
You know who you need on your side to get your walkaway thingie to work? Democrats.
I forgot you can’t read. Please ask a trusted adult to read all of the links I have posted in this thread and then ask them to explain it to you.
At last count, there were at least 8 million more Democrats who voted for Biden over trump.
Well we’re not interested in deceased voters. We’re not Dumbocrats. :laugh:

looks like they walked back
Did they though? Did they? :lmao:

Folks…everything you need to know about the left right here:

looks like they walked back
See, their ideology is all about power/control through force. It’s a dictator ideology. Because they embrace a dictator ideology and have never read the US Constitution, they truly have no concept that the President of the United States is a single public office - with every limited power - out of tens of thousands across the nation.

You sure about that? Let’s see what a staunch Democrat has to say about it:
"There is no way to put this other than to say ... Joe Biden winning looks like a one-off. This election for the most part was an absolute repudiation of the Democratic Party as a brand. Their brand doesn’t work across most of America. It just doesn’t."
An “absolute repudiation of the Democrat Party”. As Joe Scarborough stated, there is no other way to say it. You people are so bat-shit crazy that millions have walked away (and millions more will). Joe continued:
"They got routed in Senate races they should have won. And I mean, and if you don’t believe me, just look back at all the predictions. Are Democrats going to win nine, 10, 11 Senate seats? The House results are perhaps even more shocking. Nobody thought that this was going to be close. The weekend before the election, Republican pollsters were talking about hemorrhaging support in suburbs and couldn’t believe the numbers. They said, 'We’re going to get destroyed.' Well, it ended up [that] they couldn’t believe the numbers for a good reason. The numbers were wrong!"
Barack Obama ushered in the era of left-wing extremism. Where you people claim that someone with a penis is a “real woman”. Where you install tampon dispensers in men’s rooms while encouraging men to use the ladies restroom. Where you encourage and celebrate rioting, looting, and arson, while demonizing law enforcement - calling for them to be defunded. Where you encourage illegal aliens to invade the United States, while claiming the founders were “evil slave rapists”.

That shit doesn’t fly with normal, rational, reasonable people (and it never will). You’re panic-stricken right now at the alarming rate people are walking away from the Dumbocrat Party and you should be.
Folks…everything you need to know about the left right here:

looks like they walked back
See, their ideology is all about power/control through force. It’s a dictator ideology. Because they embrace a dictator ideology and have never read the US Constitution, they truly have no concept that the President of the United States is a single public office - with every limited power - out of tens of thousands across the nation.
The only force in the election was when you guys tried your insurrection
I want to personally thank the Dumbocrat Party and all of the radicals who have hijacked it. It is so nice to see decent America’s waking up and walking away. Three-hundred and seventy-thousand people is nothing to sneeze at, and I expect we will see this continue to grow.

Rally in Washington Will Urge Disillusioned Democrats, Leftists to 'Walk Away'

This post didn't age well at all.

The reality is that in 2020 it was the republicans who walked away from the Republican Party.

They still are.

trump lost by over 7 million votes.

trump lost the popular vote by more than twice he lost to Hillary.

Your delusions are making a huge fool of you.
We also got the Senate and House.
Hahaha! Sweetie…you lost seats in the House. You flipped 3 seats to Democrats. But we flipped 15 seats to Republicans.

15 > 3

Struggle with basic math, much? That’s a 5-to-1 ration hon.
Hence I wrote you "tried" your insurrection.
Again…there was no “insurrection” sweetie. If there had been, Donald Trump would still be President of the United States.

I know it’s hard for you fascists to accept, but that was merely a legal and proper protest.

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