Walmarts looted in Chicago

The dumbass Democrat Negro Mayor of that city yesterday gave the green light to looters.

Chicago mayor-elect defends teens after downtown chaos

Hey chimp don't you have a klan rally to get to?
Why should anybody care? Let the feral animals do what they do. They want to have to go 40 miles for food, it's their own fault.

I am pissed at walmart at the moment so "Yay, Looters". They sent my order to the wrong address despite having my correct address and now are being tools to me about it. If they don't credit me the money back by tomorrow I am going to have to dispute it through my credit card company and I despise Bank of America customer service even more than I do Walmart's.
Free-Stuff Fraternity

Sam Walton's heirs got $244 billion and never worked a day in their lives. No wonder their serfs are lazy and incompetent.
Free-Stuff Fraternity

Sam Walton's heirs got $244 billion and never worked a day in their lives. No wonder their serfs are lazy and incompetent.

They have no experience running so much as a snow cone stand, so how would they know how to hire and fire? They will go be stock prices, same as every other incompetent set of corporate shareholders and CEOs'.
They have no experience running so much as a snow cone stand, so how would they know how to hire and fire? They will go be stock prices, same as every other incompetent set of corporate shareholders and CEOs'.
Darth Evader

The present way to riches is not the American Way. That off-track includes no-talent class-climbing brown-noses, such as Dick Cheney.
There's a possible collapse of society that no government power can stop. And the military becomes a part of the collapse.
Imo blacks are destroying this country. It can be reversed but it will require us to get rid of ALL blacks living in, or near, our country.

It will probably require some vicious tactics but, whatever it takes will be worth it. The sooner the better.
I'll admit that this hurts people and it is a weakness for us democrats. We need to to stop this from happening to be able to win back the house as this will only drive more poverty and destruction of local economy.

I'll admit that this hurts people and it is a weakness for us democrats. We need to to stop this from happening

Stopping criminals is racist.

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