WalMart Leads the Way!

Walmart is responsible for what its low level cleaning crew does. obama isn't responsible for what his direct appointees do.

Liberal logic at its finest.

You have an amazing gift of knowing details that don't exist. It's not because you are making excuses..nope, you see things that aren't there just like the average whack job
Well I didn't believe it but I do now know why the left hates WalMart so much. WalMart admitted to guilt something that is very contrary to the liberal left. WalMart didn't blame Bush, didn't say it was not aware, didn't say it heard through the news, it fessed up and is paying 81 million that will just come out of poor people's pockets.
Walmart is responsible for what its low level cleaning crew does. obama isn't responsible for what his direct appointees do.

Liberal logic at its finest.

You have an amazing gift of knowing details that don't exist. It's not because you are making excuses..nope, you see things that aren't there just like the average whack job

Following your logic, WalMart A RETAILER deliberately opened factory closed containers of pesticides, fertilizer and paint for the purpose of putting toxic materials in the drains.

In reality, and I am well aware that reality has no place in liberal land, the charges were:

Wal-Mart did not have a program in place and failed to train its employees on proper hazardous waste management and disposal practices at the store level, according to documents filed in U.S. District Court in San Francisco.

The practices started at an unknown date and continued until January 2006. That meant hazardous wastes were either discarded improperly at the store level — including being put into municipal trash bins or, if a liquid, poured into the local sewer system — or they were improperly transported without proper safety documentation to one of six product-return centers located throughout the United States.

The state investigation began eight years ago when a San Diego County health department employee saw a worker pouring bleach down a drain.

In another instance, officials said a Solano County boy was found playing in a mound of fertilizer near a Walmart garden section

Buchanan said employees are better trained on how to clean up, transport and dispose of dangerous products such as fertilizer that are spilled in the store or have damaged packaging

Wal-Mart pleads guilty to dumping hazardous waste

The damage was done by low level cleaning crews. The details are in existence, well known, and you simply refuse to recognize them. Just like the average leftist whack job.
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Let me explain personal experience with liberals democrats and their treatment of the environment and the poor.

In our borough we have trash pick-up which is voluntary. In other words those who are dupes pay the others either steal the service, throw their trash over a hill or burn it all against the law. So anyone not paying is obviously a thief a criminal and should cited. But unfortunately the council is run by you know who democrats. The only Republican voted for mandatory pickup which would have made it cheaper for EVERYONE and would have been much more environmentally friendly then throwing trash over the hill or burning it. But the democrats will have none of it because democrats are basically FY and I'll do what I want type of people. Oh and BTW they love to tell YOU what YOU have to do. 10 houses on my street 4 put out trash every week. That means 60 percent are nothing more then thieves. BTW I am a dupe.

In every case I witnessed the Republican voted for the working man and the liberals democrats screwed them every chance they got. I think it is a power thing.
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Wal-Mart Pleads Guilty to Hazardous Waste Dumping « KRON4

In pollution, but it's all good, they'll just pay a fine and everyone is free to drink up!

Let the free market dec...wait

So you can honestly say you have never dumped anything down the drain you are not supposed to?

This isnt a manufacturing pipeline pumping out waste. Its someone drain dumping when they are not supposed to, probably to avoid the fees required to dispose of it properly.

Illegal? Yes, and they have to pay the fine. End of the world? No. plus its a wastewater violation, not a drinking water violation.
You seem to have a deep knowledge of water pollution. Can you tell us what would be worse: phosphates or nitrogen compounds?

I have a M.S in Chemical Engineering, and I have worked in Wastewater treatment for 17 years.

The effect of nitrogen compounds and phosphates depends on the ratio between the two. In the case of NYC phosphates are not a concern due to the low concentration in NYC wastewater and that NYC discharges to the Ocean. Nitrogen on the other hand has a severe impact on water quality in Jamaica bay and the Long Island sound, and thus is a priority for removal by area WWTP's.

Phosphates are more of an issue in inland water systems, and are primarily from runoff from agriculture now that phosphate containing detergents are falling out of favor.

In the end, it really depends on what the limiting nutrient is in the reciving water.

See the link below for more information.

Eutrophication - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Walmart is responsible for what its low level cleaning crew does. obama isn't responsible for what his direct appointees do.

Liberal logic at its finest.

You have an amazing gift of knowing details that don't exist. It's not because you are making excuses..nope, you see things that aren't there just like the average whack job

Following your logic, WalMart A RETAILER deliberately opened factory closed containers of pesticides, fertilizer and paint for the purpose of putting toxic materials in the drains.

No dummy, my logic says they dumped some crap down the drain and my logic is backed up with they PLEAD GUILTY!

In reality, and I am well aware that reality has no place in liberal land, the charges were:

Wal-Mart did not have a program in place and failed to train its employees on proper hazardous waste management and disposal practices at the store level, according to documents filed in U.S. District Court in San Francisco.

And that is the fault of "low level cleaning crews" like you said earlier....oh wait, now it's walmarts fault for not training their employees. Stop me when you find a reason you're going to stick too.

The practices started at an unknown date and continued until January 2006. That meant hazardous wastes were either discarded improperly at the store level — including being put into municipal trash bins or, if a liquid, poured into the local sewer system — or they were improperly transported without proper safety documentation to one of six product-return centers located throughout the United States.

The state investigation began eight years ago when a San Diego County health department employee saw a worker pouring bleach down a drain.

In another instance, officials said a Solano County boy was found playing in a mound of fertilizer near a Walmart garden section

Buchanan said employees are better trained on how to clean up, transport and dispose of dangerous products such as fertilizer that are spilled in the store or have damaged packaging

Wal-Mart pleads guilty to dumping hazardous waste

The damage was done by low level cleaning crews. The details are in existence, well known, and you simply refuse to recognize them. Just like the average leftist whack job.

The damage was done by low level cleaning crews who were supposed to be trained by....?
So you can honestly say you have never dumped anything down the drain you are not supposed to?

This isnt a manufacturing pipeline pumping out waste. Its someone drain dumping when they are not supposed to, probably to avoid the fees required to dispose of it properly.

Illegal? Yes, and they have to pay the fine. End of the world? No. plus its a wastewater violation, not a drinking water violation.
You seem to have a deep knowledge of water pollution. Can you tell us what would be worse: phosphates or nitrogen compounds?

I have a M.S in Chemical Engineering, and I have worked in Wastewater treatment for 17 years.

The effect of nitrogen compounds and phosphates depends on the ratio between the two. In the case of NYC phosphates are not a concern due to the low concentration in NYC wastewater and that NYC discharges to the Ocean. Nitrogen on the other hand has a severe impact on water quality in Jamaica bay and the Long Island sound, and thus is a priority for removal by area WWTP's.

Phosphates are more of an issue in inland water systems, and are primarily from runoff from agriculture now that phosphate containing detergents are falling out of favor.

In the end, it really depends on what the limiting nutrient is in the reciving water.

See the link below for more information.

Eutrophication - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Do you think that Wal*Mart's actions were simply negligence or intentional? You mentioned avoidance of fees for disposal.
Wal-Mart Pleads Guilty to Hazardous Waste Dumping « KRON4

In pollution, but it's all good, they'll just pay a fine and everyone is free to drink up!

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) – Wal-Mart Stores Inc. has pleaded guilty to charges the company dumped hazardous waste in California.

A company spokeswoman says Wal-Mart entered the plea Tuesday in San Francisco federal court to misdemeanor counts of negligently dumping pollutants from Walmart stores into sanitation drains across California.

As part of the plea, the company will pay $81 million, which will also cover charges in Missouri.

In 2010, the company agreed to pay $27.6 million to settle similar allegations made by California authorities that led to changes in the retailer’s practices nationwide. Wal-Mart was accused of improperly disposing pesticide, fertilizer and paint.

Let the free market dec...wait

Tell me when a cop abuses his power or is corrupt do you excoriate ALL cops?
Oh great, another "I don't have anything to add" response...

I gave it all the careful consideration the 1,000th "I hate Wal Mart" thread deserves...

You got it wrong the law hates walmarts activities, I posted the story about it and you're mad for some reason. Not at Walmart for dumping waste into our that would be're me. Makes total sense

Mad? Why would I get mad about this? Who fucking cares? If they did something wrong, then punish them for it.. I was only commenting on the left's preoccupation, nay, obsession with all things Wal Mart.
You seem to have a deep knowledge of water pollution. Can you tell us what would be worse: phosphates or nitrogen compounds?

I have a M.S in Chemical Engineering, and I have worked in Wastewater treatment for 17 years.

The effect of nitrogen compounds and phosphates depends on the ratio between the two. In the case of NYC phosphates are not a concern due to the low concentration in NYC wastewater and that NYC discharges to the Ocean. Nitrogen on the other hand has a severe impact on water quality in Jamaica bay and the Long Island sound, and thus is a priority for removal by area WWTP's.

Phosphates are more of an issue in inland water systems, and are primarily from runoff from agriculture now that phosphate containing detergents are falling out of favor.

In the end, it really depends on what the limiting nutrient is in the reciving water.

See the link below for more information.

Eutrophication - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Do you think that Wal*Mart's actions were simply negligence or intentional? You mentioned avoidance of fees for disposal.

It depends on where the policy originated. If it was the cleaning crews/expired product crews just dumping crap instead of properly disposing of it, its lazyness. if it was company policy to flush the stuff, then its avoiding tipping fees.

I need to read the suit when i get home to get the details.

Also when it comes to pesticides, the volume really matters as if it was in small batches WWTP's can handle some degradation of the chemicals, the issue is if its a slug load you may kill off the plant's biology, and some of the pesticide will reach the reciving waters (at what concentration is anyones guess).

Fertilizer would be a eutrophication issue if it overwhelmed the treatment capacity of the local WWTP.

For the paint it depends on if its latex or oil based. Oil based products create grease issues in the plants, and may affect the plant biology. I dont see latex paints having as great of an impact, except for loading issues.
I gave it all the careful consideration the 1,000th "I hate Wal Mart" thread deserves...

You got it wrong the law hates walmarts activities, I posted the story about it and you're mad for some reason. Not at Walmart for dumping waste into our that would be're me. Makes total sense

Mad? Why would I get mad about this? Who fucking cares? If they did something wrong, then punish them for it.. I was only commenting on the left's preoccupation, nay, obsession with all things Wal Mart.

You do, you've been here all day not caring :doubt:
And it sure beats dwelling on what is apparently one of the most corrupt administrations in modern history... right?
Because the rest of us are capable of multi tasking and understanding a diverse group of issues and you are not?

Or because the louder you blow your tin horn, the more dire the situation will seem?

Uhm, I won't waste valuable multi-tasking energies obsessing over all things Wal Mart... I'll leave that to the moonbat brigade. I'd much rather dwell on the inner machinations of this corrupt administration and what may or may not become of all this.

But hey, you keep us posted on Wal Mart!
You know how celebrities can get arrested all the time, and since they have money its not really a problem....and everyone forgets that it even happened after about 2 months? Walmart is Robert Downey Jr.
We don't need no stinking regulations! Companies will do whats right on their own or ppl wont go there any...oh look, towels on sale!

Here where I live trowing away EMPTY paint containers is a violation.

Fuck your dumb ass regulations

Great then just skip a step and drink the paint dumbass

The can is fucking empty you moron. What do YOU suggest I do with it??? Pay to have it launched into spacw or burried in a Nuclear bunker....

Ps. Drinking water isn't sourced from the city dump either jackass
We don't need no stinking regulations! Companies will do whats right on their own or ppl wont go there any...oh look, towels on sale!

Here where I live trowing away EMPTY paint containers is a violation.

Fuck your dumb ass regulations

Great then just skip a step and drink the paint dumbass

How does one drink paint from an empty paint can that ends up either in a landfill or a recycling facility?
Here where I live trowing away EMPTY paint containers is a violation.

Fuck your dumb ass regulations

Great then just skip a step and drink the paint dumbass

The can is fucking empty you moron. What do YOU suggest I do with it??? Pay to have it launched into spacw or burried in a Nuclear bunker....

Ps. Drinking water isn't sourced from the city dump either jackass

I suggest you drink from it moron. Drink up and stop crying about it

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