Wall Street Journal - GOP on Kamikaze Mission


Cat Lady =^..^=
Apr 27, 2013
Wall Street Journal seems to get it, Republicans in Congress, bent on repealing Obamacare may be on a Kamikaze mission.

How will it work out for them? It may end up helping the Democratic Party.

Perhaps the only war strategizing more inept than President Obama's on Syria are GOP plans for the budget hostilities this autumn.

The latest GOP internal dispute is over a continuing resolution to fund the government at sequester-spending levels. The current CR runs out at the end of the month, and about 40 to 50 House Republicans (out of 233) want to attach a rider that either delays or defunds the Affordable Care Act for a year and leaves everything else running.

Speaker John Boehner floated a CR with an arcane procedure that would force the Senate to take an up-or-down vote on the anti-ObamaCare component. But pressure groups like Heritage Action and the Club for Growth rebelled and the vote had to be postponed, like so many other unforced retreats this Congress. Here we go again.

These critics portrayed the Boehner plan as a sellout because of a campaign that captured the imagination of some conservatives this summer: Republicans must threaten to crash their Zeros into the aircraft carrier of ObamaCare. Their demand is that the House pair the "must pass" CR or the debt limit with defunding the health-care bill.
Kamikaze missions rarely turn out well, least of all for the pilots.

The problem is that Mr. Obama is never, ever going to unwind his signature legacy project of national health care. Ideology aside, it would end his Presidency politically. And if Republicans insist that any spending bill must defund ObamaCare, then a showdown is inevitable that shuts down much of the government. Republicans will claim that Democrats are the ones shutting it down to preserve ObamaCare. Voters may see it differently given the media's liberal sympathies and because the repeal-or-bust crowd provoked the confrontation.

If this works it would be the first time. The evidence going back to the Newt Gingrich Congress is that no party can govern from the House, and the Republican Party can't abide the outcry when flights are delayed, national parks close and direct deposits for military spouses stop. Sooner or later the GOP breaks.

The kamikazes could end up ensuring the return of all-Democratic rule.

Review & Outlook: The Power of 218 - WSJ.com
The Wall Street Journal is a liberal communist mouthpiece for the DNC.

The backbenchers might even look at the polls showing that the public is now tilting toward Republicans on issues including the economy, ensuring a strong national defense and even health care. Some Republicans think they are sure to hold the House in 2014 no matter what happens because of gerrymandering, but even those levees won't hold if there's a wave of revulsion against the GOP. Marginal seats still matter for controlling Congress. The kamikazes could end up ensuring the return of all-Democratic rule.
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The Wall Street Journal is a liberal communist mouthpiece for the DNC.

The backbenchers might even look at the polls showing that the public is now tilting toward Republicans on issues including the economy, ensuring a strong national defense and even health care. Some Republicans think they are sure to hold the House in 2014 no matter what happens because of gerrymandering, but even those levees won't hold if there's a wave of revulsion against the GOP. Marginal seats still matter for controlling Congress. The kamikazes could end up ensuring the return of all-Democratic rule.

I can understand why you would think so. Most extreme right-wingers cannot take any constructive criticism and consider anything that doesn't sound like "rah-rah" for the GOP must be liberal.

However, the WSJ has been rooting for the GOP for as long as I can remember.
They're trying to warn the doofuses in Congress that they're committing suicide, but apparently they don't realize it.

Tough words for House Republicans from the Wall Street Journal‘s generally conservative (especially on fiscal issues) editorial board:
Wall Street Journal: GOP budget plans ?more inept? than Obama on Syria | TheBlaze.com

The Wall Street Journal has repeatedly supported the conservative call for states to cut income taxes in order to foster economic growth, ignoring a large body of evidence that shows cutting or eliminating income taxes is economically damaging.

In recent months, The Wall Street Journal has published opinion pieces in support of Republican governors' push to reduce or eliminate state income taxes.

Wall Street Journal Relies On Right-Wing ALEC To Mislead On "Red-State" Tax Plans | Blog | Media Matters for America
The Wall Street Journal is a liberal communist mouthpiece for the DNC.

The backbenchers might even look at the polls showing that the public is now tilting toward Republicans on issues including the economy, ensuring a strong national defense and even health care. Some Republicans think they are sure to hold the House in 2014 no matter what happens because of gerrymandering, but even those levees won't hold if there's a wave of revulsion against the GOP. Marginal seats still matter for controlling Congress. The kamikazes could end up ensuring the return of all-Democratic rule.

If even Rupert Murdoch is turning against you..you know something ain't right in Denmark.
Wall Street Journal seems to get it, Republicans in Congress, bent on repealing Obamacare may be on a Kamikaze mission.

How will it work out for them? It may end up helping the Democratic Party.

Perhaps the only war strategizing more inept than President Obama's on Syria are GOP plans for the budget hostilities this autumn.

The latest GOP internal dispute is over a continuing resolution to fund the government at sequester-spending levels. The current CR runs out at the end of the month, and about 40 to 50 House Republicans (out of 233) want to attach a rider that either delays or duefunds the Affordable Care Act for a year and leaves everything else running.

Speaker John Boehner floated a CR with an arcane procedure that would force the Senate to take an up-or-down vote on the anti-ObamaCare component. But pressure groups like Heritage Action and the Club for Growth rebelled and the vote had to be postponed, like so many other unforced retreats this Congress. Here we go again.

These critics portrayed the Boehner plan as a sellout because of a campaign that captured the imagination of some conservatives this summer: Republicans must threaten to crash their Zeros into the aircraft carrier of ObamaCare. Their demand is that the House pair the "must pass" CR or the debt limit with defunding the health-care bill.
Kamikaze missions rarely turn out well, least of all for the pilots.

The problem is that Mr. Obama is never, ever going to unwind his signature legacy project of national health care. Ideology aside, it would end his Presidency politically. And if Republicans insist that any spending bill must defund ObamaCare, then a showdown is inevitable that shuts down much of the government. Republicans will claim that Democrats are the ones shutting it down to preserve ObamaCare. Voters may see it differently given the media's liberal sympathies and because the repeal-or-bust crowd provoked the confrontation.

If this works it would be the first time. The evidence going back to the Newt Gingrich Congress is that no party can govern from the House, and the Republican Party can't abide the outcry when flights are delayed, national parks close and direct deposits for military spouses stop. Sooner or later the GOP breaks.

The kamikazes could end up ensuring the return of all-Democratic rule.

Review & Outlook: The Power of 218 - WSJ.com

The WSJ Editorial Page and that asswipe John Fund, fed the rightwing whacko crap since the days of Reagan and introducing Rush Limbaigh to the East Coast elites. Shitbitds coming home to roost
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The Wall Street Journal is a liberal communist mouthpiece for the DNC.

The backbenchers might even look at the polls showing that the public is now tilting toward Republicans on issues including the economy, ensuring a strong national defense and even health care. Some Republicans think they are sure to hold the House in 2014 no matter what happens because of gerrymandering, but even those levees won't hold if there's a wave of revulsion against the GOP. Marginal seats still matter for controlling Congress. The kamikazes could end up ensuring the return of all-Democratic rule.

I can understand why you would think so. Most extreme right-wingers cannot take any constructive criticism and consider anything that doesn't sound like "rah-rah" for the GOP must be liberal.

However, the WSJ has been rooting for the GOP for as long as I can remember.
They're trying to warn the doofuses in Congress that they're committing suicide, but apparently they don't realize it.

Tough words for House Republicans from the Wall Street Journal‘s generally conservative (especially on fiscal issues) editorial board:
Wall Street Journal: GOP budget plans ?more inept? than Obama on Syria | TheBlaze.com

The Wall Street Journal has repeatedly supported the conservative call for states to cut income taxes in order to foster economic growth, ignoring a large body of evidence that shows cutting or eliminating income taxes is economically damaging.

In recent months, The Wall Street Journal has published opinion pieces in support of Republican governors' push to reduce or eliminate state income taxes.

Wall Street Journal Relies On Right-Wing ALEC To Mislead On "Red-State" Tax Plans | Blog | Media Matters for America

oh for crying out loud...:cuckoo:
I don't care what the wsj says, a Majority now oppose ObamaTax...you people who are looking to live off the backs of others will just have to deal with it
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The Wall Street Journal is a liberal communist mouthpiece for the DNC.

I can understand why you would think so. Most extreme right-wingers cannot take any constructive criticism and consider anything that doesn't sound like "rah-rah" for the GOP must be liberal.

However, the WSJ has been rooting for the GOP for as long as I can remember.
They're trying to warn the doofuses in Congress that they're committing suicide, but apparently they don't realize it.

Tough words for House Republicans from the Wall Street Journal‘s generally conservative (especially on fiscal issues) editorial board:
Wall Street Journal: GOP budget plans ?more inept? than Obama on Syria | TheBlaze.com

The Wall Street Journal has repeatedly supported the conservative call for states to cut income taxes in order to foster economic growth, ignoring a large body of evidence that shows cutting or eliminating income taxes is economically damaging.

In recent months, The Wall Street Journal has published opinion pieces in support of Republican governors' push to reduce or eliminate state income taxes.

Wall Street Journal Relies On Right-Wing ALEC To Mislead On "Red-State" Tax Plans | Blog | Media Matters for America

oh for crying out loud...:cuckoo:
I don't care what the wsj says, a Majority now oppose ObamaTax...you people who are looking to live off the backs of others will just have to deal with it

Of course you don't care. Seeing your party put the screws to the country reaching for an unreachable goal is of no concern to the extreme right-wing. Unfortunately there will be a price to pay. Gingrich tried the same thing and handed us the whole enchilada. Thanks.
Prophecy: The kamikazes could end up ensuring the return of all-Democratic rule.

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