Wanna Know What Sucks?

Going to the dentist to have a root canal done, three separate shots of three different numbing agents that are taking way longer to work than on most people because you are a redhead and they are genetically harder to numb, so that your appointment time runs out and you have to go back at 5pm to try all over again and damn it, you can feel the stuff wearing off as you type.

I'm not a redhead, but I always have to have a lot of Novocain, or whatever they use, and it takes a long time to work. But never so long I've had to end the session and come back another day.
Going to the dentist to have a root canal done, three separate shots of three different numbing agents that are taking way longer to work than on most people because you are a redhead and they are genetically harder to numb, so that your appointment time runs out and you have to go back at 5pm to try all over again and damn it, you can feel the stuff wearing off as you type.

I'm not a redhead, but I always have to have a lot of Novocain, or whatever they use, and it takes a long time to work. But never so long I've had to end the session and come back another day.

This is the second time this has happened to me. Blarg.

Damn, mah jaw is mighty sore.
Going to the dentist to have a root canal done, three separate shots of three different numbing agents that are taking way longer to work than on most people because you are a redhead and they are genetically harder to numb, so that your appointment time runs out and you have to go back at 5pm to try all over again and damn it, you can feel the stuff wearing off as you type.

I'm not a redhead, but I always have to have a lot of Novocain, or whatever they use, and it takes a long time to work. But never so long I've had to end the session and come back another day.

This is the second time this has happened to me. Blarg.

Damn, mah jaw is mighty sore.

Your doctor should have you come in a little early so he can start the numbing process while he is still with another patient. That is, mine has gotten me in the chair and started the process, then leaves me to go back and finish with another patient while we wait for it to work. He will check on me and see if it's working or if I need more. And then go back and finish up with the other patient.
I don't understand why root canal is so much worse than an extraction. I've had one of each decades ago and the RC was as bad as everyone says.
I'm not a redhead, but I always have to have a lot of Novocain, or whatever they use, and it takes a long time to work. But never so long I've had to end the session and come back another day.

This is the second time this has happened to me. Blarg.

Damn, mah jaw is mighty sore.

Your doctor should have you come in a little early so he can start the numbing process while he is still with another patient. That is, mine has gotten me in the chair and started the process, then leaves me to go back and finish with another patient while we wait for it to work. He will check on me and see if it's working or if I need more. And then go back and finish up with the other patient.

He did. I was in half an hour earlier than my appt but . . . it just wasn't taking. When I was in two weeks ago it took two shots and about 45 min. By 1 hour (about 1:30pm or so) it was perfectly numb and didn't wear off till 8pm. Today, three shots, never quite numbed the tooth to where it needed to be, it was worn off by 3pm. Ack!

I scheduled for next Fri to go in at 11am, that gives me an hour and time for him to give me different things, they break for lunch @ noon, r.c. is scheduled for 1pm. If I get numb I'll just leave and run over to the pet store or something. If not ... gonna have to come up with a plan B.
Get painkillers, and a lot of them, for the weekend.

Also antibiotics.

First thing I asked was "do you give something for afterwards for pain". Uh, yup. Last time (different doc years ago) they gave me squat. Am NOT making that mistake again!
This is the second time this has happened to me. Blarg.

Damn, mah jaw is mighty sore.

Your doctor should have you come in a little early so he can start the numbing process while he is still with another patient. That is, mine has gotten me in the chair and started the process, then leaves me to go back and finish with another patient while we wait for it to work. He will check on me and see if it's working or if I need more. And then go back and finish up with the other patient.

He did. I was in half an hour earlier than my appt but . . . it just wasn't taking. When I was in two weeks ago it took two shots and about 45 min. By 1 hour (about 1:30pm or so) it was perfectly numb and didn't wear off till 8pm. Today, three shots, never quite numbed the tooth to where it needed to be, it was worn off by 3pm. Ack!

I scheduled for next Fri to go in at 11am, that gives me an hour and time for him to give me different things, they break for lunch @ noon, r.c. is scheduled for 1pm. If I get numb I'll just leave and run over to the pet store or something. If not ... gonna have to come up with a plan B.

Well, your problem is obviously worse than mine. No suggestions beyond what I said. I thought I was a problem patient! 45 minutes is what it has taken me to get numb, most often.
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I don't understand why root canal is so much worse than an extraction. I've had one of each decades ago and the RC was as bad as everyone says.

An extraction is simply pulling a tooth out. It's over fast, although it can hurt a bunch.

A root canal, on the other hand requires extensive drilling, followed by scouring of all the pulp out of your tooth canals, then filling the canals with gutta percha, then sealing with a temporary filling, then fitting of a crown.
I don't understand why root canal is so much worse than an extraction. I've had one of each decades ago and the RC was as bad as everyone says.

An extraction is simply pulling a tooth out. It's over fast, although it can hurt a bunch.

A root canal, on the other hand requires extensive drilling, followed by scouring of all the pulp out of your tooth canals, then filling the canals with gutta percha, then sealing with a temporary filling, then fitting of a crown.

Eewwwwww! Re-living all the details! :eek:
Root canal redeux. Success!

Three shots again (last one finally took) - two hours total time.

Root canal - half an hour.

For. Crying. Out. Loud.

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