Walkaway Banned from Facebook As Apple Threatens Parler

Apple isn't interested in pushing white supremacy.
Free speech is free speech, even if it is speech you don't agree with.

And you have free speech. Make your own website. Print your pamphlet. Walk outside and say whatever you'd like.

Read the first word in the 1st amendment to see what the Founders were actually concerned about when it came to free speech.

Spoiler alert: it wasn't facebook.

You're naive enough to think the founders didn't plan ahead. Please tell me you aren't saying the founders were myopic and narrowminded? Surely they knew we wouldn't be reading newspapers and books for the next 240 years? Were they smart enough to know that the technology of their era would advance beyond their comprehension?

Yes, they totally saw that two hundred years down the line people would be communicating through a "series of tubes". They were omniscient super-gods.

What a moron. Someone you probably respect more than the people who built the greatest nation ever, Paul Krugman, didn't see internet coming 20 years ago.

I beg your pardon?
The Stalinist far left march continues. As president Trump stated, they weren't after him - they are after you and your freedoms. He is standing in the way.
FACEBOOK has removed the #WalkAway Campaign and has BANNED ME and EVERY MEMBER of my team!!! Over half a million people in #WalkAway with hundreds of thousands of testimonial videos and stories is GONE. Facebook has banned everything related to #WalkAway.

Twitter has also banned president Trump. Meanwhile, apple is trying to shut down the free speech alternative Parler unless they implement draconian anti-speech measures.

The founders would have stormed the capitol a long time ago. Trees of liberty need watering.
You speak for the founders? The guys who set up the very system you are trying to destroy?
who's destroying shit?

the left said GET YOUR OWN SITE - so the right does. then the left shuts it down as evil.

tell me where did our forefathers ever fight to stop people from being able to speak their mind?

the people protecting YOUR right to speak despite you taking THEIRS away - i believe that's how this system was formed.

unless we've already gotten to the part where that history gets rewritten.
The Stalinist far left march continues. As president Trump stated, they weren't after him - they are after you and your freedoms. He is standing in the way.
FACEBOOK has removed the #WalkAway Campaign and has BANNED ME and EVERY MEMBER of my team!!! Over half a million people in #WalkAway with hundreds of thousands of testimonial videos and stories is GONE. Facebook has banned everything related to #WalkAway.

Twitter has also banned president Trump. Meanwhile, apple is trying to shut down the free speech alternative Parler unless they implement draconian anti-speech measures.

The founders would have stormed the capitol a long time ago. Trees of liberty need watering.
What freedoms are being taken away?
Freedom of speech, for one.
The Stalinist far left march continues. As president Trump stated, they weren't after him - they are after you and your freedoms. He is standing in the way.
FACEBOOK has removed the #WalkAway Campaign and has BANNED ME and EVERY MEMBER of my team!!! Over half a million people in #WalkAway with hundreds of thousands of testimonial videos and stories is GONE. Facebook has banned everything related to #WalkAway.

Twitter has also banned president Trump. Meanwhile, apple is trying to shut down the free speech alternative Parler unless they implement draconian anti-speech measures.

The founders would have stormed the capitol a long time ago. Trees of liberty need watering.
You speak for the founders? The guys who set up the very system you are trying to destroy?

Hate to break it to you, Coyote, the system has long since been destroyed. Neither party has shown any reverence to the system. By altering and interpreting it, they turned it into something the founders never intended it to be.

One must learn to place blame equally in this context.

See...I disagree...I think the system itself, still works. We pretend to know what the founders intended, but most of the time it’s just our own spin. Culture changes, and nothing can stay static in time foe 250 years. What we are facing is change occurring at exponential rate, with out the necessary cultural tools to deal with it. We were given a Constitution that has endured longer than that of any other nation. There should be a lesson in that. IMO.

Something is broken though...I am just not sure what :(
Lefties, anything you guys pull is on YOU...not Trump. This push for authoritarianism in on you guys 100%.

AOC wanting Trump supporters kicked out of Congress? I thought the left was all about voters not being disenfranchised.

The left is simply using every excuse they can to expand their power. They are using tribalist division. It is textbook and has been done many times in many nations. Some of you need to read a fucking book.
Everyone who supports this is a Communist
So communism now include private corporations? The kind that would not exist in communism...Wow, you a Donald Trump kinda genius..
Communists support censorship.

Laughing.......by your conception of 'censorship', I can waltz into your house, spray paint BLACK LIVES MATTER on your livingroom wall. And you can neither stop me nor ever take it down, less you engage in 'censorship'.

Once again, you have no idea what you're talking about.
The Stalinist far left march continues. As president Trump stated, they weren't after him - they are after you and your freedoms. He is standing in the way.
FACEBOOK has removed the #WalkAway Campaign and has BANNED ME and EVERY MEMBER of my team!!! Over half a million people in #WalkAway with hundreds of thousands of testimonial videos and stories is GONE. Facebook has banned everything related to #WalkAway.

Twitter has also banned president Trump. Meanwhile, apple is trying to shut down the free speech alternative Parler unless they implement draconian anti-speech measures.

The founders would have stormed the capitol a long time ago. Trees of liberty need watering.
You speak for the founders? The guys who set up the very system you are trying to destroy?

Hate to break it to you, Coyote, the system has long since been destroyed. Neither party has shown any reverence to the system. By altering and interpreting it, they turned it into something the founders never intended it to be.

One must learn to place blame equally in this context.

See...I disagree...I think the system itself, still works. We pretend to know what the founders intended, but most of the time it’s just our own spin. Culture changes, and nothing can stay static in time foe 250 years. What we are facing is change occurring at exponential rate, with out the necessary cultural tools to deal with it. We were given a Constitution that has endured longer than that of any other nation. There should be a lesson in that. IMO.

Something is broken though...I am just not sure what :(
Sincerity is lacking. IMO. Everyone is gaming everyone..and the concept of selfless service is seen as a fool's game.
Everyone who supports this is a Communist
So communism now include private corporations? The kind that would not exist in communism...Wow, you a Donald Trump kinda genius..
Communists support censorship.

Laughing.......by your conception of 'censorship', I can waltz into your house, spray paint BLACK LIVES MATTER on your livingroom wall. And you can neither stop me nor ever take it down, less you engage in 'censorship'.

Once again, you have no idea what you're talking about.
That involves breaking and entering and vandalism, moron. It's not an example of freedom of speech.
The Stalinist far left march continues. As president Trump stated, they weren't after him - they are after you and your freedoms. He is standing in the way.
FACEBOOK has removed the #WalkAway Campaign and has BANNED ME and EVERY MEMBER of my team!!! Over half a million people in #WalkAway with hundreds of thousands of testimonial videos and stories is GONE. Facebook has banned everything related to #WalkAway.

Twitter has also banned president Trump. Meanwhile, apple is trying to shut down the free speech alternative Parler unless they implement draconian anti-speech measures.

The founders would have stormed the capitol a long time ago. Trees of liberty need watering.
You speak for the founders? The guys who set up the very system you are trying to destroy?

Hate to break it to you, Coyote, the system has long since been destroyed. Neither party has shown any reverence to the system. By altering and interpreting it, they turned it into something the founders never intended it to be.

One must learn to place blame equally in this context.

See...I disagree...I think the system itself, still works. We pretend to know what the founders intended, but most of the time it’s just our own spin. Culture changes, and nothing can stay static in time foe 250 years. What we are facing is change occurring at exponential rate, with out the necessary cultural tools to deal with it. We were given a Constitution that has endured longer than that of any other nation. There should be a lesson in that. IMO.

Something is broken though...I am just not sure what :(
Yeah, that's why we should tolerate the Dim election swindle!
The Stalinist far left march continues. As president Trump stated, they weren't after him - they are after you and your freedoms. He is standing in the way.
FACEBOOK has removed the #WalkAway Campaign and has BANNED ME and EVERY MEMBER of my team!!! Over half a million people in #WalkAway with hundreds of thousands of testimonial videos and stories is GONE. Facebook has banned everything related to #WalkAway.

Twitter has also banned president Trump. Meanwhile, apple is trying to shut down the free speech alternative Parler unless they implement draconian anti-speech measures.

The founders would have stormed the capitol a long time ago. Trees of liberty need watering.
You speak for the founders? The guys who set up the very system you are trying to destroy?

Hate to break it to you, Coyote, the system has long since been destroyed. Neither party has shown any reverence to the system. By altering and interpreting it, they turned it into something the founders never intended it to be.

One must learn to place blame equally in this context.

See...I disagree...I think the system itself, still works. We pretend to know what the founders intended, but most of the time it’s just our own spin. Culture changes, and nothing can stay static in time foe 250 years. What we are facing is change occurring at exponential rate, with out the necessary cultural tools to deal with it. We were given a Constitution that has endured longer than that of any other nation. There should be a lesson in that. IMO.

Something is broken though...I am just not sure what :(
some of us don't want to be told how to think.

it ain't rocket science.
Culture changes, and nothing can stay static in time foe 250 years. What we are facing is change occurring at exponential rate, with out the necessary cultural tools to deal with it. We were given a Constitution that has endured longer than that of any other nation. There should be a lesson in that. IMO.


I am quite frankly impressed with this statement.

And as such it is a perfect counter to Skylar 's argument that the founders couldn't foresee cultural and technological change.

We can safely assume that the men, who had the wherewithal to found this nation, also had the wherewithal to take the future into account when they crafted our constitution.
Everyone who supports this is a Communist
So communism now include private corporations? The kind that would not exist in communism...Wow, you a Donald Trump kinda genius..
Communists support censorship.

Laughing.......by your conception of 'censorship', I can waltz into your house, spray paint BLACK LIVES MATTER on your livingroom wall. And you can neither stop me nor ever take it down, less you engage in 'censorship'.

Once again, you have no idea what you're talking about.
That involves breaking and entering and vandalism, moron. It's not an example of freedom of speech.
Freedom of speech only exists in the public space...Twitter, Facebook..and USMB..are not public spaces, and thus..have no free speech. BTW..there is no assurance in dissemination..you are given the right to speak..not the right to ensure that everyone has to hear you.
Everyone who supports this is a Communist
So communism now include private corporations? The kind that would not exist in communism...Wow, you a Donald Trump kinda genius..
Communists support censorship.

Laughing.......by your conception of 'censorship', I can waltz into your house, spray paint BLACK LIVES MATTER on your livingroom wall. And you can neither stop me nor ever take it down, less you engage in 'censorship'.

Once again, you have no idea what you're talking about.
That involves breaking and entering and vandalism, moron. It's not an example of freedom of speech.

You can't limit my speech like that in your conception of 'censorship'. You don't get to decide IF I'm allowed in your home or what I'm allowed to say.

And you can't take down what I spray paint on your walls. Remember, per your idea of 'censorship;, you don't get to control the use of your own property per your own argument. You don't get a say.

Only I do.

Unless you want to be a 'communist' who engages in 'censorship', of course.
Everyone who supports this is a Communist
So communism now include private corporations? The kind that would not exist in communism...Wow, you a Donald Trump kinda genius..
Communists support censorship.

Laughing.......by your conception of 'censorship', I can waltz into your house, spray paint BLACK LIVES MATTER on your livingroom wall. And you can neither stop me nor ever take it down, less you engage in 'censorship'.

Once again, you have no idea what you're talking about.

No, you couldn't. Because law or not, he would have shot you for invading his house. That a flawed analogy, Skylar.
Free speech as laid out by the founders bans Politicians from censoring. It doesn't stop others from censoring politicians.
Apple isn't interested in pushing white supremacy.

I demand socialism for these people. At this point lesser punishments won't do.
We need to nationalize Apple and all big tech.


Nationalize? But..isn't that communism?
It's call giving idiots what they wish for.
Kinda like free Viagra in Texas, i get it!
Or giving you anus plugs.
You sure are interested in people's nether parts.....it's OK...you can come out of that closet now...a lot of Texans are gay and proud of it!~
Not gay, but I have nothing against gays. I am comfortable in my sexuality.

But, I will make fun of gays like you. It's not off the table.

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