Wake Up Call 2013- Obama's DHS Prepares For Civil War

go out and vote and stop whining then or start your *cough* "revolution" because people don't see things your way :lol: .

obozo's favorables are below 50%, I am in sync with the majority, you are in sync with the left wing fringers.

ummm..... yeah. His favorables are in the mid to high 40's. What were the last repub President's favorables when he left office? :eusa_whistle: :clap2:

and the party in control changed ----------:eusa_whistle::clap2:
Yes, he is. Have you read his books, the statements of his friends? He is clearly a marxist collectivist. ignore reality if it makes you sleep better.

You have (1) no idea what a Marxist collectivist is and (2) you can't demonstrate how the president (I can't believe I am defending but you are a far worse danger to the Republic) is applying such principles to his policies.

" I want to redistribute the wealth" "You didn't build that" Obama

"from each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs" marx

I rest my case.

Then your case fails. You have two statements on which you don't expound, and then you fail to give exact examples of how all of this is supposedly happening.

Your nonsense is why most of America is laughing at the far right of the GOP.

Once again, define progressive Marxism and second tell us how the president is implementing such policies.
Yes, he is. Have you read his books, the statements of his friends? He is clearly a marxist collectivist. ignore reality if it makes you sleep better.

You have (1) no idea what a Marxist collectivist is and (2) you can't demonstrate how the president (I can't believe I am defending but you are a far worse danger to the Republic) is applying such principles to his policies.

" I want to redistribute the wealth" "You didn't build that" Obama

"from each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs" marx

I rest my case.

Marx said you didn't build roads and bridges?
You have (1) no idea what a Marxist collectivist is and (2) you can't demonstrate how the president (I can't believe I am defending but you are a far worse danger to the Republic) is applying such principles to his policies.

" I want to redistribute the wealth" "You didn't build that" Obama

"from each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs" marx

I rest my case.

Marx said you didn't build roads and bridges?


These reactionary clowns throw out blurbs completely without any context whatsoever and truly believe they have said something worthy. Not. Bunch of clowns.
Redfish, I can give you an example of how to support your assertions.

Redfish is a reactionary clown is my assertion.

My proof: read #100 above, which is completely out of context and without any relevant discussion.

See, supporting assertions with evidence that makes sense is very easy.
Politics as usual?

Listen to the sheriff. If you don't own a gun now, you need to go get one.

The DHS is there to protect us from the traitors that want to start a civil war, but I guess it wouldn't hurt to own a gun so you could take a few out yourself.

:Boom2: :tinfoil::tinfoil::tinfoil:
You reactionary red necks would get your treasonous butts kicked in a heart beat.

what you forget is that most of our current day military come from the "reactionary red neck" states.

You marxists and progressives do not represent our military force, you represent the worst kind of tyranny in government.

But fear not, the revolution will be peaceful and bloodless. The country is waking up to the failure of liberalism and the corruption of Obama.

hyperbole much :eusa_eh: What are you like 19? I'm a Progressive & a vet and so were other non-rw'ers here. Your anecdotal evidence has no bearing here. You were saying?

He was on the short bus during those 6 years of 10th grade.
Our military personnel were not born and raised on military bases. They came from the same places all of us came from, and it's not likely they are going to be ok with slaughtering fellow Americans because their cic tells them to. I'm sure a lot of the more rabid black ones with an axe to grind against Whitey probably would, but most would side with the citizens.
Does anyone think our military is going to wage war against their neighbors, people who share their moral beliefs, people they grew up with? If Obama wants to slaughter Americans, he's gonna have to get a foreign power to do it for him.
The US military would support the United States, not a corrupt usurping government. There would be no need for any shots to be fired. Do you think the our soldiers are all libtardian marxists? NOPE

I'm a vet, are you?

I took an oath to defend the Constitution from all enemies, foreign and domestic and you seem to qualify as a domestic enemy of the Constitution. You can spin bullshit all day, and you do, but the POTUS is the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces and can be removed by impeachment, term limits or the vote of the people - ONLY.

Any other action to usurp the Presidency is criminal and potentially treasonous; you and the rest of the faux army of self appointed patriots seem to live in a world of fantasy, a world where allegations of wrongdoing in the future are reason enough to offer hate and fear of our democratically elected president. Of course in your fantasy millions of the dead vote for President Obama as well as every living black man and women, thrice.

Nice speech but off topic. Yes, when we enter military service we swear an oath to obey the CIC, but we are also under no obligation to follow an illegal order.

You didn't answer the question: Are you a vet?

My issues with Obama have nothing to do with the fact that he is half black. I object to his views of this country, not his skin color.

Do you on the left hate Herman Cain and Alan West because they are black?

I don't hate either of them. In fact no greater argument can be made by anyone else that today's conservatives are far far out on the fringe; their ideology is anathema to the vast majority of the American people.

My point earlier was that I do not believe that the US military would attack US citizens who were fighting for their rights under the constitution---rather that they would join them.

I believe Davis Koresh held similar beliefs, and he faced paramilitary agencies. I can't imagine a member of the armed forces taking fire and not responding in kind.

Any member of the force who choose to enter into the service of an opposing force commits the crime of Mutiny or Sedition, capital crimes under the UCMJ.

You know, I have to laugh at the people who seem to think all conspiracies are fake when people are charged and sent to prison for conspiracies all the time.

You do realize what a conspiracy is, right?

Remember how nobody thought the government would ever spy on us? Called people who made that contention a conspiracy theorist? Well, lo and behold they were proven correct.

Conspiracy to a Liberal is anything involving Bush.

No. That is a false statement. You have based your theory on a falsehood. That is what thoughtless dummies do.
I've been seeing a lot of death wishes being hurled at people by liberals lately. This is the weakest justification of the president's behavior ever. Race had no influence on the Posse Comitatus Act, nor the Insurrection Act, and no, he cant use his military any way he wants. You really have gone off your rocker this morning, haven't you? We will raise hell and and high water before our president declares us all enemy combatants!

You misunderestimate the evil intentions of President Obama

He needs just one more Supreme Court Justice to overturn all laws relating to the powers of the Executive Branch. None of those laws say that they apply to a BLACK President

You are a mere pawn in the game of life to President Obama

He will have no problems squashing you

Rofl. Have you gone insane? Or are you just mocking people? I am nobody's pawn, I am a soldier of the Lord God Almighty.

And even if you were serious, what makes you believe he would think any more of you?

Only an idiot would ask that question. It means you are entertaining the possibility that RW is serious with these latest comments. It means that you are unable to tell when someone is fucking with you.

"Even if you were serious"............

You monumental dummy. He is OBVIOUSLY not being serious.
I know that you think you are being funny and clever, but that is exactly how Chavez and Castro came to power, and Hitler, Mussolini, Mao, and Pol Pot.

be careful what you joke about.

I'm not joking....read the OP

I may scrap my plans for the day and toy with you for a while. Your delusions of totalitarianism are fascinating to say the least. You sound just like Hitler did before he slaughtered 6,000,000 Jews.

You are the toy. RW will easily make a fool of you.

As if you have plans.
23,600 men vs the full on might of the Persian Army, over 2,600,000 men strong.

Guess who won? Even so, do you think that our soldiers would blindly follow his orders? You must be joking, there is no way in hell you're serious. :cuckoo:

The problem with your analogy is you have to ask ....In today's situation

Who would be the Spartans and who would be the Persians?

Todays Spartans are our Rangers, SEALS and RECON units while the poorly led, poorly trained, poorly equipped Persians would be the Red Neck gun owners

Alright, now I'm annoyed. This isn't funny anymore.

What you fail to understand, is the the Persians went on to win that battle before being defeated altogether in the Battle of Plataea. The battle of Thermopylae is perhaps the greatest of example of patriotism from an inferior defending force against a superior force. But oh hey, the Revolutionaries had no business defeating the British either, but they did. Indeed, you should study history my friend.

Look out! He's annoyed. He might neg you!
It was before my time

Did they have Attack Helicopters?

23,600 men vs the full on might of the Persian Army, over 2,600,000 men strong.

Guess who won? Even so, do you think that our soldiers would blindly follow his orders? You must be joking, there is no way in hell you're serious. :cuckoo:

The problem with your analogy is you have to ask ....In todays situation

Who would be the Spartans and who would be the Persians?

Todays Spartans are our Rangers, SEALS and RECON units while the poorly led, poorly trained, poorly equipped Persians would be the Red Neck gun owners

Practically every Marine, active and veteran, is an Oathkeeper lololol
Our military personnel were not born and raised on military bases. They came from the same places all of us came from, and it's not likely they are going to be ok with slaughtering fellow Americans because their cic tells them to. I'm sure a lot of the more rabid black ones with an axe to grind against Whitey probably would, but most would side with the citizens.
Does anyone think our military is going to wage war against their neighbors, people who share their moral beliefs, people they grew up with? If Obama wants to slaughter Americans, he's gonna have to get a foreign power to do it for him.

Gun nuts overestimate how much their country loves them

The first time some redneck gun nut kills one of their buddies they will have no problem slaughtering the whole bunch of ya.

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Alright, now I'm annoyed. This isn't funny anymore.

What you fail to understand, is the the Persians went on to win that battle before being defeated altogether in the Battle of Plataea. The battle of Thermopylae is perhaps the greatest of example of patriotism from an inferior defending force against a superior force. But oh hey, the Revolutionaries had no business defeating the British either, but they did. Indeed, you should study history my friend.

Once again, your analogy fails

1.The key to the battle was terrain, tactics, training and leadership
The Persians had to get through a narrow passage that was held by the Greeks. They were unable to get their full force into the fight because of the terrain

2. Attack Helicopters would have negated that advantage and in this case the good guys have air superiority over the traitorous gun owners

3.The American Revolution had the French come in on their side which secured the victory at the Battle of Yorktown. I don't think today's gun nuts can count on the French to bail them out.

Indeed, you should study history my friend

1. Yes, us rednecks know the terrain very well, tactics? Who needs tactics when you have them outnumbered 100 to 1? My analogy is spot on. You insist on a superior trained force (the Persians) defeating a ragtag group of poorly trained (what amounted to militiamen) force. As I explained before The Persians were defeated later on by the Greek Navy, by all rights the Persians should have conquered Greece.

2. Where do you get your maniacal notions from? Traitorous? Care to explain this position?

3. We don't need the French, the amount of "traitorous" gun nuts here in America outnumber their population by more than half.

Remember those 300 Jews that held the entire German army out of their ghetto for over 30 days?

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