WalMart Leads the Way!

Wal-Mart Pleads Guilty to Hazardous Waste Dumping « KRON4

In pollution, but it's all good, they'll just pay a fine and everyone is free to drink up!

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) – Wal-Mart Stores Inc. has pleaded guilty to charges the company dumped hazardous waste in California.

A company spokeswoman says Wal-Mart entered the plea Tuesday in San Francisco federal court to misdemeanor counts of negligently dumping pollutants from Walmart stores into sanitation drains across California.

As part of the plea, the company will pay $81 million, which will also cover charges in Missouri.

In 2010, the company agreed to pay $27.6 million to settle similar allegations made by California authorities that led to changes in the retailer’s practices nationwide. Wal-Mart was accused of improperly disposing pesticide, fertilizer and paint.

Let the free market dec...wait

US farmers get the blame every time these big corps dump their crap into the rivers & cause a dead zone. They park skid loads of chemicals, fertilizers, herbicides & pesticides out in parking lots & garden centers at these retailers. Rain washes that stuff from leaking & broken bags down into the storm drain & out into the Mississippi River.

Also business & residents use way more of this stuff per acre than farmers do. All this washes off their yards, parking lots, sidewalks & streets down into the storm drain & out into the Mississippi River. But who gets blamed? The Farmers.
Yes...from one guy..

As I said punitive fines have nothing to do with actual damages.

And you never answered my question about corrupt cops. Surely there are more corrupt cops abusing people than there are Walmart employees dumping pain down drains so why don't you get all outraged about someth8ing that really matters?

Uh because this is about Walmart.

Also, check my record I posted just a few weeks ago about cops abusing their power in the "stop and frisk" law in NYC. Curiously, Mr. Justice, what is your position?

I bet its the same as Walmart. "Who cares!" or some sort of Justification Captain Constitution.

So are ALL cops the problem? is the entire command and control structure of ALL cops at fault for the misdeeds of a few?

You seem to think that about Walmart so is that your position on all wrongdoing?
Wal-Mart Pleads Guilty to Hazardous Waste Dumping « KRON4

In pollution, but it's all good, they'll just pay a fine and everyone is free to drink up!

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) – Wal-Mart Stores Inc. has pleaded guilty to charges the company dumped hazardous waste in California.

A company spokeswoman says Wal-Mart entered the plea Tuesday in San Francisco federal court to misdemeanor counts of negligently dumping pollutants from Walmart stores into sanitation drains across California.

As part of the plea, the company will pay $81 million, which will also cover charges in Missouri.

In 2010, the company agreed to pay $27.6 million to settle similar allegations made by California authorities that led to changes in the retailer’s practices nationwide. Wal-Mart was accused of improperly disposing pesticide, fertilizer and paint.

Let the free market dec...wait

they will also be leading the way with employees on obamacare. no one knows how to use the government to fleece taxpayers like walmart
Fuck you answer my question

I asked you a question first answer mine and I will reciprocate.

Or did I just expose your hypocrisy?

Can you read? You asked me about Cops, I answered. I asked you about cops, you asked more questions. Answer unless you give up

I am trying to determine your stance on issues so I can decide whether or not you are worth my time.

If you believe that one or several Walmart employees acts are a reflection of the desires and intent of the corporation as a whole and yet do not believe that of any other institution such as police, government etc then you sir are a hypocrite and not worth my time.
Oh great, another "I don't have anything to add" response...

I gave it all the careful consideration the 1,000th "I hate Wal Mart" thread deserves...

You got it wrong the law hates walmarts activities, I posted the story about it and you're mad for some reason. Not at Walmart for dumping waste into our that would be're me. Makes total sense
And these RW bastards wonder why their party is going down in flames and shambles. Wonder why they have lost credibility with working people and the middle class in droves.

They bow to the altar of Big Business, they can do no wrong, as long as they are RICH, you'll find a CON that will kiss them on their what-said-not.
I gave it all the careful consideration the 1,000th "I hate Wal Mart" thread deserves...

You got it wrong the law hates walmarts activities, I posted the story about it and you're mad for some reason. Not at Walmart for dumping waste into our that would be're me. Makes total sense
And these RW bastards wonder why their party is going down in flames and shambles. Wonder why they have lost credibility with working people and the middle class in droves.

They bow to the altar of Big Business, they can do no wrong, as long as they are RICH, you'll find a CON that will kiss them on their what-said-not.

lmao, no one has catered to big business more than the obama administration. obama turned out ot be more 1% then romney
I asked you a question first answer mine and I will reciprocate.

Or did I just expose your hypocrisy?

Can you read? You asked me about Cops, I answered. I asked you about cops, you asked more questions. Answer unless you give up

I am trying to determine your stance on issues so I can decide whether or not you are worth my time.

If you believe that one or several Walmart employees acts are a reflection of the desires and intent of the corporation as a whole and yet do not believe that of any other institution such as police, government etc then you sir are a hypocrite and not worth my time.

aww fuck you dude. Captain Justice aka Skull F*& gives a flying eff about Cops harassment or about Walmart Pollution.

Skull needs a distraction, then the distraction blew up in his face. Time for more distraction
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I asked you a question first answer mine and I will reciprocate.

Or did I just expose your hypocrisy?

Can you read? You asked me about Cops, I answered. I asked you about cops, you asked more questions. Answer unless you give up

I am trying to determine your stance on issues so I can decide whether or not you are worth my time.

If you believe that one or several Walmart employees acts are a reflection of the desires and intent of the corporation as a whole and yet do not believe that of any other institution such as police, government etc then you sir are a hypocrite and not worth my time.

Walmart employees reflect how they are treated by Walmart. I am sure this concept is foreign ground with you folks on the right. It is something I learned from 20 years of calling on thousands of businesses big and small.

Here is a Republican I have the utmost respect for.

Discretionary Energy and Paul O’Neill


A few days ago I watched a CNN special produced by Fareed Zakaria Editor-at-Large of TIME Magazine which featured an interview with the 72nd US Treasury Secretary Paul O’Neill. For those who missed the program I wanted to offer a summary of the piece as well as some follow on analysis. As usual, I encourage all of the readers to submit comments in the comments section below.

Before becoming the 72nd US Treasury Secretary Mr. O’Neill was the CEO of Alcoa. When he came into the organization, by all accounts Alcoa was lagging behind in terms of both employee morale and revenues and not delighting users. Instead of focusing on increasing revenues, Mr. O’Neill zeroed in on safety. At first glance it seemed like a very curious choice and one that did get immediate negative feedback from his management team and some of the long time tenured employees at Alcoa.

So why would a new CEO spend most of his time on an initiative focused on safety? Really, how would that lead to profit and revenue growth? The answer is the concept of Discretionary Energy.

Discretionary energy is the amount of attention you are getting from your employees and it speaks to their willingness to be “checked-in” vs. their willingness to be “checked-out” during work hours. What Mr. O’Neill recognized was that there was a correlation between his employees’ safety violations decreasing and discretionary energy increasing. Amazingly, even with his internal detractors, his theory played out. What he saw was a huge decrease in safety violations and a huge increase in discretionary energy.

Once the employee base discretionary energy was at a heightened level, Mr. O’Neill could begin leveraging his successful experiment by rolling out additional top-down initiatives that would spur additional activities / yielding results that he wanted. With employees already going the extra mile and sending additional energy around safety it wouldn’t be a stretch to ask them to do the same around other tasks.

When you go back to work after the first of the year, ask yourself –how much discretionary energy are you spending at work? How much is being asked of you (are you allowing yourself to be checked out)? And if you are a manager ask yourself, what you can ask your team to focus on that would heighten their discretionary energy levels.

You got it wrong the law hates walmarts activities, I posted the story about it and you're mad for some reason. Not at Walmart for dumping waste into our that would be're me. Makes total sense
And these RW bastards wonder why their party is going down in flames and shambles. Wonder why they have lost credibility with working people and the middle class in droves.

They bow to the altar of Big Business, they can do no wrong, as long as they are RICH, you'll find a CON that will kiss them on their what-said-not.

lmao, no one has catered to big business more than the obama administration. obama turned out ot be more 1% then romney
If that's the case then why are you and your ilk continuing to attempt to label him as some kind of radical socialist?

Can you read? You asked me about Cops, I answered. I asked you about cops, you asked more questions. Answer unless you give up

I am trying to determine your stance on issues so I can decide whether or not you are worth my time.

If you believe that one or several Walmart employees acts are a reflection of the desires and intent of the corporation as a whole and yet do not believe that of any other institution such as police, government etc then you sir are a hypocrite and not worth my time.

aww fuck you dude. Captain Justice aka Skull F*& gives a flying eff about Cops harassment or about Walmart Pollution.

Skull needs a distraction, then the distraction blew up in his face. Time for more distraction

At least I'm not a fucking hypocrite idiot.
I am trying to determine your stance on issues so I can decide whether or not you are worth my time.

If you believe that one or several Walmart employees acts are a reflection of the desires and intent of the corporation as a whole and yet do not believe that of any other institution such as police, government etc then you sir are a hypocrite and not worth my time.

aww fuck you dude. Captain Justice aka Skull F*& gives a flying eff about Cops harassment or about Walmart Pollution.

Skull needs a distraction, then the distraction blew up in his face. Time for more distraction

At least I'm not a fucking hypocrite idiot.

Sure you aren't as soon as you answer my question you wont because you full of shit. Your next move will probably be to wait until It goes to a new page and say "Huh, what question"
Well, corporations are people.

Who cares...

Corperations give tens of millions of Americans jobs. That's what's important.

They also give the American people choices.

Want to take that away from us?
NO, Wal-mart has been taking our choices away. They come into a community and put several businesses out of business. They do this by getting protection from the government, abusive business practices, lowering their prices so low that the local stores can't compete, b/c they have the whole chain behind them, and then once the local stores are gone, they can raise their prices back up.

Those good retail jobs that the local stores provided are now gone, and what are those employees left with?

SNAP, Section eight housing, and Wal-mart jobs.

So the tax-payer is subsidizing Wal-mart's business model, where before, local businesses where paying their employees fair wages. Added to that, all the money that the local business was making, went back into the community. Where do you think the money that Wal-mart is making goes? Do you think it stays in the local community?

You know so little about how the supply chains work and how the local economies work. . . .

I'm thinking you do know, don't you Mr. Wal-mart Manager? That might explain your hatred toward minorities and idiots. . . . . You see them every day. That is after all your clientele. In my state we make fun of people that shop at Wal-Mart. We have a better chain store that is family run, they won't even allow it to be traded on the stock market or be run by corporate stock holders. They want to be responsible to their family. That is how they view their employees and the communities that they set up shop in. Their stores cost more to shop in, but you don't get the crap I have to deal with at Wal-Mart.

I can take a product back to their store, no tag, no receipt, and if they still have the same product on the shelf? They take it back, no questions asked. You know that old saying, "The customer is always right?" Yeah, go into a Wal-mart and try to pull that shit. :tongue:

That's why their low prices aren't worth my time, b/c shit made in China needs that "The customer is always right," guarantee, and you sure as hell don't get that at Wal-mart.

I don't have time to deal with the rot and decay that Wal-mart encourages in our society.

[ame=]The People Of Walmart - YouTube[/ame]

So a few small stores can't compete and a few dozen employees lose jobs?

Whipdefuckindoo. Walmart offers the same products and hires HUNDREDS.

Cry more you communist freak
aww fuck you dude. Captain Justice aka Skull F*& gives a flying eff about Cops harassment or about Walmart Pollution.

Skull needs a distraction, then the distraction blew up in his face. Time for more distraction

At least I'm not a fucking hypocrite idiot.

Sure you aren't as soon as you answer my question you wont because you full of shit. Your next move will probably be to wait until It goes to a new page and say "Huh, what question"

Just like you ignored me saying YOU'VE done the same thing as Walmart. And I posted it about 4 pages ago, not one.

You had no response cause you were busted . Walmart got busted, paid the fine (I assume) so stop crying abour it like a little bitch
At least I'm not a fucking hypocrite idiot.

Sure you aren't as soon as you answer my question you wont because you full of shit. Your next move will probably be to wait until It goes to a new page and say "Huh, what question"

Just like you ignored me saying YOU'VE done the same thing as Walmart. And I posted it about 4 pages ago, not one.

You had no response cause you were busted . Walmart got busted, paid the fine (I assume) so stop crying abour it like a little bitch

I didn't respond to you because you're a dumbass who is equating my activities to that of Walmart. Because you think that I am a big box store that people shop in and employees people so we are just alike.

Theres your answer fun boy...go play and now you can stop crying that daddy ignored you
aww fuck you dude. Captain Justice aka Skull F*& gives a flying eff about Cops harassment or about Walmart Pollution.

Skull needs a distraction, then the distraction blew up in his face. Time for more distraction

At least I'm not a fucking hypocrite idiot.

Sure you aren't as soon as you answer my question you wont because you full of shit. Your next move will probably be to wait until It goes to a new page and say "Huh, what question"

I asked you a question that you have yet to answer.

Tell you what I'll not use cops as an example.

If a teacher sexually abuses a kid is it your view that the entire administrative body of the education system is culpable or just the person who actually committed the act?

We all know you don't hold teachers or the government to the same ridiculous standard that you are holding Walmart you just won't admit it.

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