want 20 billion a year ?


he needs another toke before cutting into your guts. ok with you ??

On booze he might beat the crap of you.

On pot he'd offer you a Twinkie and give you a hug.

So,......um, I'll take door number two Monte

drunk he can't stand

stoned the twinkies' inside you got another door Monte???

Drunk and he can't stand? Oh Man I know a bunch of functional drunks. I do not want any of them operating on me, not stoned or drunk. But they both exist, and no doubt there are doctors operating today, both stoned and drunk.

One will kill just as effectively as the other.
Ah yes...those peaceful potheads. I wonder if the shooter offered the victims twinkies before or after he shot them. And did he offer the dog he shot a Snausage?

Authorities are hunting for suspects after shooting broke out during a massive marijuana celebration in Denver, leaving two people with gunshot wounds.

The gunfire scattered thousands attending Saturday's 4/20 counterculture holiday, the first since Colorado legalized marijuana.

A man and a woman each suffered non-life threatening gunshot wounds, officials said. Local media reports said a third person was grazed.

Denver Police spokesman Sonny Jackson said investigators are looking for one or two suspects, asking festival attendees for possible photo or video of the shootings.

He said police had no motive for the gunfire.

Witnesses described a scene in which a jovial atmosphere quickly turned to one of panic at the downtown Civic Center Park just before 5 p.m. Several thought firecrackers were being set off, then a man fell bleeding, his dog also shot....

News from The Associated Press

You seriously do not want me to start posting articles about atrocities performed by people under the influence of alcohol, do you?

There are some things that are just to obvious to require links.
Ah yes...those peaceful potheads. I wonder if the shooter offered the victims twinkies before or after he shot them. And did he offer the dog he shot a Snausage?

Authorities are hunting for suspects after shooting broke out during a massive marijuana celebration in Denver, leaving two people with gunshot wounds.

The gunfire scattered thousands attending Saturday's 4/20 counterculture holiday, the first since Colorado legalized marijuana.

A man and a woman each suffered non-life threatening gunshot wounds, officials said. Local media reports said a third person was grazed.

Denver Police spokesman Sonny Jackson said investigators are looking for one or two suspects, asking festival attendees for possible photo or video of the shootings.

He said police had no motive for the gunfire.

Witnesses described a scene in which a jovial atmosphere quickly turned to one of panic at the downtown Civic Center Park just before 5 p.m. Several thought firecrackers were being set off, then a man fell bleeding, his dog also shot....

News from The Associated Press

You seriously do not want me to start posting articles about atrocities performed by people under the influence of alcohol, do you?

There are some things that are just to obvious to require links.

Excuse me, but I don't recall saying that alcohol is better than pot.

What I did say was that there is no such thing as Free Money from legalizing pot. There will be costs to doing so...just as there are costs for alcohol being legal.
Last night we drove home (from SF to Oakland) after a dinner party near Golden Gate Park. The morons from the 4/20 Festival had Oak Street tied up in an enormous traffic jam due to the fact that they couldn't react to the green and red lights in a coherent fashion.

We took a different route to get out of the mess. I do support legalizing pot so that dosages are standardized and the criminal gang aspect is minimized...and prisons are cleared of people being held for having minor amounts of pot. Driving while stoned should be a DUI.

Unlike the moron in the OP, there are costs to legalizing pot which need to be recognized. It's not just free money.

Like what?

You hysterics bleat like stuck pigs but you never put up any numbers.
Without substantiated numbers it's clear who the morons are.


If you think the government of the U.S. is going to legalize pot without enacting an enormous bureaucracy to regulate it, then you are incredibly naive.

Legalizing pot is Not Free Money.

Again, you white trash scumbag, where is the meat on that bone? You fan shit all over the place like the rhinocerous's ass and tail you likely resemble, but there are never any facts with your filthy fucking drivel.

Among the posters here, you are almost uniquely worthless as a source of useful insight or information.

Considering what an idiot you are, your insults are actually compliments. If you agreed with me, I'd be worried.

*warm regards*


P.S. And thank you for proving the proof that not all pot heads are peaceful, happy twinkie givers.
Ah yes...those peaceful potheads. I wonder if the shooter offered the victims twinkies before or after he shot them. And did he offer the dog he shot a Snausage?

Authorities are hunting for suspects after shooting broke out during a massive marijuana celebration in Denver, leaving two people with gunshot wounds.

The gunfire scattered thousands attending Saturday's 4/20 counterculture holiday, the first since Colorado legalized marijuana.

A man and a woman each suffered non-life threatening gunshot wounds, officials said. Local media reports said a third person was grazed.

Denver Police spokesman Sonny Jackson said investigators are looking for one or two suspects, asking festival attendees for possible photo or video of the shootings.

He said police had no motive for the gunfire.

Witnesses described a scene in which a jovial atmosphere quickly turned to one of panic at the downtown Civic Center Park just before 5 p.m. Several thought firecrackers were being set off, then a man fell bleeding, his dog also shot....

News from The Associated Press

You seriously do not want me to start posting articles about atrocities performed by people under the influence of alcohol, do you?

There are some things that are just to obvious to require links.

Excuse me, but I don't recall saying that alcohol is better than pot.

What I did say was that there is no such thing as Free Money from legalizing pot. There will be costs to doing so...just as there are costs for alcohol being legal.

Then why not legalize both, or prohibit both? Either makes sense, the current law makes none.

I had many opportunities to partake in a doobie or a bong in my youth. There was absolutely no chance I would get caught, but I chose to drink instead (well mostly). It's just my experience, but because it was available, and little if any chance I would get caught obviously made it no more likely to use than if it were legal.

So I simply do not see the logic in the prohibition.
You seriously do not want me to start posting articles about atrocities performed by people under the influence of alcohol, do you?

There are some things that are just to obvious to require links.

Excuse me, but I don't recall saying that alcohol is better than pot.

What I did say was that there is no such thing as Free Money from legalizing pot. There will be costs to doing so...just as there are costs for alcohol being legal.

Then why not legalize both, or prohibit both? Either makes sense, the current law makes none.

I had many opportunities to partake in a doobie or a bong in my youth. There was absolutely no chance I would get caught, but I chose to drink instead (well mostly). It's just my experience, but because it was available, and little if any chance I would get caught obviously made it no more likely to use than if it were legal.

So I simply do not see the logic in the prohibition.

If you'd bothered to read my earlier posts, you'd know that I do support legalizing pot. I do not support the nonsense that we should do so because it will be Free Money. There are costs as well as benefits. We should be aware of both.
No, the added funds required to make it part of the ATF would easily be recaptured from the savings from the DEA.

You are ignoring the nature of our government these days. The DEA won't save money...they'll keep getting funding and grow just like the rest of the beast.

I was never much into Pot in my youth. It was available everywhere and I did partake a time or two, mostly, I suppose ditch weed, but if the reason we keep it illegal is because some federal agency will take advantage of it, it is a piss poor reason. IMHO.

We have a large part of our population paying fines, arrested and lives ruined because of the prohibition. It's time to end that.

The ignorant c has no interest in facts or reason. Filthy lowlife motherfuckers like these are all about big government, invading small countries and fucking it up, and controlling individuals with more sense than a room full of them can generate. These white trash pieces of shit have less relationship to the Republican Party of IKE than a chum bucket does to the air surrounding them.
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anyone who is stupid enough to think Pot is worth all the money this country wastes on its prohibition is a complete fool who doesnt respect the facts

There are several facts you are ignoring. To start with marijuana is not the only drug illegal that we are suppose to be fighting. One major myth or lie that druggies use is that the prisons are full of non violent drug users. There is nobody in prison for smoking marijuana unless you count the ones that were caught while on parole or felony probation for another offense. You can go to prison for selling it, transporting a large amount of it, or growing a large amount of it. Most are in prison today for crimes committed to obtain drugs such as murder, selling, burglaries.
Regardless if you are for legalization or not, the REALITY is that prohibition will never work in a free society. There is also a certain irony that we are bombarded with advertisements by the drug companies pushing narcotics for every ailment imagined or real, but on a federal level it is against the law for a doctor to prescribe a joint. Legal narcotics now account for more overdoses than all illegal drugs combined. The drug war is hypocritical and a massive failure.
The drug companies do not want legalization as that would end their profits on the heavy narcotics that they push on America.
You are ignoring the nature of our government these days. The DEA won't save money...they'll keep getting funding and grow just like the rest of the beast.

I was never much into Pot in my youth. It was available everywhere and I did partake a time or two, mostly, I suppose ditch weed, but if the reason we keep it illegal is because some federal agency will take advantage of it, it is a piss poor reason. IMHO.

We have a large part of our population paying fines, arrested and lives ruined because of the prohibition. It's time to end that.

The ignorant c has no interest in facts or reason. Filthy lowlife motherfuckers like these are all about big government, invading small countries and fucking it up, and controlling people with more sense than a room full of them can generate. These white trash pieces of shit have less relationship to the Republican Party of IKE than a chum bucket does to the air surrounding them.

And just think: you use the same fingers with which you type such filth to eat.

How revolting.
You are ignoring the nature of our government these days. The DEA won't save money...they'll keep getting funding and grow just like the rest of the beast.

I was never much into Pot in my youth. It was available everywhere and I did partake a time or two, mostly, I suppose ditch weed, but if the reason we keep it illegal is because some federal agency will take advantage of it, it is a piss poor reason. IMHO.

We have a large part of our population paying fines, arrested and lives ruined because of the prohibition. It's time to end that.

The ignorant c has no interest in facts or reason. Filthy lowlife motherfuckers like these are all about big government, invading small countries and fucking it up, and controlling people with more sense than a room full of them can generate. These white trash pieces of shit have less relationship to the Republican Party of IKE than a chum bucket does to the air surrounding them.

Okie dokie
anyone who is stupid enough to think Pot is worth all the money this country wastes on its prohibition is a complete fool who doesnt respect the facts

There are several facts you are ignoring. To start with marijuana is not the only drug illegal that we are suppose to be fighting. One major myth or lie that druggies use is that the prisons are full of non violent drug users. There is nobody in prison for smoking marijuana unless you count the ones that were caught while on parole or felony probation for another offense. You can go to prison for selling it, transporting a large amount of it, or growing a large amount of it. Most are in prison today for crimes committed to obtain drugs such as murder, selling, burglaries.

Get an arrest conviction for minor possession and then try to find a job. Many who have those on their records have a difficult time finding employment, and then you start down the road to much worse.

The prohibition is wrong.
I was never much into Pot in my youth. It was available everywhere and I did partake a time or two, mostly, I suppose ditch weed, but if the reason we keep it illegal is because some federal agency will take advantage of it, it is a piss poor reason. IMHO.

We have a large part of our population paying fines, arrested and lives ruined because of the prohibition. It's time to end that.

The ignorant c has no interest in facts or reason. Filthy lowlife motherfuckers like these are all about big government, invading small countries and fucking it up, and controlling people with more sense than a room full of them can generate. These white trash pieces of shit have less relationship to the Republican Party of IKE than a chum bucket does to the air surrounding them.

And just think: you use the same fingers with which you type such filth to eat.

How revolting.

My fingers get a lot done. Describing the scum of the earth is fairly light work.

A note: Your nom du rag here is reminiscent of a Roman occupation era English woman my grandfather read to me about. That tarnishes my recollections of him.

Good bye, you filthy mf.

Considering what an idiot you are, your insults are actually compliments. If you agreed with me, I'd be worried.

*warm regards*


P.S. And thank you for proving the proof that not all pot heads are peaceful, happy twinkie givers.

Proving the proof?
What is proving the proof?
No wonder you're against drugs.
A natural high like yours must be hard to beat.

But I digress...

You fan shit around like the hippopotamus's ass you resemble in my mind's eye, but you never provide measures or worthwhile insights. Fuck off.
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