Walmart on Welfare: We support their employees so they don't have to.

[QUOTE="DrDoomNGloom, post: 9741959, membe

You need to shift some thoughts over to getting your fellow ni$$ers off the couch and working again, only by hard work and perseverance can one overcome these hurdles in life ............ no matter what color your skin is!![/QUOTE]

Hey, Douchebag.

the 1% of the population that controls 43% of the wealth in this country did NOT do 43% of the physical labor.

I've got no problem getting people off the couch, but there isn't much of an incentive for them to do so if the wealthy keep cheating them.
Odd how the Conservatives here love to stand on the necks of the poor. Corporations like Wal-Mart get federal subsidies and that's a grand idea, according to these "free market" worshipping Conservatives. Yet let one poor person step up and, in a true Dickensian manner, dare to ask for more and the Right Wingers go apoplectic.

Gee. I wonder why they call Conservatives a fringe group. How could any self respecting working American support them? My guess is shear ignorance.
You need to shift some thoughts over to getting your fellow ni$$ers off the couch and working again, only by hard work and perseverance can one overcome these hurdles in life ............ no matter what color your skin is!!

Hey, Douchebag.

the 1% of the population that controls 43% of the wealth in this country did NOT do 43% of the physical labor.

I've got no problem getting people off the couch, but there isn't much of an incentive for them to do so if the wealthy keep cheating them.

The wealthy are not cheating others as you would like to claim, it was the lack of quality genetic material and lack of family or moral values that have made the race easy pickings for those who had both resources and intelligence. The poor and rich all start life naked and afraid, it's the nurturing by quality family that care about you and your own self determination and self worth that decide whether you will be a productive member of society or just another also ran has been who's only way in life is to plead total incompetence and ignorance!!

Why do you people always want to be the victim?? Can you not see your selves being taken advantage of and avoid those situations??

No I suppose the intelligence and forethought to accomplish that also eludes you ......................
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Odd how the Conservatives here love to stand on the necks of the poor. Corporations like Wal-Mart get federal subsidies and that's a grand idea, according to these "free market" worshipping Conservatives. Yet let one poor person step up and, in a true Dickensian manner, dare to ask for more and the Right Wingers go apoplectic.

Gee. I wonder why they call Conservatives a fringe group. How could any self respecting working American support them? My guess is shear ignorance.

If this thread were actually about putting a stop to the various ways companies like Wal-Mart are subsidized by government, I'd be filling it with green checkmarks.

But it's not.
"There were many days when the entire stored smelled like one big rancid fart."

From a relative of mine who once worked in Management for Walmart.

Walmart is nasty. The low prices ain't enough to drag me into Third World dank. I shop elsewhere.
Nicely detailed rant, but you're missing one important detail.

Interstate commerce

Roads like route 40 go through small towns and lack bypasses for large city centers. There are several reasons for interstates to exist.

  1. Safety: The more big rigs you have running through population centers, the more likely you are going to have accidents. As a truck driver, I try to stay away from state routes during the day because I don't like driving through school & hospital zones.
  2. Congestion: Those roads aren't meant to handle the kinds of traffic interstates are. You don't want 50 trucks in Nowheresville, USA when you're trying to drive 2 miles to get home from working at the local grocery.
  3. Fuel Economy: With commercial carriers being pressured to reduce emissions & fossil fuel usage, fuel economy is a major concern. Constant speed limit variations reduce fuel economy.
  4. Limited access highway is right: Limited access to truck stops, truck shops, and truck parking. 4-wheelers don't have to worry about these things, but they are daily necessities to truck drivers.

FYI, I drove 18-wheeler back in 2009. I drove all the way from Maine, to Washington state.

First, the reason unused 4-lane, divided highways, don't have truck stops.... is because they are UNUSED 4-lane divided highways.

Again, you are looking at the results of the interstate killing off business along existing roads, and then claiming "without the interstate we wouldn't have truck stops!". The reason Route 40 doesn't have truck stops, is because there are no trucks, because the Federal government blew billions on redundant roads we didn't need.

Second, Route 40 is not a constant speed variation.

Third, Congestion has simply moved. It's not gone... it just went from Route 40 to I-70. Have you driven I-70 during rush hour? It's a parking lot.

Fourth, the most dangerous road I've ever been on was I-5 around Portland Oregon. Further, most of the State Routes do not go through any of the towns. R23 bypasses Marion and Delaware, and Chillicothe. R33 bypasses Mariesville, Bellefontian, and bypasses Lancastor and Athens going the other way.

Most routes bypass the significant 'safety' hazards. I don't, and did not when I was driving, find that a significant problem. I personally loved the routes, because they were practically empty. I used them every chance I could get, granted I wasn't on the road long though. Only half a year.
(First post cropped out because... damn)

If you were a truck driver,then you should be well aware of the differences between traveling US40 vs I-70. Yes, there are speed variances. Every time you come across a town, you have to slow down as you pass through it. Often multiple times. Then you can speed back up once you are through it. Just to slow down again at the next town. Ad nauseum, through ~a dozen states. As opposed to an interstate where you can generally keep at one speed throughout the entire state (with the occasional exception of a slightly lower limit through heavily populated cities).

Also, you missed my point entirely about congestion. I am not referring to congestion as it affects truck drivers. I am talking about the local yokels just trying to travel to/from their job a couple miles from home along those state and county roads. Big rigs in small towns are a massive nuisance.

If you think I-5 is dangerous, I totally believe your 6 month claim. Also, you're comparing apples to oranges. The more time you spend around local traffic, the more likely an inattentive driver who takes their responsibilities on the road for granted will do something stupid and cause an accident.

Any time there is an accident that involves a big rig, there are consequences for that driver regardless of whether or not he is determined to be at fault. If the wheels are turning, according to safety departments across the industry, there is SOMETHING the (truck) driver could have done differently to avoid the accident.

The less a driver puts himself at risk, the less likely he/she is to suffer the effects of "4-wheeler Derp Syndrome"

Yes I have driven Route 40. I am aware of the differences. It's not that much.

I-5 was a nightmare. If you had a great experience, more power to you. When I went there in an 18-wheeler, it was a freakin nightmare.

Again, I listed a number of towns, that the state roads bypass. You generally don't go through them. Are there a few? Yes. There are a few. But if you are telling me that one mile of 45 mph, instead of 65, is going to cause a massive loss of gas milage, you are nutz. Sorry, but you are wrong. My Volvo Tractor only got 6.1MPG loaded, at best. I highly doubt that minor speed variation over 1 mile through a town, made any significant difference.

I wager the slow downs and speed up, from a packed I-70, over 100 miles, made a much larger difference.

But you want to argue otherwise, fine. We agree to disagree. Until you can prove it, I'm sticking with my experience.

Again, I've been down Route 40. It was empty.... as in EMPTY. There were no 'local yokels' on Route 40. That's why I stayed on Route 40 more than I-70.

Route 23 south, goes through South Bloomfield, and Waverly. Thousands of trucks go up and down this road every single day (Because there is no redundant Interstate). Those two towns, 23 goes down to a undivided road, with stop lights. Specifically, one light in SB, and 2 in Waverly.

Thus far, I haven't seen any lines of dead people along 23, killed by trucks, or local yokels smash under trucks. In fact, in the 25 years I've driven 23, (family down south), I have never once even seen an accident. Trucks seem to navigate the "stop and go light" on the straight 23 road through the tiny towns perfectly fine without incident.

And I never referred to county roads. I'm well aware that those itty bitty 2-lane county roads suck. I avoided them like they were diseased.

But state routes, especially here in Ohio, are wonderful. There was, and is, no need for a multi-billion dollar redundant federal waste program.

And here's the last thing...

I'm not even debating the fact that Federal Interstates are 'better' than the state routes. I would hope that at some level, they were better, given the much higher cost.

What I am debating with those on the left is... is it better enough to justify the cost, and does it actually increase economic growth?

I say the answer is no. Before the interstate, millions of trucks rolled down Route 40. There are abandoned towns, fuel stations, rest areas that no longer exist, hotels / motels, restaurants, and other abandoned buildings, that show a growing economy, and commerce transported by Route 40.

Now, it's almost empty. The amount of commerce did not 'grow'. It moved. There is no rational, logical, let alone provable claim, to be made that the amount of commerce over I-70s 4-lane divided highway, is any greater than that over Route 40s 4-land divided highway.

So this idiotic claim that building infrastructure for infrastructures sake, is ignorant.

You can't make the case that building the interstate drastically increased the economy, when we already had roads, that were perfectly suitable for the task.

So the question is, are the Interstates so much better of a road, that they were worth hundreds of billions? Again, I say no. The difference in quality between the two are minor. Even the differences that DO exist, exist mainly because states stopped building their own roads, in favor of the subsidized Federal roads.

State funds that would have gone to state roads, were instead diverted to Federal roads. Then you want to claim state roads are not quite as good?

On top of that, the cost is much higher for Federal roads, than state roads. If you look at the major construction companies, they list different costs per mile of state roads than Federal roads, and it's over a 50% increase.

Now of course this is subsidized by the Federal government. Last I checked, it was 50/50. That's great for the state, but terrible for the tax payer.

That's one of the problems people have when they look at taxes, and consider policy. Policy X might only cost a few billion at the Federal Level, but you fail to see it's also driving up taxes at the State and Local level.

So then I ask the question... do you really think Federal roads are worth how much it cost? Because honestly..... We are *STILL* paying for the *BUILDING* of those Federal roads. And you will be paying for them until you die.... and your kids are paying for them, and will be until they die.... and THEIR KIDS will be paying for them, and pay for them until they die.

Do not grasp that? And I'm not talking about the maintenance cost either. I'm talk about the half a trillion dollars the government spent in the 1950s..... WE ARE *STILL* PAYING FOR IT. To this very day.

No, it's not worth it. The cost was too high, and still is. And it did *NOT* boost the economy.
Walmart could do better. America as a whole could do better in how it treats its workers. Unfortunately, too many of my Conservative friends feel compelled to defend Corporations like Walmart and denigrate Workers.

But you can be a Capitalist and still defend the workers. You don't have to Goose Step along and lick Corporate boots. Sometimes Corporations are wrong. And it's ok to point that out. Walmart does represent the 'Evil Corporation' perfectly. They've earned their reputation.

Agreed. But this thread isn't really about Wal-Mart. It's about mini,um wage nonsense.

And the minimum wage is too low.

Simple as that. What some "conservatives" can't figure out is that they need to get past the "no no no" rhetoric or they're not going to be part o the discussion of what a reasonable minimum wage would be, then they will really be pissed when they have no say.

Americans are tired of the "no no no"

Apparently "no job" is better in leftard world.
Like every other employer in the universe. Was there a point?

Not me, but I'm not a greedy fuck.

Between the two of us, which of us wants to be paid more money, for no reason?
Between the two of us, which of us is more concerned with how much other people are making?
Between the two of us, which is complaining about the Walton's and the 1%, and the compensation package of so and so?

See 'greed' is....

Wanting to something that is not yours. When you look at others and say "they shouldn't have that".... that's greed.

Getting what you have rightfully earned..... is not greed.

Democrats are the party of Greed. Their entire platform is all about what others have.

Okay, i'm convinced. You're retarded.

Paying people a fair wage for a day's work is not 'Greed'. It's simply the right thing to do.

I also find it amusing that as a so-called "Christian". you spend so much time defending the rich.

Okay, i'm convinced. You're ignorant.

People are paid a fair wage. You don't have the right, or the information, or the experience to know what a fair wage is.

I bet you haven't even run so much as a lemonade stand, and honestly until you have to live with the weight and pressure of making payroll, and avoiding bankruptcy, and paying the IRS on your business.... you don't the authority to say jack squat about what a fair wage is... because you don't know.

Just like you don't have a clue what that Bible passage was talking about. It's amazing how non-christians, pull sections out of the Bible, they have zero understanding off, twist it to fit whatever ideology they want to promote, and then claim people of faith or hypocrites.

Look in the mirror Forest.
You make a claim you can't substantiate and he's retarded?
What is a "fair" wage, exactly? As many times as this gets asked no lib has managed a coherent answer.

Uh, no, guy, he's even

blaw blaw blaw blaw blaw blaw blaw.... (insert Joe's mindless stupidity here)

Joe... you are quickly proving to be the biggest mindless idiot on this forum. If you don't have something to add to the conversation.... do your relatives a favor... and shut up. You are making them look bad right now.
Walmart could do better. America as a whole could do better in how it treats its workers. Unfortunately, too many of my Conservative friends feel compelled to defend Corporations like Walmart and denigrate Workers.

But you can be a Capitalist and still defend the workers. You don't have to Goose Step along and lick Corporate boots. Sometimes Corporations are wrong. And it's ok to point that out. Walmart does represent the 'Evil Corporation' perfectly. They've earned their reputation.

Agreed. But this thread isn't really about Wal-Mart. It's about mini,um wage nonsense.

And the minimum wage is too low.

Simple as that. What some "conservatives" can't figure out is that they need to get past the "no no no" rhetoric or they're not going to be part o the discussion of what a reasonable minimum wage would be, then they will really be pissed when they have no say.

Americans are tired of the "no no no"

Apparently "no job" is better in leftard world.

Yep. The minimum wage movement might as well be called the "War on Scabs".
You make a claim you can't substantiate and he's retarded?
What is a "fair" wage, exactly? As many times as this gets asked no lib has managed a coherent answer.

Uh, no, guy, he's even more retarded than you are, and that's saying much.

But at least he isn't using a retard as a AVI like you are.

Put glasses on a retard, and he's still a retard.

Fair wage- $15.00 an hour. that sounds fair to me.
$200/hr sounds fair to me. If I'm the one working.
If I'm the one paying then 2/hr sounds fair.

See how that works? Probably not.

Yup. Which is why it shouldn't be up to you.

So the answer is No.
You are right, it shouldnt be up to me, unless I am either applying for a job or hiring. Same for everyone else.
Thanks, Joe. You just eviscerated the min wage argument all on your own. Knew you'd get there. Don't thank me. Just vote GOP.

Come on now, don't you think there is a REASON every civilized country has a minimum wage law?


Denmark has no minimum wage
Austria has no minimum wage
Finland has no minimum wage
Germany has no minimum wage
Iceland has no minimum wage
Singapore has no minimum wage
Norway has no minimum wage
Switzerland has no minimum wage, and by the way, just rejected creating one, because they said it would kill jobs.

I don't understand you people on the left. You just make up complete crap.

Most of those countries have Unions, which bargain for Union contracts, which have minimum wages. But the problem is, Union membership is falling across Europe, just like here in the US.

Austria, only 40% of the work force is unionized.
Norway, is 50%
Switzerland, only 20% is unionized.

Do you people not grasp this? 80% of Switzerland's workers have ZERO MINIMUM WAGE. 60% of Austria, ZERO MW. 50% of Norway, ZERO MW.

Most of the people don't have any minimum wage at all.

Btw...... Out of all of Europe... which countries recovered the quickest, and with best long term growth? Austria, Norway, Switzerland, with no minimum wage? Or France, UK, Spain and Greece, with relatively high minimum wages?

Just another leftard coincidence I guess. Couldn't possibly be related.
You make a claim you can't substantiate and he's retarded?
What is a "fair" wage, exactly? As many times as this gets asked no lib has managed a coherent answer.

Uh, no, guy, he's even more retarded than you are, and that's saying much.

But at least he isn't using a retard as a AVI like you are.

Put glasses on a retard, and he's still a retard.

Fair wage- $15.00 an hour. that sounds fair to me.
$200/hr sounds fair to me. If I'm the one working.
If I'm the one paying then 2/hr sounds fair.

See how that works? Probably not.

Yup. Which is why it shouldn't be up to you.

So the answer is No.
You are right, it shouldnt be up to me, unless I am either applying for a job or hiring. Same for everyone else.
Thanks, Joe. You just eviscerated the min wage argument all on your own. Knew you'd get there. Don't thank me. Just vote GOP.

Come on now, don't you think there is a REASON every civilized country has a minimum wage law?

Sure. They have an interest in maintaining an underclass. It's more or less a replacement for slavery.

So one theory is that if there wasn't a minimum wage law companies would negotiate for HIGHER wages? I mean come on , that is stupid just on the face of it to claim that the minimum wage holds wages down.

As Judge Judy says "If something doesn't sound right, it probably isn't right"



Yes, the minimum wage holds down wages. Why doesn't that make sense to you? Why can't you figure this out on your own? Why does the obvious have to be explained?

I'm convinced none of you have run a business of any kind, have you? Because every business owner of a low-margin business, is shaking their head at you.

Look.... Follow this.... If I have three employees, and two are part time employees that do just enough to not be fired, and the third works his butt off..... and the minimum wage goes up, forcing me to pay more money to the two that barely work part time... guess who doesn't get a wage increase?

Forcing me to pay more wages, doesn't magically make more money to pay wages with. Thus, when the wages on lowest people goes up... wages on the more deserving, hardest working, does not.

The amount of money available for wages, is a static relation between value of sold goods, and the cost of the goods sold.
Dirty, Stinky, Loud. That's Walmart. A very unpleasant shopping experience. And the Employees are bitter & hateful. But they have good reason to be. They're treated like filthy beasts. I always laugh when i hear others complaining about Walmart Employees. I mean, what do they really expect? They are not very happy people for the most part.

I know a little bit about the realities of Walmart because i have a relative who was in management there for years. Man, the horror stories he tells. It's not just Employees, it's bizarre asshole customers too. They see it all at Walmart. Morons ripping packages open, then just throwing em on the ground, Shitting on floors, Spitting tobacco on shelves, massive stealing, insane rude customers, etc etc...
It burns the Employees out. They truly do hate the customers. Sorry, but that's the truth. That's the inside scoop. I shop elsewhere. I do pay a bit more, but man it's worth it. I don't have to deal with the Dirty, Stinky, Loud.

What the heck are you talking about?? You people just make up crap. I go to Walmart all the time. It's not dirty.... isn't stinky.... it is not Loud. The Employees have NEVER been rude to me, or hateful, or spiteful... or anything.

The employees are not treated like Beasts. I know several Walmart employees, and they LOVE their job. The employees I've dealt with LOVE it. They are paid more there, than anywhere else, and they have more benefits than almost anywhere else.

Are there some rude customers? Yes. But that's not Walmarts fault. There are rude customers at Krogers, at Giant Eagle, and at Meijer. When you cater to the cheapest low-income customers.... than that is what you get.

You want to only be with the elite high-income customers? You have to go to the expensive high income stores. I've been there sometimes, and yeah, the quality of customers is higher, but it doesn't matter to me.... I can't afford it. That's why I go to Walmart.

But no, they don't hate their customers. You just make up crap.
Dirty, Stinky, Loud. That's Walmart. A very unpleasant shopping experience. And the Employees are bitter & hateful. But they have good reason to be. They're treated like filthy beasts. I always laugh when i hear others complaining about Walmart Employees. I mean, what do they really expect? They are not very happy people for the most part.

I know a little bit about the realities of Walmart because i have a relative who was in management there for years. Man, the horror stories he tells. It's not just Employees, it's bizarre asshole customers too. They see it all at Walmart. Morons ripping packages open, then just throwing em on the ground, Shitting on floors, Spitting tobacco on shelves, massive stealing, insane rude customers, etc etc...
It burns the Employees out. They truly do hate the customers. Sorry, but that's the truth. That's the inside scoop. I shop elsewhere. I do pay a bit more, but man it's worth it. I don't have to deal with the Dirty, Stinky, Loud.

where the hell do you people live? I've never seen tobacco spit on shelves or shit on floors or ripped open packages at any of our local Wal Marts.

He's full of crap. The Walmart I go to is spotless. Ignore him.
You need to shift some thoughts over to getting your fellow ni$$ers off the couch and working again, only by hard work and perseverance can one overcome these hurdles in life ............ no matter what color your skin is!!

Hey, Douchebag.

the 1% of the population that controls 43% of the wealth in this country did NOT do 43% of the physical labor.

I've got no problem getting people off the couch, but there isn't much of an incentive for them to do so if the wealthy keep cheating them.

So what?

I own a car. If you want to use my car to make money, you have to pay me to use my car, whether I do 100% or 0% of the labor.... why? IT IS MY CAR STUPID.

I don't care if the wealthy own 100% of the wealth, and do 0% of the labor. That doesn't magically 'entitle you' to jack squat. You want to earn more? It's your job to improve you. Not mine, not the wealthy, not Obama, not anyone else. You are responsible for you, and no one else is to blame for your incompetence.
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But you want to argue otherwise, fine. We agree to disagree. Until you can prove it, I'm sticking with my experience.

All 6 months of it? lulz.

So the question is, are the Interstates so much better of a road, that they were worth hundreds of billions?

Abso-freaking-lutely. State roads are crap compared to interstates. The ride quality alone makes a huge difference, not just for the driver mind you, but the smoother a trip is, the less likely you run into load shifting.

State funds that would have gone to state roads, were instead diverted to Federal roads. Then you want to claim state roads are not quite as good?

Shoulda coulda woulda don't mean shit, unfortunately.

On top of that, the cost is much higher for Federal roads, than state roads. If you look at the major construction companies, they list different costs per mile of state roads than Federal roads, and it's over a 50% increase.

Right, because interstates were designed for commercial vehicles, whereas state roads were designed for cars, light trucks, vans, and u-haul sized box trucks that they had "back in the day" when state roads were the only option.

do you really think Federal roads are worth how much it cost?

Ask it a million times if you want to, the answer remains the same... hell yes. If you want to do away with the duplicity that is fine by me... demolish US40.
But you want to argue otherwise, fine. We agree to disagree. Until you can prove it, I'm sticking with my experience.

All 6 months of it? lulz.

You have the right to be wrong, with whatever rationalizaiton you want.

So the question is, are the Interstates so much better of a road, that they were worth hundreds of billions?

Abso-freaking-lutely. State roads are crap compared to interstates. The ride quality alone makes a huge difference, not just for the driver mind you, but the smoother a trip is, the less likely you run into load shifting.

Never had a problem, nor was the trip 'less smooth'. Your opinion is noted. I disagree.

State funds that would have gone to state roads, were instead diverted to Federal roads. Then you want to claim state roads are not quite as good?

Shoulda coulda woulda don't mean shit, unfortunately.

Lame rationalization.

On top of that, the cost is much higher for Federal roads, than state roads. If you look at the major construction companies, they list different costs per mile of state roads than Federal roads, and it's over a 50% increase.

Right, because interstates were designed for commercial vehicles, whereas state roads were designed for cars, light trucks, vans, and u-haul sized box trucks that they had "back in the day" when state roads were the only option.

I want you to provide direct proof of that claim, for Route 40 or 23. Prove that claim. You people just make up crap.

do you really think Federal roads are worth how much it cost?

Ask it a million times if you want to, the answer remains the same... hell yes. If you want to do away with the duplicity that is fine by me... demolish US40.

No, I already know your ignorant, uninformed, make it up, unsupportable opinion.

The rest of us, are not convinced by "dur... those road are not designed for the trucks that travel on them every single day!.... dur".

That's not a rational argument to people who can think independently of the leftist stupidity.
But you want to argue otherwise, fine. We agree to disagree. Until you can prove it, I'm sticking with my experience.

All 6 months of it? lulz.

You have the right to be wrong, with whatever rationalizaiton you want.

So the question is, are the Interstates so much better of a road, that they were worth hundreds of billions?

Abso-freaking-lutely. State roads are crap compared to interstates. The ride quality alone makes a huge difference, not just for the driver mind you, but the smoother a trip is, the less likely you run into load shifting.

Never had a problem, nor was the trip 'less smooth'. Your opinion is noted. I disagree.

State funds that would have gone to state roads, were instead diverted to Federal roads. Then you want to claim state roads are not quite as good?

Shoulda coulda woulda don't mean shit, unfortunately.

Lame rationalization.

On top of that, the cost is much higher for Federal roads, than state roads. If you look at the major construction companies, they list different costs per mile of state roads than Federal roads, and it's over a 50% increase.

Right, because interstates were designed for commercial vehicles, whereas state roads were designed for cars, light trucks, vans, and u-haul sized box trucks that they had "back in the day" when state roads were the only option.

I want you to provide direct proof of that claim, for Route 40 or 23. Prove that claim. You people just make up crap.

do you really think Federal roads are worth how much it cost?

Ask it a million times if you want to, the answer remains the same... hell yes. If you want to do away with the duplicity that is fine by me... demolish US40.

No, I already know your ignorant, uninformed, make it up, unsupportable opinion.

The rest of us, are not convinced by "dur... those road are not designed for the trucks that travel on them every single day!.... dur".

That's not a rational argument to people who can think independently of the leftist stupidity.

Listen, blowhard retard. Just because somebody is calling you out on the idiocy you spew doesn't mean they're "leftist". It's fucking hilarious watching jackasses like you put your ignorance on display for the world to see simply because I disagree with you, because anybody that has actually read my posts in more than one or two threads knows that "leftist" or "conservative" are both ridiculous labels for me.

The federal interstate system is designed for commercial vehicles and are regulated to prevent states from placing limitations on them that would prevent their use by said commercial vehicles. It's one of the (very) few things the government has actually done to make a carrier's life a little easier, because drivers don't have to research every damned state they're driving through to make sure their truck/trailer combo isn't a foot too long, or 200 pounds too heavy. There are uniform size/weight restrictions across all 48 continental states*.

If you think that doesn't make my life easier as a driver, I'm glad you got your stupid ass out of a truck.

* The bridge law requirement is a notable exception, which is managed fairly easily by keeping the tandems set all the way forward or at any point between all the way forward to the California bridge law setting, which is the most restrictive).
But you want to argue otherwise, fine. We agree to disagree. Until you can prove it, I'm sticking with my experience.

All 6 months of it? lulz.

You have the right to be wrong, with whatever rationalizaiton you want.

So the question is, are the Interstates so much better of a road, that they were worth hundreds of billions?

Abso-freaking-lutely. State roads are crap compared to interstates. The ride quality alone makes a huge difference, not just for the driver mind you, but the smoother a trip is, the less likely you run into load shifting.

Never had a problem, nor was the trip 'less smooth'. Your opinion is noted. I disagree.

State funds that would have gone to state roads, were instead diverted to Federal roads. Then you want to claim state roads are not quite as good?

Shoulda coulda woulda don't mean shit, unfortunately.

Lame rationalization.

On top of that, the cost is much higher for Federal roads, than state roads. If you look at the major construction companies, they list different costs per mile of state roads than Federal roads, and it's over a 50% increase.

Right, because interstates were designed for commercial vehicles, whereas state roads were designed for cars, light trucks, vans, and u-haul sized box trucks that they had "back in the day" when state roads were the only option.

I want you to provide direct proof of that claim, for Route 40 or 23. Prove that claim. You people just make up crap.

do you really think Federal roads are worth how much it cost?

Ask it a million times if you want to, the answer remains the same... hell yes. If you want to do away with the duplicity that is fine by me... demolish US40.

No, I already know your ignorant, uninformed, make it up, unsupportable opinion.

The rest of us, are not convinced by "dur... those road are not designed for the trucks that travel on them every single day!.... dur".

That's not a rational argument to people who can think independently of the leftist stupidity.

Listen, bl

Blaw blaw blaw blaw blaw....

Listen up blowhard..... You want be dumb and ignorant? That's fine. You are allowed.

Beyond that, I don't have to listen, or respond to your blathering insults. Have a nice day :)

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