want 20 billion a year ?

The way to deal with the alcohol problem is to create a drug problem! Yeah that will fix it. What you will have, is the best of both worlds, people who are both drunk and high! Put that on your freeways.

You are completely oblivious to the fact that we have rampant drug use in this country to begin with and the current state of laws are doing nothing effectual. Instead, we are wasting millions of dollars. You need to pull your head out of your ass and look at the cost/benefit analysis to society and realize the current approach to drug use in this country is pretty fucking stupid.

Using a cost benefit analysis the most cost effective is for the druggies to die. The current laws and it has been that was for years, is to accommodate druggies. Medical care, rehab, community service. That's what has been expensive. Monumentally expensive. We should never have allowed that kind of growth.

We have rampant drug use in this country because there is a rampant belief that the person cannot get through the day without being high. We have a large number of useless bodies that take up space while they waste time drooling into their beer. The best cost benefit has come from the cartels that permanently removed 70,000 users and dealers from the streets of mexico without costing the public a cent. That's the kind of public service we need here.

Funny, I find myself in agreement with at least part of your argument. The government needs to get out of taking care of the abusers.

I am a small government type, but to be that I also think we have laws that make no sense and bloat the government by keeping them.
Those types of memes are always helpful when discussing legalizing LSD, but since this is a discussion on legalizing Pot, I'll just move along.

pots' always been a stepping stone to more expensive and dangerous drugs.

It's a fair argument although I've never bought into that. Say pot never existed, would then alcohol then be the stepping stone?

I helped bury a friend years ago who OD on herion. and saw 2 others die from drugs. what a uselss waste
The biggest pusher(dealer) in the U.S. is the drug companies. How many children are over medicated in this country on powerful LEGAL narcotics.
At this point as I stated, legal narcotics account for more overdoses than all illegals combined.
In 2007, the number of deaths involving opioid
analgesics was 1.93 times the number involving
cocaine and 5.38 times the number involving heroin.


There is a ton of information on this subject...We have a huge drug problem in the U.S. and weed is not at the top of the list. It is nothing but paranoia.
Have they really fully legalized it in Colorado? Can you sell it in a 7-11? I'll be happy when you can buy a bag just like you can buy a case of beer.

Let's think, you drink a case of beer or smoke a couple J's.

Which is more detrimental to your health?
pots' always been a stepping stone to more expensive and dangerous drugs.

It's a fair argument although I've never bought into that. Say pot never existed, would then alcohol then be the stepping stone?

I helped bury a friend years ago who OD on herion. and saw 2 others die from drugs. what a uselss waste

Regrettably I have too. One was a cousin. So sad to watch a young man with a bright future literally commit a slow suicide, but that was heroin. I would never advocate lifting the ban on it or most others. His drug of choice before making the leap was alcohol.

I've also buried a number of family and friends who abused it in such a way that ended their lives.
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Have they really fully legalized it in Colorado? Can you sell it in a 7-11? I'll be happy when you can buy a bag just like you can buy a case of beer.

Let's think, you drink a case of beer or smoke a couple J's.

Which is more detrimental to your health?

Actually I wonder about the new law. So far I haven't heard of the end of society in CO. or Washington state. Anybody from there care to comment?
god damned that mother fucker all to hell​


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3XqyGoE2Q4Y]Steppenwolf - The Pusher - YouTube[/ame]
Have they really fully legalized it in Colorado? Can you sell it in a 7-11? I'll be happy when you can buy a bag just like you can buy a case of beer.

Let's think, you drink a case of beer or smoke a couple J's.

Which is more detrimental to your health?

Why would it be either or? It will be both.
Have they really fully legalized it in Colorado? Can you sell it in a 7-11? I'll be happy when you can buy a bag just like you can buy a case of beer.

Let's think, you drink a case of beer or smoke a couple J's.

Which is more detrimental to your health?

Actually I wonder about the new law. So far I haven't heard of the end of society in CO. or Washington state. Anybody from there care to comment?

I have relatives in Colorado Springs. Lots of pot related accidents. Accidental pot poisonings of animals have quadrupled and a slight rise in child poisonings.
Have they really fully legalized it in Colorado? Can you sell it in a 7-11? I'll be happy when you can buy a bag just like you can buy a case of beer.

Let's think, you drink a case of beer or smoke a couple J's.

Which is more detrimental to your health?

Actually I wonder about the new law. So far I haven't heard of the end of society in CO. or Washington state. Anybody from there care to comment?

I have relatives in Colorado Springs. Lots of pot related accidents. Accidental pot poisonings of animals have quadrupled and a slight rise in child poisonings.

I still have more concern about the rise in the parents drugging their children under the pretense that they suffer ADHD. Powerful narcotics are used on these kids and many are miss-diagnosed.
Pot is the least of our worries.

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