Wake Up Call 2013- Obama's DHS Prepares For Civil War

Would 6 out of 10 make a difference... 10 out of 10..

Doubt that


How about 0 out of 10?

in that case only criminals and the government would have guns, would that make you sleep well at night?

Lets see?

What do we have to show for our "Second amendment remedies"?

Highest murder rate among industrialized countries
High suicide rate
Domestic violence murders
Children shooting children
Accidental shootings
Highest incarceration rate in the world

Yes...I would take my chances with Zero
How about 0 out of 10?

in that case only criminals and the government would have guns, would that make you sleep well at night?

Lets see?

What do we have to show for our "Second amendment remedies"?

Highest murder rate among industrialized countries
High suicide rate
Domestic violence murders
Children shooting children
Accidental shootings
Highest incarceration rate in the world

Yes...I would take my chances with Zero

The British have done well with their laws. Non-gun crime has gone higher, of course, but that is to be expected, and total crime deaths have plummeted. Ah, yes, the nation is still free.
The British have done well with their laws. Non-gun crime has gone higher, of course, but that is to be expected, and total crime deaths have plummeted. Ah, yes, the nation is still free.

Briton is a socialist nation that is being overrun by Muslims and is controlled by the Rothschild banking consortium.

Why do the Jews want to open our boarders Muslims?
Not only will it aid the "Divide and Conquer" strategy, it will inevitably lead to conflicts and abrasions between Muslims and non-Muslims which will contribute to the willingness of the white Goy masses to voluntarily go forth to fight for the New World Order, or rather The Jew World Order.
Its fun watching people that I personally know, that don't have a lot of money, spend every single disposable dollar they have on new guns and ammo.

They have never been robbed or had a violent confrontation with a criminal. They don't live in a high crime area.

But they have been convinced that they need to spend all this money on guns.

At least I got my one buddy to buy a gun safe. No good reason that a break in of the guys house should supply criminals with the kinds of high powered weapons he has been buying.

Eventually I expect my one friend to never leave his house. Just sit around cleaning and playing with his guns and waiting for the "revolution".

What a life. He's got the paranoia thing bad.

I hear you.
I saw a one shot, one kill rifle in a gun shop that made my mouth water. But I didn't buy it because I can't afford it.

Nevertheless I take some comfort in knowing that a lot of true American Patriots who can afford them, have them.

This makes it so that someone else besides mobsters and Yomamma's growing army of DHS and Mexican Banditos aren't the only ones who have them.

As I said, I don't maintain an arsenal, not only for lack of expendable cash but because I believe that if the needed revolution doesn't come by a peaceful mode, ie one that doesn't involve a blood bath in the streets, that the state of the nation is probably irretrievably lost anyway.


Because it means that there are too many socialists, Marxists, Mexicans, Blacks, and Jews, Shabbos Goy, white boy Nigga Gansta wanna bees, and white girls who are flattered being some bucks hoe, that white Christian America is already done for.

That is the direction that we are headed isn't it? Towards the dissolution of the US Republic and the decline of Western style democracy in America?

Those who believe that there is enough surplus to sustain a Soviet style government until their lives are up may welcome a Jewish plutocracy as well.

Taking pot shots at some government employ might scratch an itch for vengeance temporarily, but I doubt if that would do much if anything to ameliorate the problems caused by forced multicultural Marxism. As I said, too many people may want it. This is aside the fact that the cost, benefit ratio is far to heavy on the side of tragic consequences, needless ones at that.

The only way the old guard of the diminishing WASP establishment can redeem itself is if those who are in a position where they are politically able to do something about it would receive a ground swell of support from other like minded people.

Presently there are just too many white people who have either surrendered to the encroaching Plutocracy because they fear the invaders and haven't the will to resist those other racial, ethnic, and ideological groups that would destroy them, or worse, they are willing prostitutes to them.

Our culture, heritage, form of government, and religious traditions will remain intact only if enough white people are willing to fight for their continued existence.

By "fight", I mean, live by, not be ashamed of, not apologize for, or not surrender one iota of them.
They must care for them enough to want to preserve them in the first place. I fear that many do not. This may be in part because they would be forced to sift through them and decide which ones are actually worth keeping. More difficult would be the self examination that would have to be a part of the process. They might have to discard a large part of their ego that they have invested years in the making. This might involve overcoming false pride.

IF they really wanted to preserve those things which are under assault or appear to be dying, it would be unnecessary to resort to martial means to reestablish and enforce their existence. It would simply be a matter of recognizing who and WHAT their enemies are, what they are doing, how they are doing it, and then put aside rankle and ego, join hands and work together daily in an ongoing way to reverse the tide.
In the initial stage of such a revolution, the hardest part would be to overcome the inertia that the foreign influences have created among our own people. Turning against the herd is not easy. You can get knocked down doing that.

This would require them to denounce and shun many of the ways which they have hitherto embraced in an effort to prove themselves as "open minded", "charitable", "generous", and fully repentant of being what they are.

Some people can't stand the idea of admitting they were ever wrong about anything. Others would be embarrassed at the prospects of having to pull their pants up and throw away all their "Mutha Fuckka" tapes.
Many have also created offspring which make it extremely difficult to display any tendencies would send signals to others that they are not "cool".

What would be worse than that would be to continue on with a game plan that can only result in losing everything in the end.

Then there is the old propaganda that is constantly generated that because we have instincts of self preservation or would like to live life according to our own principles that we are "racist" or want to kill anyone who isn't pale white or happens to have kinky hair or a prominent nose. That's rather absurd judging by people's actual behavior but the accusation of it is still a potent deterrent against any one speaking or doing in a politically incorrect behavior. That's not even counting the occasional ****** with a chip on his shoulder that wants to throw his weight around.

Sorry. No offense. I'm just speaking my mind. You want the truth don't you? Or would you prefer that I lie to you or put on a front to avert a punch in the nose or something worse?

One only need realize that being white, a Christian, or having conservative ethics does not mean that one may not have a liberal spirit, in the sense with which the Bible declares it is good. Only that we are not confused and befuddled by the corruption of word meanings nor fooled by misplaced labels.

You don't need to shoot anybody to achieve any of these objectives.
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Actually, it is the NRA screaming....Obama is gunna take your guns that is the salesman of the year. So is telling gullible gun owners that the price of bullets is going up because of DHS buying up the supply

Good luck with that

The NRA membership is growing by leaps and bounds

The antis need to learn some stealth tactics


As the gullible throw money at the NRA to save them from the evil government

Actually the gullible are throwing money to an evil government to save them from American citizens.
The British have done well with their laws. Non-gun crime has gone higher, of course, but that is to be expected, and total crime deaths have plummeted. Ah, yes, the nation is still free.

Briton is a socialist nation that is being overrun by Muslims and is controlled by the Rothschild banking consortium.

Why do the Jews want to open our boarders Muslims?
Not only will it aid the "Divide and Conquer" strategy, it will inevitably lead to conflicts and abrasions between Muslims and non-Muslims which will contribute to the willingness of the white Goy masses to voluntarily go forth to fight for the New World Order, or rather The Jew World Order.

Your brain is overrun with disease that is turning it into Swiss cheese.

Nothing of what you write above can even be objectively documented.

Your assertions are worthless.
Your brain is overrun with disease that is turning it into Swiss cheese.

Nothing of what you write above can even be objectively documented.

Your assertions are worthless.

Funny that you should mention Switzerland.

A group of Muslim immigrants wants to force Switzerland to abandon the current flag - a white cross on the red background. They say that it violates the rights of the representatives of non-Christian confessions.

That's nothing. The Jews would rather have the Star of David than the Stars and Stripes. And let's not forget how offended the ******* are at the Stars and Bars. By ******, I mean those thugs who ride around with their rap music blasting "F U MuFuk I Fuk yo Mutha". and etc, as though THAT's OK.

It seems like EVERYONE wants their own flag.

Catch my drift, all you multiculturalists?

"Long live the "....what?

Islam in Switzerland
Switzerland, and Geneva in particular, is often associated with emirs and other sheiks who enjoy sumptuous palaces, stroll along the harbor in the shade of the fountain and buy out the luxury shops.
A fragmented community...
Whereas twenty years ago there were only three mosques in Switzerland (two in Geneva and one in Zurich), there are now almost 90, generally referred to as "Islamic Cultural Centers", sometimes open for the five daily prayers, and certainly open for Friday prayer. The increase in the number of Muslims is a phenomenon split between several communities and several attitudes.

Turks, Bosnians and Albanians are each organized round a mother house in Zurich, with branches spread throughout Switzerland. A particularity amongst the Turks reproduces the political divisions of the country: a portion of the centers are controlled by the Dyanet, the Turkish Ministry of Religious Affairs, through a representative at the consulate in Zurich. On the other hand, twenty or so of the other centers are run by the Milli Görush, an off-shoot of Refah, the former Islamic opposition party.

The result is that the Muslims are given a better voice in the political issues that they hold dear.

All the same, there still exists a wide range of Muslim organizations in Switzerland, notably associations that run prayer locations, small local associations. We have endeavored to provide a list of organizations that is representative of this range, however, our list is by no means exhaustive.

Great short. Watch!

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=wyJ-JJZ-e3A]Multiculturalism + The Jewish Agenda - YouTube[/ame]

Balkanization Of America Accelerating

Pat Buchanan Talks Balkanization Of America: U.S. Is In Decline | RealClearPolitics
In his book, "Suicide of a Superpower," Buchanan says the politics of race, culture and tribalism will be the largest problem civilization will face.

"Christianity is dying in the West," he declared on the radio. Buchanan says there is a "long plan" by Marxists to rid the nation of Christianity.

Buchanan doesn't think much holds us together as a nation anymore. "[The] disagreements are so profound," he told Hannity.

"Cultural Marxism has succeeded in transvaluing all the values in society,"
Buchanan said among other views he has of the Left hurting what he believes is traditional American culture. "The America that is coming is going to be unrecognizable to our generation. "

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?NR=1&v=Xn6E04gYb88&feature=endscreen]Its no Accident Multiculturalism has been forced on us, Scott Roberts Comments.flv - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UaTo3EzM8uw]TeutonicWarriorChick - Multiculturalism has Failed in Europe - YouTube[/ame]


Progressive movement

With the influx of Jews from Central and Eastern Europe many members of the Jewish community were attracted to labor and socialist movements and numerous Jewish newspapers such as Forwerts and Morgen Freiheit had a socialist orientation. Left wing organizations such as the Arbeter Ring and the Jewish People's Fraternal Order played an important part in Jewish community life until World War II.

Jewish Americans were not just involved in nearly every important social movement but in the forefront of promoting such issues as workers rights, civil rights, woman's rights, freedom of religion, peace movements, and various other progressive causes.

Many came to America with experience in the socialist and anarchist movements as well as the Labor Bund, based in Eastern Europe. Many Jews rose to leadership positions in the early 20th century American labor movement and helped to found unions in the "needle trades" (clothing industry) that played a major role in the CIO and in Democratic Party politics. Sidney Hillman of the CIO was especially powerful in the early 1940s at the national level.[58][59]

By the 1930s Jews were a major political factor in New York City, with strong support for the most liberal programs of the New Deal.

American Jewish exceptionalism differentiates Jews from other American ethnic groups by means of educational and economic attainments and, indeed, by virtue of Jewish values, including a devotion to political liberalism. As Dollinger (2002) has found, for the last century the most secular Jews have tended toward the most liberal or even leftist political views, while more religious Jews are politically more conservative.

exceptionalism= Supremacism

Conservative= Neo Con

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Oh yum! Wacko pie! ::chomp:: Can I get a glass of orange Jews?

Hey, did you know an anagram of "Holston" is "Lost, hon"?

Oy. Pass the mushrooms....
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Holston thinks that small, weird groups, such as his own, are meaningful challenges to our societies.

Jewish Groups Grab Huge Share of Grants ? Forward.com

Jewish Groups Grab Huge Share of Grants
Almost All Homeland Security Grants Go to Jewish Non-Profits

A full 97% of the available funds in the Non-Profit Security Grant Program for 2012 have been allocated to Jewish organizations, compared with 73% that went to Jewish groups from 2007 through 2010. In 2011, Jewish groups received about 80% of NSGP funds.

DHS partners with Jewish organizations - The Hill - covering Congress, Politics, Political Campaigns and Capitol Hill | TheHill.com

DHS partners with Jewish organizations

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) announced its first faith-based security partnership on Friday, as it joined ranks with two major Jewish organizations.

The move is part of the agency’s “If You See Something, Say Something” awareness campaign and will work with the Jewish Federations of North America and the Secure Community Network to promote and distribute media materials in Jewish centers, organizations and communities throughout the country.

Echos of the East Berlin Stazi.

The Jews want full control and they are willing to murder as many Goyim (non-Jewish Americans) as they have to hold it.

Jewish Groups Grab Huge Share of Grants ? Forward.com

Jewish Groups Grab Huge Share of Grants
Almost All Homeland Security Grants Go to Jewish Non-Profits

DHS lies to public; large movement of armored vehicles reported - National Conservative | Examiner.com
Two weeks ago a source told the Examiner that DHS is amassing large amounts of deadly hollow-point bullets and procuring dozens of armored landmine-resistant vehicles. Anonymous sources inside DHS have confirmed that the agency has purchased 1.6 billion rounds of ammunition.
Related topics

DHS ammo purchase
police state
police militarization

DHS flatly denies the ammo purchases. The agency also refused to answer questions posed by Congress on the procurement of the armored vehicles. But a low-level DHS official confirmed that the agency has such vehicles, although their only use is to "serve high risk warrants."

However, immediately following DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano's denials before Congress, the agency purchased yet another 360,000 rounds of ammunition, bringing the total purchase thus far to 1.7 billion bullets.

In addition, citizen sources have reported spotting large movements of the landmine resistant vehicles across the country. Some of these citizens have taken photos of the vehicles as they are transported by big rig trucks, by rail, and by convoy.

Who's "security"?

"Faith based" ................government..........................military............................organizations?????????????????????????

Whatever happened to "separation of church and state"?


Read my lips. Would I LIE to YOU?
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Filthy Jews!

SIEG HE-...er...never mind. Slip of the tongue.
NPN Article: Is Israel Wiretapping America?
What can be done? Until there is widespread awareness of Israel's fundamental disloyalty to America and continuing spy operations against us, Americans can do little to protect our most intimate phone and internet communications.

Unfortunately, Christian/conservative America continues to believe Jews and Israel are especially good and trustworthy, being unconditionally blessed by God. This superstition must give way to a truly biblical (and accurate) knowledge that Israel, founded on the Christ-hating Talmud and set up largely by Marxists, is especially disloyal to our Christian/capitalist society. (This is why Israel had no qualms about attempting to sink the USS Liberty during the 1967 war.) We must become suspicious of dual-loyalty Jews in the highest levels of our government (read Rahm Emanuel), as well as those who control mass media and telecommunications.

This includes Verizon head Ivan Seidenburg, who fraternizes with Jewish internationalists intent on corrupting society and establishing world government. Seidenburg is a Jewish liberal whose internet bio claims he "champions diversity both within and outside” Verizon. What kind of "diversity" is Seidenburg advocating? He serves on the board of directors of Jewish-owned Viacom, the world’s largest communication empire, which also promotes a cable network called "Gay TV." In 2003, he was feted at a fundraiser dinner for the UJA-Federation, helping raise $1.2 million for this Jewish charity. He received the Stephen J. Ross Award in honor of the deceased Jewish owner of Warner Bros. Communications. Warner Music, a division of Ross's company, is now corrupting the minds of tens of millions of young people worldwide with “gangsta” rap. This “music” utterly degrades women, encouraging teenage boys to rape "bitches." Filled with unspeakable profanity, it encourages violence against whites and even murder of police.

You're learning.
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I'm no fan of the Israelis and their spying on America. However, they are my God's people and they will be protected. That's cool

But, I can tell you they are as slippery as the day is long

Just one story I'm aware of- They had a flight of F-4's years ago deploy to Edwards AFB in California. Seems the frequency management folks were getting some strange spikes in a spectrum where there should be none. The snooper vans hit the flight lines and yep- you guessed it, the F-4's had hidden compartments with capture devices. They were sucking in everything going on at the range

Just sayin

I'm no fan of the Israelis and their spying on America. However, they are my God's people and they will be protected. That's cool

But, I can tell you they are as slippery as the day is long

Just one story I'm aware of- They had a flight of F-4's years ago deploy to Edwards AFB in California. Seems the frequency management folks were getting some strange spikes in a spectrum where there should be none. The snooper vans hit the flight lines and yep- you guessed it, the F-4's had hidden compartments with capture devices. They were sucking in everything going on at the range

Just sayin


Sounds to me like you are.

You are correct about the slippery part, but you are obviously no serious student of the New Testament, otherwise you would realize your error about the "God's people" part.

Usually the Israel firster crowd are the ones who tout all the politically correct, equality, social justice stuff as though they invented it and are the sole guardians of truth and justice.

But their true bias is revealed when it comes to an issue dealing specifically with Jews or Israel; in this case, failing to appreciate that other people are as deserving of "protection" as the "golden Jews".

I can see where the saying comes from, "We are all equal. It's just that some of us are more equal than others."

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