Walmart manager in Chesapeake VA shoots employees

Attacking the gun instead of identifying the perps is the Democrat way.
The way the rest of the developed world keeps their mass shooting and firearm homicide rates to a fraction of that of the US.

Pity them, they just don't understand the essential American concept of freedom.

The way the rest of the developed world keeps their mass shooting and firearm homicide rates to a fraction of that of the US.

Pity them, they just don't understand the essential American concept of freedom.

Correlation is not causation. You can post as many pictures of dead people as you want; you aren't changing anybody's mind. People see right through propaganda. Instead of using dead people as propaganda, how about you stop and ask yourself why Americans are so prone to violence compared to most of these other countries in the first place? All you people ever want to do is treat the symptoms, but never attack the disease itself and I think the reason for that is if you actually took the time to study this you'd find many of your own economic and cultural policies are the cause of it.
It's pure fantasy that you believe getting rid of AR-15s will stop mass shootings. This manager at Walmart, for instance, used a 9mm handgun
Notice when Biden was in Nantucket issuing a statement, he specifically said 'semi automatic guns'?

Is this the new left mantra instead of assault weapons or the real agenda all along, I think the later applies.
I'm sorry you do not like you can't meet my challenge, and are using your petulant fixation on someone else as an excuse to not do so - but there's nothing I can do about it.
Ok. I refuse to meet your challenge until mine is met.

You win. I am fixated. I am petulant. I make excuses. Oh, and their is nothing I can do it about.

I give up. You win. I am whatever you choose to call me. You are the master of masters.

Are you good now? Can I wait for Evilcat breath's reply in peace?

Have a great day!
How do they do this?
The rest of the world enforces their laws in a strict manor, and they don't have this huge victimhood class that constantly preys on white guilt whenever whites are involved with attempting to up hold law and order, and involved in the putting away of criminal's for awhile. It has become a serious problem in this country now.

We have the racist throwing the race card willy nilly, and we have the race baiters exploiting the situation every way that they can (keeping it stirred for political, agenda's, and power gaining or sustaining purposes).
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It's crazy people that are the issue, not guns. We need to take their guns.

Guns are inanimate objects. You did know that right?
Define Crazy!!! Just because someone disagrees with you doesn't make them crazy, Just because they don't like commie Democrats doesn't make them crazy
How do you know this gun was sold to the shooter, no questions asked?
Oh. You don't.
You just mindlessly repeat your talking points, like a dog reacting to a bell.

He bought the gun legally on Tuesday and his name was Bing.

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