Walmart: The Friend Of The Poor

Walmart is a destroyer of competition, which is central for capitalism to work.

They pay their workers shit, requiring taxpayers to subsidize the workers for them to have a base standard of living .
I worked there. You lie.
Actually, all the cheap stuff comes from Bangladesh now. China is becomming robotically industrialized Japan in the 1980s.

Anti-America drumpf has his cheap shit made in both. Not sure where all the daughter-wife has her crap made but its sure as hell not the US.

You have a problem with rich New York Democrats funding slave labor? Why?... it is a free market.

I have a problem with drumpf lying about "creating American jobs for Americans" while actually the opposite.

Same with him touting American made steel while using only inferior steel from China. Or him hiring undocumented and foreign workers at his golf resort and other of his properties.

Amazingly, this exec order he's signing will exempt his hiring at the golf resort. Try to find a trumpkin who objects to this enormous hypocrisy.

My complaint is about any 1%er who cheats America and Americans while preaching the opposite.

Just like the holy roller fundie types who tell others who they should behave in their private lives while screwing children, cheating on their spouses, etc.

I am sure you will live with it.

More to the point, the trumpkins have no problem with this enormous lie from drumpf. But, they have yet to register any sort of displeasure at his daily lies because they are just as hypocritical as he is.

Making an argument from the specific to the general is an uphill climb.

The word 'stereotype' did not exist before the invention of the stereo...but the concept did exist.
you shut down faster than a nuclear power plant that got hit by an asteroid.
Talking like that to dumbasses like waiting for 2020 might make you feel good but decent minded people laugh at you.

We're seeing some real butt-hurt anger advice, TNCushman? don't step to PC and you won't get your eyebrows singed off......she's the class of this board.

And with 60,000+ posts it makes one wonder if she does anything else.

So.....why the personal interest?

Be sure to drop back when you can scrub the marks of those ten foot poles off.
Walmart is a destroyer of competition, which is central for capitalism to work.

They pay their workers shit, requiring taxpayers to subsidize the workers for them to have a base standard of living . Forbes smash a custard pie in your kisser:

"Why Do 1.4 Million Americans Work At Walmart, With Many More Trying To?
1. Observe any hiring center for a new Walmart and you will see thousands of individuals eager to become a Walmart associate. Many already have jobs at fast food restaurants, supermarkets, or other retail stores.... aptly summarizes the sentiments of many applicants: “They are huge, so I know there is a huge amount of opportunity.”

2. Well, nobody has to work at Walmart if he feels underpaid or underappreciated. He can always seek another job. So why do 1.4 million Americans choose to work at Walmart, many for well under $12 per hour?"


Come back when you clean that mess off.
Reality is defined by actions, not by words. Therefore Walmart is the friend of the poor, Progressives the enemy.

"...Walmart, by driving down prices, saved the typical American family more than $2,300 annually. That was about the same amount that a family on food stamps then received from the federal government."

6. "How could any progressive with a conscience oppose an organization that confers such benefits? How could de Blasio and the city council effectively take money out of the pockets of the poorest families in New York?

Because—though they would deny it—they care a lot more about pleasing powerful labor interests, especially the United Food and Commercial Workers (UFCW), which helped lead the long fight to keep Walmart out of the five boroughs."

The Leftists have "been spreading horror stories for more than a decade about Walmart’s purported mistreatment of workers, yet somehow they haven’t dissuaded thousands of people in other cities from lining up for jobs whenever a Walmart opens."

... Walmart lowered American retail workers’ pay by less than $5 billion while saving shoppers more than $250 billion with lower prices on food, clothing, and household staples." For Profit, Anti-Poverty

Some friends of the poor, these Progressives, huh?

Variations of the same 'friends' tales can be applied to Progressives efforts on behalf of women, blacks, and gays.
I do most of my grocery shopping at Wallys....HUGE superstore, clean, with friendly cashiers and no weirdos (yet). I think they should give their workers 40 hour weeks and benefits but i won't boycott them for not doing it out of pure years of championing the poor are far behind me. :eusa_hand:
"...Walmart, by driving down prices, saved the typical American family more than $2,300 annually. That was about the same amount that a family on food stamps then received from the federal government."

7. "His study of the beneficial effects of having a Walmart "prompted Furman to reject his fellow Democrats’ campaign against Walmart.

“The collateral damage,” Furman wrote, “from these efforts to get Walmart to raise its wages and benefits is way too enormous and damaging to working people and the economy more broadly for me to sit by idly and sing ‘Kum-Ba-Ya’ in the interests of progressive harmony. Not to mention the collateral damage to rational thought from many of the arguments made by the anti-Walmart community.

8. In a 2015 Quinnipiac poll asking whether Walmart stores should be allowed to open, New Yorkers favored Walmart by a margin of 2-to-1. Overall, 63 percent of New Yorkers wanted Walmart stores in the city, with virtually no difference in favor of the big-box emporium between those living in union and non-union households. Support was higher among blacks, who favored Walmart by 66 to 30, and among Hispanics, who favored Walmart by 71 to 27.

9. long as shoppers go on paying higher prices at unionized stores, some of their money will keep flowing to the mayor and his allies in the form of campaign contributions. To progressive politicians, that’s the ultimate in social justice." For Profit, Anti-Poverty

The Obama presidency was a microcosm of the Progressive's resistance to Walmarts.
Both Obama, specifically, and Progressives, broadly, represent the primacy of ideology over facts.

And in both cases, Progressives always know what's best for you.
Exactly the sort of propaganda you should resist.

Not only does Walmart put the equivalent of $2300 in the pockets of the poor....but they help their employees become ...

....get ready for it....


"Wal-Mart matches employee stock purchases by 15% on the first $1,800 worth of shares bought each year. If you work at the company and write a check to buy $1,800 worth of the stock, the company is going to give you another $270 to buy shares completely free. That results in an automatic 15% return before you’ve collected your first dividend. On top of that, the company matches 100% on the first 6% of salary contributed to a 401(k) plan.

.....they’d retire with nearly $4.9 million in their investment account at average long-term rates of return. If inflation runs the same rate it did during the past century, that would be around $1.7 million in today’s dollars, which would generate $5,700 per month pre-tax without every touching the principal."

In your face...booyyyyyeeeeee!!!!!!
Report: Walmart Workers Cost Taxpayers $6.2 Billion In Public Assistance
Walmart Wages Are the Main Reason People Depend on Food Stamps

How much would they cost if they didn't have the job?
So a slave is better at a low wage than no wage....uh no. They already get welfare so no wage means they get MORE welfare...thanks Wal Mart!

I'm sorry, how is it the fault of Wal Mart that someone has little to no marketable skills?
Its a human being NOT a fucking product to be bought and sold. ALL working people deserve a wage they can pay rent and bills on. Wal Mart has gotten DISGUSTINGLY rich off the hard work of others.I really truly look forward to the day they are given then just due and their homes sold and stolen wealth taken back and given to the workers they treat like slaves.

Oh good grief.... WTF ever. This ain't Venezuela or some other 3rd world shithole.
It's funny that the OP, who pretends to be a Trump supporter, is touting the value of cheap labor imports while Trump - if you're crazy enough to believe him - made condemnation of imports a central theme of his campaign.
Since the average Walmart super center employees 350, that is 350 jobs denied along with less expensive goods for 4000 or more per day. Way to go NYC!

So, do all of them attend the Walmart classes on how to apply for food stamps?

Why should tax payers subsidize Walmart?
Because it's so much more cost effective to pay the entire cost of keeping a person at the poverty level instead of letting them find the ladder and climb out of poverty altogether?
1. Progressives/Liberals pretend to be friends of the poor, but data tells a different tale. Over half a century ago, Progressives launched their 'War on Poverty," and have blown $ trillion a year to wind up with almost the very same % in poverty today.
"Throwing money at the problem has neither reduced poverty nor made the poor self-sufficient."

Maybe they really don't want to cure poverty, huh?

Deuteronomy 15:11
"For the poor will never cease to be in the land; therefore I command you, saying, 'You shall freely open your hand to your brother, to your needy and poor in your land.'
The American government is supposed to be guided by Old Testament Jewish law? Who knew?
"Champagne for my real friends, and real pain for my sham friends."
Monty Brogan, drug dealer in "25th hour"

Walmart gets champagne....Progressives, the pain.

Of course, we should begin with the use of the term 'friend.'
In the most general definition, one who is not hostile, or at least, doesn't harm you. can Progressives and unions be considered as 'friends' to the poor?

1. Progressives/Liberals pretend to be friends of the poor, but data tells a different tale. Over half a century ago, Progressives launched their 'War on Poverty," and have blown $ trillion a year to wind up with almost the very same % in poverty today.
"Throwing money at the problem has neither reduced poverty nor made the poor self-sufficient."

Maybe they really don't want to cure poverty, huh?

2. Progressives are joined at the hip with labor unions, and that's the basis for minimum wage laws. Not to relieve poverty.

"FDR talked Congress into creating Social Security in 1935 and imposing the nation’s first comprehensive minimum-wage law in 1938. ...The minimum-wage law prices many of the inexperienced, the young, the unskilled, and the disadvantaged out of the labor market. For example, the minimum-wage provisions passed as part of another act in 1933 threw an estimated 500,000 blacks out of work."
The FEE Store

3. Soooo....who is truly the friend of the poor?

As usual, it is the free market to the rescue......if only the Progressives and the unions would allow them to help the poor.

"If budget-cutters in Washington decided to eliminate food-stamp benefits to New Yorkers, the city’s politicians would be denouncing the cruelty of the “Republican war on the poor.” Yet Mayor Bill De Blasio and the city council are already inflicting the same sort of pain on low-income New Yorkers by denying them access to one of the nation’s most effective anti-poverty programs: Walmart."
For Profit, Anti-Poverty

Here in NYC, the 'Hammer and Sickle' crew, called 'city government,' will not allow Walmart to set up shop!
New Yorkers must journey out to the suburbs to find the two or three Walmarts that are close to the Big Apple.

The Leftist would have been better for the poor if they followed Michael Corleone's advice:
"Keep your friends close and your enemies closer."

More on Walmart's real friendship for the poor..... in a moment...
More unsettling is that liberal directives like this are a hindrance to commerce.

Well, wegie....I don't know if it's 'more unsettling' than consciously and purposely planning to keep huge swaths of folks poor, but I admit it is unsettling.

There certainly is a meanness in Leftists.....a cruelty.
The war on poverty ended when Nixon was elected. The war on the nonrich started with Reagan and continues despite little bumps under Clinton and Obama. It's all about not taxing the rich and giant corps their fair share, and thus refusing to invest in the nonrich and the country. Only their BS propaganda/hate machine and their ignorant dupes make this possible.

Walmart should pay their workers like Costco or GTH.

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