Walker says he will sue the Daily Beast over abortion claim

The right doesn’t have sources; they have fairytales.

What a fucking moron.

The reason 80% of America trusts Fox over the DNC propaganda is that Fox lies a fraction of the amount the DNC does. Jeff Bezos' personal hate blog, the Washington Post occasionally prints something that is true- IF it promotes the democrat Reich. MSNBC and NBCCP in general broadcast what Beijing tells them. CNN is direct from the DNC to you.

Fox is the most trusted News in America, OANN is the most accurate national news source.

What a fucking moron.

The reason 80% of America trusts Fox over the DNC propaganda is that Fox lies a fraction of the amount the DNC does. Jeff Bezos' personal hate blog, the Washington Post occasionally prints something that is true- IF it promotes the democrat Reich. MSNBC and NBCCP in general broadcast what Beijing tells them. CNN is direct from the DNC to you.

Fox is the most trusted News in America, OANN is the most accurate national news source.
Ask any of the Nazis what Warnock will do for Georgia - any Nazi on the board; they'll spew hatred and bigotry against Walker - not one of them will ever come up with anything that Warnock has done or will do.
The "Reverand" will make sure his pockets are full, that's for sure. Democrats slime and ridicule Christians, then support wolves in sheep's clothing every day as long as they're Black and Democrat.
you won't hear anything past the initial reporting anyway, because that's how progressives work.

1. Make a vague accusation backed up with at best circumstantial evidence, at worse, unsourced rumors
2. Set up the titles and first paragraphs of the articles to pretend there is more proof than exists
3. Ignore all counter-evidence
4. Stop caring because the original story was enough to damage the person in question.

Rinse, and repeat.
Guess what....people are still talking about Walker and his paying for an abortion. Bet it gets brought up tonite too.
Ask any of the Nazis what Warnock will do for Georgia - any Nazi on the board; they'll spew hatred and bigotry against Walker - not one of them will ever come up with anything that Warnock has done or will do.
And people are still talking about Abortion proponent Walker. Of course it's clear that to the so-called "pro-life" movement, abortions are acceptable for the con-venience of the father.

You didn't answer my question.
you won't hear anything past the initial reporting anyway, because that's how progressives work.

1. Make a vague accusation backed up with at best circumstantial evidence, at worse, unsourced rumors
2. Set up the titles and first paragraphs of the articles to pretend there is more proof than exists
3. Ignore all counter-evidence
4. Stop caring because the original story was enough to damage the person in question.

Rinse, and repeat.
Oh dear....we are still hearing about the abortion accusation.....in fact, there's a second one now. :heehee:

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