Walkaway Banned from Facebook As Apple Threatens Parler

Everyone who supports this is a Communist
So communism now include private corporations? The kind that would not exist in communism...Wow, you a Donald Trump kinda genius..
Communists support censorship.

Laughing.......by your conception of 'censorship', I can waltz into your house, spray paint BLACK LIVES MATTER on your livingroom wall. And you can neither stop me nor ever take it down, less you engage in 'censorship'.

Once again, you have no idea what you're talking about.
That involves breaking and entering and vandalism, moron. It's not an example of freedom of speech.

You can't limit my speech like that in your conception of 'censorship'. You don't get to decide IF I'm allowed in your home or what I'm allowed to say.

And you can't take down what I spray paint on your walls. Remember, per your idea of 'censorship;, you don't get to control the use of your own property per your own argument. You don't get a say.

Only I do.

Unless you want to be a 'communist' who engages in 'censorship', of course.
You really believe that freedom of speech is the same as breaking and entering and vandalism?

What 'breaking and entering'? What 'vandalism'? Remember, in your conception of 'censorship', you don't get to control the use of your own property. Only I do for the purposes of my speech.

So you don't get a say if I have access to your livingroom wall.....or that's 'censorship'.

Either you get to control access to your own property AND Twitter gets to do the same, or neither of you do.

Pick one.

But what happened? Surely you wanted people to bake the cake? Surely you pushed for those diversity quotas?

Go away moron, no one is entertained by the BS. You are a leftist and want your free shit / burned down society. Just admit it like a champ and be done. If you think we can't see that you don't give a toss about principles and only want to advance your socialist death cult - you are entirely wrong. Similarly, before any kind of abstract reasoning - we do not want that death cult in our lives.
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Laughing.......by your conception of 'censorship', I can waltz into your house, spray paint BLACK LIVES MATTER on your livingroom wall. And you can neither stop me nor ever take it down, less you engage in 'censorship'.

Once again, you have no idea what you're talking about.

Why would you think my living room wall is a platform for communication or that you could just "waltz" right in? Educated?!?!? :laugh2:
Depends on how you define 'free speech'. If you believe free speech is your right to use OTHER people's property for the purposes of YOUR speech.....then your livingroom wall is mine to spread my speech on. You could neither stop me nor ever take it down....else you've violated my 'free speech'.

If however, 'free speech' is speech free of govrnment interference......then I have no right to the use of your livingroom wall as you're not the government. And you have no right to post on Twitter's wall, as they're not the government.

Pick one.
The Stalinist far left march continues. As president Trump stated, they weren't after him - they are after you and your freedoms. He is standing in the way.
FACEBOOK has removed the #WalkAway Campaign and has BANNED ME and EVERY MEMBER of my team!!! Over half a million people in #WalkAway with hundreds of thousands of testimonial videos and stories is GONE. Facebook has banned everything related to #WalkAway.

Twitter has also banned president Trump. Meanwhile, apple is trying to shut down the free speech alternative Parler unless they implement draconian anti-speech measures.

The founders would have stormed the capitol a long time ago. Trees of liberty need watering.
You speak for the founders? The guys who set up the very system you are trying to destroy?

Hate to break it to you, Coyote, the system has long since been destroyed. Neither party has shown any reverence to the system. By altering and interpreting it, they turned it into something the founders never intended it to be.

One must learn to place blame equally in this context.

See...I disagree...I think the system itself, still works. We pretend to know what the founders intended, but most of the time it’s just our own spin. Culture changes, and nothing can stay static in time foe 250 years. What we are facing is change occurring at exponential rate, with out the necessary cultural tools to deal with it. We were given a Constitution that has endured longer than that of any other nation. There should be a lesson in that. IMO.

Something is broken though...I am just not sure what :(
some of us don't want to be told how to think.

it ain't rocket science.
Of course. Not sure how that relates though.
because that is what the left is doing now. got rid of the boogie man they created and now it's time to tell you what you can and should think. PARLER - YOU SILENCE USERS OR WE SILENCE YOU.

but hey - private business, right? all that shit. now lets go force a baker to make some cakes.
Everyone who supports this is a Communist
So communism now include private corporations? The kind that would not exist in communism...Wow, you a Donald Trump kinda genius..
Communists support censorship.

Laughing.......by your conception of 'censorship', I can waltz into your house, spray paint BLACK LIVES MATTER on your livingroom wall. And you can neither stop me nor ever take it down, less you engage in 'censorship'.

Once again, you have no idea what you're talking about.
That involves breaking and entering and vandalism, moron. It's not an example of freedom of speech.

You can't limit my speech like that in your conception of 'censorship'. You don't get to decide IF I'm allowed in your home or what I'm allowed to say.

And you can't take down what I spray paint on your walls. Remember, per your idea of 'censorship;, you don't get to control the use of your own property per your own argument. You don't get a say.

Only I do.

Unless you want to be a 'communist' who engages in 'censorship', of course.
Sorry, but yes I do. That isn't speech. It's breaking and entering. quit pretending that you're even dumber than you normally indicate.

Your argument is pure idiocy.
Everyone who supports this is a Communist
So communism now include private corporations? The kind that would not exist in communism...Wow, you a Donald Trump kinda genius..
Communists support censorship.

Laughing.......by your conception of 'censorship', I can waltz into your house, spray paint BLACK LIVES MATTER on your livingroom wall. And you can neither stop me nor ever take it down, less you engage in 'censorship'.

Once again, you have no idea what you're talking about.
That involves breaking and entering and vandalism, moron. It's not an example of freedom of speech.

You can't limit my speech like that in your conception of 'censorship'. You don't get to decide IF I'm allowed in your home or what I'm allowed to say.

And you can't take down what I spray paint on your walls. Remember, per your idea of 'censorship;, you don't get to control the use of your own property per your own argument. You don't get a say.

Only I do.

Unless you want to be a 'communist' who engages in 'censorship', of course.
You really believe that freedom of speech is the same as breaking and entering and vandalism?

What 'breaking and entering'? What 'vandalism'? Remember, in your conception of 'censorship', you don't get to control the use of your own property. Only I do for the purposes of my speech.

So you don't get a say if I have access to your livingroom wall.....or that's 'censorship'.

Either you get to control access to your own property AND Twitter gets to do the same, or neither of you do.

Pick one.
Please quit trying to prove that you're a moron. We already believe you.
Everyone who supports this is a Communist
So communism now include private corporations? The kind that would not exist in communism...Wow, you a Donald Trump kinda genius..
Communists support censorship.

Laughing.......by your conception of 'censorship', I can waltz into your house, spray paint BLACK LIVES MATTER on your livingroom wall. And you can neither stop me nor ever take it down, less you engage in 'censorship'.

Once again, you have no idea what you're talking about.
That involves breaking and entering and vandalism, moron. It's not an example of freedom of speech.

You can't limit my speech like that in your conception of 'censorship'. You don't get to decide IF I'm allowed in your home or what I'm allowed to say.

And you can't take down what I spray paint on your walls. Remember, per your idea of 'censorship;, you don't get to control the use of your own property per your own argument. You don't get a say.

Only I do.

Unless you want to be a 'communist' who engages in 'censorship', of course.
You really believe that freedom of speech is the same as breaking and entering and vandalism?

What 'breaking and entering'? What 'vandalism'? Remember, in your conception of 'censorship', you don't get to control the use of your own property. Only I do for the purposes of my speech.

So you don't get a say if I have access to your livingroom wall.....or that's 'censorship'.

Either you get to control access to your own property AND Twitter gets to do the same, or neither of you do.

Pick one.
Please quit trying to prove that you're a moron. We already believe you.

And once again, you've pained yourself into a corner.

Either you get to control access to your own property AND Twitter gets to do the same, or neither of you do.

Pick one.
Laughing.......by your conception of 'censorship', I can waltz into your house, spray paint BLACK LIVES MATTER on your livingroom wall. And you can neither stop me nor ever take it down, less you engage in 'censorship'.

Once again, you have no idea what you're talking about.

Why would you think my living room wall is a platform for communication or that you could just "waltz" right in? Educated?!?!? :laugh2:
Depends on how you define 'free speech'. If you believe free speech is your right to use OTHER people's property for the purposes of YOUR speech.....then your livingroom wall is mine to spread my speech on. You could neither stop me nor ever take it down....else you've violated my 'free speech'.

If however, 'free speech' is speech free of govrnment interference......then I have no right to the use of your livingroom wall as you're not the government. And you have no right to post on Twitter's wall, as they're not the government.

Pick one.
Spare us, moron.
Everyone who supports this is a Communist
So communism now include private corporations? The kind that would not exist in communism...Wow, you a Donald Trump kinda genius..
Communists support censorship.

Laughing.......by your conception of 'censorship', I can waltz into your house, spray paint BLACK LIVES MATTER on your livingroom wall. And you can neither stop me nor ever take it down, less you engage in 'censorship'.

Once again, you have no idea what you're talking about.
That involves breaking and entering and vandalism, moron. It's not an example of freedom of speech.

You can't limit my speech like that in your conception of 'censorship'. You don't get to decide IF I'm allowed in your home or what I'm allowed to say.

And you can't take down what I spray paint on your walls. Remember, per your idea of 'censorship;, you don't get to control the use of your own property per your own argument. You don't get a say.

Only I do.

Unless you want to be a 'communist' who engages in 'censorship', of course.
You really believe that freedom of speech is the same as breaking and entering and vandalism?

What 'breaking and entering'? What 'vandalism'? Remember, in your conception of 'censorship', you don't get to control the use of your own property. Only I do for the purposes of my speech.

So you don't get a say if I have access to your livingroom wall.....or that's 'censorship'.

Either you get to control access to your own property AND Twitter gets to do the same, or neither of you do.

Pick one.
Please quit trying to prove that you're a moron. We already believe you.

And once again, you've pained yourself into a corner.

Either you get to control access to your own property AND Twitter gets to do the same, or neither of you do.

Pick one.
Twitter isn't a private company. It's a government protected monopoly.
Laughing.......by your conception of 'censorship', I can waltz into your house, spray paint BLACK LIVES MATTER on your livingroom wall. And you can neither stop me nor ever take it down, less you engage in 'censorship'.

Once again, you have no idea what you're talking about.

Why would you think my living room wall is a platform for communication or that you could just "waltz" right in? Educated?!?!? :laugh2:
Depends on how you define 'free speech'. If you believe free speech is your right to use OTHER people's property for the purposes of YOUR speech.....then your livingroom wall is mine to spread my speech on. You could neither stop me nor ever take it down....else you've violated my 'free speech'.

If however, 'free speech' is speech free of govrnment interference......then I have no right to the use of your livingroom wall as you're not the government. And you have no right to post on Twitter's wall, as they're not the government.

Pick one.
Spare us, moron.

And there is Bripat's tell: when you corner him with his own logic.......he abandons his argument and starts name calling.

I accept your surrender, little one.
Everyone who supports this is a Communist
So communism now include private corporations? The kind that would not exist in communism...Wow, you a Donald Trump kinda genius..
Communists support censorship.

Laughing.......by your conception of 'censorship', I can waltz into your house, spray paint BLACK LIVES MATTER on your livingroom wall. And you can neither stop me nor ever take it down, less you engage in 'censorship'.

Once again, you have no idea what you're talking about.
That involves breaking and entering and vandalism, moron. It's not an example of freedom of speech.
Freedom of speech only exists in the public space...Twitter, Facebook..and USMB..are not public spaces, and thus..have no free speech. BTW..there is no assurance in dissemination..you are given the right to speak..not the right to ensure that everyone has to hear you.
So you can come into my home and shut down freedom of speech? Can I shut down Twitter, FB, they operate in private buildings not the public square.
Laughing.......by your conception of 'censorship', I can waltz into your house, spray paint BLACK LIVES MATTER on your livingroom wall. And you can neither stop me nor ever take it down, less you engage in 'censorship'.

Once again, you have no idea what you're talking about.

Why would you think my living room wall is a platform for communication or that you could just "waltz" right in? Educated?!?!? :laugh2:
Depends on how you define 'free speech'. If you believe free speech is your right to use OTHER people's property for the purposes of YOUR speech.....then your livingroom wall is mine to spread my speech on. You could neither stop me nor ever take it down....else you've violated my 'free speech'.

If however, 'free speech' is speech free of govrnment interference......then I have no right to the use of your livingroom wall as you're not the government. And you have no right to post on Twitter's wall, as they're not the government.

Pick one.

Here is my definition of free speech.

Don't take arguments presented by morons like Skylar seriously, who do not believe in them themselves... To the tune of locking businesses down and throwing people out.

These people who do not believe in free speech in any way are not welcome here to spew their bullshit regarding the definition of free speech. This thread is not even ABOUT free speech, it is about Stalinism, which you are a proponent of.

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