Walmart Is Raising Wages And Giving Bonuses, Citing Tax Cuts (Every Democrat Voted Against This)

See, the disdain is deep. Prime example.
You on the left can’t stand it. Instead of applauding each such announcement, you realize your base shrinks even more. So I understand your apparent dismay that such a thing could be happening.

Did Senator-elect Roy Moore tell you to say that? Or was it Governor Ed Gillespie?

No, the mockery of you idiots and your foolish notions is deep.
Who knows, maybe the gop will work this time.

You burrow a Trillion and half fucking dollars and throw it to the corporations and bussiness stock holders, who will in turn throw some crumbs out of that to their workforce.

What is there not to work? It's going to work great, just like me going out and blowing through all my credit cards is going to work great for a vacation...not so much long term when the bills come due.
The Trump Tax Cuts are doing wonders for businesses and the working American people. It's a shame Democrats have no sympathy for the working taxpayers but have empathy for the mooching illegals and negroes on welfare, or better known as their pets.

Walmart is raising wages and giving bonuses, citing tax cuts

Walmart to raise its starting wage to $11, give some employees bonuses following tax bill passage
Save us from good news.jpg
Who knows, maybe the gop will work this time.

You burrow a Trillion and half fucking dollars and throw it to the corporations and bussiness stock holders, who will in turn throw some crumbs out of that to their workforce.

What is there not to work? It's going to work great, just like me going out and blowing through all my credit cards is going to work great for a vacation...not so much long term when the bills come due.
Well, in a sense it's the gop's version of Porkulus. Any rightwing nut who denies extending UI and Medicaid and education during the great recession pumped up consumer spending to prevent truly catastrophic deflation is full of shit. But really it was the Fed, that not only dropped interest rates to zero or even lower, and even then bought Yuuge chunks of bad debt to get it off corporate balance sheets.

I don't think anyone made a rational argument that we could just cut spending to reduce the deficits to manageable size. We've got to grow the economy faster than yearly deficits rise. In the past what the gop is trying would have met resistance from the Fed who'd have raised rates fearing inflation. But, maybe there will not be inflation.

But like Porkulus, just raiding the Treasury to hand out largesse to individuals is not something I like.
I wonder how Walmart will react when Trump fulfills his promise to put a 35% tariff on Chinese imports?
The thing I hate about Trump the most is his love-affair with engaging in protectionism. That will kill us.

But, a man walks into a Walmart and asks a store clerk, "I am looking for products that are NOT made in China. Can you show me?" Five minutes later, the clerk finally stops laughing....
A company wide pay raise and bonus is just a few key strokes on a computer!
I don't think so. A tad bit more complex than that. I could take the time to explain it but that would be like "casting pearls before the swine."
I wonder how Walmart will react when Trump fulfills his promise to put a 35% tariff on Chinese imports?
The thing I hate about Trump the most is his love-affair with engaging in protectionism. That will kill us.

But, a man walks into a Walmart and asks a store clerk, "I am looking for products that are NOT made in China. Can you show me?" Five minutes later, the clerk finally stops laughing....

Trump is only president because he embraced protectionism. There is little evidence he'll follow through on any semblance of keeping those promises. I tend to be protectionist myself.
Good for Walmat!!!

A raise is the way to go vs a bonus which is a one shot deal!

This will help many struggling families across the country

More reason that we need to increase the minimum wage
They may not feel the results for a while if they are also receiving food stamps....for right now, while still at a qualifying level for food stamps...the more money they make, reduces their food stamp money, accordingly....

But if they continue to receive a yearly raise, it will reach the point where they no longer qualify for food stamps and eventually will feel the effect of the years of raises.....perhaps?
And predictably, the usual suspects jump in to poo-poo it.

If the President had a (D) after their name, they'd be celebrating.

Partisan politics is ugly. Party before country is even uglier.
I have no problem celebrating good policy.

But, unlike the GOP, I refuse to celebrate the rape of the middle class.

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