Wake Up America

Book of Jeremiah

Platinum Member
Nov 3, 2012
This is the testimony of Dumitru Duduman about the coming Russian nuclear attack on America and the invasion that will follow. This is the message that the LORD sent Dumitru Duduman to America to give. Please watch the video and listen carefully.

In 1984, after years of intense persecution, Dumitru Duduman, a Romanian Pastor and the founder of the Hand of Help orphanage, was thrown out of his country for smuggling Bibles into Romania and Russia. With the help of the American Consulate, Dumitru and his family came to America. Feeling abandoned and discouraged, Dumitru asked God why he had brought him to America. God began to show Dumitru that he was brought to America to deliver a warning about impending judgment upon the country. Hand of Help would like to offer the Body of Christ the writings of Dumitru Duduman as a message of hope to all those who will stop sinning and turn to God.

Hand of Help Ministries - Truth for Today
Sent To America
Mystery Babylon
The Beast Strikes
The Message For America
Revolution In Romania
The Bear Awakes
A Great Bear
China and Russia
Fight The Good Fight
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Russia won't attack first. Only a nation in its' last days like ours always lashes out. Read real history for a change.
If Russia attacks its because they are ignorant bastards being controlled by that megalomaniac Putin, not because God made them do it.
In any case the prophesy is crap because the Russians will be dead themselves in a return of fire, and be in no position to invade USA.
If Russia attacks its because they are ignorant bastards being controlled by that megalomaniac Putin, not because God made them do it.
In any case the prophesy is crap because the Russians will be dead themselves in a return of fire, and be in no position to invade USA.

So sez the limey with a bird on his face. You are sooooo credible...........:lol:.

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