Walmart on Welfare: We support their employees so they don't have to.

But you want to argue otherwise, fine. We agree to disagree. Until you can prove it, I'm sticking with my experience.

All 6 months of it? lulz.

You have the right to be wrong, with whatever rationalizaiton you want.

So the question is, are the Interstates so much better of a road, that they were worth hundreds of billions?

Abso-freaking-lutely. State roads are crap compared to interstates. The ride quality alone makes a huge difference, not just for the driver mind you, but the smoother a trip is, the less likely you run into load shifting.

Never had a problem, nor was the trip 'less smooth'. Your opinion is noted. I disagree.

State funds that would have gone to state roads, were instead diverted to Federal roads. Then you want to claim state roads are not quite as good?

Shoulda coulda woulda don't mean shit, unfortunately.

Lame rationalization.

On top of that, the cost is much higher for Federal roads, than state roads. If you look at the major construction companies, they list different costs per mile of state roads than Federal roads, and it's over a 50% increase.

Right, because interstates were designed for commercial vehicles, whereas state roads were designed for cars, light trucks, vans, and u-haul sized box trucks that they had "back in the day" when state roads were the only option.

I want you to provide direct proof of that claim, for Route 40 or 23. Prove that claim. You people just make up crap.

do you really think Federal roads are worth how much it cost?

Ask it a million times if you want to, the answer remains the same... hell yes. If you want to do away with the duplicity that is fine by me... demolish US40.

No, I already know your ignorant, uninformed, make it up, unsupportable opinion.

The rest of us, are not convinced by "dur... those road are not designed for the trucks that travel on them every single day!.... dur".

That's not a rational argument to people who can think independently of the leftist stupidity.

Listen, bl

Blaw blaw blaw blaw blaw....

Listen up blowhard..... You want be dumb and ignorant? That's fine. You are allowed.

Beyond that, I don't have to listen, or respond to your blathering insults. Have a nice day :)

You could have saved some keystrokes by just fessing up to your ignorance, dipshit.
You add that to being treated so poorly by Management, and you get a miserable Employee.

How are they treated poorly by management?

Walmart Employees hate you. They're miserable. All they're doing is anxiously counting down the hours to when they can clock out and escape their torture for the day. You only add to that torture. They wish you would just STFU and go away. Trust me i know, i have a relative who was in Management there for years. Pay em better, treat em better, and you'll get a happy & productive Employee.
Dirty, Stinky, Loud. That's Walmart. A very unpleasant shopping experience. And the Employees are bitter & hateful. But they have good reason to be. They're treated like filthy beasts. I always laugh when i hear others complaining about Walmart Employees. I mean, what do they really expect? They are not very happy people for the most part.

I know a little bit about the realities of Walmart because i have a relative who was in management there for years. Man, the horror stories he tells. It's not just Employees, it's bizarre asshole customers too. They see it all at Walmart. Morons ripping packages open, then just throwing em on the ground, Shitting on floors, Spitting tobacco on shelves, massive stealing, insane rude customers, etc etc...
It burns the Employees out. They truly do hate the customers. Sorry, but that's the truth. That's the inside scoop. I shop elsewhere. I do pay a bit more, but man it's worth it. I don't have to deal with the Dirty, Stinky, Loud.

What the heck are you talking about?? You people just make up crap. I go to Walmart all the time. It's not dirty.... isn't stinky.... it is not Loud. The Employees have NEVER been rude to me, or hateful, or spiteful... or anything.

The employees are not treated like Beasts. I know several Walmart employees, and they LOVE their job. The employees I've dealt with LOVE it. They are paid more there, than anywhere else, and they have more benefits than almost anywhere else.

Are there some rude customers? Yes. But that's not Walmarts fault. There are rude customers at Krogers, at Giant Eagle, and at Meijer. When you cater to the cheapest low-income customers.... than that is what you get.

You want to only be with the elite high-income customers? You have to go to the expensive high income stores. I've been there sometimes, and yeah, the quality of customers is higher, but it doesn't matter to me.... I can't afford it. That's why I go to Walmart.

But no, they don't hate their customers. You just make up crap.

Good for you. But that's not often the case at most Walmarts. They are usually Dirty, Stinky, Loud. And most of the Customers are tardly douchebags. It's not surprising Walmart Employees hate them. It's actually pretty understandable. But hey, if you enjoy the Dirty, Stinky, Loud, that's cool. But i choose to avoid it at all costs. I gladly pay more.

The wealthy are not cheating others as you would like to claim, it was the lack of quality genetic material and lack of family or moral values that have made the race easy pickings for those who had both resources and intelligence. The poor and rich all start life naked and afraid, it's the nurturing by quality family that care about you and your own self determination and self worth that decide whether you will be a productive member of society or just another also ran has been who's only way in life is to plead total incompetence and ignorance!!

Why do you people always want to be the victim?? Can you not see your selves being taken advantage of and avoid those situations??

No I suppose the intelligence and forethought to accomplish that also eludes you ......................

That has to be the most retarded thing I've heard on this board.

No, the rich do not start the same as the poor. They start with better pre-natal and pediatric care, the get better food growing up, they get better access to education, and even if they screw up all these advantages like a Paris Hilton and still turn out to be a fuckup, they always fall back on their money.

The point I was making is that the pie is not being divided by the rich because the rich did more to create the pie. The rich just happen to be the ones with the knife to divide the pie up.

SO the top 1% control 43% of the wealth. The top 20% control 83% of the wealth.

The bottom 40% control less than 1% of the wealth.

You guys complain about impending socialism and government control, but when 40% of the population has no benefit in the system you advocate, how do you avoid it?

So what?

I own a car. If you want to use my car to make money, you have to pay me to use my car, whether I do 100% or 0% of the labor.... why? IT IS MY CAR STUPID.

I don't care if the wealthy own 100% of the wealth, and do 0% of the labor. That doesn't magically 'entitle you' to jack squat. You want to earn more? It's your job to improve you. Not mine, not the wealthy, not Obama, not anyone else. You are responsible for you, and no one else is to blame for your incompetence.

This isn't about me, guy. It's about the kind of society we live in.

Ownership is one of those privileges society lets you have, guy.

You have a car because society lets you have one, not because you have a right to one. That's why you need a license to drive one, we require you to get insurance, and we can take your car away if you get caught driving it on 80 Proof skullcracker Vodka.
Walmart could do better. America as a whole could do better in how it treats its workers. Unfortunately, too many of my Conservative friends feel compelled to defend Corporations like Walmart and denigrate Workers.

But you can be a Capitalist and still defend the workers. You don't have to Goose Step along and lick Corporate boots. Sometimes Corporations are wrong. And it's ok to point that out. Walmart does represent the 'Evil Corporation' perfectly. They've earned their reputation.

Agreed. But this thread isn't really about Wal-Mart. It's about mini,um wage nonsense.

And the minimum wage is too low.

Simple as that. What some "conservatives" can't figure out is that they need to get past the "no no no" rhetoric or they're not going to be part o the discussion of what a reasonable minimum wage would be, then they will really be pissed when they have no say.

Americans are tired of the "no no no"

Apparently "no job" is better in leftard world.

Yep. The minimum wage movement might as well be called the "War on Scabs".

Actually, that's how bad things have gotten for workers. No job might just be a better option.
Walmart could do better. America as a whole could do better in how it treats its workers. Unfortunately, too many of my Conservative friends feel compelled to defend Corporations like Walmart and denigrate Workers.

But you can be a Capitalist and still defend the workers. You don't have to Goose Step along and lick Corporate boots. Sometimes Corporations are wrong. And it's ok to point that out. Walmart does represent the 'Evil Corporation' perfectly. They've earned their reputation.

Agreed. But this thread isn't really about Wal-Mart. It's about mini,um wage nonsense.

And the minimum wage is too low.

Simple as that. What some "conservatives" can't figure out is that they need to get past the "no no no" rhetoric or they're not going to be part o the discussion of what a reasonable minimum wage would be, then they will really be pissed when they have no say.

Americans are tired of the "no no no"

Apparently "no job" is better in leftard world.

Yep. The minimum wage movement might as well be called the "War on Scabs".

Actually, that's how bad things have gotten for workers. No job might just be a better option.

It might be. The question is, who gets to make that call?

So what?

I own a car. If you want to use my car to make money, you have to pay me to use my car, whether I do 100% or 0% of the labor.... why? IT IS MY CAR STUPID.

I don't care if the wealthy own 100% of the wealth, and do 0% of the labor. That doesn't magically 'entitle you' to jack squat. You want to earn more? It's your job to improve you. Not mine, not the wealthy, not Obama, not anyone else. You are responsible for you, and no one else is to blame for your incompetence.

This isn't about me, guy. It's about the kind of society we live in.

Ownership is one of those privileges society lets you have, guy.

You have a car because society lets you have one, not because you have a right to one. That's why you need a license to drive one, we require you to get insurance, and we can take your car away if you get caught driving it on 80 Proof skullcracker Vodka.

Yes indeed. Government owns everything. Even us. That's the statist philosophy in a nutshell.
But you want to argue otherwise, fine. We agree to disagree. Until you can prove it, I'm sticking with my experience.

All 6 months of it? lulz.

You have the right to be wrong, with whatever rationalizaiton you want.

So the question is, are the Interstates so much better of a road, that they were worth hundreds of billions?

Abso-freaking-lutely. State roads are crap compared to interstates. The ride quality alone makes a huge difference, not just for the driver mind you, but the smoother a trip is, the less likely you run into load shifting.

Never had a problem, nor was the trip 'less smooth'. Your opinion is noted. I disagree.

State funds that would have gone to state roads, were instead diverted to Federal roads. Then you want to claim state roads are not quite as good?

Shoulda coulda woulda don't mean shit, unfortunately.

Lame rationalization.

On top of that, the cost is much higher for Federal roads, than state roads. If you look at the major construction companies, they list different costs per mile of state roads than Federal roads, and it's over a 50% increase.

Right, because interstates were designed for commercial vehicles, whereas state roads were designed for cars, light trucks, vans, and u-haul sized box trucks that they had "back in the day" when state roads were the only option.

I want you to provide direct proof of that claim, for Route 40 or 23. Prove that claim. You people just make up crap.

do you really think Federal roads are worth how much it cost?

Ask it a million times if you want to, the answer remains the same... hell yes. If you want to do away with the duplicity that is fine by me... demolish US40.

No, I already know your ignorant, uninformed, make it up, unsupportable opinion.

The rest of us, are not convinced by "dur... those road are not designed for the trucks that travel on them every single day!.... dur".

That's not a rational argument to people who can think independently of the leftist stupidity.

Listen, bl

Blaw blaw blaw blaw blaw....

Listen up blowhard..... You want be dumb and ignorant? That's fine. You are allowed.

Beyond that, I don't have to listen, or respond to your blathering insults. Have a nice day :)

You .

Blaw blaw blaw blwa blaw blaw blaw blaw...

You've been a jerk for ages, and you still think that I care what you think of me... At what point do you stop being so ignorant? I don't care what you think. "well you're a..." blaw? Blwa blaw blaw? Don't care stupid. Your opinion of me, could not possibly get any lower in importance in my world.

That's why I'm just mocking you now :)
You add that to being treated so poorly by Management, and you get a miserable Employee.

How are they treated poorly by management?

Walmart Employees hate you. They're miserable. All they're doing is anxiously counting down the hours to when they can clock out and escape their torture for the day. You only add to that torture. They wish you would just STFU and go away. Trust me i know, i have a relative who was in Management there for years. Pay em better, treat em better, and you'll get a happy & productive Employee.

I don't know what you are talking about. The Walmart employees that I have dealt with, when I have been there, which is numerous times.... practically once a week... have all been very helpful, very decent, and have treated me with respect. They smile, they do their job well, and I'm perfectly happy with the service.

Maybe you just live in a crappy area, where the employees are crappy. I don't know. But you keep saying "Walmart employees........." and list off a bunch of attributes that I have never experienced.

Further, I know several Walmart employees.... and all of them LOVE their jobs. So again... what you are saying just doesn't mesh with my reality.

Maybe you just have a crappy store or something, I don't know.
Dirty, Stinky, Loud. That's Walmart. A very unpleasant shopping experience. And the Employees are bitter & hateful. But they have good reason to be. They're treated like filthy beasts. I always laugh when i hear others complaining about Walmart Employees. I mean, what do they really expect? They are not very happy people for the most part.

I know a little bit about the realities of Walmart because i have a relative who was in management there for years. Man, the horror stories he tells. It's not just Employees, it's bizarre asshole customers too. They see it all at Walmart. Morons ripping packages open, then just throwing em on the ground, Shitting on floors, Spitting tobacco on shelves, massive stealing, insane rude customers, etc etc...
It burns the Employees out. They truly do hate the customers. Sorry, but that's the truth. That's the inside scoop. I shop elsewhere. I do pay a bit more, but man it's worth it. I don't have to deal with the Dirty, Stinky, Loud.

What the heck are you talking about?? You people just make up crap. I go to Walmart all the time. It's not dirty.... isn't stinky.... it is not Loud. The Employees have NEVER been rude to me, or hateful, or spiteful... or anything.

The employees are not treated like Beasts. I know several Walmart employees, and they LOVE their job. The employees I've dealt with LOVE it. They are paid more there, than anywhere else, and they have more benefits than almost anywhere else.

Are there some rude customers? Yes. But that's not Walmarts fault. There are rude customers at Krogers, at Giant Eagle, and at Meijer. When you cater to the cheapest low-income customers.... than that is what you get.

You want to only be with the elite high-income customers? You have to go to the expensive high income stores. I've been there sometimes, and yeah, the quality of customers is higher, but it doesn't matter to me.... I can't afford it. That's why I go to Walmart.

But no, they don't hate their customers. You just make up crap.

Good for you. But that's not often the case at most Walmarts. They are usually Dirty, Stinky, Loud. And most of the Customers are tardly douchebags. It's not surprising Walmart Employees hate them. It's actually pretty understandable. But hey, if you enjoy the Dirty, Stinky, Loud, that's cool. But i choose to avoid it at all costs. I gladly pay more.

Well, I've been to the one here in my area, the one up north by where I work, the one down south out of town... and a couple of others. Never seen anything like what you claim.
Walmart could do better. America as a whole could do better in how it treats its workers. Unfortunately, too many of my Conservative friends feel compelled to defend Corporations like Walmart and denigrate Workers.

But you can be a Capitalist and still defend the workers. You don't have to Goose Step along and lick Corporate boots. Sometimes Corporations are wrong. And it's ok to point that out. Walmart does represent the 'Evil Corporation' perfectly. They've earned their reputation.

Agreed. But this thread isn't really about Wal-Mart. It's about mini,um wage nonsense.

And the minimum wage is too low.

Simple as that. What some "conservatives" can't figure out is that they need to get past the "no no no" rhetoric or they're not going to be part o the discussion of what a reasonable minimum wage would be, then they will really be pissed when they have no say.

Americans are tired of the "no no no"

Apparently "no job" is better in leftard world.

Yep. The minimum wage movement might as well be called the "War on Scabs".

Actually, that's how bad things have gotten for workers. No job might just be a better option.

But this is what drives me nutz. There is a connection between the two deals.

The less an employee needs the job... the worse of an employee he generally is.

You complain that employees hate their jobs, and treat customers terribly.

The reason employees do that, is because they know they have alternatives, and they know it can't get any worse for them.

If the minimum wage is $7.25, and you have a job earning $7.25....... what do you have to lose? You can't get a job that pays less. So if you are fired, you find another job, and end up with the exact same pay.

If you raise the minimum wage to $10/hr. Now employees that earn $10/hr have nothing to lose.

You think that if they earn more money, they'll magically become good employees, and care about customers. That could be true, if they EARN the raise, while the minimum wage stays where it is. Because now, if they don't become good employees, they could lose their job, and earn less somewhere else.

But if they are paid more because the minimum wage went up, then they still have nothing to lose. They can be terrible employees and if they lose their job, they get another with the exact same pay rate.

Additionally, they get all these welfare, food stamps, housing assistance, and Obama phones, and Medicaid programs.

Well if you know you can live off the government... why would you worry about losing a job? These people know that if they are fired, they can just live off the tax payers.

If you knew that if you lose your job, you are going to STARVE... you are going to work your butt off, to be the best employee you can be, to keep your job.

But they know they can soak the tax payers and eat. So they don't give a crap if they lose their job or not.

You want employees to start caring about their jobs? You want employees to worry about pleasing the customers?

Eliminate all welfare and food stamps, and eliminate the minimum wage.

They will start showing up to work on time, they'll start smiling at everyone, they'll start providing great customer service, they'll dress like they didn't just crawl out from under a rock.

Why? Because they know if they lose this $8/hr job, they'll end up at Bubba's Food Shack earning $1/hr. They will work their butts off to keep that $8/hr job.

But if you raise the minimum wage to $10/hr, and keep all those welfare programs running, you will just end up with a bunch of highly paid terrible employees who don't care.

So what?

I own a car. If you want to use my car to make money, you have to pay me to use my car, whether I do 100% or 0% of the labor.... why? IT IS MY CAR STUPID.

I don't care if the wealthy own 100% of the wealth, and do 0% of the labor. That doesn't magically 'entitle you' to jack squat. You want to earn more? It's your job to improve you. Not mine, not the wealthy, not Obama, not anyone else. You are responsible for you, and no one else is to blame for your incompetence.

This isn't about me, guy. It's about the kind of society we live in.

Ownership is one of those privileges society lets you have, guy.

You have a car because society lets you have one, not because you have a right to one. That's why you need a license to drive one, we require you to get insurance, and we can take your car away if you get caught driving it on 80 Proof skullcracker Vodka.

Property is not a privilege. You need a license to be on public roads. I can drive my car all over my property, and there is not one thing you can do about it. Sucks to be you.

Property is only a privilege when you are a tyrant. And societies that don't have guaranteed property rights, are broke, poor, impoverished societies.

And yes, you people have become tyrants over your fellow man, and justified the theft of other peoples property. It's wrong, and I'm against it. Too bad I can vote against you tyrants, huh?
Walmart could do better. America as a whole could do better in how it treats its workers. Unfortunately, too many of my Conservative friends feel compelled to defend Corporations like Walmart and denigrate Workers.

But you can be a Capitalist and still defend the workers. You don't have to Goose Step along and lick Corporate boots. Sometimes Corporations are wrong. And it's ok to point that out. Walmart does represent the 'Evil Corporation' perfectly. They've earned their reputation.

Agreed. But this thread isn't really about Wal-Mart. It's about mini,um wage nonsense.

And the minimum wage is too low.

Simple as that. What some "conservatives" can't figure out is that they need to get past the "no no no" rhetoric or they're not going to be part o the discussion of what a reasonable minimum wage would be, then they will really be pissed when they have no say.

Americans are tired of the "no no no"

Apparently "no job" is better in leftard world.

Yep. The minimum wage movement might as well be called the "War on Scabs".

Actually, that's how bad things have gotten for workers. No job might just be a better option.

But this is what drives me nutz. There is a connection between the two deals.

The less an employee needs the job... the worse of an employee he generally is.

You complain that employees hate their jobs, and treat customers terribly.

The reason employees do that, is because they know they have alternatives, and they know it can't get any worse for them.

If the minimum wage is $7.25, and you have a job earning $7.25....... what do you have to lose? You can't get a job that pays less. So if you are fired, you find another job, and end up with the exact same pay.

If you raise the minimum wage to $10/hr. Now employees that earn $10/hr have nothing to lose.

You think that if they earn more money, they'll magically become good employees, and care about customers. That could be true, if they EARN the raise, while the minimum wage stays where it is. Because now, if they don't become good employees, they could lose their job, and earn less somewhere else.

But if they are paid more because the minimum wage went up, then they still have nothing to lose. They can be terrible employees and if they lose their job, they get another with the exact same pay rate.

Additionally, they get all these welfare, food stamps, housing assistance, and Obama phones, and Medicaid programs.

Well if you know you can live off the government... why would you worry about losing a job? These people know that if they are fired, they can just live off the tax payers.

If you knew that if you lose your job, you are going to STARVE... you are going to work your butt off, to be the best employee you can be, to keep your job.

But they know they can soak the tax payers and eat. So they don't give a crap if they lose their job or not.

You want employees to start caring about their jobs? You want employees to worry about pleasing the customers?

Eliminate all welfare and food stamps, and eliminate the minimum wage.

They will start showing up to work on time, they'll start smiling at everyone, they'll start providing great customer service, they'll dress like they didn't just crawl out from under a rock.

Why? Because they know if they lose this $8/hr job, they'll end up at Bubba's Food Shack earning $1/hr. They will work their butts off to keep that $8/hr job.

But if you raise the minimum wage to $10/hr, and keep all those welfare programs running, you will just end up with a bunch of highly paid terrible employees who don't care.

You're full of shit on this one.

And the employees at my local Wal Mart are nothing like described.
Walmart could do better. America as a whole could do better in how it treats its workers. Unfortunately, too many of my Conservative friends feel compelled to defend Corporations like Walmart and denigrate Workers.

But you can be a Capitalist and still defend the workers. You don't have to Goose Step along and lick Corporate boots. Sometimes Corporations are wrong. And it's ok to point that out. Walmart does represent the 'Evil Corporation' perfectly. They've earned their reputation.

Agreed. But this thread isn't really about Wal-Mart. It's about mini,um wage nonsense.

And the minimum wage is too low.

Simple as that. What some "conservatives" can't figure out is that they need to get past the "no no no" rhetoric or they're not going to be part o the discussion of what a reasonable minimum wage would be, then they will really be pissed when they have no say.

Americans are tired of the "no no no"

Apparently "no job" is better in leftard world.

Yep. The minimum wage movement might as well be called the "War on Scabs".

Actually, that's how bad things have gotten for workers. No job might just be a better option.

But this is what drives me nutz. There is a connection between the two deals.

The less an employee needs the job... the worse of an employee he generally is.

You complain that employees hate their jobs, and treat customers terribly.

The reason employees do that, is because they know they have alternatives, and they know it can't get any worse for them.

If the minimum wage is $7.25, and you have a job earning $7.25....... what do you have to lose? You can't get a job that pays less. So if you are fired, you find another job, and end up with the exact same pay.

If you raise the minimum wage to $10/hr. Now employees that earn $10/hr have nothing to lose.

You think that if they earn more money, they'll magically become good employees, and care about customers. That could be true, if they EARN the raise, while the minimum wage stays where it is. Because now, if they don't become good employees, they could lose their job, and earn less somewhere else.

But if they are paid more because the minimum wage went up, then they still have nothing to lose. They can be terrible employees and if they lose their job, they get another with the exact same pay rate.

Additionally, they get all these welfare, food stamps, housing assistance, and Obama phones, and Medicaid programs.

Well if you know you can live off the government... why would you worry about losing a job? These people know that if they are fired, they can just live off the tax payers.

If you knew that if you lose your job, you are going to STARVE... you are going to work your butt off, to be the best employee you can be, to keep your job.

But they know they can soak the tax payers and eat. So they don't give a crap if they lose their job or not.

You want employees to start caring about their jobs? You want employees to worry about pleasing the customers?

Eliminate all welfare and food stamps, and eliminate the minimum wage.

They will start showing up to work on time, they'll start smiling at everyone, they'll start providing great customer service, they'll dress like they didn't just crawl out from under a rock.

Why? Because they know if they lose this $8/hr job, they'll end up at Bubba's Food Shack earning $1/hr. They will work their butts off to keep that $8/hr job.

But if you raise the minimum wage to $10/hr, and keep all those welfare programs running, you will just end up with a bunch of highly paid terrible employees who don't care.

You're full of shit on this one.

And the employees at my local Wal Mart are nothing like described.

Again, I have no idea what your experience is, and maybe your specific Walmart happens to be terrible. I don't know. I'm just telling you what my experience is.

I met a girl that worked at Walmart for years, joined their free training program, and next year, she'll be moving up to a management position making $80K. You think she likes Walmart? Yes, she does. Was the training 'easy'? No. But it was free management training. How many mom&pop shops offer that? Of course... none.

Another personal friend of mine, worked at Walmart for almost a decade. She used their tuition reimbursement program, supplemented her wages, to get a degree in Civil Engineering. It didn't pay 100%, but without it, it would have been very difficult to get throuhg school. She doesn't work at Walmart anymore, but she loved that job. It was a great job for her.

So I don't see this "employees are treated like crap" and "they hate everyone, and hate their job".

Both of these people loved Walmart, and of course I do. They have great prices, and the people are very nice.

As for everything else... well you are wrong. You have the right to be wrong. Go for it.
Walmart could do better. America as a whole could do better in how it treats its workers. Unfortunately, too many of my Conservative friends feel compelled to defend Corporations like Walmart and denigrate Workers.

But you can be a Capitalist and still defend the workers. You don't have to Goose Step along and lick Corporate boots. Sometimes Corporations are wrong. And it's ok to point that out. Walmart does represent the 'Evil Corporation' perfectly. They've earned their reputation.

Agreed. But this thread isn't really about Wal-Mart. It's about mini,um wage nonsense.

And the minimum wage is too low.

Simple as that. What some "conservatives" can't figure out is that they need to get past the "no no no" rhetoric or they're not going to be part o the discussion of what a reasonable minimum wage would be, then they will really be pissed when they have no say.

Americans are tired of the "no no no"

Apparently "no job" is better in leftard world.

Yep. The minimum wage movement might as well be called the "War on Scabs".

Actually, that's how bad things have gotten for workers. No job might just be a better option.

But this is what drives me nutz. There is a connection between the two deals.

The less an employee needs the job... the worse of an employee he generally is.

You complain that employees hate their jobs, and treat customers terribly.

The reason employees do that, is because they know they have alternatives, and they know it can't get any worse for them.

If the minimum wage is $7.25, and you have a job earning $7.25....... what do you have to lose? You can't get a job that pays less. So if you are fired, you find another job, and end up with the exact same pay.

If you raise the minimum wage to $10/hr. Now employees that earn $10/hr have nothing to lose.

You think that if they earn more money, they'll magically become good employees, and care about customers. That could be true, if they EARN the raise, while the minimum wage stays where it is. Because now, if they don't become good employees, they could lose their job, and earn less somewhere else.

But if they are paid more because the minimum wage went up, then they still have nothing to lose. They can be terrible employees and if they lose their job, they get another with the exact same pay rate.

Additionally, they get all these welfare, food stamps, housing assistance, and Obama phones, and Medicaid programs.

Well if you know you can live off the government... why would you worry about losing a job? These people know that if they are fired, they can just live off the tax payers.

If you knew that if you lose your job, you are going to STARVE... you are going to work your butt off, to be the best employee you can be, to keep your job.

But they know they can soak the tax payers and eat. So they don't give a crap if they lose their job or not.

You want employees to start caring about their jobs? You want employees to worry about pleasing the customers?

Eliminate all welfare and food stamps, and eliminate the minimum wage.

They will start showing up to work on time, they'll start smiling at everyone, they'll start providing great customer service, they'll dress like they didn't just crawl out from under a rock.

Why? Because they know if they lose this $8/hr job, they'll end up at Bubba's Food Shack earning $1/hr. They will work their butts off to keep that $8/hr job.

But if you raise the minimum wage to $10/hr, and keep all those welfare programs running, you will just end up with a bunch of highly paid terrible employees who don't care.

You're full of shit on this one.

And the employees at my local Wal Mart are nothing like described.

Again, I have no idea what your experience is, and maybe your specific Walmart happens to be terrible. I don't know. I'm just telling you what my experience is.

I met a girl that worked at Walmart for years, joined their free training program, and next year, she'll be moving up to a management position making $80K. You think she likes Walmart? Yes, she does. Was the training 'easy'? No. But it was free management training. How many mom&pop shops offer that? Of course... none.

Another personal friend of mine, worked at Walmart for almost a decade. She used their tuition reimbursement program, supplemented her wages, to get a degree in Civil Engineering. It didn't pay 100%, but without it, it would have been very difficult to get throuhg school. She doesn't work at Walmart anymore, but she loved that job. It was a great job for her.

So I don't see this "employees are treated like crap" and "they hate everyone, and hate their job".

Both of these people loved Walmart, and of course I do. They have great prices, and the people are very nice.

As for everything else... well you are wrong. You have the right to be wrong. Go for it.

You misread my post. I said our Wal Mart is NOTHING like some of the horror stories being told here. I mean we have our share of uglies shopping there , but I've yet to go in and see someone taking a shit on the floor , and most of the people I know who work there are fairly well satisfied with the job. I said from the VERY beginning of the thread, I wouldn't even put Wal Mart in my top 50 of companies to go after.

Though I do think they deserve a "fuck you" for the timing on their new uniform policy, that's corporate, not my local store.
But you want to argue otherwise, fine. We agree to disagree. Until you can prove it, I'm sticking with my experience.

All 6 months of it? lulz.

You have the right to be wrong, with whatever rationalizaiton you want.

So the question is, are the Interstates so much better of a road, that they were worth hundreds of billions?

Abso-freaking-lutely. State roads are crap compared to interstates. The ride quality alone makes a huge difference, not just for the driver mind you, but the smoother a trip is, the less likely you run into load shifting.

Never had a problem, nor was the trip 'less smooth'. Your opinion is noted. I disagree.

State funds that would have gone to state roads, were instead diverted to Federal roads. Then you want to claim state roads are not quite as good?

Shoulda coulda woulda don't mean shit, unfortunately.

Lame rationalization.

On top of that, the cost is much higher for Federal roads, than state roads. If you look at the major construction companies, they list different costs per mile of state roads than Federal roads, and it's over a 50% increase.

Right, because interstates were designed for commercial vehicles, whereas state roads were designed for cars, light trucks, vans, and u-haul sized box trucks that they had "back in the day" when state roads were the only option.

I want you to provide direct proof of that claim, for Route 40 or 23. Prove that claim. You people just make up crap.

do you really think Federal roads are worth how much it cost?

Ask it a million times if you want to, the answer remains the same... hell yes. If you want to do away with the duplicity that is fine by me... demolish US40.

No, I already know your ignorant, uninformed, make it up, unsupportable opinion.

The rest of us, are not convinced by "dur... those road are not designed for the trucks that travel on them every single day!.... dur".

That's not a rational argument to people who can think independently of the leftist stupidity.

Listen, bl

Blaw blaw blaw blaw blaw....

Listen up blowhard..... You want be dumb and ignorant? That's fine. You are allowed.

Beyond that, I don't have to listen, or respond to your blathering insults. Have a nice day :)

You .

Blaw blaw blaw blwa blaw blaw blaw blaw...

You've been a jerk for ages, and you still think that I care what you think of me... At what point do you stop being so ignorant? I don't care what you think. "well you're a..." blaw? Blwa blaw blaw? Don't care stupid. Your opinion of me, could not possibly get any lower in importance in my world.

That's why I'm just mocking you now :)

Since you seem to have trouble quoting, allow me to put your ignorance on display to enlighten those that missed the last page.

Listen, blowhard retard. Just because somebody is calling you out on the idiocy you spew doesn't mean they're "leftist". It's fucking hilarious watching jackasses like you put your ignorance on display for the world to see simply because I disagree with you, because anybody that has actually read my posts in more than one or two threads knows that "leftist" or "conservative" are both ridiculous labels for me.

The federal interstate system is designed for commercial vehicles and are regulated to prevent states from placing limitations on them that would prevent their use by said commercial vehicles. It's one of the (very) few things the government has actually done to make a carrier's life a little easier, because drivers don't have to research every damned state they're driving through to make sure their truck/trailer combo isn't a foot too long, or 200 pounds too heavy. There are uniform size/weight restrictions across all 48 continental states*.

If you think that doesn't make my life easier as a driver, I'm glad you got your stupid ass out of a truck.

* The bridge law requirement is a notable exception, which is managed fairly easily by keeping the tandems set all the way forward or at any point between all the way forward to the California bridge law setting, which is the most restrictive).

You're welcome.
Walmart is a magnet for freakish nasty douchebags. Last time i was in one, their poor Employees were cleaning up someone's feces in front of their Deli counter. All i wanted was a Corndog, instead i got a nightmarish stench and a view of some heinous loon's trail of clumpy pooplets. Haven't been in one since.

It's not just about Walmart's immoral treatment of its workers. It's the all around shopping experience. The nasty customers you have to deal with is a deal-breaker for me. It's a miserable experience. I find shopping elsewhere much more enjoyable. But hey, that's just me.
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Walmart could do better. America as a whole could do better in how it treats its workers. Unfortunately, too many of my Conservative friends feel compelled to defend Corporations like Walmart and denigrate Workers.

But you can be a Capitalist and still defend the workers. You don't have to Goose Step along and lick Corporate boots. Sometimes Corporations are wrong. And it's ok to point that out. Walmart does represent the 'Evil Corporation' perfectly. They've earned their reputation.

Agreed. But this thread isn't really about Wal-Mart. It's about mini,um wage nonsense.

And the minimum wage is too low.

Simple as that. What some "conservatives" can't figure out is that they need to get past the "no no no" rhetoric or they're not going to be part o the discussion of what a reasonable minimum wage would be, then they will really be pissed when they have no say.

Americans are tired of the "no no no"

Apparently "no job" is better in leftard world.

Yep. The minimum wage movement might as well be called the "War on Scabs".

Actually, that's how bad things have gotten for workers. No job might just be a better option.

It might be. The question is, who gets to make that call?

The sad reality is, Unemployment and other Entitlements pay more. So why go be a miserable slave at Walmart or Micky D's?

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