Wal Mart workers threaten walkout on Black Friday

I am not supporting Unions friend.

IDK who said anything about a union. But since you drought it up. My experience with unions is not good. I worked for USW. I hated them bitches. They took our dues and worked for the company. On the other hand I worked for a non union factory that treated it's employees like gold. But I have heard of unions doing good things and companies doing bad things. I have heard of companies and unions working together to make a better workplace for employees. So are all companies BAAAD!!! No are all unions GREAT!!! no. but still American workers should stick together. But as long as there are people like you. We will stay divided

I can read between your bullshit Union man.

LMAO!!! I'm holding up my first 3 fingers. Read between those lines company man.
Shouldn't we be supporting these people? Shouldn't we as Americans demand that Wal-Mart and every other company treat it's employees better? Hell we ain't never gonna stopped getting fucked like this. Se what it is is that now that the politicians have divided us along party lines and people are just to damn stubborn to cross them. They can turn a normal issue that would have been a no brainer 20 years ago into a political issue and all of a sudden it's not about right or wrong any more. Now it's about Republican or Democrat. Sad what we have become. But hey we fell for it hook line and sinker.

Hey idiot....They pay them and gave them a job thats treating them good........Try working for what you want it will change your life.

NO NO NO NO!!!! You are a dickhead. Giving a person job and treating them well are not the same thing.
I found long ago that working for other people will never get me where I want to be. And I'd be willing to bet that I am better educated and make more than you. Not go punch that clock little boy and go see what ya master wants from you today.

I don't remember when the last time I saw a manager at Wal-Mart use a whip on a associate or saw them kick them to the ground.......
IDK who said anything about a union. But since you drought it up. My experience with unions is not good. I worked for USW. I hated them bitches. They took our dues and worked for the company. On the other hand I worked for a non union factory that treated it's employees like gold. But I have heard of unions doing good things and companies doing bad things. I have heard of companies and unions working together to make a better workplace for employees. So are all companies BAAAD!!! No are all unions GREAT!!! no. but still American workers should stick together. But as long as there are people like you. We will stay divided

I can read between your bullshit Union man.

LMAO!!! I'm holding up my first 3 fingers. Read between those lines company man.

Unlike you I work my job as well as I can and Amazing enough I am being promoted for my hard work......Try doing that instead sitting on your fat ass complaining that the company doesn't see your potential.
If I was that manager , I would tell them you dont show up on Black Friday you have no job period.. With so many unemployed these days I am sure there will be another one lining up to take their job..
Hey idiot....They pay them and gave them a job thats treating them good........Try working for what you want it will change your life.

NO NO NO NO!!!! You are a dickhead. Giving a person job and treating them well are not the same thing.
I found long ago that working for other people will never get me where I want to be. And I'd be willing to bet that I am better educated and make more than you. Not go punch that clock little boy and go see what ya master wants from you today.

I don't remember when the last time I saw a manager at Wal-Mart use a whip on a associate or saw them kick them to the ground.......

I have wanted to do that a couple times...

OK, more than a couple times...
NO NO NO NO!!!! You are a dickhead. Giving a person job and treating them well are not the same thing.
I found long ago that working for other people will never get me where I want to be. And I'd be willing to bet that I am better educated and make more than you. Not go punch that clock little boy and go see what ya master wants from you today.

I don't remember when the last time I saw a manager at Wal-Mart use a whip on a associate or saw them kick them to the ground.......

I have wanted to do that a couple times...

OK, more than a couple times...

Me too as a business owner to my employees, but, there's always the trash can to kick.
Have 2 neighbors who work at walmart.. 1 as a manager and 1 as a tire installer... They are not treated like crap... actually pretty happy with it

Our large Walmart has some VERY happy employees and they like and respect their manager, a 30 ( ish ) woman with a crew-cut, named Stacy.

In the photo department, the other day, one employee who has been there for 12 years said she is so happy with her job and her salary, but if Obama wins, she and her hubby, want to leave America.

The employees always have smiles on their faces and are usually laughing amongst each other, if the place isn't busy, like early in the morning, when I go.

I think, it is due to management, when it comes to the satisfaction or dissatisfaction of employees. Most of them here, are very happy to have jobs.

I am happy Walmart hires, the often, unemployable. I also like the atmosphere, early in the mornings. The employees jump fast to help another employee, with a customer, such as packing the bags, but always teasing and generally happy. I leave with good feelings about customer service and I tell them so. Bottom line, is they have good attitudes and it shows.
Walmart Workers Threaten Black Friday Action - ABC News

I would love that! I have been to wal mart on Black Friday its a damn mad house....Wal Mart does treat its workers like shit my wife has worked there twice only good thing about it is you can transfer to different stores.

It would be interesting but tough on the workers who stay. That place is a madhouse on Black Friday and throughout the holidays.
I don't remember when the last time I saw a manager at Wal-Mart use a whip on a associate or saw them kick them to the ground.......

I have wanted to do that a couple times...

OK, more than a couple times...

Me too as a business owner to my employees, but, there's always the trash can to kick.

No, I have wanted to do that as a customer! The scary thing being: if I ask half the employees where something is, I get a blank look. If I ask the kid with Downs Syndrome where something is, he usually knows! :confused:
I have wanted to do that a couple times...

OK, more than a couple times...

Me too as a business owner to my employees, but, there's always the trash can to kick.

No, I have wanted to do that as a customer! The scary thing being: if I ask half the employees where something is, I get a blank look. If I ask the kid with Downs Syndrome where something is, he usually knows! :confused:

Thats bad management at your store then..... While it is impossible for them to know where everything is they can all point you in the correct general direction at the store I shop at.
If I was that manager , I would tell them you dont show up on Black Friday you have no job period.. With so many unemployed these days I am sure there will be another one lining up to take their job..

It doesn't matter what day it is. If you're scheduled to work and you don't show up then you should be shit canned.
Me too as a business owner to my employees, but, there's always the trash can to kick.

No, I have wanted to do that as a customer! The scary thing being: if I ask half the employees where something is, I get a blank look. If I ask the kid with Downs Syndrome where something is, he usually knows! :confused:

Thats bad management at your store then..... While it is impossible for them to know where everything is they can all point you in the correct general direction at the store I shop at.

When dealing with the lazy, mouth-breathing simpletons that seem to make up about half the retail employees in this area (and it's every store...do they grow them in vats in the back room?), there's only so much you can do.
Overall wal mart pays low wages,keeps you under 40 hours so as not to give you benefits and any hint of dissent is immediately suppressed...maybe union is not the answer but something needs to be done.

walmart employees are free to leave and find other jobs.

pretty simple.
No, I have wanted to do that as a customer! The scary thing being: if I ask half the employees where something is, I get a blank look. If I ask the kid with Downs Syndrome where something is, he usually knows! :confused:

Thats bad management at your store then..... While it is impossible for them to know where everything is they can all point you in the correct general direction at the store I shop at.

When dealing with the lazy, mouth-breathing simpletons that seem to make up about half the retail employees in this area (and it's every store...do they grow them in vats in the back room?), there's only so much you can do.
Maybe it is that they can tell a asshole when they see it and treat him like one......In case you didnt get it I am calling you a asshole.
Wal Mart workers threaten walkout on Black Friday

Doen't matter to me. I'll be home watching tv and eating left over turkey.
Thats bad management at your store then..... While it is impossible for them to know where everything is they can all point you in the correct general direction at the store I shop at.

When dealing with the lazy, mouth-breathing simpletons that seem to make up about half the retail employees in this area (and it's every store...do they grow them in vats in the back room?), there's only so much you can do.
Maybe it is that they can tell a asshole when they see it and treat him like one......In case you didnt get it I am calling you a asshole.

Oh, the horror, however will I cope. :eusa_boohoo:

Here's a penny, call someone who gives a fuck.
When dealing with the lazy, mouth-breathing simpletons that seem to make up about half the retail employees in this area (and it's every store...do they grow them in vats in the back room?), there's only so much you can do.
Maybe it is that they can tell a asshole when they see it and treat him like one......In case you didnt get it I am calling you a asshole.

Oh, the horror, however will I cope. :eusa_boohoo:

Here's a penny, call someone who gives a fuck.

You apparently do or you wouldn't be crying about it

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