Wall Street's Big Money Is Betting On Biden And Democrats In 2020

The electorate has about three cents on the dollar worth of purchasing power. And the value of what little bit of savings they have is continuously robbed as a consequence of inflating the currency.

My dollar is still worth 100 cents.

A nickel bag is still the same price of $5 it was when I was a teen. So what?

It depends on what you get for your money
My brother is voting for Trump because he insist if Biden wins the market will tank. I keep explaining to him there is no legitimate reason to believe that will be the case. Everything in Biden's history shows him to be a corporatist, much like the Clintons and Obama.

With all due respect, Taz...it's Biden's policies that will tank the economy! Tax raises in the midst of a recession? Implementing the Green New Deal? The market will tank because they've seen this show before.
The electorate has about three cents on the dollar worth of purchasing power. And the value of what little bit of savings they have is continuously robbed as a consequence of inflating the currency.

My dollar is still worth 100 cents.
It would buy a gallon and a half of gas as a kid.........not so much now..........
The electorate has about three cents on the dollar worth of purchasing power. And the value of what little bit of savings they have is continuously robbed as a consequence of inflating the currency.

My dollar is still worth 100 cents.
It would buy a gallon and a half of gas as a kid.........not so much now..........

That's true I'm sure. But the gallon and a half of gasoline back in the day when your 59 Caddy got 9 mpg might not get you any further than the 1/2 you can get today in your Toyota.
It would buy a gallon and a half of gas as a kid.........not so much now..........

Exactly. And rising prices are only one single consequence of inflating the currency in a very long list of consequences, few of which are ever discussed out in the wild.
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Delaware is HQ for major American corporations. Biden has a long history of supporting corporations and banks.
Wall Street knows they have a friend with Joe Biden.

He's also shown he can bend with the wind, and a Dem win is blown by the hard left.
Biden has never been a friend of the hard left. All politicians bend with the wind, but Biden has been distinctly center-right.
That’s so right and so easily confirmed. Yet many on the left and right don’t know it.
The electorate has about three cents on the dollar worth of purchasing power. And the value of what little bit of savings they have is continuously robbed as a consequence of inflating the currency.

My dollar is still worth 100 cents.
It would buy a gallon and a half of gas as a kid.........not so much now..........

That's true I'm sure. But the gallon and a half of gasoline back in the day when your 59 Caddy got 9 mpg might not get you any further than the 1/2 you can get today in your Toyota.
Changing the subject their.......it is the worth of the money that is the subject matter........You could buy 4 vehicles for the price of one now.............but no inflation ........LMAO
It would buy a gallon and a half of gas as a kid.........not so much now..........

Exactly. And rising prices are only one single consequence of inflation in a very long list of consequences, few of which are ever discussed out in the wild.
And manipulation to make it seem that the bag of chips is the same for the same price......as it's fluffed up with more air instead of chips..........

The cost of living is through the roof........demands of higher minimum wages.....and price for the basic needs are through the roof..............but inflation isn't really there.........LOL..........

The globalist have turned the dollar into toilet paper. Why Mexicans can come here and make money and go home and live like kings.
That's true I'm sure. But the gallon and a half of gasoline back in the day when your 59 Caddy got 9 mpg might not get you any further than the 1/2 you can get today in your Toyota.

Well, whenever he gets where he's getting, he'll have about three cents on the dollar worth of purchasing power for whatever it is he's shopping for.

How's that for putting it country simple? Ha.

Incidentally, I'm still paying 3.27 Federal Reserve Notes for 1 gallon of premium octane fuel about once a week. That hasn't really changed versus the .99 Federal Reserve Note stuff. 87 octane, I think it is. My vette eats up the premium like it's Gatorade. Not much better than eagle's '59 Caddy. The only saving grace is that it is absolutely fulfilling on the back roads with the targa top off in the early evenings. Especally now that it's cooling off.
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My dollar is still worth 100 cents.

Okay, Toddster. What's the unit of account for your 100 cents? Identify it, please. Thanks!

Everybody gather round. This is gonna be a hoot. All in good fun, of course.

$1 = 100 cents.
From a kid til now........100 cents will not buy you shit..........THANKS DICK

Who told you to keep 100 cents in your pocket from when you were a kid?
My brother is voting for Trump because he insist if Biden wins the market will tank. I keep explaining to him there is no legitimate reason to believe that will be the case. Everything in Biden's history shows him to be a corporatist, much like the Clintons and Obama.

He votes for president Trump because of the... markets?

I mean, obviously he is correct... but... isn't there a better reason?

If you don't vote for president Trump you aren't an American.

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