Wake Up Call 2013- Obama's DHS Prepares For Civil War

How come you lefties always talk about sucking cock?

They can't give an honest answer to that question.

Clearly the "left" promotes homosexuality.

But since the rise of the Neo-Cons, the Kosher crowd can claim either position in order to justify themselves before men.

Midrash - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Midrash (Hebrew: מדרש*; plural midrashim) is a Hebrew term for the body of homiletic stories told by Jewish rabbinic sages to explain passages in the Tanakh.

Midrash is a method of interpreting biblical stories that goes beyond simple distillation of religious, legal, or moral teachings. It fills in gaps left in the biblical narrative regarding events and personalities that are only hinted at.

In other words, if the Jews want to have something that is forbidden in the Old Testament, their Rabbis can give an interpretation for them which justifies, whatever. You name it.

Judaism and sexual orientation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

According to the Talmud, homosexuality is forbidden between non-Jews as well, and is included among the sexual restrictions of the Noachide laws

Like many similar commandments, the stated punishment for wilful violation is the death penalty.
Traditionally, Judaism has understood homosexual intercourse as contrary to Judaism, and this opinion is still maintained by Orthodox Judaism. On the other hand, Reconstructionist Judaism and Reform Judaism do not hold this view and allow homosexual intercourse. Conservative Judaism's Committee on Jewish Law and Standards, which until December 2006 held the same position as Orthodoxy, recently issued multiple opinions under its philosophy of pluralism, with one opinion continuing to follow the Orthodox position and another opinion substantially liberalizing its view of homosexual sex and relationships while continuing to regard certain sexual acts as prohibited.

So in the coming Messianic Age, the local Sanhedrin will decide whether the queers should be executed or not.


By JOSH LEDERMAN, Associated Press

WASHINGTON (AP) — Vice President Joe Biden is praising Jewish leaders for helping change American attitudes about gay marriage and other issues.

Biden says culture and arts change people's attitudes. He cites social media and the old NBC TV series "Will and Grace" as examples of what helped changed attitudes on gay marriage.

Biden says, quote, "Think — behind of all that, I bet you 85 percent of those changes, whether it's in Hollywood or social media, are a consequence of Jewish leaders in the industry."
Biden was speaking Tuesday night at a Jewish American Heritage Month reception hosted by the Democratic National Committee. He says Jewish values are an essential part of who Americans are.

Why Jews Push Gay Marriage | Real Jew News

Brother Nathanael April 1, 2013 @ 8:49 pm

Why Jews Push Gay Marriage
By Brother Nathanael Kapner
Copyright 2013

The push is on.

With the Supreme Court Hearings last week on homosexual unions—and Obama’s own endorsement—Jews are at the forefront in promoting ‘gay’ marriage.

Jewish leaders like billionaire’s Sheldon Adelson, Michael Bloomberg, and Marc Stern of the American Jewish Committee, have all come out in favor of what has traditionally been looked upon as sexual depravity.

Even Elena Kagan at the Supreme Court, yes, Jewish, an alleged lesbian at that, is reportedly known for “queerifying Harvard” when Dean of the Law School by introducing “transgender law courses”

Two Jewish groups in particular: The Anti-Defamation League, together with the American Federation of Teachers, have been promoting the homosexual agenda in our public schools.

Books like Daddy’s New Roommate, (Ken), Daddy’s Wedding, (Daddy marries Ken), King and King, are part of the ADL’s Early Learning Program, molding the minds of impressionable little children to accept and embrace deviant sexual acts.

But Jews prefer sending their kids to private schools. It gives their children better standing for admittance to Ivy-League colleges and shields them from homosexual propaganda.

Believe me, for I grew up as a Jew, for a Jewish son or daughter to announce to their parents that they are ‘gay’ is one of the worst things that could ever happen.

Why then are Jews pushing gay marriage? It’s for the Goys, that’s why.

I’ll never forget the day that a ‘gay’ movie came to Brookline Mass. with homosexual images plastered all over the marquee.

As I stood across the street in disgust, a Hasidic rabbi came walking by.

I pointed to the movie and said, “Isn’t it horrid that we’re assaulted with these lewd images and titles?”

The rabbi laughed and scorned and said, “It’s for the Goys! Who cares!”

You see, Jews have no special love for queens, transvestites, and cross-dressers. They look upon them as “dreck”…as repulsive.

But to dismantle a Christian culture in America that opposes Jewry, that’s what the Jews are after.

Homosexuality is for the Goys! But the Regime is for the Jews.

I hope you "gays" who believe the media hype that queer is cool are getting this.

The more the Jews can get white gentile men to degrade themselves, the more control they have over our female population.

Don't believe me?

Take an honest look at how the Ashkenazims are promoting themselves in their movies and so forth.

It hasn't been that long ago that the same media Moguls and social engineers where encouraging men to "express the emotions" and "get in touch with their feminine side."

And have they not made it politically incorrect to speak against homosexuality?

Have you not noticed that the great majority of "feminine" types on TV, movies,and magazines are far and away non-Khazar/Ashkenazim types?

Those who aren't portrayed this way are portrayed as psychopaths, ne'r do wells, and scoundrels.

Do you think that the impressionable youth and bubble brains are not going to buy into this manufactured myth making (propaganda) they are engaged in?

There is nothing that the Jewish community likes better than seeing white males from Christian backgrounds making fools of themselves and destructing. DON'T GIVE THEM THAT PLEASURE!

Take another look at the penalty prescribed by Noachide Law for homosexuality. Noachide law is the law that Bush Senior endorsed as the basis for the law of the land. He did so at the behest of the Chabad Lubavitch. This offers a clue as to how Bush Jr became President as well as speaks to the Political power that these Jews wield. How else do you think they could make whores out of all our Representatives?

Noachide law is the law which will be applied to gentiles at the coming of the Messianic Age.
In case you don't know, the Messianic Age is the time the Jews are all admonished to work for in the future in which Jews will RULE THE WORLD from Jerusalem.

Don't believe me?

Look it Messianic Age.

And don't stop at one source.

In addition to giving the power to have people executed into the hands of councils of Rabbis, the first Noachide law states that the penalty for idolatry is death. Idolatry according to their definition includes the worship or claim of deity of a man. They consider Christ to be only a man.


And don't expect them to tell you the truth about these things.

They routinely lie to non-Jews . Lying to non-Jews is permissible by their Talmudic teachings.

You can take your pick between Orthodox Jews who could have you executed, or Reform Jews who condone and even promote homosexuality.

I would call that a lose, lose proposition, wouldn't you?

Now watch them call me a Nazi for revealing these things. They will then lump me with Islamic extremists who incidentally execute homosexuals.

The News Media tacitly offers us one of two alternatives, choose a Jewish plutocracy or choose Islam.

I would offer you a third alternative. NEITHER!
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Soooo...unable to provide evidence of this impending war on America (how many months has been impending now?) by our troops and the DHS, the wingnuts go to their favorite default position of bashing a minority. In this case, fags.

Interesting. What a compelling case to not be associated with the Right these days they make!
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Politics as usual?

Listen to the sheriff. If you don't own a gun now, you need to go get one.



I own a couple of guns and they're very useful. One is a caulking gun, the other a staple gun.

Those are the only types of gun I will ever "need". Period.
Politics as usual?

Listen to the sheriff. If you don't own a gun now, you need to go get one.



I own a couple of guns and they're very useful. One is a caulking gun, the other a staple gun.

Those are the only types of gun I will ever "need". Period.

I hope that's true. You are free to choose not to get a weapon and learn how to defend yourself.

What you aren't free to do is prevent others from exercising their right to self defense.
Politics as usual?

Listen to the sheriff. If you don't own a gun now, you need to go get one.



I own a couple of guns and they're very useful. One is a caulking gun, the other a staple gun.

Those are the only types of gun I will ever "need". Period.

I hope that's true. You are free to choose not to get a weapon and learn how to defend yourself.

What you aren't free to do is prevent others from exercising their right to self defense.

And how the fuck did I do that?????
How often do you make shit up, is it like every 15 minutes, every hour or what?
You noted the same thing I did about not owning guns; you don't see me claiming you're "preventing others from exercising" jack shit.

So WTF dood???

What I object to is this OP moron telling me I "need to go get a gun". People like that need to go get a clue.

Maybe you need to go with him.

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Holston is a doofus, pure and simple.

I'd be careful calling others names Jake. Many would say the same about you, whether you admit it or not.

Avatar, you get called names, like me and Holston and others.

In Holston's case, he is making an idiotic argument. I don't have to be polite about that. Or are you trying to suppress my free speech.
Soooo...unable to provide evidence of this impending war on America (how many months has been impending now?) by our troops and the DHS, the wingnuts go to their favorite default position of bashing a minority. In this case, fags.

Interesting. What a compelling case to not be associated with the Right these days they make!

That's some picture you have of yourself in your little Avatar thingy.

Why Are American Jews So Anti-Gun? ? Forward.com

Forward Forum
Why Are American Jews So Anti-Gun?
By Eric King

Israelis, in short, have learned a lesson that far too few American Jews have yet to grasp: For Jews, the phrase “assault rifle” is a misnomer — the correct term, once the shtetl mentality has been transcended, is “Jewish defense rifle.”

When the Jews finally outlaw guns, only Jews will have guns.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MRCS7qJFFs8&feature=player_embedded]Synagogue Security: Rabbis Learn To Use Firearms - YouTube[/ame]

Civilians in Israel can carry machine guns in public.

They are also aware of the situation in the US and are prepared to kill as many Goyim as necessary. Don't think they wouldn't like to.


Hollywood: Driving the Homosexual Agenda for 40 Years | NewsBusters
Hollywood celebrities exuberantly celebrated President Obama’s recent declaration of support for gay marriage. But Hollywood did not have to come out of the closet and support homosexuality – it has long used its influence to purposely swing public opinion in favor of homosexuality.

For several decades, Hollywood has shown its overt support for homosexuality. Brokeback Mountain was nominated for Best Picture for its unabashedly sympathetic portrayal of a doomed gay relationship.

Need I say who owns and operates Hollywood?

White males who support the people who want to destroy them are fools. I'm talking about white non-Jewish males who consider themselves homosexual as well as the straight ones.

Being a fag does not endear you a bit more to the Jews than being white and gentile or Christian does. The difference is that they pretend to be your friends and allies. That is only because they consider you to be useful fools.
Avatar, you get called names, like me and Holston and others.

In Holston's case, he is making an idiotic argument. I don't have to be polite about that. Or are you trying to suppress my free speech.

Calling an argument idiotic does not make it so. It only makes it appear as though you are unable to effectively address the argument.
Avatar, are you attempting to abridge my free speech?

Yes or no?

See: you are caught in your own dilemma. Your problem. :lol:
Avatar, you get called names, like me and Holston and others.

In Holston's case, he is making an idiotic argument. I don't have to be polite about that. Or are you trying to suppress my free speech.

Calling an argument idiotic does not make it so. It only makes it appear as though you are unable to effectively address the argument.

Could be.
It could also be that the argument is such a train wreck that it's too much work to point out the obvious.

Which reminds me...

No, you need to say how you can post from a source like NewsBusters with a straight face. :rofl:

Seems to be an influx of Nazis on the board today. Kinda weird.
1.6 Billion Rounds Of Ammo For Homeland Security? It's Time For A National Conversation - Forbes
It confirmed that the Department of Homeland Security has issued an open purchase order for 1.6 billion rounds of ammunition. As reported elsewhere, some of this purchase order is for hollow-point rounds, forbidden by international law for use in war, along with a frightening amount specialized for snipers. Also reported elsewhere, at the height of the Iraq War the Army was expending less than 6 million rounds a month. Therefore 1.6 billion rounds would be enough to sustain a hot war for 20+ years. In America.

Add to this perplexing outré purchase of ammo, DHS now is showing off its acquisition of heavily armored personnel carriers, repatriated from the Iraqi and Afghani theaters of operation.

Now explain this to us dummies all you Jingoist Kosher New World Order Leftist freaks.

While your at it tell us why the US is the only country in the world that leaves it's boarders wide open and why we need the "Patriot" Act and the National Defense Authorization Act.

For if the good folks in the Government were so all fired concerned about a dirty bomb going off then why would they give a "terrorist" every opportunity to just walk across the boarders with it?

They also told us that all the FEMA camps were designed to house a mass exodus from Mexico.
Yeah right.

And why in hell does the Government need to give dictatorial powers to Prez and make spying legal since they already do whatever in hell they want to anyway??
The paranoid dipshit rubes who buy into this conspiracy bullshit piss me off. They have caused an ammo shortage, and driven up the price of firearms.

Avatar, are you attempting to abridge my free speech?

Yes or no?

See: you are caught in your own dilemma. Your problem. :lol:

Feel free to call all the names you want to. Kids do that all the time and nothing much ever gets done about it unless they start spoutin' politically incorrect names about the wrong people, in which case even a 6 year old could be sent to Federal prison.

You shouldn't worry about getting called anything that isn't Kosher here either since those people either get censored or banned. But I guess you've already figured that out.
You shouldn't worry about getting called anything that isn't Kosher here either since those people either get censored or banned. But I guess you've already figured that out.
Act loony, kid, get treated as a loony. Just saying.
The paranoid dipshit rubes who buy into this conspiracy bullshit piss me off. They have caused an ammo shortage, and driven up the price of firearms.


Well, at least your speech is consistent with your picture.

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