Walz accused of cooking Minnesota's Teachers' Union pension fund


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May 24, 2009
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Not only has Walz been outed as a habitual liar, but now we find he cooked Minnesota's Teachers' Union pension fund.

Teachers’ Minn. pension fund under Tim Walz ‘cooking the books’ by vastly underreporting fees: ‘Madoff miracle’

August 10,, 2024
"A Minnesota retirement system for public school teachers under Gov. Tim Walz is “cooking the books” by vastly underreporting annual fees paid to Wall Street investment managers — and posting near-impossible gains tantamount to a “Madoff miracle,” a top pension investigator said."
He was the governor. If this was really true, we would have heard about. it before now.
Time for an audit
"Walz, who has been serving as chairman of the Minnesota State Retirement System since January 2019, oversees $140 billion in state employee funds, including $28.2 billion for teachers, the outlet reported.

“I don’t know if the man had any pre-existing knowledge of finance or pensions, but as chairman, he should have educated himself,” Siedle said. “Pension board members have a fiduciary duty to monitor fees, and to ensure that the investments’ performance is accurately disclosed.”
Typical. MAGA allegations with no evidence that Walz knew anything about the malfeasance done by GOP administrators.

MAGA allegations?

See: Chaos continues with Ohio teachers’ pension fund as second advisor quits

"A second major consulting group has quit working with Ohio’s controversy-ridden retired teachers’ pension fund, another blow to the already chaotic system.

Anxiety is high at the State Teachers Retirement System (STRS).

STRS is embroiled in controversy. In summary, there has been constant fighting, two board resignations and allegations of both a public corruption scheme and mishandling of funds."
What does Walz have to do with the OH teachers' pension fund?
Right-wing media strategy: fling everything at the wall and pray that something sticks.

It hasn’t been working. Keep flinging.
I wonder how much of those missing funds ended up in walz's account?
Pretty amazing how a school teacher amassed 19 million in such a short time.
See: Minnesota Governor Walz Warned Of "Many Serious Risks" Facing State Pensions Under His Watch (substack.com)
That’s right, the impending “grave danger” was: State workers and retirees who contributed their hard-earned savings to the pension and whose retirement security was potentially at risk—the very same individuals for whose exclusive benefit the plan (under applicable law) is supposed to be managed—were fundraising to get a “second opinion.”

Worse still, the opinion they were seeking was that of a seasoned forensic investigator of their own choosing.
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