Walmart on Welfare: We support their employees so they don't have to.

Dirty, Stinky, Loud. That's Walmart. A very unpleasant shopping experience. And the Employees are bitter & hateful. But they have good reason to be. They're treated like filthy beasts. I always laugh when i hear others complaining about Walmart Employees. I mean, what do they really expect? They are not very happy people for the most part.

I know a little bit about the realities of Walmart because i have a relative who was in management there for years. Man, the horror stories he tells. It's not just Employees, it's bizarre asshole customers too. They see it all at Walmart. Morons ripping packages open, then just throwing em on the ground, Shitting on floors, Spitting tobacco on shelves, massive stealing, insane rude customers, etc etc...
It burns the Employees out. They truly do hate the customers. Sorry, but that's the truth. That's the inside scoop. I shop elsewhere. I do pay a bit more, but man it's worth it. I don't have to deal with the Dirty, Stinky, Loud.

where the hell do you people live? I've never seen tobacco spit on shelves or shit on floors or ripped open packages at any of our local Wal Marts.
Dirty, Stinky, Loud. That's Walmart. A very unpleasant shopping experience. And the Employees are bitter & hateful. But they have good reason to be. They're treated like filthy beasts. I always laugh when i hear others complaining about Walmart Employees. I mean, what do they really expect? They are not very happy people for the most part.

I know a little bit about the realities of Walmart because i have a relative who was in management there for years. Man, the horror stories he tells. It's not just Employees, it's bizarre asshole customers too. They see it all at Walmart. Morons ripping packages open, then just throwing em on the ground, Shitting on floors, Spitting tobacco on shelves, massive stealing, insane rude customers, etc etc...
It burns the Employees out. They truly do hate the customers. Sorry, but that's the truth. That's the inside scoop. I shop elsewhere. I do pay a bit more, but man it's worth it. I don't have to deal with the Dirty, Stinky, Loud.

where the hell do you people live? I've never seen tobacco spit on shelves or shit on floors or ripped open packages at any of our local Wal Marts.

Oh yeah, it's actually quite common at Walmart. They rip the package open, decide they don't want it, and just throw it on the floor. And you'd be very surprised at how often people do actually shit on Walmart floors. He even told me they used to find urine in buckets in their hardware department. Hey, people are gross. What can i tell ya.

That kind of shocking ignorance does burn the Employees out. They end up hating Customers. They put up with the insanity, along with management treating them like filthy beasts. So people shouldn't be surprised that Walmart Employees are bitter & hateful for the most part. They really do have good reason to be. I don't shop there anymore. I don't wanna deal with the Dirty, Stinky, Loud.
Dirty, Stinky, Loud. That's Walmart. A very unpleasant shopping experience. And the Employees are bitter & hateful. But they have good reason to be. They're treated like filthy beasts. I always laugh when i hear others complaining about Walmart Employees. I mean, what do they really expect? They are not very happy people for the most part.

I know a little bit about the realities of Walmart because i have a relative who was in management there for years. Man, the horror stories he tells. It's not just Employees, it's bizarre asshole customers too. They see it all at Walmart. Morons ripping packages open, then just throwing em on the ground, Shitting on floors, Spitting tobacco on shelves, massive stealing, insane rude customers, etc etc...
It burns the Employees out. They truly do hate the customers. Sorry, but that's the truth. That's the inside scoop. I shop elsewhere. I do pay a bit more, but man it's worth it. I don't have to deal with the Dirty, Stinky, Loud.

where the hell do you people live? I've never seen tobacco spit on shelves or shit on floors or ripped open packages at any of our local Wal Marts.

Oh yeah, it's actually quite common at Walmart. They rip the package open, decide they don't want it, and just throw it on the floor. And you'd be very surprised at how often people do actually shit on Walmart floors. He even told me they used to find urine in buckets in their hardware department. Hey, people are gross. What can i tell ya.

That kind of shocking ignorance does burn the Employees out. They end up hating Customers. They put up with the insanity, along with management treating them like filthy beasts. So people shouldn't be surprised that Walmart Employees are bitter & hateful for the most part. They really do have good reason to be. I don't shop there anymore. I don't wanna deal with the Dirty, Stinky, Loud.

I've been in A LOT of Wal Marts, and know people who work in the corporate offices and I've never heard anything like that.

But I support Wal Mart, just so we can have websites like this
People Of Walmart - Funny Pictures of People Shopping at Walmart People Of Walmart

Funny as shit
You make a claim you can't substantiate and he's retarded?
What is a "fair" wage, exactly? As many times as this gets asked no lib has managed a coherent answer.

Uh, no, guy, he's even more retarded than you are, and that's saying much.

But at least he isn't using a retard as a AVI like you are.

Put glasses on a retard, and he's still a retard.

Fair wage- $15.00 an hour. that sounds fair to me.
$200/hr sounds fair to me. If I'm the one working.
If I'm the one paying then 2/hr sounds fair.

See how that works? Probably not.

Yup. Which is why it shouldn't be up to you.

Actually you have this all wrong ..............

If a man needs labor / worker he offers a wage ...............
If the wages are too high, he does not make a profit or can not make payroll, so the employee will loose the job anyways.
If he does not pay enough, no one will work for him.

As a worker, if wages are high, you will have to compete for the job, the less skilled, less educated, less friendly people get kicked to the curb.
If wages are too low, then workers will look for better paying jobs or refuse to work at all, expecting society will take care of them.

If we quit giving money for shelter, food, and whatever else to those who are capable of working, they will have to find jobs and learn to "live within their means" ................

I know this does not sound pleasant, but those of us that are successful have traveled this road, it has had pot holes and detours, not the smoothest ride in life .............. but that is what it is all about.

You need to shift some thoughts over to getting your fellow ni$$ers off the couch and working again, only by hard work and perseverance can one overcome these hurdles in life ............ no matter what color your skin is!!
Dirty, Stinky, Loud. That's Walmart. A very unpleasant shopping experience. And the Employees are bitter & hateful. But they have good reason to be. They're treated like filthy beasts. I always laugh when i hear others complaining about Walmart Employees. I mean, what do they really expect? They are not very happy people for the most part.

I know a little bit about the realities of Walmart because i have a relative who was in management there for years. Man, the horror stories he tells. It's not just Employees, it's bizarre asshole customers too. They see it all at Walmart. Morons ripping packages open, then just throwing em on the ground, Shitting on floors, Spitting tobacco on shelves, massive stealing, insane rude customers, etc etc...
It burns the Employees out. They truly do hate the customers. Sorry, but that's the truth. That's the inside scoop. I shop elsewhere. I do pay a bit more, but man it's worth it. I don't have to deal with the Dirty, Stinky, Loud.

where the hell do you people live? I've never seen tobacco spit on shelves or shit on floors or ripped open packages at any of our local Wal Marts.

Oh yeah, it's actually quite common at Walmart. They rip the package open, decide they don't want it, and just throw it on the floor. And you'd be very surprised at how often people do actually shit on Walmart floors. He even told me they used to find urine in buckets in their hardware department. Hey, people are gross. What can i tell ya.

That kind of shocking ignorance does burn the Employees out. They end up hating Customers. They put up with the insanity, along with management treating them like filthy beasts. So people shouldn't be surprised that Walmart Employees are bitter & hateful for the most part. They really do have good reason to be. I don't shop there anymore. I don't wanna deal with the Dirty, Stinky, Loud.

I've been in A LOT of Wal Marts, and know people who work in the corporate offices and I've never heard anything like that.

But I support Wal Mart, just so we can have websites like this
People Of Walmart - Funny Pictures of People Shopping at Walmart People Of Walmart

Funny as shit

Yeah well, they might not get out to the stores so much anymore. I've only told you a few of his horror stories. It actually gets much worse. Shitting on Walmart floors is actually much more common than you would imagine. And next time you walk through, pay attention to all the torn packages thrown all over the place. People are animals, they just don't give a shit.

The Employees put up with unbelievable insanity on a daily basis. They do get burned out. You add that to being treated so poorly by Management, and you get a miserable Employee.
What I hear when I hear these babies crying about minimum wage : "I am an uneducated, ignorant person who would rather not work, but if you are going to make me, then you need to give me an unrealistic rate of pay. You see, I have no skills, I have no intelligence, but you need to pay me as if I did ..............

I am not intelligent enough to understand the party in control will not work on job creation(of any pay scale) or wealth revitalization. I am not intelligent enough to know inflation is rampant and increasing the minimum wage will on exasperate the situation. I am not intelligent enough to know that reining in moochers while teaching core values and self respect / responsibility is the way out of the ignorance and poverty that I now live in and am destined by my own ignorance to live in the rest of my life........................"
What I hear when I hear these babies crying about minimum wage : "I am an uneducated, ignorant person who would rather not work, but if you are going to make me, then you need to give me an unrealistic rate of pay. You see, I have no skills, I have no intelligence, but you need to pay me as if I did ..............

I am not intelligent enough to understand the party in control will not work on job creation(of any pay scale) or wealth revitalization. I am not intelligent enough to know inflation is rampant and increasing the minimum wage will on exasperate the situation. I am not intelligent enough to know that reining in moochers while teaching core values and self respect / responsibility is the way out of the ignorance and poverty that I now live in and am destined by my own ignorance to live in the rest of my life........................"

there are plenty of people who simply aren't very smart, but ARE hard workers out there. You implying otherwise is simply being dishonest.
What I hear when I hear these babies crying about minimum wage : "I am an uneducated, ignorant person who would rather not work, but if you are going to make me, then you need to give me an unrealistic rate of pay. You see, I have no skills, I have no intelligence, but you need to pay me as if I did ..............

I am not intelligent enough to understand the party in control will not work on job creation(of any pay scale) or wealth revitalization. I am not intelligent enough to know inflation is rampant and increasing the minimum wage will on exasperate the situation. I am not intelligent enough to know that reining in moochers while teaching core values and self respect / responsibility is the way out of the ignorance and poverty that I now live in and am destined by my own ignorance to live in the rest of my life........................"

there are plenty of people who simply aren't very smart, but ARE hard workers out there. You implying otherwise is simply being dishonest.

I never claimed they were not hard workers, that would be words that you put in my mouth, not words that came out of my mouth!! Where would that implication be, please highlight it for me??

I simply am stating they need a little perspective about what that hard work is worth, labor is cheap, want to advance in life, get an education, don't expect to do it on the backs of society!!

So we both agree weak mind, hard worker, lower branch of working ladder!!!!
American Workers actually have much more power than they think. They need to realize that, and flex their muscles a bit more. Corporations like Walmart aren't gonna give em anything. They'll have to make them. That's the harsh reality. It is what it is.
What I hear when I hear these babies crying about minimum wage : "I am an uneducated, ignorant person who would rather not work, but if you are going to make me, then you need to give me an unrealistic rate of pay. You see, I have no skills, I have no intelligence, but you need to pay me as if I did ..............

I am not intelligent enough to understand the party in control will not work on job creation(of any pay scale) or wealth revitalization. I am not intelligent enough to know inflation is rampant and increasing the minimum wage will on exasperate the situation. I am not intelligent enough to know that reining in moochers while teaching core values and self respect / responsibility is the way out of the ignorance and poverty that I now live in and am destined by my own ignorance to live in the rest of my life........................"

there are plenty of people who simply aren't very smart, but ARE hard workers out there. You implying otherwise is simply being dishonest.

I never claimed they were not hard workers, that would be words that you put in my mouth, not words that came out of my mouth!! Where would that implication be, please highlight it for me??

I simply am stating they need a little perspective about what that hard work is worth, labor is cheap, want to advance in life, get an education, don't expect to do it on the backs of society!!

So we both agree weak mind, hard worker, lower branch of working ladder!!!!

Labor is TOO cheap, that is the point. I love how some of you argue that the minimum wage is what these people are worth. Says who? The minimum wage is a WHOLLY artificial number put in place because companies absolutely, positively were taking advantage of workers when there was no law.

No different in principle than say a 40 hour work week. Who the hell decided that 40 hours was how much people should work in a week? It's a made up number.

As a made up number, it is perfectly acceptable to talk about periodic adjustments AND the idea that it actually represents "what people are worth" is laughable on the face of it.

PS - not very smart =/= weak minded.
What I hear when I hear these babies crying about minimum wage : "I am an uneducated, ignorant person who would rather not work, but if you are going to make me, then you need to give me an unrealistic rate of pay. You see, I have no skills, I have no intelligence, but you need to pay me as if I did ..............

I am not intelligent enough to understand the party in control will not work on job creation(of any pay scale) or wealth revitalization. I am not intelligent enough to know inflation is rampant and increasing the minimum wage will on exasperate the situation. I am not intelligent enough to know that reining in moochers while teaching core values and self respect / responsibility is the way out of the ignorance and poverty that I now live in and am destined by my own ignorance to live in the rest of my life........................"

there are plenty of people who simply aren't very smart, but ARE hard workers out there. You implying otherwise is simply being dishonest.

I never claimed they were not hard workers, that would be words that you put in my mouth, not words that came out of my mouth!! Where would that implication be, please highlight it for me??

I simply am stating they need a little perspective about what that hard work is worth, labor is cheap, want to advance in life, get an education, don't expect to do it on the backs of society!!

So we both agree weak mind, hard worker, lower branch of working ladder!!!!

Labor is TOO cheap, that is the point. I love how some of you argue that the minimum wage is what these people are worth. Says who? The minimum wage is a WHOLLY artificial number put in place because companies absolutely, positively were taking advantage of workers when there was no law.

No different in principle than say a 40 hour work week. Who the hell decided that 40 hours was how much people should work in a week? It's a made up number.

As a made up number, it is perfectly acceptable to talk about periodic adjustments AND the idea that it actually represents "what people are worth" is laughable on the face of it.

PS - not very smart =/= weak minded.

Labor's rate is set by market ...........economics 101!!
Minimum wage is a societal attempt by democrats to get unfair compensation for the stupid and ignorant!!
Oh and lest us not forget the Labor Unions who are scouring the planet for paying warm bodies, you can only hope the labor unions do as much for fast food as they did the automotive industry!!
Please stop the charade and just give em the ole union pitch .................................
What I hear when I hear these babies crying about minimum wage : "I am an uneducated, ignorant person who would rather not work, but if you are going to make me, then you need to give me an unrealistic rate of pay. You see, I have no skills, I have no intelligence, but you need to pay me as if I did ..............

I am not intelligent enough to understand the party in control will not work on job creation(of any pay scale) or wealth revitalization. I am not intelligent enough to know inflation is rampant and increasing the minimum wage will on exasperate the situation. I am not intelligent enough to know that reining in moochers while teaching core values and self respect / responsibility is the way out of the ignorance and poverty that I now live in and am destined by my own ignorance to live in the rest of my life........................"

there are plenty of people who simply aren't very smart, but ARE hard workers out there. You implying otherwise is simply being dishonest.

I never claimed they were not hard workers, that would be words that you put in my mouth, not words that came out of my mouth!! Where would that implication be, please highlight it for me??

I simply am stating they need a little perspective about what that hard work is worth, labor is cheap, want to advance in life, get an education, don't expect to do it on the backs of society!!

So we both agree weak mind, hard worker, lower branch of working ladder!!!!

Labor is TOO cheap, that is the point. I love how some of you argue that the minimum wage is what these people are worth. Says who? The minimum wage is a WHOLLY artificial number put in place because companies absolutely, positively were taking advantage of workers when there was no law.

No different in principle than say a 40 hour work week. Who the hell decided that 40 hours was how much people should work in a week? It's a made up number.

As a made up number, it is perfectly acceptable to talk about periodic adjustments AND the idea that it actually represents "what people are worth" is laughable on the face of it.

PS - not very smart =/= weak minded.

Labor's rate is set by market ...........economics 101!!
Minimum wage is a societal attempt by democrats to get unfair compensation for the stupid and ignorant!!

^ Well, this person is as moron , but at least shim admits shim wants companies to be able to pay less for what shim considers to be morons not worth anything more than a company wants to pay.

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If you really want to have a conversation about Welfare and who the real "takers" are -- let's start with this.

*slow clap*
No different in principle than say a 40 hour work week. Who the hell decided that 40 hours was how much people should work in a week? It's a made up number.

As a made up number, it is perfectly acceptable to talk about periodic adjustments AND the idea that it actually represents "what people are worth" is laughable on the face of it.

PS - not very smart =/= weak minded.

How the 40-hour work week came to be
During the Industrial Revolution, factories needed to be running around the clock so employees during this era frequently worked between 10-16 hour days.

In the 1920s however, it was Henry Ford, founder of Ford Motor Company, that established the 5-day, 40-hour work week.


Henry Ford next to a 1921 Model-T

Surprisingly, Ford didn’t do it for scientific reasons (or solely for the health of his employees). Rather, one of the main reasons he came up with the idea to reduce the working hours of his staff was so employees would have enough free time to go out and realize they needed to buy stuff.

In an interview published in World’s Work magazine in 1926, Ford explains why he switched his workers from a 6-day, 48-hour workweek to a 5-day, 40-hour workweek but still paid employees the same wages:

Leisure is an indispensable ingredient in a growing consumer market because working people need to have enough free time to find uses for consumer products, including automobiles.?’?Henry Ford

So the 8-hour work day, 5-day workweek wasn’t chosen as the way to work for scientific reasons; instead, it was partly driven by the goal of increasing consumption.

There was reasoning behind the number, but as usual, it is above your pay grade............
Manipulation is what happens when others do something that influences your actions whether you are aware of it or not ......................
You make a claim you can't substantiate and he's retarded?
What is a "fair" wage, exactly? As many times as this gets asked no lib has managed a coherent answer.

Uh, no, guy, he's even more retarded than you are, and that's saying much.

But at least he isn't using a retard as a AVI like you are.

Put glasses on a retard, and he's still a retard.

Fair wage- $15.00 an hour. that sounds fair to me.

$15.00/hr for someone with no skills? What's fair about that? "It sounds fair" isn't an argument. It's purely an example of liberal flatulence. An argument would involve putting some fact and logic together into at least a few coherent sentences.

why should only "skilled" labor be compensated?

I wouldn't want to work in a Fast Food place, even at $15.00 an hour. it's hard work. You wouldn't either.

But here's the thing... if they can screw with the unskilled, they can screw with the skilled.
If entry level jobs get $15 an hour, how much should a skilled job currently getting $20 raise to? Then what? we all pay higher prices.. great. Now we're back to where we started except there's less jobs and more poverty. When will people learn? : the government fucks everything up-
You make a claim you can't substantiate and he's retarded?
What is a "fair" wage, exactly? As many times as this gets asked no lib has managed a coherent answer.

Uh, no, guy, he's even more retarded than you are, and that's saying much.

But at least he isn't using a retard as a AVI like you are.

Put glasses on a retard, and he's still a retard.

Fair wage- $15.00 an hour. that sounds fair to me.

$15.00/hr for someone with no skills? What's fair about that? "It sounds fair" isn't an argument. It's purely an example of liberal flatulence. An argument would involve putting some fact and logic together into at least a few coherent sentences.

why should only "skilled" labor be compensated?

I wouldn't want to work in a Fast Food place, even at $15.00 an hour. it's hard work. You wouldn't either.

But here's the thing... if they can screw with the unskilled, they can screw with the skilled.

Of course they can. If the min wage were lower, say $1 an hour McD would still be paying their store mangers like $8/hr and crying about being broke. And a store manager certainly is skilled
If entry level jobs get $15 an hour, how much should a skilled job currently getting $20 raise to? Then what? we all pay higher prices.. great. Now we're back to where we started except there's less jobs and more poverty. When will people learn? : the government fucks everything up-

First of all, $15 is an hour is ridiculous. But any hoo, who says that just because one employee gets a raise another does as well? The guy making $20 an hour doesn't need a raise just because the guy making $7 an hour got one.
If entry level jobs get $15 an hour, how much should a skilled job currently getting $20 raise to? Then what? we all pay higher prices.. great. Now we're back to where we started except there's less jobs and more poverty. When will people learn? : the government fucks everything up-

First of all, $15 is an hour is ridiculous. But any hoo, who says that just because one employee gets a raise another does as well? The guy making $20 an hour doesn't need a raise just because the guy making $7 an hour got one.

An RN makes $20-30 an hour.. walmart cashier $15? fo' realz? lol What a friggin joke.

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