Walmart Earnings Disaster Exposes a Collapsing Economy

Walmart (WMT) reported earnings of $1.24 a share this morning on revenues of $116.2 billion. Analysts had been expecting $1.25 on $118.5 billion. Sales in stores open morethan a year declined 0.3%. Walmart also guided lower for the full year citing a "challenging sales and operating environment." The stock is off sharply and at risk of going negative for the last 52 weeks. Those are the numbers, but not the whole story.

Walmart is the thermometer of the American economy. Disregard the government data. Jobs and GDP and all the rest are at best inaccurate measures of the economy and at worst flat out corrupt.

Walmart Earnings Disaster Exposes a Collapsing Economy: Davidowitz | Breakout - Yahoo! Finance

Meanwhile Amazon is building new mega-wearhouses.

So, fail on you.

yea I know one near Spartenburg, guess you didnt bother to read all the posts....Amazon is down also. so fail on you
Gas has become permanently $3.50 plus per gallon. 70% plus of all jobs created under genius Obama are part time. Real wages are stagnant because employers have a bottom line and gee they are in business to make profit, not to pay a living wage to high school dropouts for flipping burgers.

This malaise is the new normal; it's the result of Kenysian "economics" and a child in the white house who couldn't run a lemonade stand for a profit. It's a society of takers quickly overrunning the doers, open borders of half breeds and half brains and more crony capitalism under this particular scumbag-in-chief than any before him, but he gets a pass because leftists are truly feeble-minded and envious little *****.

All you dick faced business haters, if WalMart falls, it's only the first domino you stupid ignorant pukes.

If Sam Walton's progeny want to keep up, they need to change their ways. Every other business that doesn't keep up with the times tanks. There is no reason this one should be an exception. They have been so busy putting all their capital into mega one stop shopping hell holes that they have not kept up with the cyber market place. Fuck the Waltons. They don't meet my retail needs. I'll buy from people who do.

you dont keep up much they have little market stores also now, seen one in Glendale Arizona.
Gas has become permanently $3.50 plus per gallon. 70% plus of all jobs created under genius Obama are part time. Real wages are stagnant because employers have a bottom line and gee they are in business to make profit, not to pay a living wage to high school dropouts for flipping burgers.

This malaise is the new normal; it's the result of Kenysian "economics" and a child in the white house who couldn't run a lemonade stand for a profit. It's a society of takers quickly overrunning the doers, open borders of half breeds and half brains and more crony capitalism under this particular scumbag-in-chief than any before him, but he gets a pass because leftists are truly feeble-minded and envious little *****.

All you dick faced business haters, if WalMart falls, it's only the first domino you stupid ignorant pukes.

If Sam Walton's progeny want to keep up, they need to change their ways. Every other business that doesn't keep up with the times tanks. There is no reason this one should be an exception. They have been so busy putting all their capital into mega one stop shopping hell holes that they have not kept up with the cyber market place. Fuck the Waltons. They don't meet my retail needs. I'll buy from people who do.

you dont keep up much they have little market stores also now, seen one in Glendale Arizona.

I don't live in Arizona. I live in KY. And all they have here is the big super store. That's it. Dollar Store has 3 little markets within 5 miles of one another. And they are always busy. I carry two lists to town when I shop. My WM one gets shorter as my DS one gets longer.
Wait a minute. Do I get this right? Walmart shares are up but a penny less than (experts) predicted and they call it a disaster? Solyndra was a disaster. Detroit is a disaster. NYC is a disaster. Walmart is doing fine.
Walmart (WMT) reported earnings of $1.24 a share this morning on revenues of $116.2 billion. Analysts had been expecting $1.25 on $118.5 billion. Sales in stores open morethan a year declined 0.3%. Walmart also guided lower for the full year citing a "challenging sales and operating environment." The stock is off sharply and at risk of going negative for the last 52 weeks. Those are the numbers, but not the whole story.

Walmart is the thermometer of the American economy. Disregard the government data. Jobs and GDP and all the rest are at best inaccurate measures of the economy and at worst flat out corrupt.

Walmart Earnings Disaster Exposes a Collapsing Economy: Davidowitz | Breakout - Yahoo! Finance

Meanwhile Amazon is building new mega-wearhouses.

So, fail on you.

It's really good on UPS and Fed Ex. UPS comes to my house almost every day because I order something from Amazon almost every day. Most everything I order has free shipping, unless I decide to return it. I have only returned 2 things since I have been using them. I even ordered a lovely patio set for my deck. It was $600, and it shipped for free. If I had bought the same set here I would have paid an extra $150 for someone to deliver it out here in the woods. Amazon is a bargain all the way around for me. I'm already making plans for when I can't shop. All my food except a few fresh items will come from online. I'm tired of hateful, whiney, passive aggressive sales people. Amazon is the way to go.

I only by on need I wont wait 1 day if I want something.
Walmart still annihilates the competition. In fact, it's probably inaccurate to even call it 'competition.' I was just in Walmart the other day, and I can assure you, it was insanely busy. I know many are rooting for their demise, but it's just not gonna happen anytime soon. Business being bad for them is likely an indication that things are about to turn bad for the Nation. It is what it is.
Meanwhile Amazon is building new mega-wearhouses.

So, fail on you.

It's really good on UPS and Fed Ex. UPS comes to my house almost every day because I order something from Amazon almost every day. Most everything I order has free shipping, unless I decide to return it. I have only returned 2 things since I have been using them. I even ordered a lovely patio set for my deck. It was $600, and it shipped for free. If I had bought the same set here I would have paid an extra $150 for someone to deliver it out here in the woods. Amazon is a bargain all the way around for me. I'm already making plans for when I can't shop. All my food except a few fresh items will come from online. I'm tired of hateful, whiney, passive aggressive sales people. Amazon is the way to go.

I only by on need I wont wait 1 day if I want something.

Instant gratification isn't soon enough for some people. It costs you. Too bad you don't realize that. Widowed working mothers have to plan. Or they will be welfare mothers. No doubt that is your gig.
I have a family member who works at Walmart. You wouldn't believe the amount of ignorant asshole customers he has to deal with on a daily basis. So many Americans love to hate Walmart. Walmart gets a bad wrap. It simply provides people with what they want. No, you're not gonna get five star service or many well-made products. But that's not why you're there. You're there because you want your products for the lowest prices possible. People who whine about Walmart really are full of shit. You want five star service and well-made products? Well then you'll have to pay for it. Paying Workers better and selling well-made products will cost you more. That's the reality. And we know most of you don't want to pay more.

So, quit your bitching about bad service and cheaply made products. It's what you want. Just accept the fact your cheap products are likely made by Chinese Slaves and Walmart Workers are paid like shit. You want better service and better products? Pay for it. Otherwise, shut the Hell up and enjoy your low prices. You can't have your cake and eat it too. I actually feel bad for people who work at Walmart. Many people feel they have the right to shit on them. Most have no idea what they have to put up with. Too many Americans have become fat, greedy, ignorant assholes. And they shop at Walmart. You don't like Walmart? Don't shop there. But for the love of God, stop bitching about it. It's so tired at this point. Walmart provides the People with what they want. It's as simple as that.
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I have a family member who works at Walmart. You wouldn't believe the amount of ignorant asshole customers he has to deal with on a daily basis. So many Americans love to hate Walmart. Walmart gets a bad wrap. It simply provides people with what they want. No, you're not gonna get five star service or many well-made products. But that's not why you're there. You're there because you want your products for the lowest prices possible. People who whine about Walmart really are full of shit. You want five star service and well-made products? Well then you'll have to pay for it. Paying Workers better and selling well-made products will cost you more. That's the reality. And we know most of you don't want to pay more.

So, quit your bitching about bad service and cheaply made products. It's what you want. Just accept the fact your cheap products are likely made by Chinese Slaves and Walmart Workers are paid like shit. You want better service and better products? Pay for it. Otherwise, shut the Hell up and enjoy your low prices. You can't have your cake and eat it too. I actually feel bad for people who work at Walmart. Many people feel they have the right to shit on them. Most have no idea what they have to put up with. Too many Americans have become fat, greedy, ignorant assholes. And they shop at Walmart. You don't like Walmart? Don't shop there. But for the love of God, stop bitching about it. It's so tired at this point. Walmart provides the People with what they want. It's as simple as that.

I can't "necessarily" disagree with you. However, a couple of generations have come and gone since Sam Walton began his stores (yes, I remember the originals). Walmart has, over these couple of generations, convinced Americans that cheaply made Chinese products, from low-wage Chinese slave labor camps, is the "way to go". All to save $.15 cents on a plastic bowl (or whatever).

I retired from one of the largest grocery wholesalers in the country. When Walmart started it's "grocery division" many said, "well, there go the grocery stores! Walmart will bankrupt them". Didn't happen. Funny dropped slightly, as folks "checked Walmart out" and then returned in droves back to their neighborhood stores. It had a negligible impact on sales.


No Meat Cutters. Meat was trucked in from around the country pre packed. Same with produce, frozen foods, dairy, etc. The large food companies refused to cave in to their demands that they nearly give the food stuffs to Walmart. They just would NOT cave. Now, Walmart is looked at as an "also ran" in the grocery industry. They actually have to COMPETE with local chains and nearly ALWAYS come in second.

I think that Mom and Pop stores suffered from their inability to fight the teams of lawyers that Walmart employes at Bentonville to act as their "bullies". Once larger corporations found that by standing up - rather than capitulating to them, there was a sort of "co-existence" that developed.

The other thing - and in terms of human nature is a BIG thing - is that "most" people got fed up with going to the front of their stores with their purchases to find 45 cash registers - and only 3 or 4 of them actually manned. Frankly, I think THAT has ran more customers off than any thing else.....:lol:
If Sam Walton's progeny want to keep up, they need to change their ways. Every other business that doesn't keep up with the times tanks. There is no reason this one should be an exception. They have been so busy putting all their capital into mega one stop shopping hell holes that they have not kept up with the cyber market place. Fuck the Waltons. They don't meet my retail needs. I'll buy from people who do.

you dont keep up much they have little market stores also now, seen one in Glendale Arizona.

I don't live in Arizona. I live in KY. And all they have here is the big super store. That's it. Dollar Store has 3 little markets within 5 miles of one another. And they are always busy. I carry two lists to town when I shop. My WM one gets shorter as my DS one gets longer.

They are doing it in the cities, like 2 times bigger than a walgreens and what amazed me when I lived there, 3 super walmarts was like 3 miles aways in either direction.
I have a family member who works at Walmart. You wouldn't believe the amount of ignorant asshole customers he has to deal with on a daily basis. So many Americans love to hate Walmart. Walmart gets a bad wrap. It simply provides people with what they want. No, you're not gonna get five star service or many well-made products. But that's not why you're there. You're there because you want your products for the lowest prices possible. People who whine about Walmart really are full of shit. You want five star service and well-made products? Well then you'll have to pay for it. Paying Workers better and selling well-made products will cost you more. That's the reality. And we know most of you don't want to pay more.

So, quit your bitching about bad service and cheaply made products. It's what you want. Just accept the fact your cheap products are likely made by Chinese Slaves and Walmart Workers are paid like shit. You want better service and better products? Pay for it. Otherwise, shut the Hell up and enjoy your low prices. You can't have your cake and eat it too. I actually feel bad for people who work at Walmart. Many people feel they have the right to shit on them. Most have no idea what they have to put up with. Too many Americans have become fat, greedy, ignorant assholes. And they shop at Walmart. You don't like Walmart? Don't shop there. But for the love of God, stop bitching about it. It's so tired at this point. Walmart provides the People with what they want. It's as simple as that.

You should go to China. The Chinese workers may be paid less by the standard of the American dollar. But their dollar, the Yuan, is kept deliberately low and the things they have to buy with it cost far less than products in America. When I was there the exchange rate was 8:1. 8 Yuan for every 1 American dollar. A silk scarf marked 40.00 meant 40 Yuan - 5 American dollars after the exchange at the bank was made. The government keeps the value of their dollar low to attract American businesses. But what it buys in terms of cost is equivalent to what the 8 times more valuable American dollar buys here. One of our American guides goes to China ever year and buys everything his family uses including designer clothes and name brand items like toiletries. He looks for duty free stores but otherwise, pays a little customs, and it is still cheaper for him to shop in China. I'm sure he isn't the only one who has figured that out. So, the Chinese workers aren't slaves. Their money would not go far in this country, but it goes as far there as ours does here.
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Most are sick of the shitty economy and the shitty government , Government 's only answer is to bring in more and more immigrants and then raise taxes to school , feed , and house them............:cuckoo::cuckoo:
Best barometer is the interest you get on your savings account ,if you have a savings account, the economy is in the shitter and never has came back.
I have a family member who works at Walmart. You wouldn't believe the amount of ignorant asshole customers he has to deal with on a daily basis. So many Americans love to hate Walmart. Walmart gets a bad wrap. It simply provides people with what they want. No, you're not gonna get five star service or many well-made products. But that's not why you're there. You're there because you want your products for the lowest prices possible. People who whine about Walmart really are full of shit. You want five star service and well-made products? Well then you'll have to pay for it. Paying Workers better and selling well-made products will cost you more. That's the reality. And we know most of you don't want to pay more.

So, quit your bitching about bad service and cheaply made products. It's what you want. Just accept the fact your cheap products are likely made by Chinese Slaves and Walmart Workers are paid like shit. You want better service and better products? Pay for it. Otherwise, shut the Hell up and enjoy your low prices. You can't have your cake and eat it too. I actually feel bad for people who work at Walmart. Many people feel they have the right to shit on them. Most have no idea what they have to put up with. Too many Americans have become fat, greedy, ignorant assholes. And they shop at Walmart. You don't like Walmart? Don't shop there. But for the love of God, stop bitching about it. It's so tired at this point. Walmart provides the People with what they want. It's as simple as that.

I can't "necessarily" disagree with you. However, a couple of generations have come and gone since Sam Walton began his stores (yes, I remember the originals). Walmart has, over these couple of generations, convinced Americans that cheaply made Chinese products, from low-wage Chinese slave labor camps, is the "way to go". All to save $.15 cents on a plastic bowl (or whatever).

I retired from one of the largest grocery wholesalers in the country. When Walmart started it's "grocery division" many said, "well, there go the grocery stores! Walmart will bankrupt them". Didn't happen. Funny dropped slightly, as folks "checked Walmart out" and then returned in droves back to their neighborhood stores. It had a negligible impact on sales.


No Meat Cutters. Meat was trucked in from around the country pre packed. Same with produce, frozen foods, dairy, etc. The large food companies refused to cave in to their demands that they nearly give the food stuffs to Walmart. They just would NOT cave. Now, Walmart is looked at as an "also ran" in the grocery industry. They actually have to COMPETE with local chains and nearly ALWAYS come in second.

I think that Mom and Pop stores suffered from their inability to fight the teams of lawyers that Walmart employes at Bentonville to act as their "bullies". Once larger corporations found that by standing up - rather than capitulating to them, there was a sort of "co-existence" that developed.

The other thing - and in terms of human nature is a BIG thing - is that "most" people got fed up with going to the front of their stores with their purchases to find 45 cash registers - and only 3 or 4 of them actually manned. Frankly, I think THAT has ran more customers off than any thing else.....:lol:

I hear ya. I just think so many Americans have become spoiled, fat, greedy assholes. They demand five star service and well-made products, but they don't want to pay for it. I mean, how do they think Walmart can sell them their products at such low prices? It's real simple, you want the lowest prices possible? Well, then forget about the five star service and quality products. It ain't gonna happen. Abused Chinese Slaves produce most of the products sold at Walmart. And most of Walmart's employees are paid shit wages and treated like dogs.

Walmart is well known as the ghetto of the Retail World. Some call it the toilet bowl of the Retail World. If you shop there, you get what you get. Quality service and products costs money. And lets face it, most Americans are greedy & cheap. When it comes down to it, they could care less about the Chinese Slaves or Walmart employees getting paid like shit. They just want the low prices. So the Walmart whiners really are full of shit. The can't have their cake and eat it too. You want better service and better products, then pay for it. Otherwise, it is what it is. Deal with it.
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I have a family member who works at Walmart. You wouldn't believe the amount of ignorant asshole customers he has to deal with on a daily basis. So many Americans love to hate Walmart. Walmart gets a bad wrap. It simply provides people with what they want. No, you're not gonna get five star service or many well-made products. But that's not why you're there. You're there because you want your products for the lowest prices possible. People who whine about Walmart really are full of shit. You want five star service and well-made products? Well then you'll have to pay for it. Paying Workers better and selling well-made products will cost you more. That's the reality. And we know most of you don't want to pay more.

So, quit your bitching about bad service and cheaply made products. It's what you want. Just accept the fact your cheap products are likely made by Chinese Slaves and Walmart Workers are paid like shit. You want better service and better products? Pay for it. Otherwise, shut the Hell up and enjoy your low prices. You can't have your cake and eat it too. I actually feel bad for people who work at Walmart. Many people feel they have the right to shit on them. Most have no idea what they have to put up with. Too many Americans have become fat, greedy, ignorant assholes. And they shop at Walmart. You don't like Walmart? Don't shop there. But for the love of God, stop bitching about it. It's so tired at this point. Walmart provides the People with what they want. It's as simple as that.

You should go to China. The Chinese workers may be paid less by the standard of the American dollar. But their dollar, the Yuan, is kept deliberately low and the things they have to buy with it cost far less than products in America. When I was there the exchange rate was 8:1. 8 Yuan for every 1 American dollar. A silk scarf marked 40.00 meant 40 Yuan - 5 American dollars after the exchange at the bank was made. The government keeps the value of their dollar low to attract American businesses. But what it buys in terms of cost is equivalent to what the 8 times more valuable American dollar buys here. One of our American guides goes to China ever year and buys everything his family uses including designer clothes and name brand items like toiletries. He looks for duty free stores but otherwise, pays a little customs, and it is still cheaper for him to shop in China. I'm sure he isn't the only one who has figured that out. So, the Chinese workers aren't slaves. Their money would not go far in this country, but it goes as far there as ours does here.

Won't argue with you on that. You seem to know what you're talking about. I'm talking more about labor & manufacturing costs. Walmart's shelves are stocked with mostly Chinese-made products. And of course they pay their employees like shit and treat em like dogs. Americans want low prices. That's all they want. That's the only reason they're shopping at Walmart.

Whining about service and cheaply-made products is so absurd. Excellent service and well-crafted products costs more. Therefore, the products will have to cost more. And lets face it, most Americans are far too spoiled & greedy to pay more. So they should just shut up and enjoy their low prices. If you don't like Walmart, simply don't shop there. Their employees get so sick of seeing idiot customers walking around whining incessantly. You don't wanna be there? Then GTFO. No one wants to hear all the moronic bitching. It's played out at this point.
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