Wake Up Call 2013- Obama's DHS Prepares For Civil War

Not this again.

Yes, I am afraid so.

All the flag pin wearing, Support Our Troops magnetic bumper sticker displaying, Patriot Act supporting, rubes believe our troops are going to war against them.

Positively schizophrenic, I tell you!
Once again, your analogy fails

1.The key to the battle was terrain, tactics, training and leadership
The Persians had to get through a narrow passage that was held by the Greeks. They were unable to get their full force into the fight because of the terrain

2. Attack Helicopters would have negated that advantage and in this case the good guys have air superiority over the traitorous gun owners

3.The American Revolution had the French come in on their side which secured the victory at the Battle of Yorktown. I don't think today's gun nuts can count on the French to bail them out.

Indeed, you should study history my friend

1. Yes, us rednecks know the terrain very well, tactics? Who needs tactics when you have them outnumbered 100 to 1? My analogy is spot on. You insist on a superior trained force (the Persians) defeating a ragtag group of poorly trained (what amounted to militiamen) force. As I explained before The Persians were defeated later on by the Greek Navy, by all rights the Persians should have conquered Greece.

2. Where do you get your maniacal notions from? Traitorous? Care to explain this position?

3. We don't need the French, the amount of "traitorous" gun nuts here in America outnumber their population by more than half.

Remember those 300 Jews that held the entire German army out of their ghetto for over 30 days?

What happened to them?
Your biggest problem is getting those 100-1 advantage together in one place with any viable leadership. You have no secure communication, no training, no effective tactics, no mobility,no night vision, no air cover

You are what is commonly called a target

In the event of natural disasters, every serious Militia has morse code and telegrams and they could easily adopt encoding/encryption in the case of warfare, as well as walkie talkies that are independent from the grid. There are also many many others way to communicate than that.

Did you know that many Militia members are active and veteran soldiers as well?

Did you not read the history of the Battle of Athens, where the National Guard "conveniently" was unable to assist the big bad government to repel those "traitorous" gun owners?

You really seem to think that individuals are going to fight the government alone, instead of as an entire community, or even an entire state.
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Funny how people who are so eager to go out and grab guns and "protect themselves" for a civil war are probably the people who will be most gung ho about such an event. The people who have made threads on forums just like this one saying how well conservatives would slaughter liberals.

The people who wouldn't hesitate to murder someone like me, because I don't share in their paranoia and thus become a part of it.

Fuck your civil war and fuck you.
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Post 9/11, the Patriot Act is passed...

MEDIA: Hey, they are locking up citizens without habeas corpus, spying on Americans by the millions without warrants, establishing "free speech zones" at political events, checking Americans' library reading lists, harrassing and arresting journalists, torturing suspects, violating NSLs by the thousands, and DHS money is pouring into every city, town, and village in America to beef up domestic security. What do think of that?


Obama is elected...

MEDIA: Hey, they are spying on Americans by the millions without warrants, checking Americans' library reading lists, harrassing and arresting journalists, and DHS money is pouring into every city, town, and village in America to beef up domestic security. What do think of that?

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Our military personnel were not born and raised on military bases. They came from the same places all of us came from, and it's not likely they are going to be ok with slaughtering fellow Americans because their cic tells them to. I'm sure a lot of the more rabid black ones with an axe to grind against Whitey probably would, but most would side with the citizens.
Does anyone think our military is going to wage war against their neighbors, people who share their moral beliefs, people they grew up with? If Obama wants to slaughter Americans, he's gonna have to get a foreign power to do it for him.

Gun nuts overestimate how much their country loves them

The first time some redneck gun nut kills one of their buddies they will have no problem slaughtering the whole bunch of ya.

You have some stupid notion of a standoff between rednecks and tanks. Enjoy your fantasy.
Your biggest problem is getting those 100-1 advantage together in one place with any viable leadership. You have no secure communication, no training, no effective tactics, no mobility,no night vision, no air cover

You are what is commonly called a target

In the event of natural disasters, every serious Militia has morse code and telegrams and they could easily adopt encoding/encryption in the case of warfare, as well as walkie talkies that are independent from the grid. There are also many many others way to communicate than that.

Did you know that many Militia members are active and veteran soldiers as well?

Did you not read the history of the Battle of Athens, where the National Guard "conveniently" was unable to assist the big bad government to repel those "traitorous" gun owners?

You really seem to think that individuals are going to fight the government alone, instead of as an entire community, or even an entire state.

You guys still trying to sell that "Battle so Athens" bullshit?

How many Attack helicopters were at the battle of Athens?
Our military personnel were not born and raised on military bases. They came from the same places all of us came from, and it's not likely they are going to be ok with slaughtering fellow Americans because their cic tells them to. I'm sure a lot of the more rabid black ones with an axe to grind against Whitey probably would, but most would side with the citizens.
Does anyone think our military is going to wage war against their neighbors, people who share their moral beliefs, people they grew up with? If Obama wants to slaughter Americans, he's gonna have to get a foreign power to do it for him.

Gun nuts overestimate how much their country loves them

The first time some redneck gun nut kills one of their buddies they will have no problem slaughtering the whole bunch of ya.

You have some stupid notion of a standoff between rednecks and tanks. Enjoy your fantasy.

Actually, the rednecks will piss their pants the first time they face regular Army. But I have to play to your fantasies
I've been seeing a lot of death wishes being hurled at people by liberals lately. This is the weakest justification of the president's behavior ever. Race had no influence on the Posse Comitatus Act, nor the Insurrection Act, and no, he cant use his military any way he wants. You really have gone off your rocker this morning, haven't you? We will raise hell and and high water before our president declares us all enemy combatants!

You misunderestimate the evil intentions of President Obama

He needs just one more Supreme Court Justice to overturn all laws relating to the powers of the Executive Branch. None of those laws say that they apply to a BLACK President

You are a mere pawn in the game of life to President Obama

He will have no problems squashing you

Rofl. Have you gone insane? Or are you just mocking people? I am nobody's pawn, I am a soldier of the Lord God Almighty.

And even if you were serious, what makes you believe he would think any more of you?

Come on Templar....RW will be first in line for that chip they'll be putting in the hands or forehead!! Obama will LOVE him!
The 2nd amendment exists so that the people can protect themselves from the government.

To ignore that is to ignore history.

Those second amendment remedies would be useless against a modern military force

More NRA fantasies to pull money from redneck gun owners
We need YOU to fight off the Evil Gubmint


What you obama lovers fail to realize is that in the event of any kind of civil rebellion the military would side with the people and against the tyrants. That has been the lesson of history. So, there is no fantasy here, just a very unpleasant reality.

I don't see it happening here, but if you think that the military would be loyal to a marxist oppressor then you are mistaken.

You are EXACTLY right! My son and I got into a conversation about this a few months ago. He's in the Army, Psy Ops, and he said if this actually happened, he believes about 90% of the military would NOT fight against US citizens. No matter what, they would be fighting the govt right along side us. He said you will get a few rogue military that will fight against us, but not enough to make it matter. I'm not worried about that :)
Those second amendment remedies would be useless against a modern military force

More NRA fantasies to pull money from redneck gun owners
We need YOU to fight off the Evil Gubmint


1 million men and women vs 165 million gun owners? Not even they could withstand that onslaught. I think we got a budding fascist over here!!

I'd go with the 1 million trained, fully armed soldiers supported by a full communications network, intelligence and air power

There won't be that many, most will be fighting with the citizens. Do you think our entire military would do something like this? I know they wouldn't.......
Your biggest problem is getting those 100-1 advantage together in one place with any viable leadership. You have no secure communication, no training, no effective tactics, no mobility,no night vision, no air cover

You are what is commonly called a target

In the event of natural disasters, every serious Militia has morse code and telegrams and they could easily adopt encoding/encryption in the case of warfare, as well as walkie talkies that are independent from the grid. There are also many many others way to communicate than that.

Did you know that many Militia members are active and veteran soldiers as well?

Did you not read the history of the Battle of Athens, where the National Guard "conveniently" was unable to assist the big bad government to repel those "traitorous" gun owners?

You really seem to think that individuals are going to fight the government alone, instead of as an entire community, or even an entire state.

When you send out a plea for the NG to join you, their answer will be a drone with your name on it.

You are the domestic enemy, no one else, 2nd.
He is also seriously off base in thinking that the US military would support a corrupt dictator.

The US military would attack those who take up arms against our country

If you mean they would attack us for attacking the Govt....you couldn't be more wrong.

caroljo, I hope you don't find out just how wrong you are. I mean that sincerely. If you raise arms against the government, you are the domestic enemy, and our troops will take you out and never think of you again.
Gun nuts will lose the Civil War and Obama will be laughing at you
Lets hope so!

The Democrats haven't existed since the 1960's. At that time, John F. Kennedy said "ask not, what your country can do for you - ask what you can do for your country".

Today, the Dumbocrats are just a bunch of radical socialists, marxists, and communists that demand the country provides for them.

We tried to be civil - they have made it clear that they will not abide by the law. The only option they have left America is a Civil War. It will be horrific and tragic, but it appears to be necessary at this point. Nothing else has been able to purge the evil.

(Thank God every US Navy Seal I have encountered had been extremely conservative :))

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