Walmart manager in Chesapeake VA shoots employees

What does that even mean?
Your sight picture is a 'bad guy' coming through your 32 x 80 door frame, intending to harm you. If you can't hit them in that area, you should jump out the window.
No you haven't, so stop lying and tell us who the god is that you worship ? Very simple straight forward question. Who is the one true God ?? Is it Christ, Jehovah, Allah, the Almighty, the merciful one, the most high, which do you prefer ?
I told you, more then once, you have to find the one true God for yourself. I can't tell you.

I too was skeptical but once I sought and embraced the one true God I finally understood.

You too can find the true God. It is a journey you must make yourself however, but if you're sincere, then he will reveal himself to you.

You have my prayers.
I told you, more then once, you have to find the one true God for yourself. I can't tell you.

I too was skeptical but once I sought and embraced the one true God I finally understood.

You too can find the true God. It is a journey you must make yourself however, but if you're sincere, then he will reveal himself to you.

You have my prayers.
So you continue to lie... Enough said. All parties here should take heed to your leftism and dishonest bull crap. God said that who so ever is a shamed to speak his name, then he shall not speak theirs either. Good luck with your foolery.
I believe in the right to possess a firearm but you gotta be honest. Almost no one has the ability to effective defend themselves and others with a sidearm.

Yes. As I said, a lot of people have no business carrying one around, and few business owners want all of their employees running around armed.
Somehow you jumped from what I was talking about (shoppers legally carrying guns) to employees carrying guns. If the employees are legal gun carriers (having passed required testing or are ex-military or police), there is no reason to suspect them to be irresponsible with a gun.

Likewise, insurance companies set rates according to statistics, There are no statistics that would lead them to raise rates on businesses with armed employees, as long as those employees are properly licensed.

Well keep moving goal posts around, and in any case most 2A fanatics don't think safety and training should be a requirement, so they would just start obsessing and sniveling over 'required testing', and of course insurance companies, like WalMart, don't have to care what 2A fanatics want. My personal opinion is it's a states' rights issue, with the 2A as just a general umbrella that allows local options and not some absolutist screed.
So you continue to lie...

Nope. You just don't like my answer. You will never find the one true God with an attitude like that.

Enough said.

If only.

All parties here should take heed to your leftism and dishonest bull crap.

Appeal to your echo chamber? Lol. Sad.

God said that who so ever is a shamed to speak his name, then he shall not speak theirs either. Good luck with your foolery.
That is what men made up about what your god said...and you believed it.

Question. How many animals can fit on one boat?
Nope. You just don't like my answer. You will never find the one true God with an attitude like that.

If only.

Appeal to your echo chamber? Lol. Sad.

That is what men made up about what your god said...and you believed it.

Question. How many animals can fit on one boat?
So you are an unbeliever... So now we know the god you choose to follow, and it's not the eternal God. You are dismissed, and no I'm not getting in the boat you are riding in because eventually that boat is going to be sucked down into hell, and down there will be your true god.
So you are an unbeliever...

Nope. I believe in the one true God.

So now we know the god you choose to follow, and it's not the eternal God.

Sorry. You found the wrong god. My God is eternal.

You are dismissed, and no I'm not getting in the boat you are riding in because eventually that boat is going to be sucked down into hell, and down there will be your true god.
Thats quite some hubris you have there.

I will continue to pray for you.
Nope. I believe in the one true God.

Sorry. You found the wrong god. My God is eternal.

Thats quite some hubris you have there.

I will continue to pray for you.
You make statement's, and then when you are called out "you fake your innocence". Typical leftist.

You said that men have told me what God had said, and I listened to them.

So I'm guessing that you are referring to men being inspired by God in order to record the events during Jesus time, and to record the word's through a text written by those who were chosen by God to do so, and then talk about hubris, your inference is to suggest in your statement that I am a fool for reading and believing the word's that were written down by men who were chosen, and were inspired by God to bring his message to all in the world ?

Get help.
Hellmart is the REASON these POS came outta their hidey holes to begin with!!!

Shut down Hellmart totally, utterly, and completely.......and these POS low life scum-sucking lunatics will slither back into their hidey holes and forever be forgotten once more.

Cause Hellmart is the ONLY fucking cancer in this country that allows this shit to go on in their stores!!! Nobody else does.
S' OK - we both know you're avoidng the issue becase you can't address the issue.
I'm just willing to admit it.
Like a grownup.
So now we both know that evilcat breath is part of your "team". He made the first assertion yet you demand data on my second assertion and have requested no info from him.

At least try to hide your partisonship.
Hellmart is the REASON these POS came outta their hidey holes to begin with!!!

Shut down Hellmart totally, utterly, and completely.......and these POS low life scum-sucking lunatics will slither back into their hidey holes and forever be forgotten once more.

Cause Hellmart is the ONLY fucking cancer in this country that allows this shit to go on in their stores!!! Nobody else does.
Think about it this way - The dot com boon, otherwise the boon where people could get very wealthy without any effort at the beginning of it all, has since unfortunately placed huge money into some very shady and weird people's hand's, otherwise that would have never had such money if it weren't for the unregulated Internet in which allowed for such people to get their hands on such money.

So now what we've had basically, is the nursery children with a lot of money taking over the daycare. Face-Twitt, CN-N, MS-NB-C, and on and on are perfect examples of an out of touch heavily propagandized bunch of hate spewing sorry ace's. The monopolizing of our free market's by heavily biased allowances to do so, and the skirting of Anti-trust law's in order to make it appear as normal has allowed for the taking over of the nursery by the children.

Then we get these dirty politician's who figure that the American's are just to stupid to see the truth in it all. Sad.
Well keep moving goal posts around, and in any case most 2A fanatics don't think safety and training should be a requirement, so they would just start obsessing and sniveling over 'required testing', and of course insurance companies, like WalMart, don't have to care what 2A fanatics want. My personal opinion is it's a states' rights issue, with the 2A as just a general umbrella that allows local options and not some absolutist screed.
Never heard of 2A.

I don't care what some fanatic who doesn't think safety and training should be a requirement, has to say. I don't adjust to loons & morons.

I have no idea what the rest of your post is talking about. You might as well be typing Chinese. I speak/read American English.
As long as we're willing to sell guns to people no questions asked, you'll have this sad occurrence repeated over and over and over.
No, bitch. As long as Marxists have a hold on the school systems in America.
As long as anyone can purchase an AR-15, mass shootings will occur. Such is life in America.

It's pure fantasy that you believe getting rid of AR-15s will stop mass shootings. This manager at Walmart, for instance, used a 9mm handgun
Some people just can't appreciate the quintessentially American value of freedom...


Nothing finer.

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