for the ''guys only'' as well....

so please tell me, how did you and your wife get this Insurance with no maternity coverage that you and your wife had prior to the ACA? Was it just Catastrophic insurance with huge deductibles that did not cover maternity care???

Nope. I have never signed up for medicare. Don't need it - at least not yet. I have my own insurance (retirement) and my Wife has her own policy. I am on hers and she is on mine. Hopefully, I'll never need Medicare and it's substandard coverages. However, if I do, I will not hesitate to take it.

Several years ago - I don't remember the exact year - our coverage premiums went down due to my vasectomy and her hysterectomy. Maternity coverage was cancelled as well as birth control coverage.

We have good plans. We have always covered ourselves well. Additionally, we have good life insurance to boot. I took out 1 million dollar policies (30 year term) on both me and my Wife when I was 50. Before that, I had good coverage as well.

When we bought our land here in Montana, I started a living trust to cover my assets. Purpose? To protect what's mine. That's what responsible adults do. They take care of the loved ones by planning for the future.

Granted, in this day - it's becoming nearly impossible. Employers are cutting their staffs or cutting their hours to part-time in order to NOT have to deal with this Obarrycare crap. Jobs (what few there are) are drying up. Kids are leaving College with little hope of ever finding full-time work. I don't think that right now, we have even began to understand what is going to happen to the American way of life as a result of this nonsense. The impact that this BS will have on the American economy will be catastrophic, to say the least.
I loved the response Sebilieus gave when asked why men had to have maternity coverage..

"Because they have girlfriends and wives that will need it."

I thought that the girlfriends and wives had to have their own coverage?

They need to flood this thing with cash to make up for the preexisting condition crowd
and the sick that will be a drain on the system....

And the Democrats are always screaming about wanting things to be fair.
Obamacare supporters are probably hoping that they can send all the under 30 women to Planned Parenthood to get an abortion. Or maybe a panel has to approve of the pregnancy before the woman can go full term. Who the hell knows? This is just as insane as any other thing in the law.

If the guy Obama appointed as his science czar has his way, no one will ever need maternity care because he wants to put sterilization agents in our drinking water and he wants forced abortions. Look it up. He's just one of the extremely radical people Obama chose to surround himself with.

Exactly. FTW^^^^:clap2:
Maybe you just get coverage for everything regardless of sex........what a concept

One Size fits all..... Typical Liberal Thinking...

Except when it comes to them.. then they want exceptions to the rules.

That's the idea

You don't punish people for being women

No, you punish men for not being women. Fucking brilliant. Go get your pap smear pal, Obamacare will cover it along with your prostate poke.
One Size fits all..... Typical Liberal Thinking...

Except when it comes to them.. then they want exceptions to the rules.

That's the idea

You don't punish people for being women

No, you punish men for not being women. Fucking brilliant. Go get your pap smear pal, Obamacare will cover it along with your prostate poke.

Very true...as it should be

Insurance shouldn't be unobtainable because you have a prexisting condition or happen to be a woman

Why don't Republicans get that?

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