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The Great Barack Obama

Please provide a link to any examples of Conservatives attacking Obama from day 10 the way the media has attacked Trump from day minus 50.

Are you saying you really don't know the Repubs held a meeting the night of the election, led by treasonous Mitch McConnell, and decided they would fight him on everything we tried to do FOR the US while they would work AGAINST the US and then blame him?

Are you REALLY saying you don't know that?

Thanks for posting these FACTS Billo_Really

As usual, the RWNJs are willfully ignorant and by damn, they will stay that way, no matter how hard it is to avoid the truth.

President Obama saved their lives. Literally. And all they can do is lie.

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Everything the right says about Barack Obama is bullshit!

The right started bitching about Obama less than 10 days after his inauguration before he had a chance to do anything worth protesting, which means they just made shit up. And here we are, 9 years later and they're still making shit up. So, without further adieu, here's some things about Obama that were not made up.

Obama's Top 50 Accomplishments:

50. Avoided Scandal
Became the first president since Dwight Eisenhower to serve two terms with no serious personal or political scandal.

In contrast, we couldn't even get through the first week of President Trump without a fuckin' scandal.

35. Cut the Deficit
Reduced the federal deficit from 9.8 percent of GDP in 2009 to 3.2 percent in 2016, one benefit of a strengthening economy.
He cut the fucking deficit! It looks like Obama is so great, that he is a better fiscal conservative, than fiscal conservatives.

31. Cut Veteran Homelessness by Half
In 2010, launched the nation’s first comprehensive strategy to prevent and end homelessness, Opening Doors, which has led to a 47 percent decline in the number of homeless veterans since 2010 and aims to end youth homelessness by 2020.
Unlike the Republican right, the Great Barack Obama, was NOT cruel to the poor.

20. Improved America’s Image Abroad
With new policies, diplomacy, and rhetoric, reversed a sharp decline in world opinion toward the U.S. (and the corresponding loss of “soft power”) during the Bush years. Favorable opinion toward the United States rose during Obama’s first term in ten of fifteen countries surveyed by the Pew Global Attitudes Project, with an average increase of 26 percent, and have stayed high ever since.
Top that Team Trump! Under the Trump Presidency, our image went up. Unfortunately, it is the image of a clown country.

14. Put Medicare on Sounder Financial Footing
Slowed the growth of health care spending through cost-saving measures enacted as part of the ACA, ensuring the solvency of Medicare’s principal trust fund through 2028.
Put Medicare on sounder footing. Something the right is determined to destroy.

11. Reversed Bush Torture Policies
Two days after taking office, signed an executive order banning the so-called “enhanced interrogation” techniques used by the CIA under President Bush and considered inhumane under the Geneva Conventions. Also released the secret Bush administration legal opinions supporting the use of these techniques.
I knew that one wouldn't last. The right can't sleep at night unless someone is being tortured.

6. Eliminated Osama bin Laden
In 2011, ordered the Special Forces raid of the secret compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan, in which the terrorist leader was killed and a trove of al-Qaeda documents was retained.
He killed Usama Bin Laden!

He killed Usama Bin Laden!

The Great Barack Obama
killed Usama Bin Laden!

Not Bush. Not Trump. Obama. Fucking Obama, that's who!
And the right didn't even say, "Thank you".

2. Rescued the Economy
Signed the $787 billion American Recovery and Reinvestment Act in 2009 to spur economic growth amid the most severe downturn since the Great Depression. As of October 2016, the economy had added 15.5 million new jobs since early 2010 and set a record with seventy-three straight months of private-sector job growth. The unemployment rate, which hit a sustained peak of about 10 percent in 2009, has dropped to 4.6 percent as of November 2016.
Boo-yah! Nuff said there.

1. Passed Health Care Reform
After five presidents over the course of a century failed to create universal health insurance, signed the Affordable Care Act in 2010. More than twenty million Americans have gained coverage since the passage of the law, which provides subsidies for Americans to buy coverage, expands Medicaid eligibility, and prohibits insurers from denying coverage to people with preexisting conditions. The uninsured rate has dropped from 16 percent in 2010 to 9 percent in 2015. The law also mandates free preventive care, allows young people to stay on their parents’ policies up to age twenty-six, and imposes a ban on annual and lifetime caps on benefits.

What was that? He passed what? The Great Barack Obama did what? He passed healthcare reform. In contrast, Trump did NOT pass healthcare reform.

For 8 years during the Great Obama Administration, the Republicans didn't do shit! And now that the Great Barack Obama is gone from office, the Republicans are still doing jack shit!

The Great OBLAMMER is the real story, how in the world do you believe this crap? Is it drugs or alcohol? Too many head butts? Maybe you need Ritalin?

It appears he will be branded with the most corrupt administration of the last 100 years...
Surely you are joking. .. :lol:

Obozo verbally drew a red line in the sand over Syria.

Putin walked up and kicked the sand in Obozo's face.

And the world's respect for the U.S. went to zero and stayed there. .... :cool:
It was at zero when he took office. You can thank Bush for that. If Obama didn't have the worlds respect, he wouldn't of won the Nobel Peace Prize.

Now we're below zero with Trump.
The Great OBLAMMER is the real story, how in the world do you believe this crap? Is it drugs or alcohol? Too many head butts? Maybe you need Ritalin?

It appears he will be branded with the most corrupt administration of the last 100 years...
It's hard to take you seriously when you can't even spell his name right. Home school did you no favors.
Thanks for posting these FACTS Billo_Really

As usual, the RWNJs are willfully ignorant and by damn, they will stay that way, no matter how hard it is to avoid the truth.

President Obama saved their lives. Literally. And all they can do is lie.


So says the brainwashed idiot who refuses to accept any amount of truth that makes his hero Obama look bad, because in your small mind he can do nor say no wrong. :cuckoo:

Obama is a corrupt, incompetent, and lying POS. Literally. And those like yourself are just too stupid to realize it. :cuckoo: :lol:
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Eat your heart out because the black man you hate did way more for you than any of the traitorous Repubs you vote for.
WTF did he do?

He made sure that it will be a very long time before mainstream Americans are foolish enough to vote in another Democrat for President.
Avoided Scandal

Improved America’s Image Abroad

Rescued the Economy


All true

Only to a bunch of Obama butt lickers. This thread is pathetic

This thread is factual and should be stickied.

Eat your heart out because the black man you hate did way more for you than any of the traitorous Repubs you vote for.


You lie so much you wouldn't know the truth if it hit you upside your head.

Oh and the disaster is only half black.

I'm stunned you didn't work the Catholic Church into your idiot response.
Surely you are joking. .. :lol:

Obozo verbally drew a red line in the sand over Syria.

Putin walked up and kicked the sand in Obozo's face.

And the world's respect for the U.S. went to zero and stayed there. .... :cool:
It was at zero when he took office. You can thank Bush for that. If Obama didn't have the worlds respect, he wouldn't of won the Nobel Peace Prize.

Now we're below zero with Trump.
Just exactly was that Nobel Peace Prize awarded for? Any idea or clue?
He made sure that it will be a very long time before mainstream Americans are foolish enough to vote in another Democrat for President.
You should thank the Dems. If it wasn't for the left punishing the Dems for not keeping their campaign promises, the Reps wouldn't have gotten more seats in 2010, 2012 and 2014. If the left showed up like they did in 2008, the Reps would be the minority party right now.

The Dems need to purge their fucked up "blue dogs" and catch the fuckin' clue, that if they don't run on a liberal platform and they don't walk that talk, there is going to be consequences. Unfortunately, the Reps are benefiting from Dem punishment.
So says the brainwashed idiot who refuses to accept any amount of truth that makes his hero Obama look bad, because in your small mind he can do nor say no wrong. :cuckoo:

Obama is a corrupt, incompetent, and lying POS. Literally. And those like yourself are just too stupid to realize it. :cuckoo: :lol:
As I recall, the right didn't say jack shit about Bush43 until he was a lame duck. Fast forward to today and it looks like history is repeating itself. They got someone in who is worse than Bush and they still ain't sayin' jack shit. And that proves, they have no love for this country.

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